Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Protest;...and the Purpose, Part 2

I earn is mine .
The property I own ; mine.
Everything I posess; this free market economy; mine.
I do not know you, great , unwashed protestors , nor will I give you anything for free.
There is only one thing these bums have in common with the Tea Party members. The Tea Party wants to keep the money they earn , and the Wall Street protestors also want to keep the money that the Tea Party earns .

The Protest;.....and the Purpose.

Here is all you need to know about the Wall Street protestors, the Philly occupiers , and any other gathering of young street hobos who use public property as their personal toilet . They want your money. That is all. They don't hate corporations, they don't hate Wall Street, they simply want the money that you earn , by getting up in the morning , and going to work, taken from you , by the government , and given to those that didn't earn it. Namely, themselves. This isn't complicated. They want what does not belong to them ;...other people's cash.
They are not interested in bettering themselves, they just want you to be poor too. They don't want equal opportunity, they want equal outcomes.
This is why they support public unions and Democrats. They know these organizations are the biggest redistributors of wealth there is. This is communism , pure and simple. If you believe everyone should be forced ,by government, to give up their wealth to other people, out of some twisted sense of fairness, I have a suggestion for you. Leave. Venezuela, Cuba, or Greece will gladly take you into their crumbling , socialist countries where you can live in poverty , like the rest of their socialist supporting citizens
Move to these countries and be equal . Equally poor, that is.
As a working individual, in a free market , capitalist, country, let me make one thing perfectly clear;.....the money

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Evil Among Us

Qaddafi is dead. The Libyan people are finally free of this murdering dictator. But, the question is; can they keep this freedom?They can, but only if they accept that freedom comes with a price; must be willing to die for it. They have shown that willingness . The rebels seemed destined to lose initially, hopelessly outnumbered and outgunned by the forces of Qaddafi. But , with the help of President Obama's drone strikes and our NATO support , they have seized the initiative and brought down the tyrant.
However, freedom requires something more , an ability to recognize evil, and the resolve to destroy it. The Libyan people must never forget the one thing that defines evil above all other things , and that is simply this; ..evil wants what belongs to other people. . this can be money, as in the case of the Wall Street protestors and the Marxism they promote, or people's lives , as demonstrated by Tyrants and Dictators who believe that the citizens they rule over are mearly slaves, whose lives , property and money , all belong to them.
Evil is entitlement, pure and simple. If you believe that you're entitled to what is clearly the property of another human being, regardless of what it is, you are , in essence; ..evil.
"Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor's Goods".This is one of the Ten Commandments set down in stone by the finger of God and given to Moses .There's good reason why this is included in the Ten.Coveting other people's lives , property , or fortune is the root of evil. It's where it all starts , and grows from .
As Greece burns and the Wall Street protestors grow more violent, we must realize that its all been caused by this one concept;.....Entitlement.
To stamp out evil, to end the reign of dictators like Qaddafi , Hussein , or Ahmadenejad, or to end the growing violence occuring at the Wall Street protests, we must be able to identify the enemy, and it's goal.
Freedom is at stake . Entitlement must be stopped.
My life is my own.
My money is my own .
My family is my own.
Myproperty is my own .
And, my soul is my own.
By the will of God, we were created to be free . What God has decreed, let no man put asunder, or they will suffer the fate of all tyrants . As President Bush said ," sooner or later, justice will be served".

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Invasion of the Puppet People

Are the Wall Street protestors the liberal version of the Tea Party? No. The Tea Party has a solid plan , a purpose, and a pro-capitalism agenda. The protestors want one thing; other people's money . The Tea Party wants their own money , and an economy that allows them to earn it, and keep it. Tea Party members show up for free. Wall Street protestors are there for freebies ; free booze, free cigarettes , and the money they're paid to be there , funded by and SEIU. Tea Party rallies have had zero, I repeat , zero  arrests . Wall Street protestors have been arrested by the hundreds and have even defecated on a police car . Tea Party rallies haven't even left behind one scrap of trash on the ground , and have had no incidents of violence whatsoever .
Those   puppets that stagger through the streets for George Soros' eleven dollars a day and freebies may be mindless , but those behind them do have a purpose to this movement , namely, collapse the economy, and strengthen their political position by doing so. This is what all communist leaders do. The Tea Party purpose , on the other hand , is simple; cut taxes to the bone for all Americans, and then get the hell out of the way, and let the rulers of this country , namely us, get on with the business of preserving the greatest free market , and greatest country ever to exist on earth.
On second thought , the protestors themselves do have a purpose;..they want stuff for free , and have been instructed by to continue their attack on Wall Street , in return for these freebies. Wall Street , you see, is evil , and has been stealing money that should , rightfully , be given to the protestors , or so they've been told. Actually, this is partially right. , but for the wrong reasons. Wall Street is guilty , but not of corporate greed , but of being in the governments pocket. You see, Wall Street cannot fail, because the government insures that our tax dollars will bail them out, and prevent this failure . This is the root of the Wall Street problem.
Any business , that is not allowed to fail ;...cannot suceed, since risk and competition breeds quality and integrity . Security breeds only contempt and incompetance. The puppets who wander our streets like homeless waifs, need to wake up and recognize the real enemy , the Democrat government that backs Wall Street , and the President , that is the puppetmaster behind this invasion that has been orchestrated for one purpose; get him re-elected.Yes, ultimately, the only job the President is trying to save , is his own.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Nebula Children

Does the President support the Wall Street protestors?Of course, or , at least , he supports the purpose behind it. So what is that purpose? There is none, at least according to those that are interviewed while they block traffic and defecate on Police cars. They claim to want jobs , but want to punish corporations that create jobs . Let's face it, they don't want jobs,  they just want the money that people with jobs have.
Apparently, evil corporations are good enough to supply them with I Pods  designer jeans , and a place to pee, but not good enough to be a job source. What mind -numbing logic. So, why would they continue this long with this meaningless protest? Answer; ...they are being paid to . The real purpose is to demonize the rich , blame them for the economic collapse, and get Obama re-elected. And the funding for this campaign strategy is from the usualk suspects;..Michael Moore, SEIU,and George Soros , of All capitalists to the max, who pretend to be socialists for profit.The question is ; why would any organization or individual , who makes his cash in our free market , devote so much time and money to collapsing that market? Because , these individuals envision a government controlled free market , which will leave most businesses and corporations working for the government, the Obama government, they hope, which will, in turn , funnel taxpayer cash right into their hands . Crony capitalism is their ultimate goal, and the American people must be broght to realize that , they don't work for themselves , but for the government , the unions Michael Moore, and George Soros , who , by the way , became a multi-billionaire collapsing economies around the world.
But, to accomplish this on the United States economy, one thing must occur . Obama must be re-elected , and demonizing the wealthy is the only card the liberal Democrats have left to play , and their plyers are the nebulous , lost children , who gather and protest , for the right to other people's money , and a more sinister purpose , that they will never comprehend.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The War of the Drones

Will Sarah Palin enter the Presidential race? Will Rick Perry overcome his weakness on Border security? Is Newt Gingrich the right choice , despite his baggage from the past? Are Michelle Bachmann and Herman Cain the true, hardcore conservative choices for nomination?
The Answer to these questions;..matters little. What does matter is simply this;  Any time , when you, as a working American , have been able to keep more of the money you earn , Republicans have been in charge.
Any time the economy has been booming;...Republicans have been in charge. Republicans let you keep more of the money you earn . Democrats do not. Vote Conservative . Vote Republican . Keep more of your hard earned cash, and our nation will prosper. We must end Obama's reign , and elect the most conservative Republican , the one candidate that will let you keep the money you earn in our free market , pure and simple.
But, what of President Obama? He has already lost his Presidency in a landslide, since no one can win a second term on a campaign of raising taxes during a bleak , recession riddled economy. We know he's already lost . All that remains now is this one question ;..what will be Barack Hussein Obama's final legacy? Answer;  The War on Terror. Ironically, the man who , as a Senator, opposed all things Bush , including his anti -terror agenda, has now , in ,many repects, implemented them overseas as effectively as Bush-Cheney. The reason? Predator Drones. President Obama has taken these specialized weapons and made them the center of his war on terror. His drone strikes have paid bid dividends, including killing terror leader Anwar Al-Awalaki, and other key Al-Queda members.
Like him or hate him for his socialist domestic agenda, the President has effectively continued the Bush terror agenda and has added his own touches , such as a hit and run mission against Libya, that proved effective in helping the rebels dethrone Quaddafi while keeping American casualties at a minimum. But, it's Obama's war of the Drones that has reaped the most dividends , keeping the terrorists on the run , and under the constant threat of this unstoppable , mechanized , death from above. Obama's drone war has demoralized Al-Queda , taking away the human element of armed conflict that 's part of the pride and ego of the Arab mentality , and reducing it to cold , hard , systematic elimination of Al-Queda leaders , with pin-point precision , with no human troops for Al-Queda to retaliate against. Targeted for Termination , indded.
However, President Obama's sucess in the war has a bitter , ironic , twist to it. As Senator Obama , he had campaigned for President by becoming , in the eyes of the left, the Anti-Bush. The man who would end the war on terror, close Gitmo Bay, and bring the troops home .Now, as a President under seige, in mortal danger of losing re-election , his only viable campaign strategy will be the Bush Doctrine, that he so opposed once upon a time.The doctrine he now enthusiastically embraces and cling to , as a means of saving his Presidency. Yes how ironic that President Obama's re-election hopes now ride on another President's war strategy , and of course , his own war of the drones.
Who knows? Perhaps this is the war that Obama , the socialist visionary, sees in our future. A mechanized war of Predator Drones , no soldiers needed , which will enable the President to implement the one government spending cut he embraces;.....the Military.