Yet, despite all this, all these failures by the Obama Administration; failures that cost our economy , and cost Americans their lives, despite all this, the Republican dominated Congress , seems to lack the will; stop them . And to add insult to injury, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton , finally trapped into testifying before a Senate commitee , on her role in the Benghazi outrage, , faced virtually no opposition , no hard questions , and, "We the People", still do not know exactly what happened , and , why it happened. Senator Rand Paul seemed to be the only one on the commitee interested in cornering the elusive , deceptive Clinton,demanding answers regarding the memos from Benghazi sent to her office ,repeatedly requesting aid. Memos that Hillary claims she never saw, or read. Senator Paul said that Secretary Clinton should have been fired for this act of negligence ;..and , if he was President, ...she would have been . Strong words, but, in the end, it was simply, not enough. Clinton cried , and was let off the hook . We still know nothing . And , more importantly, the families of those four dead Americans , still know nothing. Just like with the re-election of Obama . Just like with the spending of Obama. Just like with the taxing of Obama . Just like with the "Fast and Furious "gun trafficking scandal. Just like with every opportunity that Republicans have had , to stop the Obama agenda . They have, at the crucial moment , lacked the will, and backed down . But , unlike the other issues ;..Benghazi cannot be permitted to simply , "go away". The American people demand answers . The families of the four Americans killed ;...demand answers . Three questions remain . Three vital questions that must be answered . Three questions that, once answered , , may, in fact, result in the destruction of the Obama Presidency. Like Nixon's "Watergate, "Benghazi Gate", if pursued by Republicans relentlessly, could be the smoking gun that unravels all that Obama has done, and may lead to impeachment for the President and possible charges of treason, for members of his administration . If, the Republicans keep the pressure on , that is. All it will take , are the answers to those three key questions, regarding Benghzi;...three questions that must be answered;...... Who ordered the standown? Who was watching the video feed of the attack? And;...where was the President , during the seven hour attack on the embassy? That's all. Just the answers to these three questions will unravel all that is Obama ;...all that he has done , to damage this Nation. The bottom line is this;..forget who read, or didn't read , those memos . As Hillary said, "What does it matter , when we have four dead Americans? How true. What does it matter? It doesn't . We already knew that Secretary Clinton was incompetent and a liar. What does matter , however , is simply this;....The White House had a closed circuit feed to the Libyan embassy ;..thanks to a hovering drone that was present during the attack. For all seven hours of the attack , the White House was able to view what was happening . Yet, we still don't know those three key things;...who was watching the video feed , who gave the stand down order, and where was the President during all this? The American people demand answers to these three questions , they must have them , if our Republic ; to survive. Someone was watching. Someone gave the , "stand down", order. Someone is responsible. Where was the President, during all this? The Republican House must finally show some backbone and obtain the answers to these questions ;...this is the one issue they do not have the luxury to back down on. They must rise to the occaision , and honor the posts that the American voters have given them . They must never let this opportunity , on this single issue, slip away. Ever. Who ordered the standown? Who was watching the video feed? Where was the President during this? "We the People ' , want answers . We want the truth. Now. There are those that believe politics is nothing but a game, and Washington , nothing but a theater , for the politicians who posture for the camera , with no truth behind that posturing. Hillary Clinton's crying, deceptive , prescripted testimoney on Benghazi was certainly all this, as well as the fawning , love fest of praise that was heaped upon her by the Democrats in attendence at this hearing , who seemed determined to ignore the true purpose of this hearing , and instead turned it into a farewell tribute to Secretary Clinton. The Republicans, unfortunately , were not much better, and just went through the motions , unwilling, seemingly, to rock the boat too much, and, instead, like the Democrats , seemed content to just, "play the game". Yes, politics is , indeed , a game. But, it's a game with dangerous consequences . Consequences, that will have no effect on those who represent us in Washington , but will have long lasting effects on those who sent them there. Namely, us. Let's never forget the potential doom these political games pose. Let's hold those in Washington responsible , for the results of these games. Enough with the games. It's time 'We the People" , demand some truth . And, let's start with Benghazi. |
Saturday, January 26, 2013
The Doomsday Game; Part two
Friday, January 25, 2013
The Doomsday Game
He barely won re-election .His policies have bankrupted the country and made us weak, in the eyes of our enemies. His anti-gun agenda has put guns in the hands of Mexican Drug cartels ,and left our schools ,malls, and movie theatres defenseless against armed lunatics , targeting our fellow Americans , and killing them ,with increasing regularity. And , beat of all, his foreign policy agenda of appeasement has brought us" Benghazi-Gate", a shameless coverup of the cowardly failure , by this administration , to supply much needed security to our embassies around the world , during the annivertsary of 9-11.
A failure that left four Americans dead , after a seven hour seige on the Libyan embassy in Benghazi, during which all calls for help to the State Department were ignored. And , all the while, U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice , appeared on Sundat talk shows , claiming it was not a terror attack inspired by the 9-11 anniversary, but a "spontaneous uprising , brought about by a YouTube Video;...that nobody saw.
Apparently, Benghazi Ambassador Stevens had been requesting an increase in security since last July, yet , he was repeatedly denied . Calls for aid during the seven hour attack on the embassy went unheeded . The White House watched the entire thing on a closed circuit video feed. And, a special ops team that could have aided the embassy were told , by someone at the State Department, to, "stand down".
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Deception of the Children
Is the President planning on bypassing Congress , through executive order , to get his 23 anti gun bills passed?Does a shark pee in the sea? In addition to that, the President has adopted a time tested political trick to promote his new bills; President's in the past have done;...he's using children as political props. The President appeared recently at a press conference to announce his anti-gun agenda;...surrounded by children . They were there to help him promote the new, sweeping gun laws that he is proposing . It's a pity that nothing in these new laws would actually help to protect those children . This is the big issue. Can the President's new proposed gun laws and restrictions prevent massacres like the one in Newtown ? Of course not. Gun laws only restrict law abiding gun owners . They have no effect on those who would commit crimes , with a gun. Look, here's the bottom line;...criminals will always , always , be able to get a gun , when they want one . That's not speculation ;...that's a fact. Gun laws proposed by President Obama and the left are designed for one purpose ; get guns out of the hands of the law abiding citizens, who were guaranteed the right to keep and bear arms , by the Second Amendment of our Constitution. Why , you ask? It's simple , really. If you are trying to turn a Nation that is a free market Republic , into a socialist state, there are two things that must be done;...One;...You have to ban organized religion , and two; have to ban the citizens from owning guns. These are the two key factors in any push towards socialism , and President Obama , has been pushing for both of these bans , since day one of his first term . In fact, the Democrat Party , in general, has been pushing to get these two bans , since the days of the Cold War. Socialism is the ultimate goal of the Democrat Party. Government control over the people , and the free market, is the way to reach that goal. And , a gun ban is the key that makes all this possible.'We the People " , were given the right to keep and bear arms , for one reason, and it ain't hunting , sport shooting , or even home protection. No, the reason is to protect us from the government. The reason our founders started this experiment in self-government called America, was because of England's oppressive rule over it's citizens. The British government had become too big, taxes, too heavy. It was time for the colonists to arm themselves, and fight for their freedom, and their right to rule themselves , as individuals. History has proven , time, and time again, that if you take guns from the citizens ;...tyranny will surely follow. And, it's this tyranny that the President , and his Administration , has in mind for us. However, don't get the idea that the left is Anti-Gun;..not at all. They are simply anti -you-having-a-gun . Why else would Obama have armed guards around his children at school , yet deny the same protection for your children at school? Why else would liberal , anti-gun celebrities such as Rosie O';Donnell, Brad Pitt , and George Clooney, insist on armed security to protect them in public, yet deny your children that same right to protection in our public schools? These people are not anti-gun;....they are the elite, they are the ruling class of society. They are,in their own minds;...better than you;...the common , working class citizen .They need to be protected ; don't. Their lives, and their children'e lives, are worth more than yours. They are , simply;...more important than you. And;.....they need guns; protect themselves;...... from you. You are the problem ; the elitist left , that is. You are the one obstacle, that limits their power , and control. And, the best way to deal with that problem , is to take away your freedom , by taking away the root of that freedom , namely, the right, and the ability , to defend it. We must always remember ;....anti-gun laws didn't exist;...until after Lincoln freed the slaves . Then , carpetbagger politicians, from the defeated South, petitioned Congress to enact laws that would prevent the newly freed slaves from owning firearms. The reason was clear. You cannot beat , chain , lynch , or burn crosses on the lawns of a free black man who is armed and prepared to defend himself. The Second Amendment made the freed slaves , .....truly free. The bottom line is this; cannot be free ;...if you lack the ability to defend that freedom. Let's give our children back their freedom. Let's stop the nonsense. Forget gun laws. It's time for the law of survival. There's really only one solution ;..only one way to stop the slaughter of our children . Arm our schools ;...Heavily. There is no elite ruling class. There is no middle class. There's only ;....Americans. And, all Americans , have the equal right , to defend their freedom ;...and their children . President Obama , and the Democrat Party, need to take a lesson from history. All those Democrat administrations that have tried to take on the 2nd Amendment rights of the citizens , have paid dearly come election time. The citizens of our Nation are now buying guns and joining the NRA in ever increasing numbers ;...including school teachers. Meanwhile , President Obama's approval rating , continues to dwindle in the wake of his anti-gun agenda. The simple reality is ;..if the President continues to push the anti-gun issue, it will cost him at the polls .As President Clinton found out , a war against guns means Republican victory come election time. Something for President Obama to contemplate ; the midterm elections loom ;...ever closer. Something for the President to contemplate; he uses children for political props ; his anti-gun deception. |
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Operation: Counterpunch!!
President Obama has three new appointees to be voted on . One is former Senator Chuck Hagel ,for Secretary of Defense . He has opposed the Iraq War surge,is openly anti Israel; is a known terror state appeaser , and is in favor of cutting military spending. Two is White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew ;..for Secretary of the Treasury. Lew is a hard core leftist , that has stated ,. before a Senate commitee , that the Obama tax and spend agenda will, indeed, cut the deficit , and lead to eventual economic prosperity. Three is Senator John Kerry. Kerry was an Army officer during the Viet Nam conflict, who couldn't wait to get back stateside , so that he could testify before Congress ;...on the evil that American troops committed in the combat zone. He made similar accusations against American soldiers in Iraq. Both claims were completely false . All three of these Obama appointees are completely incompetent, and are frequently wrong on issues. Obama wants them for one simple reason;..they support his agenda, of increased taxes , increased spending, and cuts in military spending, end of story. All three of these nominees will be appointed , with very little opposition , from a Republican Congress , that has shown nothing , so far, but weakness ,in negotiations with Obama and the Democrats . But, the big question now is;..will the Republican Congress , finally stand their ground, or will the Debt Ceiling be raised? The debt ceiling will , most definitely , be raised . The Republicans will, once again , lack the will to prevent what they know , must be prevented. As with taxes and spending, President Obama will get his way on this , even if he has to mis-use the 14th Amendment 's executive privelege , to do it. All pretense, all moderate facade , thyat Obama has maintained, throughtout his first term ;...has disappeared now. Obama will now, do as he pleases ,and will tolerate no opposition ; his big government, anti-capitalism , agenda. Who is to blame for all this? John Boehner? Mitt Romney? The Republican Congress , who failed to stand strong on tax cuts? No. We are to blame. This is a Nation that is self-governed , self-ruled, . Our Constitution , as designed by our founders, was a unique , never before tried experiment , inwhich the citizens of the country , woulde also, be the rulers of the country. This system is the correct system , for any Nation , for any government. And;'s made us the greatest Nation on Earth. But, this is now;...a different time, ....a different age. The America we know, the America that our founders envisioned, is now on the verge of becoming something different ;...something;...unrecognizable. Something , that will , ultimately;..collapse completely. This is our fault because we forgot one thing;..we forgot self-government requires , self involvement ;..we forgot that we are the government. We allowed political activism to be replaced by;...political apathy. We are now more interested in watching American Idol, than in watching the false idol;...who now occupies the White House .The one whose destroying our country with taxes and spending;..while we sleep and watch the Kardashians. Unfortunately ,. this apathy is reflected in those that we send to Washington ;..not to rule us, but to represent us , and our agenda. . You could see this growing apathy during the Bush years . The President was called a liar , regarding weapons of mass destruction . No one countered that lie. The President was called a murderer, and the true mastermind behind 9-11. No one countered that lie. The President was called a Nazi, and a war profiteer, who engineered the Iraq war ;...just to obtain oil. No one countered that lie. In fact, the Bush Presidency was called illegitimate ; the liberal left, Gore had won , but the election was stolen by the powerful Bush political money machine. No one countered that lie. This is a disturbing pattern , that has only increased , with the passing of the years. And, it has cost Republicans elections. The pattern is simply the unwillingness ,and; or , the inability of Republicans ; defend themselves against lies from the left. They instead, take what they feel is the higher ground , and ignore these repeated, constant , attacks. This has always been ;..a fatal mistake. Take House Speaker John Boehner , for example. The Republican Congress has passed a budget three times , only to have Senator Harry Reid, reject it repeatedly, in the Senate. Why hasn't Boehner gone before a camera, and told America this? No one has advance this higher ground apathy better than Mitt Romney. Romney should have , could have, won the Presidency , by a landslide. Obama had , in four years , tripled the debt, tripled spending, tripled taxes and unemployment, and emboldened our enemies with his weak foreign policy stance. Yet, he won the election , handily. He won because he demonized Romney with personal attacks. He made Romney the evil, uncaring, out of touch, rich guy, and Romney refused to respond, and defend himself. Combine that , with the fact that 400, 000 registered Republicans stayed home on election night , and you have the perfect formula for an easy Obama victory. Apathy, on the part of Republicans , not brilliant strategy on Obama's part, had won the day, and, it will win the debt limit debate , for Obama , also. The Republican Congress will not use its power to stop Obama . They will not cut off the money flow that fuels the President's destructive socialist agenda . No more time for games. Now, it's up to us. Time for us;... "We the People", to wake up. Time for us to use our power , the real power of the government , that still lies only in our hands ;...for now , at least. 'We the People", have the same power as Congress;...we can speak out ;...and we can vote. We need to start using that power. When the left attacks us with lies;..we need to counter it . Speak out. Call your congressman . Call your Senators. Write letters to the editor, defending conservatism . Use your 1st Amendment right to speak out against the left wing media's anti capitalism agenda. When the left attacks;..we need to counterpunch, immediately, with something equally nasty.We need to counter them , with the truth;..the truth of conservative values , the truth that , always wins in the end. No more high road. No more apathy . No more compromise with those who will not give one inch on their own agenda. Now we fight dirty, as well , and go on the offensive. To beat a bully; must become the bully. No high ground. No turning the other cheek. This , my friends, is war. A war for the soul of the country . President Lincoln once observed, that, good must match evil, with evil;..if good is to win in the end. And, we must vote , in every election .And, that means every election;...and everyone. Make no mistake, Romney lost primarily because a large percentage of Republican voters were too disinterested, too ill informed , too ignorant ; vote for Romney. What blatant foolishness , and stupidity. Never again . Now, it's time for a new agenda . Now, it's time for;...Operation ....Counterpunch. When they attack with lies;..we respond , immediately;..with the truth. No let, no hindrance ; mercy. The Republican Congress is merely a shadowy reflection of the people who elected them . Let's lead by example , and take this bloody fight to the enemy with a savagery that will make the left's attacks seem pale by comparison . Nothing in your life will ever be more important. Speak out, get involved , and;....most importantly; We must attack the left now, with an untold savagery , at every turn . Remember , this is war;....and wars are won by soldiers;...............not diplomats . |
Saturday, January 5, 2013
The Power behind the Throne
John Boehner ;...has failed. He has failed to lead, as Speaker of the House. He has failed to unite his Party , behind fiscal conservatism . He has failed to oppose all things Obama;...without flinching. He has , instead, agreed to higher taxes on the so called rich , higher payroll taxes for all Americans, increases spending on all entitlements , and ever mounting debt and deficit;...for the entire Nation . In short, Speaker Boehner has agreed to everything that President Obama has wanted . True the Bush tax rates will remain the same, for the time being, at least, but it's meaningless . It's not a tax cut. It just means the tax rates remain as they were , while a mountain of new taxes , and spending, including the massive tax that is Obamacare ;...engulfs the Nation , and reduces us to the level of Greece. The Republican Congress held the whiphand , but they have failed to use it, and have , instead folded like a house of cards , and given up every advantage they had ;...simply because they lacked the will , to say ,No , to negotiations, No to deals , No, to "getting things done", ....with Democrats. Here's a simple guideline for the Republican House;.. you don't meet and greet; defeat. You don't don't debate; eliminate. Since the beginning of our Republic, the Democrat Party has done nothing , except introduce policies that have hurt this Nation . The Republican Party now controls the Congress. That means they control the purse strings . That means they have the power ; stop this destruction . Yet, they felt that compromise was the answer. Compromise was what the people who elected them wanted;...the willingness to work a deal with Democrats . That, is incorrect. The Republican House was re-elected;...for only one reason ; stand united , on the one thing;...the only thing, that can ever grow an economy, increase revenue, and reduce the deficit; cuts. Only by keeping tax rates low , and letting those who earn the money , keep the money, can you ever hope to have a healthy economy . No one in Washington will cut spending , ever;...until taxes are cut. Yet, they voted to increase taxes on the very people who create the jobs ;..who create the wealth, , who are the engine of the economy , and because of this , and Obamacare , all, taxes are drastically increasing for everyone, and yes, especially ;...for the so-called , "middle class" . This is no longer an issue for political debate . Whether you are liberal , or conservative, one look at your dwindling paycheck, and you will see the truth. The Republican Congress has not just given in to the enemy. They have become the enemy. And , with Boehner's fiscal cliff capitulation, they have ended our last , best , hope , of turning the tide , and reversing the fiscal destruction , that is coming;...very soon indeed. A handful of conservative Republicans have stood strong , true conservatives , such as Michelle Bachmann , Louis Gomert, Marco Rubio , and Pat Toomey. But, its not enough . A House divided against itself;...cannot stand . Now, it's up to , "We the People" , to turn the tide . It's time for the citizens who run this country to remind Washington that America was founded on self-government . That is the root of our greatness. That greatness is now threatened because we have failed to remember this , and , more importantly, we have failed to remind Washington ;.....that they work for us. We are the true source of our Democracy. We are the real power , ...behind the throne. Not those in Washington , who have just granted themselves raises , with our money, while we are told to , 'sacrifice" , and "cut back" . Nonsense . We didn't do this . Why should we cut back, on anything? But in one sense , we are responsible, because , we have, through our apathy ,abdicated our rightful throne ; rulers of this land. 400, 000 registered Republicans , many of them Tea Party members, stayed home last election , and we lost the country because of this , for no other reason than they just didn't like the fact , that Romney was so rich. For this petty reason , we now have Obama for four more years , and , heavy taxes to boot. It's time to take our country back. We have the same power as congress and the senate. We can filibuster , we can propose legislation , we can petition , and most importantly, we can vote . We can't make the same mistake twice . There can be no one sitting at home, on election night.;....ever again . We need to use our powers , speak out, united in conservative principles;...and most importantly , vote those in Washington , who failed to do their jobs ;..who betrayed the constitution , them out of existence ;...permanently . |
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