Sunday, August 11, 2013

A Child Among Wolves

In the wake of  new terror threats , President Obama has decided , this time, to take decisive action to protect our embassies around the globe. He has shut them down. This is the President's concept of an anti-terror strategem . He'll take no chances on another Benghazi , not this close to the 2014 Midterm elections.This time , the strategy is clear. This time, we will simply run and hide . Is this an anti -terror program? Is this a foreign policy ? Apparently so, in the eyes of the President. For, you see, folks, despite what people might think, President Obama does have a cleare, concise, foreign policy plan. The plan is to weaken America, economically . The plan is to weaken America , militarily . The plan is to weaken America by making it energy dependent on foreign nations. The plan , is to do nothing, to prevent our enemies from becoming bolder , and more dangerous. For, in the President's mind, America is the agressor. America is the instigator. America is the cause of poverty and suffering around the globe.
To Obama, America is only great becvause we, as a Nation, have stolen the wealth and resources of other nations, through military agression . Therefore, in the President's mind, the hatred, violence , and terror attacks , by these nations, is completely justified. The foreign policy of the Obama Administration is not the mystery that some people seem to think it is . President Obama, foreign policy is simply this;...America must be diminished, and our military must be weakened, so that other nations can grow and prosper . And then, and only then , will they stop hating us , and stop attacking us . By making America weak, broke, and poor, like other nations , we will show unity with them . We will show solidarity with them . We will show them that we, as a nation , are not their enemies . Not at all. We will show them that we are just like them . Sound far fetched?Why else would Obama call the Fort Hood massacre a mere act of, "workplace violence", when it was clearly an act of terror, by Major Nidal Hassan , a long time radical muslim extremist? Why else would he leave our embassies unprotected and unarmed on the anniversary of 9-11? And , why else would he then call the terror attack on Benghazi a mere 'protest" spurred on by a YouTube video depicting the Prophet Muhammed? Why has Bashir Assad gotten away with using chemical weapons on the Syrian people , with no response from Obama? Why does the President continue to support our enemies in Egypt and around the world , by giving them billions of  our hard earned tax payer dollars ? Why does the President refuse to profile Muslim extremists that are in our country , the result of which has been 5 terror attacks on our soil , including the Boston Bombing and the Fort Hood Massacre? In both these cases, the terrorists had extensive histories of radical views , and beliefs , which were ignored by the FBI, CIA, and the Obama Administration .And why is Doctor Zahid Afridi the Pakistani hero who gave us the Bin Laden Intel that brought him to justice, still sitting in a Pakistani prison ,...while our President does nothing? ...Why?.....Because this is the Obama Foreign Policy ,..and it always was , from day one of his administration . President Obama spent years as a State Senator attacking the Bush Doctrine of preemptive strike against our enemies . When he became President , he was now going to show the world , that he could do it better , that it was Bush , and Republicans like him, that caused these countries to hate us . Republican agression , through the military, had caused all this anti-American sentiment throughout the world . Once he was President, he would show all of us that he was not Bush, and that he, would do it better. ; doing nothing. Sure, he has the Drones , and other Bush inherited programs that he kept in place , to target individual terror leaders . But , he had no choice. To do nothing at all , would not be accepted , by even the Democrat Party or voters. By doing this, he would show the world that terror was the result of certain radical individuals , and not a world wide movement. With Bin Laden dead and key Al-Queda leaders killed in Drone strikes, the President could proudly say Al-Queda was on the run,  Al-Queda was decimated ,...Al -Queda is no more.
The President ...was wrong then,....and he is wrong now. Al-Queda is not decimated. Al-Queda is stronger than ever , with new recruits joining every day.And, the reason is the weakness of this President , and his Administration , in the face of evil. Nothing demonstrates this weakness more than the fact that Pakistani Doctor Zahid Afridi , a true hero, who selflessly aided America , in bringing justice to Bin Laden , was imprisoned for his troubles , and the President,still,...ignores this man's plight ,.while still giving our tax dollars to this terror supporting nation that hid Bin Laden from us, for many years.
Peace through Strength, was the Reagan and Bush mantra , and peace through strength , is still all that works to keep our nation's enemies in check.Even Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has no respect for our President. Putin refuses to discuss the Snowden situation, and has stated that the President is either stupid, or he is deliberately trying to destroy our economy . And , who would know better how to destroy an economy on purpose, than the Prime Minister of Russia? The President is not stupid. All he is doing is by design . As Putin speculated, he is deliberately destroying our economy , and with it, destroying the level of respect and fear our enemies used to have for us. Under President Bush,..they respected us .Under Bush, they feared us. But,..they did not love us. Nor will they ,...ever, despite what Obama thinks. We are the enemy ,and will remain so, as long as they believe in tyrannical socialism , and a god who hates those who do not believe in him. Respect and Fear, are what we, as a Nation, must demand from our enemies.
Unfortunately, under Obama, all we will gain is more contempt , scorn , and disdain from these nations that smell weakness in their enemy , and are now poised to exploit that weakness with ever increasing terror attacks.
President Obama seeks peace and worldwide love. But, his foreign policy of inaction , has instead inspired action from our enemies , against an American President that they perceive as a weak child , whose appeasement strategem , collapsing economy, and weakened military, has given them their best opportunity to accomplish their ultimate goal;...of destroying America.     

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