Saturday, October 27, 2012

"Judas , Will You Betray Me, ....With A Kiss?"

In the Garden of Gethsemane, Judas Iscariot betrayed Christ;...with a kiss;....for thirty pieces of silver. What was the price for President Obama's betrayal of the Benghazi Embassy?Answer;...political points, for re-election. You see, there was only one positive acheivement that Obama could point to , during his four year failure as President , and that's a Bush -policy based military action against terrorists in the Middle East . He could not risk that being tarnished , on the anniversary of 9-11;....especially since he had stated, at the Democratic Convention , that, 'Bin Laden is Dead,and Al-Queda is "on the run".
That's why the Benghazi Guards were instructed to keep their weapons;...unloaded.
That's why repeated calls for more security;.. for months ; Ambassador Chris Stevens ;...were denied;...and ignored.
That's why calls for help  to the State Department by Navy Seal Tyrone Woods were denied;...and ignored;...despite the fact that a Delta Force was only a short distance away , in Italy,and they were ready to go.
And, that's why Ambassador Stevens and three brave special agents who ignored orders from the State Dept. to "Stand Down. ', during this attack;....are now dead.
Obama could not risk it, you see. He could not risk any military conflict on the anniversary of 9-11. It would be bad for the ol' Obama image, you see. The same 'image" that stood behind a podium at the Democratic convention in August ;...and declared , for all the world to hear;.,....."Bin Laden is dead, General Motors is alive ;...and Al-Queda is on the run.
Al-Queda is not on the run . The attacks on numerous American Embassies around the world on 9-11 proves that. Al-Queda is stronger than ever ;...and growing .; thanks to the willingness , of this administration, to bow before the Tyrants of the world ;....Tyrants that keep Al-Queda well funded ;.....with our tax dollars.
The attack in Lybia was revenge for Bin Laden , It was planned , well in advance. As were all the attacks at the other embassies around the world.
These attacks were revenge for Bin Laden . The terrorists even admitted this was indeed the one, true, motive. No other.
So much for Al -Queda being on the run .
And , all the while, during this seven hour , all out; military style attack on Benghazi, a drone, hovered  ;....eerily, over the embassy , and watched the slaughter, impassively, without providing any assistance, whatsoever.
A question remains;....who was watching , at the other end , of that drone's camera lens?Who sat and watched Americans being attacked , on American soil, without responding in any way? There is only one answer;....The Commander in Chief;...Barack Hussein Obama,Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ,CIA Director  Leo Panetta , and, everyone in the Obama administration .
All;...I repeat, all, members of the Obama Administration were watching ;...and knew , from the beginning , of the attack, to the end;...who was responsible. They all knew the attack was being planned. They all knew when the attack was going to happen.
They all knew why it was going to happen .
And , it had nothing to do with some damn Youtube video ;...a video that was used , as a scapegoat, to keep the idea, the concept, of an Al-Queda attack on us, a far removed possibility, on the anniversary of 9-11 ;...especially as the President's re-election loomed near.
This is a criminal coverup.This administration has placed the lives and security of our fellow Americans , in jeopardy, just to assure ; . The President's Political victory. That's all that matters to Obama and the Democrats . Their campaign strategy proves it . They will lie , slander, cheat, whatever it takes, to secure an Obama second Term ; secure the continuation of the socialist policies that assure govt. control over the free market ;...permanently.
That's all that matters to these people. These liberals . These Democrats . Nothing else matters . Nothing else is important.
Nothing else is sacred.
Including the lives of our loved ones, who risk all , overseas , to defend our freedom .
It's over . The polls prove it.
This was the final straw;...the final nail ; the coffin of the Obama Administration .
Who won the third debate?  Who cares? We have Americans dead , and no one is telling us how it happened, or why. We want answers , dammit, because the families , of these heroes , deserve it , and they deserve it;...right now.
Governor Mitt Romney won the last debate , by reminding the President that you cannot have a strong foreign policy , and a strong military stance in the world, without a strong economy, at home.
If the economy is weak; too, will the security of your nation be weak. A Nation that is perceived as weak economically;...a Nation that is in debt to our enemies,;..... is a Nation that is perceived weak militarily; our enemies. So much for Foreign Policy , Mr . President.
Mitt Romney's best moment of the third debate came,. when he reminded the President that , despite what he might think, America has nothing to apologize for. 'We do not dictate to other countries, Mr.President ;.....we free them from dictators . "
It's understandable , that President Obama does not seem to grasp this concept.
After all , any man , who would betray an American Embassy ;...just to secure  re-election ;....does not really understand America;..or its values , or the freedom , that makes us the greatest nation on earth.
No, the contempt and cynicism Obama feels  for "American Exceptionalism , has been clearly exposed , once and for all; his betrayal of its values , and its embassy;....;....for his thirty pieces of silver .
However, like Judas before him, Obama will  find no comfort in this deal.
Like Judas, the guilt will haunt him through the remainder of his Presidency. And, in a few days , it will continue to haunt him ;  a private citizen .

Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Temple Falls

Did Barack Obama win the second debate? No, of course not;...despite what Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews of MSNBC believe. Nor did Biden win against Ryan . How could they win? To win a debate, you must present logical , workable facts , that counter the other man's facts , or, you must offer credible theories , that counter the other man's theories , but , to win , even the theories must be backed up by some hard evidence that proves they work. Obama had none of this. He was more aggressive , sure. He was quicker to respond;..sure. He was more alert and engaged in general;...sure. But, as Biden proved , being aggressive and cutting off your opponents statements in mid sentence, will not win a debate .
Even Candy Crowley, acting as blocker and protector for Obama when he was under fire ;...could not save him . She couldn't. You see, Obama and Biden have four , long , painful years behind them , that prove , beyond a shadow of doubt, that their theories and political strategems ;.DO NOT WORK.    That is the bottom line. Obama can claim he called Benghazi a terror attack in the Rose Garden. He can have Miss Crowley fact check to prove the word , 'terror" , was used in that garden . But , the fact is, for seven weeks , after that speech in the garden;...President Obama appeared in every possible public venue from the U.N., to Letterman , to Leno , to the View, to put forth the idea that the attack in Libya was a spontaneous, reaction to a youtube video about the prophet Muhammed . Ambassador Rice and Press Secretary Jay Carney were instructed to push this theory, at  every Sunday show, and at every press conference , as well.
Obama can claim that tax cuts and lowering tax rates doesn't work ;...that it's been tried before , and always failed. But , the facts say, that it was done under Kennedy, Reagan , Bush, and yes even Clinton ;...thanks to Newt Gingrich and the Republicans.And the results were always economic , free market growth and prosperity.
Obama can claim that oil production , under his administration , has gone up. But, the facts say that the President Obama repealed permits to drill on all public land,and although oil drilling in  the U.S., is , in fact, up;... that 's on private land;..of which Obama has no control over. And, most importantly, Obama can agressively, alertly, and energetically, claim that he didn't know there was a security demand in Benghazi, and at other embassies around the world , as 9-11 approached, But, letters from Libyan Ambassador Chris Stevens , and urgent, repeated calls from the embassy , for months , for more security , prove otherwise. Emails, and Stevens own diary, prove this.  Facts and evidence , prove that Obama has failed domestically, and, on foreign affairs , as well. Massive unemployment and ever increasing debt prove domestic failure, and our embassies attacked around the world , prove foreign policy failure , as well.
Ambassador Stevens , and three other special agents , are dead ;....killed in Benghazi;...on the anniversary of 9-11;..., so much for Obama claims of Foreign Policy sucess.
What more proof do you need?
Can Obama regroup in the third debate? Re group what? The third is going to focus on foreign policy , which will give Romney , more than enough ammunition , to defeat Obama , and bring down the walls of his Temple;...once and for all. Benghazi-Gate will finish him , and expose the lies designed to protect the President's claims of foreign policy sucess;..and to save his Presidency.
There was no bump in the polls for Obama after the second debate , despite the left's claims that Obama won big. The polls now favor Romney, in States that Obama previously held. So, how did Obama win the debate?
The final proof that Obama has lost everything , including his dreams of a socialist utopia , will not come in any staged debate, but at the polls on November 6th , when he will lose the Presidency , in a landslide; Governor Mitt Romney.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Legacy of Doom

Did Joe Biden lie about the Benghazi incident?Of course. The evidence speaks for itself.There were repeated calls from the Libyan embassy for more security, especially as the anniversary of 9-11 approached. These calls were ignored ; the administration.
But, this is no surprise. Virtually everything that the Vice-President said during the Biden-Ryan debate ;..was in fact;....a lie.
He lied when he said the embassy didn't ask for more security .
He lied about 'bad intel" , from the CIA , being the reason for linking the embassy attack in Libya to a video.
He lied about Iran not having  the capacity to create a nuclear weapon .
He lied about new tax increases being only for millionaires.
He lied about Catholic Health facilities not being forced to pay for abortions.
And;......last, but not least;...., he lied about the biggest issue of the election ; cuts to increase revenue.
Ryan laid out his plan to cut tax rates for all Americans , which would grow businesses , create jobs, and create new taxpayers , who would increase revenue ; the government. Cut taxes, like Kennedy, Reagan , and Bush did, and you grow businesses , create jobs , increase govt. revenue,and cut the deficit. Biden said the math didn't work . And, more importantly, Biden said that this cut cut method to grow the economy , has . "never been done". Ryan disagrees;...strongly;...and Biden , knows better than that. Once again , on this issue;....Biden is lying.
It was done under Kennedy,it was done under Reagan , it was done under Bush. It was even done under Clinton ;..... once Newt Gingrich and the Republicans seized the House and Senate , that is. And, each time, the economy soared , the free market prospered, and , in the case of George W. Bush, it created , from 2001,to 2006, the greatest increase in jobs; the history of our country. That's not political rhetoric , or spin ;...that is a cold , hard , nuts and bolts ;...fact.
Biden , like his boss, remains willfully ignorant of one simple , easy to understand;.....fact . Tax cuts ;...for all Americans, is the only way to create jobs and grow the economy . Tax cuts are the only way to bring down the deficit , and increase revenue to the government.
Tax cuts ;...always work;.....Period.
Taxing the wealthy does nothing to help Joe Biden's precious middle class. If you take more cash from the wealth creators ;....prices go up , jobs are lost, and the middle class remains right where they have always been under the Obama Administration;....Jobless , Struggling, ....and in permanent economic limbo.
You can tax millionaires 100%, and it still will not improve the lives of anyone in America. Obama and Biden simply do not grasp the reality that raising taxes ;...on anyone;....will not grow the economy;....ever.
All it will grow; government power ;...over the free market. If that is , in fact the Obama -Biden ultimate goal;...then, yes;...the plan is working;...quite well.
Obama lost his debate. Biden lost his also. Obama will lose the next one as well. ;...for one simple reason;.......the Obama Administration has nothing has nothing to debate . The debate; long over. Obama has a record now;...a record of failure.
And;...they will continue to fail;....right up to the November elections;...which they will lose; a ;landslide. They have to lose ; for , they cannot comprehend , this one basic , golden rule;...for growing a free market economy; let the people who earn the money;.....keep the money.
Ther is nothing the government can do to create jobs .
We the People;......create jobs.
We grow the economy.
We eliminate the deficit and balance the budget.
We are the government.
And, we can do all these things;....and do them far better ;...than our representatives in Washington ever could.
And, all we need do is one simple thing;.....keep the money we earn ; our pockets ;....not in Washington's.
Romney -Ryan ;...November 6th;...will let this happen.
One haunting  question remains;.....
If the State Department says that the Libyan attack was terrorism;...where did the youtube story come from?
Who told Ambassador Rice to push this explanation on the Sunday news programs?
Answer;....Obama. No one else . Maybe Valerie Jarret concocted the scenario;...but , make no mistake;...the President is the one;...the only one ;...who could have come up with , and pushed ;...this lie.
A ;lie designed to protect Obama's anti -terror ;..foreign policy record.
A lie promoted by Joe Biden on debate night.
A lie designed to protect the legacy of Obama .
Alie that will ultimately;....bring him down.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Angelic Assassin ;...Part Two

Oil production has increased all right , but only on private land . Land that the President has nothing to do with . Oil production on government owned land is virtually non-existant. President Obama has shut down domestic oil production drastically, resulting in record high oil , and gas prices , which creates higher prices for everything;...and weakens our Nation ; the eyes of our enemies.
So much for this debate;...but, what of the next one? Can Obama rally , and pull off back to back wins? Nope. Romney will continue to win every debate with Obama, no matter how many they have, simply because he has facts on his side, solid , free market facts that Obama cannot refute , considering his four year record, of failed policies.
Like Romney, Obama claims to also have a plan to cut the deficit , but, as Governor Romney pointed out, the President has had four years to implement this plan , and yet;...he has not.
Simply put, Obama will lose the next two debates , because he can no longer hide behind the promises of what he will do, anymore. Now, he has a record , and , it's not a good one. The President has had four , long years , to improve the economy, cut the deficit, and balance the budget . He has failed to do so, and has actually increased , by trillions of dollars , taxes , debt, and government spending.
Romney will continue to win , because , now, Obama has nowhere to hide . No teleprompter , no liberal press, no Democrat spin , can protect him now, on that debate platform . Obama is the embodiment of the weak member of the herd , that will now be targeted , by the political predator, the angelic assassin ;... known as Mitt Romney. The former Massachusetts Governor smells blood, and , in the next two debates , will go in for the kill.
Barack Hussein Obama is no longer a promise of hope and change. Now, he is grim reality ;...and that reality is simply this;...President Obama does not understand how money works, how money is earned , and how money flows in the free market. You see, tax payer money , to the President,. is just a means to the ultimate end;....securing government control of the free market, , and securing The Democrat Party's control;....of that government.
President Obama, and the Democrat party , believe that Romney's company, Bain Capital , is predatory;...gutting businesses for profit, and firing their employees. Completely false , of course, but one thing has been proven true by this Presidential debate. Bain may not be predatory , but , Romney is indeed, a natural predator, and his prey, in the next two debates; Barack Hussein Obama.

The Angelic Assassin

In the Jungle, there is one simple rule;...kill or be killed.
A predator will single out the weakest animal in the herd, and go for the kill. On debate night, Mitt Romney was that predator, who sensed weakness in his opponent, and, very quickly, went in for the kill, by finally revealing his five point plan to improve the economy, and, more importantly, revealing something very interesting about the President.
In the first few minutes of the debate , Mitt Romney exposed Obama's greatest weakness , his fatal flaw, his inability to comprehend how cutting tax rates for all Americans , can create jobs, grow the economy, and cut the deficit. The President still stubbornly belives that only by taxing the wealth earners more, can you increase revenue to the government, and create jobs at the same time. This makes no sense, either mathmatically, or logically. You drain the source of the economy ; grow the economy? How can this possibly work?Answer; can't. And, as the history of this Nation has shown , when it's tried, economic failure is always the result.
Romney understands the truth. To grow the economy, you let those that earn the money, keep the money. This allows businesses to grow and prosper . This creates jobs , which creates new taxpayers , which creates increased revenue to the government , which helps to lower the deficit. The simple, basic principles of free market capitalism ;...the system that made us the greatest Nation on earth . Obama said that cutting tax rates has been tried before, and it has never worked. The history of our Nation proves otherwise . The economy is always better , whewn tax cutting Republicans are in charge of the Presidency, the House, and the Senate . That's not political spin , that's historical fact. Obama, after four , long , painful years , as President, still doesn't get this, and Romney exposed this fact on a stage perfectly suited to the task. He couldn't have asked for a better venue . No teleprompter for the President to rely on , no strict time limits on statements and responses , and, limited interference by debate moderator Jim Lehrer . Further proof of Obama's inability to grasp  economic reality was the President's complaint that Mitt Romney 's policies will cut funds for needed entitlements, such as Medicare , and education .Romney pointed out that most entitlements could be more effectively run , if shifted to a state level , or , even better, the private sector. Romney also reminded the President of the 90 billion tax dollars wasted frivilously , on Green energy technology ,that's not cost effective and simply does not work . As Governor Romney pointed out , the President picked 'losers' to waste taxpayers money on , and yet, he still demands more of that money from those tax payers .
This all boils down to a lack of respect , for the American dollar, and , for those that work hard ; earn it . Especially the wealthy , who Obama regards as greedy and unscrupulous. . Perfect example?President Obama's comments to Governor Romney regarding the so-called , 'tax breaks" , for overseas business investors . Romney never heard of these  breaks . Romney is an overseas investor. . Obama is a former community organizer . , who never ran a business , or even worked in the private sector. Romney exposed the tax break Obama spoke of as completely false; simply being an experienced businessman.who knows what breaks can be obtained, and which ones are the fantasy of the Obama Administration .
Further proof of Obama's contempt for big business is the almost complete shutdown of oil drilling on U.S. soil . Obama pointed out that, under his administration , oil production has increased . Yes , that's true, but, its in spite of the President, not because of him . Oil production increased , all right , but , but only on private land , ; that the P