Monday, May 28, 2012

"If I Fall, Let it be, for Freedom"

This Memorial Day, as we honor those men and women who defend our freedom with their lives, I think we should also honor another hero;.... Dr. Shakil Afridi. He's a Pakistani citizen who has risked his career , safety , life, and the lives of his family, to give us the information that led to the killing of Osama Bin Laden .
His reward?Dr. Afridi is now spending 30 years in a Pakastani prison , after being accused of;....and convicted of ;.... treason . Treason ? Since when is seeking to bring a terrorist to justice treason?Gee, I thought Pakistan was our ally in the fight against terrorism. I guess I was wrong. The question now , that we must ask this Memorial Day weekend is;...what will the President do about it? Dr. Afridi risked everything , just as our soldiers do, to bring us the head of Bin Laden,  a man who brutally murdered 3000 of our citizens , and, he did it , behind enemy lines.Make no mistake . Pakistan is our enemy. They knew where Bin Laden was, all the time. They continue to protect terrorists inside their borders . They refuse to allow our troops to track terrorists within their borders. Yet, this Nation claims to be an ally with the U.S. in the war on terror , and , yes folks , they currently receive billions of dollars from us, every year. Why?This Nation is our enemy, an enemy that supports and protects terrorists, giving them a safe haven , to operate from.
And now, a Pakistan citizen , who saw the evil of Bin Laden , and wanted to bring him to justice, at his own risk, is now being rewarded with 30 years ;...... in a Pakistan prison .
If we expect more help in the future , from true heroes in the war on terror, like Dr. Afridi, we must step up and protect him . President Obama has done the exact opposite . In fact, his administration , in a desperate attempt to save his floundering Presidency , has "spiked the football' , in the Bin Laden operation to such a degree, that they have actually, blatantly, through the CIA, revealed classified info, that has compromised Dr. Afridi's position as a double agent, working for us, while in harm's way.
Apparently, winning re-election is more important to Obama and his administration , than the protection of a man who saw evil, and realized , he must do what he can , to stop it. This cannot be. Dr. Afridi will not , on America's watch , spend 30 years in prison , for helping us. We must cut off all funding, every penny, to this rogue , terror supporting , Nation . We must demand they release this man into our custody . And, if this does not occur, we can , must , and will, unleash all hell on this Nation of hypocrites that claim to be our allies . A claim that is ,just away of keeping the American money flowing into their country.
Pakistan is currently complaining about Drone strikes that are being deployed to target areas in their country. Well, they haven't seen anything yet. Obama's or Secretary Clinton's personal feelings on this issue, no longer matter . Now, as Commander-in-Chief , the President will carry out the will of , 'We the People" , and force this terror nation to its knees ,with increased drone attacks , and a complete cut off of all financial aid .For, if we don't, our freedom is a hollow mockery . If we can't , as a Free Nation, stand up, and defend those who risk all , to aid us, what then , did Dr. Afridi risk his life and freedom ;....for?
If freedom is indeed, worth defending from terrorists , foreign and domestic, than those foreign allies that aid us, must be sure , that we , indeed, will also defend them . For, if not, we can expect no help in the future , from good men , like, Dr. Shakil Afridi.
This Memorial Day, let us remember the words of President Kennedy , who best summed up America's policy regarding our allies in freedom;...'We will support any friend , and we will oppose any foe, in the defense of Liberty".
And , let us also remember , that those of our citizens who have fought for our nation , and given their all, and have been injured in the process , should never , never, never, have to worry , for the rest of their lives about money, or their healthcare. Because , this is the  only 'entitlement", that our taxes were meant for. The securing of our Nation's freedom , and the funding of those that secure it, is the only "entitlement" that we must never , ever, cut one penny from. For we owe everytthing , to those that serve our country , to secure the blessings of Liberty.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Target:.....Ted Nugent!!

The Feds are poised and ready to shut down Ted Nugent, and other artists , summer concerts due to possible "illegal harvesting"of the wood used in their Gibson made guitars. In fact, not long ago, they raided the Gibson factory itself, just to let everyone know that they are serious about enforcing this ridiculous law.
Well, why not? Why not use this law as a weapon to punish Nugent , for his recent outbursts at an NRA Convention. Why not indeed? After all, what is the purpose of the Environmental movement? What is the purpose of Greenpeace? What is the purpose of the Global Warming hoax?  What is the purpose of the "Clean Energy" movement? And, ultimately;....what is the purpose of the Nixon Administration abomination called , the Environmental Protection Agency?  To protect the environment? To protect the planet? Nope. The purpose is, and always was; control people. And the best way to control people is through government regulation , of virtually every aspect of our lives . And, the weapon of control that the government uses ; taxation .
Through taxation, the government can shut down anyone, anything, anywhere. We are a Nation that runs on a free market engine. That is the source of our freedom. Taxes leveled on those who operate in this free market take away profit. And, without profit,  you, and Ted Nugent , are working for the government , instead of for yourselves.
This was always the purpose of the so-called Green Movement , dating back to the swingin' sixties. Here's a news flash;....the people behind this movement ; not care about a clean environment. At all. The EPA is nothing more than a money hustle , designed to keep the power out of the hands of free market corporations, and small businesses , and keep it in the hands of the Federal Government. And what about the money that is taken from corporate America? Is it used to clean up the environment , and turn our planet into a liberal paradise?No, not at all! The money that you, and Ted Nugent , work for everyday, by selling a product or service in the free market, is taken from you, and used for only one thing; keep Democrats in power.
Yep, every cent that is stolen from hardworking Americans , like Uncle Ted, is used to fund election campaigns, , to secure the left's power . Power over you, America. Let's face it, Ted Nugent is an easy target for the Democrats. He is an outspoken conservative political activist, who is not afraid to exaggerate his opinions, in order to clarify the threat that we face. He is now on the Obama enemy list. And, like all conservative Americans who reject the creeping socialism that now threatens the foundations of our freedom , Uncle Ted paints a target on himself, willingly, to defend our constitution. And , the weapon that will be used to bring Ted down ; , simply, the EPA, ;....the government's weapon of choice .
It's a weapon that takes away your money , which , in a Nation that runs on capitalism , means essentially taking away your freedom.
The solution? We must take up the war banner of Ted Nugent , willingly paint that target on our backs as well, and stand with Ted in the battle to defeat President Obama , and the Democrats, in 2012.
For, if we don't, then rest assured , Ted's prediction of winding up either , "Dead or in Jail" , will most likely , eventually come to pass, for all of us . It will happen , if we refuse to stand up , and speak out , like the Motor City Madman .

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Pandora Calculation part two

professor, at this establishment ? Where are this man's grades? Where is his final Harvard thesis? Where is any evidence that this man even passed a single class? During Obama's campaign for President in 2008, all these things , including possible ties to 60's terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn , have been kept a mystery. How? Simply by the fact that the press refused to expose any of these issues. The media, the press, , the left , in general, flat out covered for his mysterious ass.
Now, however, is the opportunity of a lifetime, for Mitt Romney . He cannot be like McCain , refusing to ask the question that must be asked of a man who wants to be Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. All of the issues that McCain avoided out of a misplaced sense of fair play, must now be addressed, with a vengence, by Romney. Obama opened the door for this attack himself, with his revisiting of young Romney , circa 1965. Now, the gloves must be off . Romney must be prepared to unleash the hounds . Obama wants to bring up school stories? Here's a good one. Where are Obama's scholl grades? Why are they still hidden? Is this not the most intelligent , sophisticated , President that we have ever had? At least , that 's what the left has told us. Obama was supposed to be the Anti-Bush , so much better , and of course, so much smarter, too. Why then , would he not release the proof of his intellegence , in the form of his grades? President Bush's grades in college are public knowledge, and have been , throughout his Presidency. Romney's are too. Obama's , are not, and never have been . Let's face it, there is only one , logical conclusion that one can draw from this . Bush's grades are better than Obama's. And, the left;...knows it. Yes , folks, the man who was called a moron and an idiot for the entire eight years of his Presidency, may, in fact, have the academic record thar refutes the left's claim of Obama's intellectual superiority.
Why else would Obama's grades still be secret?  There is no single issue, that would bring  the President down , and destroy his image more effectively , than the issue of his grades ;...compared to Bush's. This is Romney's chance. He should seize it. He must expose the President's school records , once and for all. There are more important issues , to be sure , but to the left that supports Obama blindly, this is the big one . The left knows that Obama is their illusion . , that they crerated . Romney must destroy Obama by destroying the illusion ;...that Obama is the intellectual President. Once the illusion is gone, what else is there to look at ;...but the four year record , of this tax annd spend liberal, that has bankrupted the country? Romney need not win the election , because Obama , has already assured ;...that he will lose it. All Romney need do ; destroy the image , that has concealed this man's incompetance;...for far too long.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Pandora Calculation

Apparently, Mitt Romney was a bit of a bully in his schoolboy days , picking on gay children, in particular. At least, this is what the left wing media , and the Obama re-election campaign , would have us believe.
If this is to be the new attack strategy for the Obama campaign , I would advise the President to exercise extreme caution . To attack Romney's private life, going as far back as childhood , could open a Pandora's box of problems for him . The bottom line is this;...Obama could not survive more than ten seconds in a battle of smear campaigns based on skeleton's from one's past . Romney may have skeletons , but Obama , has cemeteries;...filled with spectres and ghosts with no substance .Indeed, Obama's past is, in many respects , a mysterious , rumor filled, blank slate. One issue in particular stands out, and is probably his most vulnerable point on these issues. We still don't know Obama's college grades, or anything about his school records , on any level. Friends and acquaintances , also remain a mystery. All we do have, is a book written by Obama himself, that damns him , in his own words. He describes , in detail, his High School drug use , and drinking binges . He describes how he rarely attended classes in his last two years of high school. He decribes , in detail, his lack of interest, in anything at this time, except drugs and alcohol.
How then , does this slacker wind up going to Harvard , and wind up a Constitutional Law P

Friday, May 11, 2012

The Utopian Illusion

The Barack Obama , "Julia " timeline, cradle to grave socialist care for a citizen , has one major flaw . Forget the loss of freedom it creates. Forget the fact that the working taxpayers have to fund it. Forget that it's against the Constitutional freedom that our Nation was founded on. Forget that it's , technically, communism on a level that Chairman Mao would applaud. Forget that it opposes America's basic principle of self-government , and self-rule , that has made our nation the last, best hope , for the world.
Forget all that.
And, remember one thing;.....above all else. Julia's timeline ends at age 67. That's it. There are no furthur entries , in the life of Julia;...under Obama's rule. Why? The reason is clear;...67, is the cutoff point, for Julia's usefulness to the Obama agenda. Always remember , the crable to grave utopia that the President envisions has one purpose ;...and one major flaw. The purpose is simple;...Julia is taken care of , by the government , for her whole life , for one reason ;...Julia is a guaranteed Democrat voter . In every election cycle, Julia can be counted on , to show up at the polls , and pull the lever , for a Democrat Party member. Entitlement means one thing;...job security , for the Democrat Party . After all, who would Julia vote for in a major election? Sarah Palin?Entitlement guarantees that liberal Democrats will stay in power, and that is the only reason they push for it, and will continue to raise taxes , destroy the free market economy , and force Americans onto the government dole. It's all just for votes , and job security for Democrats. Why is Julia cut off at age 67 in life? Well, obviously Obama feels that is the prescribed age when Julia can no longer be relied on , to get to those polls and pull that lever for Democrats. That is the purpose.
Now, ;....the flaw.   The flaw is simple, and the flaw is the primary reason that no socialist entitlement government can ever truly, suceed , and why it will always , in the end, implode upon itself;.....Obama, the Democrat Party, and the government , in general, big or small, has ; money. None. They earn none, they have none. The government , under the control of the liberal left , the government that wants us to be , an entitlement society, cradle to grave dependents , the government that wants us to depend on it, exclusively, for survival; , in fact;......a dependent itself.
It depends on the evil corporations , the greedy businessmen , the thieving oil companies , and the small businessmen and working stiffs ;....for their income. The government is entirely dependent , my fellow Americans;...on us. We the People. The very ones they are trying to keep broke and dependent , and permanently unemployed , are, in fact, the ones that fund the government , and pay government employees salaries. This is why socialism will , always, always , always , always , always ;!
To achieve their utopia , the left must destroy the very engine that runs their operation .In the end, Big Government, Obama's or otherwise, must always fall, because , like any parasitic organism ; order to grow , it must destroy the host body ;...that feeds it.
Yes folks , in the end,
All of it . All of Obama's Utopian dreams;...are , in fact; illusion , because , in order for them to suceed ;...they must be funded by;....freedom.

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Bin Laden Deception

So, now that Mitt Romney appears to be the Republican nominee, Barack Obama has decided to launch an attack campaign upon him that truly stretches all boundaries of credibility . The President has put forth an ad campaign that, basically says Mitt Romney would not have had the cojones to take Bin Laden down the way that he did. Obama backs up this arguement with an out of contaxt statement by Romney, early in the campaign , that , when played in full , states quite the opposite.
On one level;...this strategy makes sense, since the killing of Bin Laden is really , the only positive accomplishment that Obama and his administration , can crow about. So, why not play it for all its worth? Well; here's why not;'s not true. Obama did not kill Bin Laden . Bush did. It was Bush's plan . It was Bush's strategy. It was Bush's anti terror program that, brought Bin Laden to final justice. In particular the waterboarding technique used on Al Zawahiri, that ultimately, gave us the name of the courier;...that led us to Bin Laden's compound in Pakistan
Barack Obama , as a Senator, opposed all of the Bush terror programs ;....including the waterboarding  technique. In fact;...during the eight years of the Bush Presidency, there was no stronger opponent of all things Bush , especially his terror program , than Barack Hussein Obama. But , once he assumed the mantle of President, things changed.Obama now had to deal with the reality of the CIA intellegence in front of him ; and the all too real terror threat that was now, dumped in his lap;....the lap of commander in chief.
It made a difference. And, despite opposition to the war on terror in general, the former Senator now had to continue the war, continue Gitmo Bay, and actually increase the drone attacks on Afghanistan .To appease the left , he brags about ending military activities in Iraq, but, this also was a Bush accomplishment , since the timetable for withdraw was his;...Obama simply followed through on it.  
In the end, Obama has nothing to tout for his nearly four years in office , other than things that , in reality, are the accomplishments of his predesessor;...Bush.
Would Romney have killed Bin Laden? Of course . His out of context statement that Obama is using in campaign ads, refers to Raomney not being willing to send a drone strike into Pakistan to get him, that's all. Romney , like Obama, would simply have no choice , but to green light the mission . You are commander in chief of the armed forces, above all else. You do what must be done, and be damned to political ideology and strategems. to win the Presidency,
Mitt Romney, hardly a strict conservative, need only continue his Reagan like platitudes and speeches , and one other little thing that the media , press , and opponents have failed to do for four years now. Namely, reveal the truth about Obama and his accomplishments, and his past. If Romney does this, he need not win the Presidency, Obama will simply crumble, under the weight of his own exposed reality. Romney must also emphasize the one thing that a Republican will do, that a Democrat , will never do, namely, cut taxes, for all Americans. After all, what is the primary reason that Obama must be defeated?He must be defeated for those Americans, who get up at six or seven in the morning , shower, dress, brush their teeth , gulp down some coffee, , and go out and work , ;...week in , and week out, for money . Money that , should be used for themselves ,their business , and their families;...not to support Obama's entitlement programs. Romney needs to emphasize the fact that, out taxes are for primarily one thing; support our military and our soldiers , who risk their lives to defend our freedom , so we don't have to.
We should not care about free Healthcare , for anyone. People continue to drink, smoke , and do drugs , in ever increasing numbers , so they obviously don't care about their health. Why should I?
We should not care about the green movement , or green energy programs. Trash and refuse are dumped on the side of the road , of every highway in this nation ; much for a clean environment agenda. They do not care . So , why then , should we,the taxpayers , care about the environment ?Romney needs to expose the hypocrisy, and call it like it is. No one, on the left,  cares , really about their health , or a clean earth;...they just want our money;...that's all.
Romney needs to cut taxes for all Americans , to the bone, eliminate entitlements , and , finally , put our hard earned tax dollars where they always should have been ; the hands of our soldiers who lay down their lives , to defend our;........... Shining City on a Hill.