"The rights of man , come not from the generosity of the State, but from the hand of God" -President John F. Kennedy President Obama refutes this concept. In fact, he now states that, thanks to the generosity of the "State";..the economy is now slowly improving , jobs are being created , or saved, and the rate of unemployment is dropping gradually. And, with the President's unveiling of his new budget plan, the economy will get even better. All it will take, according to the tenants of this plan , is another trillion dollar stimulus . In other words;...more tax increases, and more 'investment", ie, reckless govt. spending.That's all it will take, says the President, and all will be well. This, of course, is simply not true. Any of it. The economy is not improving , jobs are not being saved , and new jobs are not being created. They can't be. None of this , can be. It's scientifically impossible. Just as the Newtonian Law of Physics cannot be denied, neither can the Conservative Laws of Economics be denied. Just as a hammer , when dropped, on a planet with a positive gravity , must fall to the ground , so too, must the economy and free market fall , when money is taken from those that earn it, and given to those that don't. To be blunt, it is insane to think that you can grow an economy by raising taxes and increasing spending endlessly. It defies the laws of nature, science , and political common sense. And yet, the liberal left has continually pushed this agenda as the only way to economic prosperity. Prosperity?Sure, for the Government. This method grows government and shrinks the free market ;...which , of course , is the left's ultimate goal. However, none of this matters now. Obama is deafeated ;....by his own hand. By defying the conservative laws that define a free society, he has brought himself down . His unwaivering belief in Marxist principles in the name of so-called , 'fairness", and his refusal to drop restrictions on offshore drilling ;..has assured ever increasing gas prices. Gas was 1.89 a gallon when Bush left office. Now, under Obama, gas is rapidly approaching 4.00 a gallon. Why was gas so low under Bush?It's simple really. President Bush , dropped all government restrictions on our own offshore drilling. He allowed us , as a Nation , to be energy independent. That's all there is to it. The more gas that's available domestically on the market, the lower prices will be. Drill here , Drill now;..as Governor Palin used to say. It's not speculators , or greedy oil execs;...its just basic reality .You drill your own oil, you have more supply to meet demand;...prices go down . It's all part of the basic conservative formula;...you let those that earn the money , keep the money ;...and prosperity will reign . If you defy this law, as sure as that hammer falls , so too will the economy fall, and , if the economy falls;...Obama must fall , crushed by the weight of higher taxes , higher gas prices , and ever increasing contempt for the free market . The President has angered the Conservative gods by defying their free market will;.and now;...he must now suffer their wrath. |
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
The Hammer Falls!
Sunday, February 12, 2012
To Battle the Gods!
In the beginning , God said,'Let us make man in our own image ".He then gave us total dominion over the earth and , most importantly, he gave us free will. The free will to live , work , and worship as we pleased . Let no man , no group of men , no Dictator, no Monarch , no Government , and , no Health Care masndate;..impose its will upon that freedom. Obamacare must be destroyed. Not just because it's forcing the Catholic Church and its Institutions to provide free contraception, no, that was to be expected . No, the real reason this mandate must be destroyed is, simply because;...it is a mandate , and therefore, against the Constitution of the United States. You see , you cannot force the American public to do anything . Our founders recognized that, since the beginning of time, man has suffered under the dark cloud of totalitarianism. Since the dawn of civilization, man has sought to dominate other men , and subject them to their will, ....and to keep them in servitude. This , of course , has always resulted in death , destruction , and doom , for the citizens forced to suffer under this system of rule. And , ultimately , due to man's natural rebellious nature , the death destruction , and doom , of the Tyrant , as well. Our Founding Fathers said enough. They decided to create a system , an experiment in self-government , self-rule, where the citizens would live free and control their own destiny, as our Creator intended , with no Dictator, or Tyrant, but, 'We the People" , as the rulers of ourselves ; responsible , for our own destiny. That, "experiment", became the greatest Nation on the earth , the single , most powerful force for freedom in the world , the United States of America. Obamacare will fail , because it must fail, for it defies a basic law of nature;...our nature , as free creatures . Just as a hammer , will fall , when it is dropped on a planet with a positive gravity , so too will any government mandate , imposed upon the will of the American people, fall. It has to. Man. by his nature , has always rebelled against any authority , by instinct;...yes , he has even , often rebelled against his creator;..the one who gave him this gift of free will. So, if this creature called man , is willing to do battle with the very God who created him, how then , can Obama, the false god , and his mandates ;....ever suceed? To rebel , to defy, to Disobey. That is our history . That is , also, our future destiny. The Greek Poet Homer wrote of Ulysses;who did battle against the gods who conspired to destroy him , and despite overwhelming odds;.... defeated them . Now , with Obama conspiring to destroy our religious , and secular freedoms ;...can , "We the People", in our battle against this self-made god ;..... do any less? |
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Frankenstein Unleashed!
With Mitt Romney now the victor in Florida and Nevada, the possibility of a Romney nomination looms ever closer . Before this happens, we must ask the question ;...who is Mitt Romney? Is he a conservative? Highly unlikely . He says he is, but his political record says otherwise. Romney the Governor of Massachusetts was;...pro gun control, pro abortion, pro tax increase, and , of course, pro government controlled health care. He says he has changed . His record , especially regarding tax increases, says he has not. So, who is he? He is Obama, of course. He believes in all the things that Obama believes in , and , like Obama, is constantly trying to "explain things" he says. This paints him in a less than conservative light. If he were to face Obama in a battle for the Presidency, he would be looking across the stage at a man who is not very different from himself on many issues. Obama is ultimately;...a shadowy reflection of Romney. Obama and the Democrats know this, and have , in essense , used the media early on to pick Romney as our candidate. From day one of the Primary debates , Romney stammered, staggered , ducked, and dodged his way through the debates . Yet the press would say he was still the front runner . How could this be? With true conservatives such as Bachmann , Perry ,Gingrich, and Santorum in the race. Why was Romney always favored? And how is this man being touted as a Tea Party favorite ?The answer can be found in this one , simple question ;...If you were Obama, running for re-election , during a time when our country is on the brink of collapse ;...a collapse that you caused;...who would you want to run against? Romney, is the answer , of course. Obama has based , all that he has done, all the destruction he has caused to our country and our economy ;...on Mitt Romney 's governing policies in Massachusetts. Romneycare is, according to Obama , the basis of Obamacare . And, Obasmacare is the Rosetta stone of Obama's entire socialist attack on our country and its free market values . All the President has done, all that he will do, all that he hopes for, in changing America into the Marxist utopia he dreams of , all of it starts with Romneycare. ;..the blueprint for Obamacare. Romney says he's changed on many issues , but , significantly, he will not disavow Romneycare. He still maintains that it has 'worked well" in his state , but , he would never do it on a Federal level. Really? Ponder this for a moment . Mitt Romney , the so-called conservative , the tea party choice, introduced a health plan into his state , by government mandate , that states , quite simply , that you 'must" purchase HEALTH INSURANCE , or pay a fine. You-must purchase-Health-Insurance;....or pay money to the government . YOU MUST! By, Government force;.....PAY!! How is this not Obamacare? , in any way , shape or form? Make no mistake. When Obama looks across that debate stage , and sees Romney confronting him, he will be looking at ;...in essense;....his creator, ; a man who, like Dr . Frankenstein , has created a monster , cast in his own image, and then , unleashed, upon an unsuspecting world. And, like in the Mary Shelly novel, in this final confrontation , the creation will ultimately destroy the creator. It has to end this way . What debate strategy can Romney use , that cannot be countered by Obama's claims that Romney's beliefs are, in fact, Obama's as well? The creator has unleashed the creation ;...and it is simply , a more extreme version of himself;...that is all. But, what of Newt, Romney's most evenly matched opponent?Newt, the only man who , seems to have a chance of defeating Romney for the nomination . Newt Gingrich. Who is he? Well, Newt himself has compared himself to such luminaries as , Reagan , Lincoln , Moses , and yes , even Greek leader and architect, Pericles. But, who is Newt really? The answer is simple. Newt;...is Reagan , and Lincoln , and Moses ;...and yes, even Pericles .Newt is an American , and Americans are dreamers , and they always dream big;...just like those he has compared himself to. Like these other icons;..Newt is an innovator , and a revolutionary , who transformed America . For 40 years, Democrats held the power in Washington . Newt, and his Contract with America , changed that, and ushered in a new era of conservative dominance. Is Newt an arrogant bully? Yes , and let's thank the gods for it. As Speaker of the House under Clinton, Newt cut taxes , cut regulations , cut entitlements , strengthened our military, and yes, arrogantly bullied President Clinton into signing the Welfare Reform Act. Newt Did all this;...and ,...because of it, created 11 million jobs, a booming economy, and saves the Clinton Presidency from looming economic disaster . And, like Pericles , Newt is a historian, master orator, and author, a man with varying talents and abilities , including being an architect. Not of buildings, but of the modern conservative movement , that would probably not exist at all, without his vision, and drive , to bring that vision to fruition . Newt brought the Clinton economy, an economy that was falling faster than Obama's, back from the brink , and created free market prosperity , in the Reagan tradition , that he had inherited. Newt did it , once upon a time;....he can do it again . And, as ego driven Newt himself has pointed out, he is the man who can defeat Obama, and , he'll do it using the same conservative principle that always works , ans always destroys liberalism , in its tracks . It's the one weapon for which the left has no defense; and , it's simply this;.....you let the peole who earn the money;......keep the money ;.....that is all there is to it. It will take a monster ;...to defeat another monster ;...and Newt Gingrich , for all his flaws foibles, arrogance , and grandiose pomposity;....is that conservative monster , who will bring down the OTHER MONSTER;......The Creation of Romney. |
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