Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Drums of War

There's a war coming. In 2014, the Midterm elections will decide the fate of this country. Will our Nation remain under Democrat control, or will we return to the principles that made our Nation great. Will the Republican Party retain control of the House, and seize  control of the Senate?The fate of our Nation depends upon this outcome. The battle lines have been drawn . The Tea Party represents the conservative force that can bring us this Republican victory. They did it in the 2010 Midterms , by getting out the vote , and they can do it again. On thew other side of the battlefield, there stands the Democrats . Their Party is the living symbol of all that is wrong with our Nation. All their policies , all their taxes , all their regulations, all their entitlements and environmental scams , ..all..were created and enacted , by them , for one explicit purpose; destroy the America that exists, the America created by our Founding Fathers , and replace it with a government controlled socialist utopia.
The battle for the fate of the world id about to begin. Our side, the side that supports the constitution , the side that believes in the free market capitalism that made us the greatest nation on earth, is apparently, at a disadvantage . This is a center right country, yet, "We the People", are , at times , judging by the re-election of Barack Obama , seemingly outnumbered. Why is this? Because, we are a Party divided against itself, and as Jesus once told the Apostles, "a House divided against itself,cannot stand".The division seems to be between hard core constitutional conservatives , and the status quo , Washington elitist, country club, "moderate" , Republicans. Radio Talk Show host Mark Levin believes that those Republicans in Washington are the enemy , and that 'We the People", need to take the country back the grassroots level, the constutional level, of not Federal, but State controlled governmemt. In other words, State Sovreignty, as the Founders intended for our country. He's right, but he's also wrong, at the same time. We don't need to destroy country club Republicans in Wshington. We don't need to destroy the central Federal government system . No. We need to unite, that's all. We need to unite as a Party , under the War Banner of Liberal Destruction. What Levin fails to recognize , or accept, is the fact that there will always be greater, ...and lesser, Republicans in the Party. Unfortunately, not all Representatives that we elect can be Reagan, or Cruz, or Bachmann , or Paul, or Lee. No, there will always be conservatives and moderates, there will always be the leaders who will not back down to the left , and take no prisoners, and those who may indeed believe in our founding principles , but...still feel that compromise and political strategems are the way to sucess. The so-called, "moderates", like Graham, Boehner, McCain , McConnell , are indeed steeped in conservative principles, but, they simply lack the will of the hard core conservative , to stand and fight , and yes, maybe lose that fight , for the greater good of exposing the left and their agenda. They lack the will . They are status quo conscious. They often do not want to risk defeat , by the pursuit of all out victory. They are weak. Constitutional Conservatives are strong, but, they are all part of the team, and as such, must support each other ,unwaiveringly, without hesitation . We are at war , and our side is on the side of right. No Third Party is needed . No tearing down of the Federal system needed. No, all that's needed, is for our Party to unite in the common cause of destroying Obama ,..and Liberalism .
Can this be done? We must do it. We have no choice. We must , from this point on in History, protect and defend not just the Constitution,but the Republican Party and its members as well. We must show up at every election , in overwhelming numbers , and assure victory , for every Republican running for any office , State or Federal level. We must do this. Now, and forevermore. Make no mistake, Obama was elected the first time because Republicans crossed over and voted for him , out of misguided disappointment in Bush, and also because of Republicans who simply stayed home on election night. The second time, Romney should have won .Obama was exposed , fully, as a fraud , and a tax hungry socialist , who was leading the country to total destruction . Yet, he was re-elected. Why? Because Republican voters, both conservative, and moderate, ....stayed home on election night, in record numbers. They stayed home , because they didn't like Romney. They felt he was out of touch with the common man. They felt he was too rich. They felt he was like Obama , because he had State run Healthcare , when he was the Massachusetts Governor. What nonsense. All these reasons for not voting were reasons put forth by the Democrat Party, the Party running against Romney. The Party that is our enemy and the enemy of the country. This is ridiculous. This is absurd. And , worst of all, the Tea Party was part of this failure to meet the enemy,...and destroy him. This cannot happen again,..ever.
We are the ones responsible for all that has transpired under Obama . We need to put on our war paint, and engage the enemy ,..on their level. Remember, Democrats do not criticize their members. Democrats do not force them to resign in the face of scandals. Democrats do not, ever,..compromise their twisted principles, their agenda, their vision, of socialist destruction for this country. Democrats never give up, nor do they ever betray a Party member . No, but we Republicans do. We attack each other all the time. We force members to resign , over minor scandals , we try to adapt Democrat policies , just to win votes. We, like Mark Levin, attack our fellow members , and blame them , for the Party's failure to win elections. Well, if Republican voters are looking for anyone to blame,...they need look no further than their own bathroom mirrors. We are to blame, for failing to support our fellow Republican soldiers , in the middle of a war. Would our soldiers , overseas , start attacking each other , in the middle of a battle with Al-Queda? Of course not. And, neither should we attack our fellow Republicans at home while we are engaged in the war of ideas. This isn't rocket science . The Democrat Party has held an advantage , an undeserved advantage, over us, because they are united, and we are divided. It's as simple as that.
President Reagan always considered criticism of a fellow Republican as sacrilege, and he was right. Reagan understood that not all Republicans were going to be as conservative as he was. They couldn't be. All humans are different , especially in politics. There was only one Reagan , just as there was only one George Washington , and only one Lincoln. That's what makes them special. Hell, even our founding fathers , the ones who designed our magnificent system of self-government, were not perfect conservatives. Far from it. Jefferson had liberal viewpoints, as did Benjamin Franklin. Even Alexander Hamilton, the man who designed our banking system , said, at one point , that the colonists should probably go back to an English style Monarchy.Great men , but, all flawed , sometimes severely flawed , conservatives. Yet, they were great men , these founders of the greatest force for good the world has ever known . So too, are our modern Representatives flawed , and, in the same ways. Why does Mark Levin criticize Karl Rove? Rove created the campaign that led to two George Bush victories , and assured that our nation was economically sound and safe from terrorism . But, Karl Rove has flawed ideas on how to win elections . So what Mark? Rove and his opinions don't win elections, ...we do. That burden is on us. Those in Washington merely represent us. They are , our employees. And as such, will reflect our enthusiasm , or apathy, depends on us.
Let's stop all this nonsense. We are the Republican Party . Not the Tea Party. Not the Libertarian Party . We are Republicans. Ours is the Party of Lincoln , and Martin Luther King. Ours is the Party of freedom .The only alternative, the Democrat Party, and that, as we have seen , is no choice at all, and can only lead to doom and destruction of all the founders envisioned.
We are a Republic. A free Republic, where the citizens are the government . Where the citizens govern themselves . We are not a Democracy. There are plenty of so-called Democracies, all around the globe, and they are inferior , broke, socialist nations that depend on us for their survival. The Republican Party , and its sucess in elections is all we need , to remain the last , best , hope for the world at large.
The Drums of War are growing louder . There is no more time for debate. 'We the People", must put on our damn war paint , and our war faces , and support the Republican Party, fiercely, and unwaiveringly , now , and forevermore. In 2014, all, I repeat, all, Republican warriors , conservative or moderate , must storm the polls and pull all levers , for every Republican that is up for election , or re-election. Do this, in this battle, and in all future Republican Battles , and this nation will indeed , be restored to its former glory , the glory that occurs when Republicans rule this government, this Nation.
Political Blogger Michelle Malkin shows us the way. She is a hard -core conservative , sure, but what's really important about her , her War Face. When encountering the forces of liberalism , Michelle always , I repeat, always, is ready for battle , and always has her war-face,...on. And, Michelle does not compromise , and takes no liberal prisoners on the battlefield of ideas. She's not a politician . She's one of us. Let's follow her example , don our war paint, and assume our war-faces, for the upcoming battle for the 2014 Midterms, against the forces of evil, the forces of the Democratic Party. You don't have to be the perfect conservative, like Michelle, you just have to believe in  liberty, and be willing to go to war to defend it.
And, as you go to the polls, ready for battle, ready to crush the Democrats, just remember this , as inspiration;..Only Republicans cut taxes. Only Republicans , cut regulations. Only Republicans , cut entitlement programs. Only Republicans let Americans keep more of their hard earned cash. Only Republicans will eliminate the biggest tax scam of all, Obamacare. And, most important, only Republicans support and strengthen our Military, the only ones who deserve our tax dollars , the only ones who keep us safe from our enemies , at home, and abroad.
The Drums of War are growing louder . Republican Warriors , don your war paint,...and prepare for battle.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Masque of the Red Death

Why is Barack Obama using the resources of the Justice Department to investigate and destroy a rodeo clown from Missouri? What crime did this man commit? Well, apparently, He mocked the President by wearing a mask that bore the commander in chief's features. So what? Every President has been lampooned this way at this State Fair Rodeo, and every President in modern times has a Halloween mask with his name and features on it, and it's usually not a flattering depiction . So, why the cries of racism from the left? Because ,'s the left's chief weapon . They use it all the time . It's really, all they have .It's the weapon that stops debate . It's the weapon that shuts down all criticism of the President before its ever begun . Republicans don't hate the President because of his heavy taxes and regulations , or his military cuts and appeasement of our enemies,,....they hate him because his skin is the wrong color.What utter nonsense.
Even the left knows this is nonsense, but, its important to shut down all criticism of this thin skinned President, or any President that chooses to rule over a socialist state dictatorship. Criticism in such a regime cannot be tolerated . Crticism creates debate. Criticism invites questions, and promotes opposition and individuality . This cannot happen , if the socialist utopian dream of Obama is to survive. The Missouri Rodeo Clown, and all other clowns, who dare to mock the President , must be shut down and publicly humiliated , as an example to others  of the dire consequences of independent thought.One of the things that defines us as a Nation is our right, as Americans, mock our leaders. That's one of the earmarks of a system of self-government. They work for us. Therefore, we have every right to criticize , and yes, even mock when we feel it necessary, and sometimes, even when its not necessary.
We should always remember, during the eight years of the Bush Presidency , the commander in chief was called a Nazi, a liar, a murderer, a moron, the mastermind behind 911, a warmonger with a lust for oil, and, best of all, was routinely depicted, in political cartoons , as resembling a monkey.In addition, two books were written and a movie was made , all explaining in detail , to assasinate the President of the United States. Now,'s Obama's turn . So, he will take the attacks,..and like it.
There's a reason for this double standard from the left that supports this President. Intolerance. That is the one word that defines the left , and , for that matter, the radical Islamist  extremists that the President and the left cater to. They are similar in many ways. Why then , wouldn't they be natural allies , that are intolerant of any who would oppose the way of thinking that defines the left, and the radical Islamist organization known as the Muslim Brotherhood. They think alike on many issues. Both are pro-slavery . After all, it was the Republican Party that ended slavery, while the Democrats fought a long, bloody war to try to stop them . Both are anti-woman. Again , it was the Republican Party that finally gave women the right to vote , while the Democrats tried to block it. Both are opposed to the citizens owning guns. Again , it was the Republican Party that defended the black man's 2nd Amendment right , while the Democrats violently opposed it, and still do, by enacting one useless gun law after another, all designed to restrict the freedom of the individual from opressive government control.
Both are Anti-Christian. Muslims view all those who do not follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammed , as infidels, while the liberal left, views Christianity as a threat to the real god;...namely,...Big Government. It's this unity of thought that still has the left promoting Islam in schools and public venues, while Christianity is vilified and Christmas condemned on a yearly basis. And, it is this unity of thought that has our President bowing and scraping before terror supporting Nations, ignoring terrorists, and terror attacks here at home, and supporting the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, as well as in Libya. The very same Muslim Brotherhood that spawned all radical Islamic organizations , including  Al-Queda and the Taliban. Benghazi remains a shadowy mystery, in which the terrorists who attacked our embassy still have not been brought to justice,...while the film maker who dared to mock the Prophet Muhammed in a cheesy YouTube video , still sits in an American prison , the charges against him , still as yet undefined. Intolerance. That is the binding tie between the liberal left and the Islamic Extreme. Even the so-called "hippie movement" of the sixties had strong ties to Radical Islam , and other home grown radical terror organizations . The Hippies were united with Islam in the strong desire to bring down their common enemy;....the United States of America.
Intolerance. Of all that oppose their ideology , and especially intolerance of any type of mockery,..even that of an Obama masked Rodeo Clown . In fact, both the clown , and the promoter of the Rodeo event at the Missouri State Fair, ..have been banned for life , for their insult to the leader of the free world. This will go on. As will the Benghazi coverup , the IRS targeting of conservatives, the NSA privacy violations ;...all of this will go on , as will Obamacare ;..all with one , single,...goal; shut down all who would dare to speak out , and oppose ,..not just Obama,..but the government monolith itself. This is why Obama will continue to block the Benghazi and IRS investigations , and why Egypt , and all terror supporting , America hating nations,...will continue to survive off of our hard earned tax dollars, so generously donated, by President Obama. And Egypt, which is now in the midst of a civil war coup, between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Egyptian Military , that has already cost 600 civilian lives, no longer even eligible for entitlement assistance , since they are in the midst of a military coup. Yet,...they will continue to recieve our hard earned tax dollars ,..guaranteed. The reason? Obama is rallying around his allies. His allies in the philosophy , the religion ,...of intolerance .Their ultimate goal? To shut down all who would oppose them,whether they be in the government, the private sector, or even a masked clown in a rodeo. How do we stop it? We must rally around our allies as well. As the 2014 Midterms approach,...our battlefied has been clearly chosen for us, by political fate. The 2014 Midterms are our chance to take back the nation, from the forces of intolerance . Our allies must rally behind all the Rodeo Clowns , who dare to oppose those in power , and then , go to the polls, and pull that lever of fate, for the force , that , from day one, has been the force that has made us a free nation , a tolerant nation , ..a force called,..the Republican Party. This election, let us all be Rodeo Clowns , and commit the ultimate mockery upon Obama and his regime. Let us mock him, by assuring overwhelming Republican Victory , in the 2014 Midterms,and beyond.
In Fredrich Nietzsche's book, "Thus Spake Zarathustra", it is the fool , who brings down the great performer who walks the tightrope. Nietzsche's moral is clear; will always be the fools in life who will , in the end , bring down the great men. Obama is certainly not a great man , but , he , no doubt, has envisioned himself as one. Let us, as a nation of conservatives , unite , for this one election , and be the fools  who bring down this pretender who dreams of socialist greatness through wealth re-distribution. 2014 is rapidly approaching , fellow clowns . Don your maskes and prepare to become the Red Death , that brings down the Obama Administration.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

A Child Among Wolves

In the wake of  new terror threats , President Obama has decided , this time, to take decisive action to protect our embassies around the globe. He has shut them down. This is the President's concept of an anti-terror strategem . He'll take no chances on another Benghazi , not this close to the 2014 Midterm elections.This time , the strategy is clear. This time, we will simply run and hide . Is this an anti -terror program? Is this a foreign policy ? Apparently so, in the eyes of the President. For, you see, folks, despite what people might think, President Obama does have a cleare, concise, foreign policy plan. The plan is to weaken America, economically . The plan is to weaken America , militarily . The plan is to weaken America by making it energy dependent on foreign nations. The plan , is to do nothing, to prevent our enemies from becoming bolder , and more dangerous. For, in the President's mind, America is the agressor. America is the instigator. America is the cause of poverty and suffering around the globe.
To Obama, America is only great becvause we, as a Nation, have stolen the wealth and resources of other nations, through military agression . Therefore, in the President's mind, the hatred, violence , and terror attacks , by these nations, is completely justified. The foreign policy of the Obama Administration is not the mystery that some people seem to think it is . President Obama, foreign policy is simply this;...America must be diminished, and our military must be weakened, so that other nations can grow and prosper . And then, and only then , will they stop hating us , and stop attacking us . By making America weak, broke, and poor, like other nations , we will show unity with them . We will show solidarity with them . We will show them that we, as a nation , are not their enemies . Not at all. We will show them that we are just like them . Sound far fetched?Why else would Obama call the Fort Hood massacre a mere act of, "workplace violence", when it was clearly an act of terror, by Major Nidal Hassan , a long time radical muslim extremist? Why else would he leave our embassies unprotected and unarmed on the anniversary of 9-11? And , why else would he then call the terror attack on Benghazi a mere 'protest" spurred on by a YouTube video depicting the Prophet Muhammed? Why has Bashir Assad gotten away with using chemical weapons on the Syrian people , with no response from Obama? Why does the President continue to support our enemies in Egypt and around the world , by giving them billions of  our hard earned tax payer dollars ? Why does the President refuse to profile Muslim extremists that are in our country , the result of which has been 5 terror attacks on our soil , including the Boston Bombing and the Fort Hood Massacre? In both these cases, the terrorists had extensive histories of radical views , and beliefs , which were ignored by the FBI, CIA, and the Obama Administration .And why is Doctor Zahid Afridi the Pakistani hero who gave us the Bin Laden Intel that brought him to justice, still sitting in a Pakistani prison ,...while our President does nothing? ...Why?.....Because this is the Obama Foreign Policy ,..and it always was , from day one of his administration . President Obama spent years as a State Senator attacking the Bush Doctrine of preemptive strike against our enemies . When he became President , he was now going to show the world , that he could do it better , that it was Bush , and Republicans like him, that caused these countries to hate us . Republican agression , through the military, had caused all this anti-American sentiment throughout the world . Once he was President, he would show all of us that he was not Bush, and that he, would do it better. ; doing nothing. Sure, he has the Drones , and other Bush inherited programs that he kept in place , to target individual terror leaders . But , he had no choice. To do nothing at all , would not be accepted , by even the Democrat Party or voters. By doing this, he would show the world that terror was the result of certain radical individuals , and not a world wide movement. With Bin Laden dead and key Al-Queda leaders killed in Drone strikes, the President could proudly say Al-Queda was on the run,  Al-Queda was decimated ,...Al -Queda is no more.
The President ...was wrong then,....and he is wrong now. Al-Queda is not decimated. Al-Queda is stronger than ever , with new recruits joining every day.And, the reason is the weakness of this President , and his Administration , in the face of evil. Nothing demonstrates this weakness more than the fact that Pakistani Doctor Zahid Afridi , a true hero, who selflessly aided America , in bringing justice to Bin Laden , was imprisoned for his troubles , and the President,still,...ignores this man's plight ,.while still giving our tax dollars to this terror supporting nation that hid Bin Laden from us, for many years.
Peace through Strength, was the Reagan and Bush mantra , and peace through strength , is still all that works to keep our nation's enemies in check.Even Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has no respect for our President. Putin refuses to discuss the Snowden situation, and has stated that the President is either stupid, or he is deliberately trying to destroy our economy . And , who would know better how to destroy an economy on purpose, than the Prime Minister of Russia? The President is not stupid. All he is doing is by design . As Putin speculated, he is deliberately destroying our economy , and with it, destroying the level of respect and fear our enemies used to have for us. Under President Bush,..they respected us .Under Bush, they feared us. But,..they did not love us. Nor will they ,...ever, despite what Obama thinks. We are the enemy ,and will remain so, as long as they believe in tyrannical socialism , and a god who hates those who do not believe in him. Respect and Fear, are what we, as a Nation, must demand from our enemies.
Unfortunately, under Obama, all we will gain is more contempt , scorn , and disdain from these nations that smell weakness in their enemy , and are now poised to exploit that weakness with ever increasing terror attacks.
President Obama seeks peace and worldwide love. But, his foreign policy of inaction , has instead inspired action from our enemies , against an American President that they perceive as a weak child , whose appeasement strategem , collapsing economy, and weakened military, has given them their best opportunity to accomplish their ultimate goal;...of destroying America.     

Friday, August 2, 2013

The Viking Glory

William Buckley Jr. was once asked, "What is the purpose of your agenda?"Buckley answered, "My purpose is to destroy liberalism".There it is, pure and simple. Buckley may be gone, but the mission remains the same . The mission has now fallen into our hands , "We the People". The mission is now, and aslways will be, to destroy liberalism. Why then, are the Republican men and women that we send to Washington to represent us, failing to carry out this mission?
Look at the History of our country. At any point in time, when there has been economic disaster , middle east unrest, or conflict with our enemies , there has been Democrat control in Washington. When economic prosperity has reigned, Republicans were always in charge, of both the House and Senate. There's no mystery as to why Republican rule benefits the country . Republicans cut taxes. Republicans cut regulations . Republicans cut the entitlements that force hard working ,free market Americans , to support lazy, socialist, political dupes, that make up the Democrat voting base.
Republicans allow free market businesses to grow and prosper without government interference. Democrats , however, do not cut taxes, ...ever. Democrats do not cut the regulations that cripple businesses ,..ever. Democrats do not cut entitlements that support those who are the Democrat voting base, ..ever. All a Democrat will ever contemplate cutting, is the military funding that keeps us free. Therefore, when they are in charge of the country , as they have been for five years now, ..disaster and destruction is always the result. With this being said, the mission is clear;...Democrats , and their political agenda , must be stopped , at all costs , if America is to survive as a freemarket Republic.
Why then , do we have a Republican congress , that holds the majority and therefore holds the pursestrings , ,..that still refuses to do their job , and defund Obamacare? Job Security. That's what it comes down to . We have, for many years , had a crop of career Republicans that are more concerned with the next election , the status quo, and keeping their jobs , then they are about serving their constituents, that sent them to Washington.
This cannot continue. If you, as a Republican Representative in Washington, are more concerned with gaining the mythical Hispanic and Independent votes , than you are with defending the conservative principles of the constitutiuon , ...then you need to be banished , from the kingdom known as Washington , permanently. Fortunately, it's not all bleak. We do have hardcore , constitutional conservatives , like Texas Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Mike Lee, Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann, Senator Marco Rubio , Senator Rand Paul, and Congressman Louis Gohmert, to lead the fight against the Obama Agenda , but they have more than the Democrats to contend with . They also have the establishment , country club Republicans , who view conservatives with suspicion and contempt. They fear them , because they know ultimately, that their goal is to reduce the size of government, and that is not what career , country club Republicans , want. They want to hold on to power , and  a reducion in the size of government is not the way to accomplish that.
Therein lies the proiblem. We have conservative warriors like Michelle Bachmann refusing to run for another term , because it would violate the term limits laid out in the constitution ,...while the career Republicans like John Boehner are content to sit back , and let Obama have his way, long as he gets to keep his job, that is.
Even Karl Rove , architect of the Bush campaigns, fails to see the forest for the trees , and has called the Ted Cruz, Mike Lee push to defund Obamacare , "crazy", since it would lead to a government shutdown , which would , in Mr. Rove's mind, really upset the Republican voting base , and and could lead to a Republican loss in the 2014 Midterm Elections. What a load of nonsense. , by a man who should know better. Mr. Rove's strategy to stop Obamacare, apparently, is to sit back, and let the law take effect , bankrupt the country, and create a permanent , socialist , entitlement government, thereby effectively changing America from the leader of the free world, , into just another third world, poverty stricken , Dictatorship . Again, as long as Boehner , and the Republican congress , get to keep their jobs , and political status ,..they're okay with this.
That's all very well, gentlemen , but "We the People" , the constitutional conservative base of our Nation ,...are not okay with this. Not at all. To quote President Nixon, "Let me make this , perfectly clear",, the Republican House and Senate are our representatives . We sent you to Washington to do a job. We sent you to Washington , on a mission. That mission is, as William Buckley Jr. once said;.."to destroy Liberalism , whereever it may be. Forget earmarks . Forget deals with Democrats. Every deal a Republican has made with a Democrat has always ended with the Democrats reneging on the deal. Look at Reagan and then House Speaker Tip O' Neill. Reagan agreed to a tax increase in exchange for a cut in government spending . They shook on it. President Reagan raised taxes , and House Speaker O'Neill ,..did not cut spending,..but instead,...increased it.
President Bush made a deal with Senator Ted Kennedy It was called, "No child left behind". Now, our public schools are bankrupt, and more than half of the students graduating are illiterate , while the tenured union teachers arrogantly demand even more tax dollars to fund this mess. The McCain-Feingold bill was another example of a clueless Republican RINO ,being snookered by a hard core liberal Democrat, and we paid the price , with our tax dollars.
Now, Obama has agreed to cut corporate dividend taxes , in exchange for more "investment", funding. "Investment", is Democrat code,...for tax. If Republicans make this deal, Obama will , of course, never cut corporate taxes , ..but the Democrats will have their new "investment" taxes, guaranteed.
The lesson is clear;..Republicans cannot make deals with Democrats,..ever. They are the enemy. You don't meet and greet; defeat. You don't debate, annihilate. That is the job our Republican Representatives are hired to do. That is the mission . To stop all that the Democrat Party attempts to do,..because all that they do, leads ultimately to the destruction of our Nation. And now, the mission is even clearer. So clear, it could be on a blueprint. Mission ;..Destroy Obamacare. Mission;...Defund Obamacare.
Senator Cruz and Senator Lee are the leading Generals on this mission . The Republican Congress and Senate are the soldiers. They need to rally around these Generals and unite in this mission to defund this abomination of a law of the taxpayer money it needs to survive. It's all that matters now. It's not just a mission , its the only mission, other than Benghazi. There is no illegal Amnesty, no IRS scandal, no NSA scandal , there is nothing,..except this one mission ;Defund Obamacare.
If this mission fails, then there really is nothing else . It's all over. The Republican Congress must unite and get it done. If it shuts down the government, be it. If it costs you your job , your re-election, be it. This is your job. This is what you were hired to do. If you must fall, let it at least be a fall to be proud of. Let it be said that you went down fighting, and were carried out on your shield. If the defunding , in your minds, will anger your voting base with the shut down , and accomplish nothing more than cost you the 2014 Midterm Elections, be it. You did your job, and went down fighting the destructive cancer called liberalism . Yes, if this defunding is to be the funeral for the Republican Party,..then, let it be a Viking Funeral, a funeral of Warriors, a funeral of those who fought for freedom . Let it be the Viking funeral,..of Glory. Let it be a funeral of conservative heroes led by Cruz, Lee, Ghomert , Bachmann , Rubio, and Paul. , who chose to go out in that final blaze of glory , rather than live in the dimly lit depths of despair , fear, and indecision . And, when the smoke clears , from the battlefield, there will always be those who will tell the tale, and remember the courage and heroism , and the glory, of the battle against the impossible odds , and, remembering, ..will go to the polls for the 2014 Midterms ,..and salute these fallen heroes , pulling that lever for the Republican Party,..and....for the future Glory of the  Republic , as well.