Friday, May 11, 2012

The Utopian Illusion

The Barack Obama , "Julia " timeline, cradle to grave socialist care for a citizen , has one major flaw . Forget the loss of freedom it creates. Forget the fact that the working taxpayers have to fund it. Forget that it's against the Constitutional freedom that our Nation was founded on. Forget that it's , technically, communism on a level that Chairman Mao would applaud. Forget that it opposes America's basic principle of self-government , and self-rule , that has made our nation the last, best hope , for the world.
Forget all that.
And, remember one thing;.....above all else. Julia's timeline ends at age 67. That's it. There are no furthur entries , in the life of Julia;...under Obama's rule. Why? The reason is clear;...67, is the cutoff point, for Julia's usefulness to the Obama agenda. Always remember , the crable to grave utopia that the President envisions has one purpose ;...and one major flaw. The purpose is simple;...Julia is taken care of , by the government , for her whole life , for one reason ;...Julia is a guaranteed Democrat voter . In every election cycle, Julia can be counted on , to show up at the polls , and pull the lever , for a Democrat Party member. Entitlement means one thing;...job security , for the Democrat Party . After all, who would Julia vote for in a major election? Sarah Palin?Entitlement guarantees that liberal Democrats will stay in power, and that is the only reason they push for it, and will continue to raise taxes , destroy the free market economy , and force Americans onto the government dole. It's all just for votes , and job security for Democrats. Why is Julia cut off at age 67 in life? Well, obviously Obama feels that is the prescribed age when Julia can no longer be relied on , to get to those polls and pull that lever for Democrats. That is the purpose.
Now, ;....the flaw.   The flaw is simple, and the flaw is the primary reason that no socialist entitlement government can ever truly, suceed , and why it will always , in the end, implode upon itself;.....Obama, the Democrat Party, and the government , in general, big or small, has ; money. None. They earn none, they have none. The government , under the control of the liberal left , the government that wants us to be , an entitlement society, cradle to grave dependents , the government that wants us to depend on it, exclusively, for survival; , in fact;......a dependent itself.
It depends on the evil corporations , the greedy businessmen , the thieving oil companies , and the small businessmen and working stiffs ;....for their income. The government is entirely dependent , my fellow Americans;...on us. We the People. The very ones they are trying to keep broke and dependent , and permanently unemployed , are, in fact, the ones that fund the government , and pay government employees salaries. This is why socialism will , always, always , always , always , always ;!
To achieve their utopia , the left must destroy the very engine that runs their operation .In the end, Big Government, Obama's or otherwise, must always fall, because , like any parasitic organism ; order to grow , it must destroy the host body ;...that feeds it.
Yes folks , in the end,
All of it . All of Obama's Utopian dreams;...are , in fact; illusion , because , in order for them to suceed ;...they must be funded by;....freedom.

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