Why did Chief Justice John Roberts , Bush appointee to the Supreme Court, vote to uphold the Obamacare Mandate as Constitutional? Well, actually, he didn't. Justice Roberts rejected the idea of a Healthcare Mandate , since our commerce laws strictly prohibit the government from forcing the citizens from purchasing anything. A mandate , of any kind, is unconstitutional, and Roberts , as well as four other Supreme Court members , acknowledged this cold, hard, fact. What was deemed Constitutional, was Justice Roberts , "interpretation" of the mandate, as , simply, another Obama tax . This should come as no surprise , since everything that Obama has done , all his accomplishments , since he's been in office, are , in fact, nothing more than taxes. Stimulus, Bank bailouts , Wall Street bailouts, Auto Industry bailouts, Cash for Clunkers , Cap and Trade, Clean energy Bills , Solyndra, and yes, Obamacare , all , are nothing more than taxes. Just different ways to take more of your hard earned cash out of your paychecks. Chief Justice Roberts has handed the Republicans a victory. By upholding Obamacare as Constitutional, but doing so, by declaring it a tax, he has exposed the deception that the President has maintained since this bill was introduced;...namely, that his Healthcare mandate was not, in any way , shape, or form , a tax. The President lied, and the Supreme court has now, officially, by this ruling, called him one. Obamacare is now the law of the land. , even though the provisions of this law will not be seen till 2014. However, what will be seen , and what will be felt, almost immediately, , by the rich , the middle class, the poor, Doctors, Hospitals , and yes, businesses and corporations, are the taxes , which will be increasing , even as Obama is letting the Bush taxcuts;...expire. When this happens;...Obamacare will finally be exposed , for what it really is , once and for all. Remember, when O.J. Simpson was found not guilty of the murder of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman , there was still much speculation as to whether he really did it or not. Well, I always said the best way to prove his guilt , beyond a shadow of a doubt, was to simply ;....set him free.Once free, Simpson 's behaviour would show whether he was the the evil monster that committed the brutal murder of two people;....or not. Simpson is now in jail;..after a decade of run ins with police , for various assaults , and finally, , robbery at gunpoint. Free from prison, O.J. true nature was revealed . So too, with Obamacare. This may , in fact, have been Roberts strategy, in casting his controversial vote. As House Speaker Nancy Pelosi once said,"You have to pass The Healthcare bill;.....in order to see what's in it. Well, it was passed. And now, the Supreme court has indeed, ruled it Constitutional.But;......as a Tax, only. Not as a mandate. This was Chief Justice Roberts portent ;...of things to come. Now, like OJ., Obamacare has been completely 'set free'. And now, we will see its true nature. Was this Roberts plan?Perhaps. Whatever the reason for his bipartisam maneuver;...one thing is clear.Obamatax is now law, and the destruction to our economy , and existing Medicare and Medicaid systems ,. will be felt , very soon indeed. Because of Chief Justice Roberts voting strategem, , Obamacare 's 'true nature' has been exposed ;...showing that the mandate is nothing more than another way to separate you, the American public;...from your hard earned cash;,..and give it to those;...that simply didn't earn it. Obamacare is the final step, the final solution, in Obama's tax and spend strategy for growing government.Well, he's got it. It's been set free;......and all it can do now, is;....implode ;...and destroy itself;..along with what's left of our economy and free market. How to stop it? Simple. Vote Republican . Vote Mitt Romney. Only Republicans cut taxes. Only Republicans cut entitlements. Only Republicans want to destroy Obamacare. Mitt Romney will repeal Obamacare . Why?Because he's a Republican , and only a Republican understands that it's the free market that creates jobs , not the government. And ,only a Republican understands that the free market functions properly;....when government gets out of its way, and lets the money that is earned in the free market;...stay in the free market. This, however, cannot happen , until this massive tax , disguised as Healthcare, ;....is destroyed. Vote for its destruction . Vote Republican. Vote Romney. And , when the implosion of obamacare is accomplished;...what shall be created, from the ashes of its destruction, to replace it?What is the Republican plan?Well, the same plan that has always existed , of course. It's called the free market. Its called free choice. It's called competition in the market place. We, as a Nation , currently have about 1, 750 insurance companies, across the country. Allow the American consumer to choose from among these different companies ;....repeal State commerce laws, and just allow capitalism ;;...to work, and the problem called Obamacare , that should never have existed, shall be gone;...forever. And , as for the problem of emergency room visits that somehow, are paid for by the American taxpayer;...the solution is simple;....make those being treated ;..pay for their treatment. Something . Anything . Whatever the patient can afford .Do this, and I guarantee you, the 'Emergency Room "Problem , will vanish, along with the left's ridiculous claim;..that Obamacare is needed, to help pay for these mysterious freeloaders treatments. |
Saturday, June 30, 2012
The Implosion Maneuver
Sunday, June 24, 2012
...."And a Child shall betray Them"
President Obama has enacted his executive privilege to prevent key documents related to the Justice Department's ,"Fast and Furious" program from being released. Why? Because it's his plan , that's why. Make no mistake ;..this is an Obama engineered program unrelated to the earlier Bush version ;...a version of the program that actually got results and led to the arrests of Mexican drug cartel members . The Obama version , has a different agenda, a different goal to achieve. The one, singular purpose for Fast and Furious , was to push the Democrat gun control agenda . Gun Dealers , near the border, are ordered by the Justice Department, under the directions of Attorney General , Eric Holder, to sell guns to Mexican drug gang members , so that the ATF can track the guns , back to the drug cartel heads across the border. Or, at least, that's the official story. The real purpose was always to demonize American gun dealers , by ultimately, revealing the source of the drug cartel weapons , namely;....American Gun Dealers. This revelation , would be the catalyst that would lead to increased gun regulations. and, the Democrats hoped, total gun bans altogether. Gun Control is always the left's number one priority. Always. For a very simple reason . In order for any form of socialist , Marxist, or Communist government system to be able to function ;...freedom must be taken from those that could interfere with it's implementation ;..namely, the citizens of the country. And, the quickest way to insure the gradual erosion of all personal freedom , and the increase in government power and control over the lives of its citizens , is to ban all private gun ownership .The left knows that there is no personal ;...individual freedom, without the ability to defend that freedom . Always remember, all the freedoms we enjoy as Americans ;.... our system of self government , freedom of speech, freedom of religion , all, hinge on one thing ;...the ability to defend those freedoms from those that would take them away ;...the enemies of freedom , both foreign and domestic. History has shown that, wherever the evil of socialism takes root, gun bans are always the first step to this oblivion. Obama knows this . Holder knows this . The plan was in the works from the day Obama was inaugurated . It's the lynch pin towatrd the government control that left craves. Executive privilege has been used, to hide this agenda , till after Obama's re-election , an election that , of course , will never happen , not for a man who hides the details of a Justice Department field operation that he endorsed . An operation that has left ATF agent Brian Terry , and countless Mexican citizens, dead;....by American guns;...by the President's specific order. Yes, President Obama will use executive privilege to keep "Fast and Furious" true purpose ;..secret. Yet, how ironic , that this one term President has no problem releasing classified terror information;...which has led to a 30 year prison sentence for a Pakistani Doctor , who risked all, to aid our nation , and our President, in bringing justice to the man who engineered 9-11. Yes, Dr. Afridi risked everything, to aid us in our in our war on terror, a war that is, unfortunately, being used by our President as just a tool , to gain much needed political points ;....for one purpose;....re-election . How ironic, that the good Doctor sacrificed himself , for the American Ideal ;..of Liberty;...and Justice for all, ;...ideals that, unfortunately, Dr. Afridi seems to believe in , far more than our President , and his Attorney General . With all this, plus the President's tax spend, and tax more, approach to the economy;...that has left us bankrupt, and weak , in the eyes of our enemies;..is it any wonder that Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin treats our President with the disdain and dis-respect one would show a weak, ineffectual child ?A child , who , is about to be sent to his room; grounded, with no Presidency;...in November, 2012. |
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Deceptions of the King
President Obama held a press conference to announce that the children of illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay in the country, since they are illegal thrtough no fault of their own .He has also said, recently, that Gay marriage should be permitted, and that, he has no knoweledge of classified information leaks, or any knowledge of the "Fast and Furious"program , that led to the death of border agent, Brian Terry. All of the above are, in fact, lies , uttered by the President , for one reason;.....re-election . The President has stated , in the not too distant past, that illegals should be deported, and , in fact, his administration ;...using the Bush policies already in place, has deported more illegals than any previous one;...including President Bush's. Gay marriage ? The President has stated , quite clearly, in the past, that he opposes gay marriage, and despite his recent turnabout, has , in fact, made no attempts to pass any laws that would , in fact, defend gay marriage. CIA leaks? Make no mistake , the President leaked all of them himself, or authorized someone in his administration to do it. Why? Well, it's all he has to run on . He got Bin Laden .He has killed terrorists with Drones , picking his targets with his "Death List" playing cards . He feels he has bragging rights , and he will , "spike the football" indeed, to be sure, no matter how many Dr. Afridi's must suffer , because , ultimately , re-election , is all that matters. To Obama and the Domocrat party , that is. Fast and Furious?Obama was the author of this scandal , as well. Make no mistake, Attorney General Eric Holder does not go to the bathroom , without direct orders from the President. It was , no doubt, Obama's plan .Fast and Furious was designed to push forward the Democrat anti-gun , anti-NRA agenda , by demonizing gun dealers that are supplying Mexican drug cartels guns ;...on our side of the border.Of course ;....the gun dealers were instructed to supply the cartels these guns ;...by the Obama administration , of course. Border Agent Brian Terry is dead, along with many a Mexican citizen;....all because the left wants the Second Amendment abolished. Obama claims he knows nothing, Holder claims he is cooperating with Congressman Issa 's investigation into this scandal. Both men are lying. All these deceptions , first, insult our intellegence, and second, have only one purpose;...to re-elect President Obama. If this man;...who would be King again , would so deceive the American citizens , just to win a few votes, then , "We the People" must make sure that the deceptions of this one time King come to an end , this November , as we elect a new King;..who will , hopefully, understand , that he rules , only by the will of those who truly govern this Nation;...the Citizens of the United States of America. And that, in order for this Nation to prosper ;....the free market must be allowed to prosper . And , the only way this can happen , is if the citizens who earn the money , in that free market;...be allowed ;...to keep that money. |
Saturday, June 9, 2012
The Message;....and the Meaning.
Governor Scott Walker's easy victory in Wisconsin 's recall election has sent a message to Washington that Barack Hussein Obama's days as President are coming to an end in November. But, what is the meaning behind the message? The meaning is clear;........You Are Not Entitled. You are not ENTITLED to raises, bargaining rights , tenure, extended leaves, constant strikes, or the right to hold your employer hostage financially in order to get an increased benefit package. You are simply;...not ENTITLED. If you work for the public sector, that is. The simple truth that all Americans are catching on to , is that their hard earned private sector, free maqrket, capitalistic , moneypays the salary of public union employees . Money that they could be using to pay their bills and support their families , is instead being used to finance endless raises for public union members and their bosses. Democrat controlled unions that have spent millions on this recall in Wisconsin must now face the grim reality that the government controlled, union money laundering , tax grab that has kept them in office for decades ;.....is over. 'We the People" , have finally figured out what all those union dues are really for;...namely, to fund Democrat election campaigns. Scott Walker has won his fight in Wisconsin , simply because he understands the truth ;.....ENTITLEMENTS do not improve people's lives , no matter how much free money is stolen from the pockets of hard working Americans. Nope, ENTITLEMENTS only make people weak, whiney, angry, tantrum throwing babies , who, contrary to what Barack Obama and the Democrats have led them to believe , don't need another ENTITLEMENT bottle;....they just need their diapers changed;..preferably before its contents wind up on another policeman's car. And, while the left ponders its loss in Wisconsin in teary eyed disbelief;......President Obama has put our fears about the future of our free Republic to rest;.........by telling us that the private sector is ;..."doing fine". The private sector is not doing fine. And, the private sector will never be fine ;...until this one , simple, rule is followed;...."Tax Cuts For Everyone".It's all that works. Ever. This Nation prospered under , Kennedy , Reagan , Bush , Clinton, and;....Bush again ;...because of tax cuts. That's it . Tht's all there is to the riddle of economic prosperity. You simply let the people who earn the money;....keep the money. We need to stop voting Democrat , in any election , for any reason . A Democrat , never , never, never, cuts taxes ;...never. This November, you vote Romney, because he is with the party ;...that cuts taxes . Unless , of course , you truly believe, in your heart of hearts, that the money you earn , belongs first, and foremost , to the government, and that Barack Hussein Obama;..is far more capable, of spending your money wisely'...then ;...by all means;...be a good sheep , and willingly stand in line to be sheared in November ;..and pull that lever ;...for Obama;....like a good , obedient.......sheep. |
Monday, June 4, 2012
The Death Machine
Scott Walker will remain Governor of Wisconsin . Why wouldn't he? He has done exactly what he said he would do, if elected. Why then , would you recall him? He has decreased the debt and increased employment in his State. Mission Accomplished. The recall is just an entitlement laden , public union scheme that will, ultimately, fail. Walker knows the truth . Tax cuts, spending cuts, and entitlement cuts, are all that works;...ever. That's the simple truth. You let the people who earn the money, keep the money. That's all there is to a good free market economy. And, when Walker wins, it's a prelude to November and the coronation of a new, Republican President;..namely, Mitt Romney. Even among Democrats who once supported Obama , the word is spreading ;...socialism only works, if there is a free market, self-governed country, that will prop it up, financially. That's us. If we fall, there is no communism , no socialism , no Marxism , because we are not there ti save them , with our free market system of Government. Finally, everyone is getting this through their thick skulls. What then , shall be Obama's re-election campaign strategy? Well, it's simple. The President has only real sucess, and that's the killing of terror leaders;...via his Drone War. Obama's administration has released to the media the President's method of choosing his next target for termination on the terror list. A deck of cards. Seems rather callous, for a liberal who decried all things Bush, when he was a mere Senator. That was then ;...this is now. Now, Obama is a virtual Death Machine, using his robotic minions to carry out his grim deadpool wish list. Strange, since this is a man who has also been weak when dealing with Nations like Iran and Pakistan , who harbor and support terrorists. No doubt Obama has seen the economic advantage of killing by machine , and no doubt he has seen that the continuation of the Bush Doctrine is his only hope to save his Presidency. He will continue to use his mechanized death machines to mete out justice to our enemies , while at the same time, allies like Dr. Afridi;..a Pakistani who risked all, to aid us in Bin Laden's end, will, apparently, receive no help from Obama , other than a paltry fraction of the billions of dollars being cut off from Pakistan , when in reality;...all money should be , immediately, cut off;..permanently. Obama will lose to Romney, for two reasons;...his refusal to cut taxes in any way , shape , or form, and his refusal to recognize that , despite the Drone death he has reigned down on Al Queda, he has failed to show strength to a greater enemy;...not Al-Qheda , or the Taliban, ....but the countries that harbor and give shelter , to this evil. |
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