Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Message;....and the Meaning.

Governor Scott Walker's easy victory in Wisconsin 's recall election has sent a message to Washington that Barack Hussein Obama's days as President are coming to an end in November. But, what is the meaning behind the message?  The meaning is clear;........You Are Not Entitled.
You are not ENTITLED to raises, bargaining rights , tenure, extended leaves, constant strikes, or the right to hold your employer hostage financially in order to get an increased benefit package. You are simply;...not ENTITLED. If you work for the public sector, that is. The simple truth that all Americans are catching on to , is that their hard earned private sector, free maqrket, capitalistic , moneypays the salary of public union employees . Money that they could be using to pay their bills and support their families , is instead being used to finance endless raises for public union members and their bosses.
Democrat controlled unions that have spent millions on this recall in Wisconsin must now face the grim reality that the government controlled, union money laundering , tax grab that has kept them in office for decades ; over. 'We the People" , have finally figured out what all those union dues are really for;...namely, to fund Democrat election campaigns. Scott Walker has won his fight in Wisconsin , simply because he understands the truth ;.....ENTITLEMENTS do not improve people's lives , no matter how much free money is stolen from the pockets of hard working Americans. Nope, ENTITLEMENTS only make people weak, whiney, angry, tantrum throwing babies , who, contrary to what Barack Obama and the Democrats have led them to believe , don't need another ENTITLEMENT bottle;....they just need their diapers changed;..preferably before its contents wind up on another policeman's car.
And, while the left ponders its loss in Wisconsin in teary eyed disbelief;......President Obama has put our fears about the future of our free Republic to rest; telling us that the private sector is ;..."doing fine".
The private sector is not doing fine. And, the private sector will never be fine ;...until this one , simple, rule is followed;...."Tax Cuts For Everyone".It's all that works. Ever.
This Nation prospered under , Kennedy , Reagan , Bush , Clinton, and;....Bush again ;...because of tax cuts. That's it . Tht's all there is to the riddle of economic prosperity. You simply let the people who earn the money;....keep the money. We need to stop voting Democrat , in any election , for any reason . A Democrat , never , never, never, cuts taxes ;...never.
This November, you vote Romney, because he is with the party ;...that cuts taxes . Unless , of course , you truly believe, in your heart of hearts, that the money you earn , belongs first, and foremost , to the government, and that Barack Hussein Obama; far more capable, of spending your money wisely'...then ; all means; a good sheep , and willingly stand in line to be sheared in November ;..and pull that lever ;...for Obama; a good , obedient.......sheep.

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