Sunday, June 24, 2012

...."And a Child shall betray Them"

President Obama has enacted his executive privilege to prevent key documents related to the Justice Department's ,"Fast and Furious" program from being released. Why? Because it's his plan , that's why. Make no mistake ;..this is an Obama engineered program unrelated to the earlier Bush version ;...a version of the program that actually got results and led to the arrests of Mexican drug cartel members .
The Obama version , has a different agenda, a different goal to achieve.
The one, singular purpose for Fast and Furious , was to push the Democrat gun control agenda . Gun Dealers , near the border, are ordered by the Justice Department, under the directions of Attorney  General , Eric Holder, to sell guns to Mexican drug gang members , so that the ATF can track the guns , back to the drug cartel heads across the border. Or, at least, that's the official story. The real purpose was always to demonize American gun dealers , by ultimately, revealing the source of the drug cartel weapons , namely;....American Gun Dealers. This revelation , would be the catalyst that would lead to increased gun regulations. and, the Democrats hoped, total gun bans altogether. Gun Control is always the left's number one priority. Always. For a very simple reason . In order for any form of socialist , Marxist, or Communist government system to be able to function ;...freedom must be taken from those that could interfere with it's implementation ;..namely, the citizens of the country.
And, the quickest way to insure the gradual erosion of all personal freedom , and the increase in government power and control over the lives of its citizens , is to ban all private gun ownership .The left knows that there is no personal ;...individual freedom, without the ability to defend that freedom .
Always remember, all the freedoms we enjoy as Americans ;.... our system of self government , freedom of speech, freedom of religion , all, hinge on one thing ;...the ability to defend those freedoms from those that would take them away ;...the enemies of freedom , both foreign and domestic.
History has shown that, wherever  the evil of socialism takes root, gun bans are always the first step to this oblivion. Obama knows this . Holder knows this . The plan was in the works from the day Obama was inaugurated . It's the lynch pin towatrd the government control that left craves. Executive privilege has been used, to hide this agenda , till after Obama's re-election , an election that , of course , will never happen , not for a man who hides the details of a Justice Department field operation that he endorsed . An operation that has left ATF agent Brian Terry , and countless Mexican citizens, dead; American guns; the President's specific order.
Yes, President Obama will use executive privilege to keep "Fast and Furious" true purpose ;..secret. Yet, how ironic , that this one term President has no problem releasing classified terror information;...which has led to a 30 year prison sentence for a Pakistani Doctor , who risked all, to aid our nation , and our President, in bringing justice to the man who engineered 9-11.
Yes, Dr. Afridi risked everything, to aid us in our in our war on terror, a war that is, unfortunately, being used by our President as just a tool , to gain much needed political points ;....for one purpose; .
How ironic, that the good Doctor sacrificed himself , for the American Ideal ;..of Liberty;...and Justice for all, ;...ideals that, unfortunately, Dr. Afridi seems to believe in , far more than our President , and his Attorney General .
With all this, plus the President's tax spend, and tax more, approach to the economy;...that has left us bankrupt, and weak , in the eyes of our enemies; it any wonder that Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin treats our President  with the disdain and dis-respect one would show a weak, ineffectual child ?A child , who , is about to be sent to his room; grounded, with no Presidency; November, 2012.

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