Monday, May 28, 2012

"If I Fall, Let it be, for Freedom"

This Memorial Day, as we honor those men and women who defend our freedom with their lives, I think we should also honor another hero;.... Dr. Shakil Afridi. He's a Pakistani citizen who has risked his career , safety , life, and the lives of his family, to give us the information that led to the killing of Osama Bin Laden .
His reward?Dr. Afridi is now spending 30 years in a Pakastani prison , after being accused of;....and convicted of ;.... treason . Treason ? Since when is seeking to bring a terrorist to justice treason?Gee, I thought Pakistan was our ally in the fight against terrorism. I guess I was wrong. The question now , that we must ask this Memorial Day weekend is;...what will the President do about it? Dr. Afridi risked everything , just as our soldiers do, to bring us the head of Bin Laden,  a man who brutally murdered 3000 of our citizens , and, he did it , behind enemy lines.Make no mistake . Pakistan is our enemy. They knew where Bin Laden was, all the time. They continue to protect terrorists inside their borders . They refuse to allow our troops to track terrorists within their borders. Yet, this Nation claims to be an ally with the U.S. in the war on terror , and , yes folks , they currently receive billions of dollars from us, every year. Why?This Nation is our enemy, an enemy that supports and protects terrorists, giving them a safe haven , to operate from.
And now, a Pakistan citizen , who saw the evil of Bin Laden , and wanted to bring him to justice, at his own risk, is now being rewarded with 30 years ;...... in a Pakistan prison .
If we expect more help in the future , from true heroes in the war on terror, like Dr. Afridi, we must step up and protect him . President Obama has done the exact opposite . In fact, his administration , in a desperate attempt to save his floundering Presidency , has "spiked the football' , in the Bin Laden operation to such a degree, that they have actually, blatantly, through the CIA, revealed classified info, that has compromised Dr. Afridi's position as a double agent, working for us, while in harm's way.
Apparently, winning re-election is more important to Obama and his administration , than the protection of a man who saw evil, and realized , he must do what he can , to stop it. This cannot be. Dr. Afridi will not , on America's watch , spend 30 years in prison , for helping us. We must cut off all funding, every penny, to this rogue , terror supporting , Nation . We must demand they release this man into our custody . And, if this does not occur, we can , must , and will, unleash all hell on this Nation of hypocrites that claim to be our allies . A claim that is ,just away of keeping the American money flowing into their country.
Pakistan is currently complaining about Drone strikes that are being deployed to target areas in their country. Well, they haven't seen anything yet. Obama's or Secretary Clinton's personal feelings on this issue, no longer matter . Now, as Commander-in-Chief , the President will carry out the will of , 'We the People" , and force this terror nation to its knees ,with increased drone attacks , and a complete cut off of all financial aid .For, if we don't, our freedom is a hollow mockery . If we can't , as a Free Nation, stand up, and defend those who risk all , to aid us, what then , did Dr. Afridi risk his life and freedom ;....for?
If freedom is indeed, worth defending from terrorists , foreign and domestic, than those foreign allies that aid us, must be sure , that we , indeed, will also defend them . For, if not, we can expect no help in the future , from good men , like, Dr. Shakil Afridi.
This Memorial Day, let us remember the words of President Kennedy , who best summed up America's policy regarding our allies in freedom;...'We will support any friend , and we will oppose any foe, in the defense of Liberty".
And , let us also remember , that those of our citizens who have fought for our nation , and given their all, and have been injured in the process , should never , never, never, have to worry , for the rest of their lives about money, or their healthcare. Because , this is the  only 'entitlement", that our taxes were meant for. The securing of our Nation's freedom , and the funding of those that secure it, is the only "entitlement" that we must never , ever, cut one penny from. For we owe everytthing , to those that serve our country , to secure the blessings of Liberty.

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