Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Wisdom of the Ancients

"There was a time when the ancients kept humans as household pets; until it was proven that man could not be domesticated". The words of Dr. Zaius to Charton Heston in the movie, "Planet of the Apes"seem to ring true , even as the Democrats congratulate themselves on the passage of Health Care Reform. Both President Obama and Speaker Pelosi hasve stated in interviews this past week that ,"once we pass it , we'll all know what's in it. How true. Now that the bill that no one has read is law, we will spend every moment, every second, going over it with a fine tooth comb, from now until the November elections
What we will find , of course, is that the bill is unconstitutional.But, what exactly does that mean? It does not refer to mere legal speak technicality,but to a basic law of nature . That law is that we are all free to live as we choose. No man, or group of men can impose their will upon other men.To do so presumes that man , as a species , can be domesticated. But as Dr. Zaius stated in Planet of the Apes, he cannot.Since the dawn of time men of ambition have tried to bend the will of other men to do their bidding , only to meet with failure , time and time again.Like all species on this earth , we were , to quote the band Steppenwolf; "Born to be Wild', and nothing can be done by President Obama or Speaker Pelosi to change that. The bill will fail, because , by the laws of nature , it must fail.America is the greatest nation on earth because we finally accepted the fact that man cannot be ruled over, whether by King , Queen, Dictator , or Tyrant. We rule ourselves. Our laws are the common sense dictates of man's will as an individual, who must govern  his own life, free of the restrictions that politicians ,drunk with power  will try to impose on us. The government cannot force you to purchase Health Insurance,or anything else. Forget some piece of paper called the Constitution saying this; it's just basic common sense. Just as Lions , Tigers, and Elephants cannot be tamed , nor can we be tamed .
 At the moment, Obama and Pelosi hold the Lion Tamers whip, and believe they control us. But, like the lion, we will eventually take that whip away, and in November , we, the savage wild creature that, as Dr. Zaius said,"cannot be domesticated", will take the country back and show them who is truly the master.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Pi Factor

Tea Party protestors are gathered in Washington to stop the health care bill . Why? Obama will pass it. Bart Stupak caved as expected. The abortion issue is a red herring with no more substance than any other issue that blocked the bill.The reason the bill has not passed until now is because the people do not want it , not because of abortion. The reason Obama can push this thing through without even knowing what's in it is because it really doesn't exist as legislation,it's only real substance is as a new tax, and that is all.
The bottom line is this; the government cannot , under any circumstances make the citizens by force purchase anything.Ever. That is not speculation. That is a living , working reality. In a Free Republic, governed by the people, there can be no mandates put upon the citizens by the government that represents them.
The Health care issue cannot be resolved in legislation Like the mathematical value of Pi, this is a transcendental bill with its own circular logic that has no final resolution  in a free republic, unless the people give up their freedom, that is.Every tea party protestor should remember this.If any one of them agree to submit to this sham of a tax fraud,by purchasing
health insurance through this system or paying the fine, then they are hypocrites and , in effect sunshine patriots that talk a good game , but when push comes to shove, they gave up their freedom.This is unconstitutional. It cannot exist in a free America, unless we let it exist.This is about power. This is about control. This is about a left wing ideology that has been planning this for a very long time. Continue to say"no", and it will evaporate in the sunshine of freedom.Give in to this petty little man who is our President ,and you will be confirming what Obama has always believed . That people must be controlled by government if society is to function .The real power is in the hands of the people, unless you give it up to an angry bitter President that has nothing but contempt for this country, and the people that make it great. Show him what you think of that contempt in the November elections , and take back this country.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Judas Conspiracy

Are homegrown terror sponsors like self styled "Jihad Jane" of Philadelphia, and others recently exposed rarities? I assure you, they are not. For eight years of the Bush Presidency, you could find them on every street corner,bar, or restaurant. The guy with the "Bush lied and boys died" sign on his front lawn. The guy in the bar, cursing every time President Bush's image appeared on the television. The people carrying signs with pictures of President Bush with a swastika on his forehead. The woman who camped out on the Bush Crawfield Ranch, accusing him of being behind 9-11,and starting the war in Iraq for oil profits. And they did all this with never a word against Saddam Hussein, or the terrorists he sponsored, or a word of thanks to our troops for ending the reign of a despotic dictator whose rape rooms and torture chambers have now been closed forever, thanks to Operation Iraqi Freedom and the Surge.
"You are either with us or against us"; The words of President Bush as he stood on the smoldering ruins of the twin towers , and how right he was. Anyone in this country, citizen or otherwise, who would accuse a sitting President of the United States of deliberately killing three thousand of its citizens for oil profits is, like Saddam, a sponsor of terror , and has the potential to become a threat to this nation.
I may strongly disagree with Obama's socialist policies and the Marxist agenda they support,but, not for one second would I ever accuse him of trying to kill American citizens for profit , or any other reason. He is our commander in chief, and I would take a bullet for him, if necessary. I oppose him on his policies which are nothing more than one big tax , and a health care mandate which is clearly unconstitutional.But, he is not a murderer ,and neither is Bush, and those that accused the Bush-Cheney administration of these crimes  are , in fact , no better than the terrorists themselves. In the coming months, no doubt more and more of these bar-fly traitors will be uncovered, and no doubt why, albeit, reluctantly, President Obama has decided to extend the Patriot Act. He knows that all his plans for a socialist utopia will be for naught, if our country is left a smoking ruin from a terror attack.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

"What Price Freedom?"

Are the Iraqi's ready for freedom? Yes, for they've passed the first test. They are willing to die for it. By turning out for their national elections by the thousands, despite bombings and threats by Iraqi insurgents to kill all who do, they have shown that they understand that freedom is not free. And, that , yes, sometimes the price is paid in purple ink; and blood.
President Bush should be proud of his legacy. Operation Iraqi Freedom was a sucess. The surge was a sucess. And well worth the sacrifice, because there is really no choice. "Live Free Or Die", is more than a mere slogan on a license plate. It is a way of life. The only true way to live, and now that they have tasted it, the Iraqi people do not want to give it up. Our countries efforts across the globe to bring freedom to other nations is the most important thing that America represents. Free nations do not make war against each other . America only fights against those that supress God given freedom. Now President Obama and Vice-President Biden are trying to bask in the glow of the reflected glory of Bush-Cheney accomplishments. This is understandable, since their own pale by comparison. And now, after eight years of opposing Bush in his war on terror, they have finally admitted that Bush was right. The war was right. The Saddam rape and torture rooms are closed forever. and the one phrase that remains on the lips of Iraqi citizens is, "Thank you President Bush".  They now have a chance. Acance to live in a world free from terror. A chance for, "Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness".