Friday, October 23, 2009

Young Hamlet's War

President Obama, who continues to act like a brooding Hamlet, pondering the war in Afghanistan, while our soldiers die, has now found a war that he is ready , willing,and able to fight; the war against Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.
The reason is clear to see.After all, the Obama Administration controls the rest of the media like Liberal puppets on a string; but not Rush,and not Fox.They have no liberal socialist agenda and do not fawn over Young Hamlet like pre-pubescent schoolgirls. No, their only agenda is the truth, which is proving to be Barack Obama's worst enemy.
Stick to fighting against the Taliban and Al Queda Mr. President.That is, after all , your job. Not Health Care reform,or Green Job creation. That's all baloney.Those issues are the private sector's business , not yours.If you really want to create jobs and improve the economy, the answer is simple; Cut Taxes!! For Everyone!! That is the only method that is proven to work, and the only thing that you are authorized to do; according to the Constitution.
You said the "Real War" against terrorism was in Afghanistan, Mr. President. That was the good war, the one we should be concentrating on.The extremists that attacked us on 9-11 are in there , you said.
Fight the war against those that killed our people on our own soil, because the war against Rush and Fox News is a war against the truth, a war you cannot win; and a war that will make them stronger and eventually bring down your Presidency.
The playbook from a previous administration seems at work here, and with each passing  day, President Obama seems to resemble Richard Nixon more and more. Yes, Nixon also kept an enemies list, and this, ultimately led to his downfall with the Watergate scandal.
How ironic that the man who was touted as the "New Kennedy" by the media is now ,because of his ever increasing paranioa and arrogance,proving to be , in reality, the "New Nixon", complete with his own version of Haldeman and Erlichman-like enforcers, whose chief function is to silence all of the President's critics and political opponents.
All of this would be laughable,of course, if not for the fact that while  President Obama carries on with this nonsense , our soldiers in Afghanistan continue to be ignored,while General McCrystal pleads their cause to a man-child President who will not listen; still seemingly transfixed ; like a deer in the headlights of his own Presidency.

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Grimm Fairytale of Socialism, Part 2

Every Liberal should find someone in need and cut him a check. If every Socialist Liberal would do this, problem solved. Show how caring, how concerned, you are with your fellow man's welfare with your own cash.
But, this is not, and never will be, a socialist country , and you can't make me by Government force have a health care program if I don't want it.That's called Marxism,which belongs in second rate Marxist countries. Our Tax dollars are for funding the military defense of our country, foreign and domestic. Period.
And stop using Jesus as a Socialist crutch. Jesus spoke about you, as an individual, helping your fellow man, not the government collecting money from unwilling citizens for "forced charity" If it's forced' it ain't charity , President Obama! Why do you think Jesus attacked the money changers in the Temple? Because they were using his Father's house as a means of making a profit, just like the Obama Administration, pulling the " Jesus" rabbit out of their hats, to sell their Tax and Spend Socialist Agenda, which benefits no one,except Liberal Democrats, by expanding their power base and securing control over their voting base.

The Grimm Fairytale called Socialism

Let me explain why Socialism will always be wrong, will never work in America , or any free nation, and is nothing more than a Left Wing agenda that both Hans Christian Anderson and the Brothers Grimm would dismiss as a Fairytale.
It comes down to four words; "You can't make me".
-You can't make me get Health Insurance
-You can't make me care about non-existant Global Warming.
-You can't make me care about Green Jobs.
-You can't make me care about giving homes to people who can't afford them.
But, if you, the Liberal, Radical Left, do care, Pay for it yourself.Don't get the Government to force me to pay for something I don't want.
If you want Health Insurance for everyone,get out your , I repeat, your, checkbooks, and put your money where your mouth is.

Nuclear November

A friendly warning to all Liberal Democrats and Moderate Republicans ;Drop the Public O ption completely. As a matter of fact, drop the entire healhcare proposal.All democrats should vote it out of existence , and pretend it never happened.Just chalk it up to a temporary attack of Marxism , but you're felling much better now.
Look at it from a practical political point. If you use the nuclear option,you virtually assure taxes for the Middle class go up. They have to.Once this happens,the DNC is done.You will lose big in 2010,probably all the seats that are up for grabs.Polls already show big trouble for Reid and Pelosi, in particular. And , history has proven that a President who promises no new taxes and fails to deliver, becomes a lame duck President. President Obama will, in effect, became the new Jimmy Carter, and this assures that he will undoubtably be a one term president; with no accomplishments , a country in massive debt, a Nobel Peace Prize on his mantle at home,and a permanently broken Democratic Party in his wake.

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Ignoble Appease Prize

For those that are shocked  and appalled by the Nobel Peace Prize being given to President Obama , let me just run down his accomplishments that clearly qualify him.First, there was Beer Fest! Sitting down with a cop,a teacher, and Vice President Biden over a few brews proved once and for all that in an artificial setting; surrounded by  television cameras,we can bridge that racial divide and truly "all get along".
Second, the "Cash Giveaway" in Chicago. Nothing brings people  closer together than standing in line for hours for "Free Money" like some third world Marxist sheep. It really brought a tear to my eye. Can standing in line for toilet paper be far behind?
Third, the Gala Halloween Party  President Obama threw at the White House in the Rose Garden. Not only did he bring together free clinic doctors for a photo-op, he provided them with doctors costumes "free of charge". I just wish he had worn his"Joker" costume!
Fourth, he tried to pass "forced" government health care.Yep , nothing makes Republicans and Democrats forget their hatred of one another than a united hatred for a government trying to force you to do something.
I guess it reminds us that our love of freedom is what unites us , no matter what.
Fifth , and in my opinion, the most significant achievement, he Bombed the Moon. And in so doing ,he has finally brought peace to the warlike tribe of Moonkins that were getting ready to invade the Earth.They surrendered without even firing a shot! I guess they figured that, after that first pre- emptive strike at them , Obama means business!
 And last , but not least,by giving President Obama the Nobel Peace Prize , it virtually assures that there will be no " surge" of troops into Afghanistan. After all, the President cannot comply with General McCrystal's request for more troops to fight a war of agression after winning a Peace Prize, can he?
The very reason he is receiving this award is to "neuter" him in the war on terror, and thereby assuring a victory for the Taliban and Al Queda in Afghanistan.
So, what does the Taliban and AlQueda think of Obama's Award? They think he deserves it.After all, he agrees with them that America must be defeated and , as long as Obama is in the White House,he will assure that defeat and end the U.S. reign as an oppresive "Superpower".
It's too bad President Bush didn't win this award.He certainly deserved it more, by bringing freedom to Iraq and Afghanistan , and in particular, ending the oppresion of their women. And what about his work in Africa? No sitting President has done more to end poverty and disease in that country than Bush; which is why he is revered in Africa as almost a saint.

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Ultimate Weapon

The President seems to find time to waste the taxpayers money on a failed bid to bring the Olympics to crime ridden Chicago , yet seems to find very little time to do the actual job he was hired for; namely acting as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. Our troops are fighting a war against al Queda in Afghanistan, yet the President has spoken only once in 70 days to General McKristal , his ground commander in the field of combat.
Sure, he was shamed into talking to him in between bidding on the Olympics and chatting with Oprah during the plane ride, but he still has not committed to giving his troops what they need to win ; namely, more troops.He claims that more time is needed to evaluate the best strategy before acting. There is only one strategy, Mr. President. You fight a war to win, or you don't fight it.You destroy the enemy completely, and then bring our boys home. We are not there to nation build , or to gain the confidence of Afghan citizens.Defeating al Queda totally ,and preventing them from using Afghanistan as a safe haven, or home ground permanently will accomplish that quite effectively.; and more troops is the only way to achieve that. Yet, we have a president who seems quite willing to spend  billions of dollars on everything from healthcare to Acorn, yet hesitates when it comes to giving our troops what they need to win in the war on terror, even when that hesitation may cost soldiers their lives.
Our President seems to have  contempt for the military, even going as far as to prosecute CIA officials for war crimes related to so-called torture of Gitmo Prisoners ,and the most shocking of all; the removal of  missle shields designed to protect our allies; Poland and the Czech Republic in an attempt to appease the Russians.
This is also a man who has , like other liberal Democrats, spoken in favor of bringing back the draft, which , by the way , was eliminated by President Nixon ; a Republican,because it was proven to be unconstitutional.
In fact, the Vietnam war , begun and escalated by Democrats,was ended by Nixon.The news media, at the time, called President Nixon insane when he decided on unlimited bombing raids on key hot spots, but it finally got them to surrender didn't it?
 War is the greatest weapon for peace we have, but it must be fought to win,with no quarter given to the enemy ,until he surrenders or is destroyed. There is an episode of "Star Trek" that illustrates the need for war and why it is  the greatest weapon for peace that exists . In the episode, an alien pits Kirk and crew against evil antagonists on a planet to prove which is stronger ; " good or evil". When Kirk and crew,{including Abraham Lincoln!} are victorious, the Alien is still puzzled. Even though good was the winner, it seemed to the Alien no different than evil. "Good and Evil use the same methods,"he said, "And achieve the same results"
Kirk then asks the Alien, "What did they ask for if they won?" "What they valued most, Power", The Alien said. Captain Kirk responded, "We asked for the lives of our crew".
"Enough", the Alien said, "I now perceive"
Just a T.V. show? sure, but it illustrates an important point, and one that the Liberal Left will never "perceive".
We go to war to kill ,destroy, maim, so that men can live in freedom.Freedom from the Tyrants that try to enslave them.Not one country we crushed in war had our values and ideology imposed on them by force. We do not conquer, we leave them free.Just ask Japan.We dropped two nuclear bombs on them, yet now the Nation of Japan is one of our staunchest Allies, and Partners in Liberty.