Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Obama; The Man who would be Bush.

So , six months in the Obama Presidency have gone by, and what has he accomplished?
He failed to create new jobs and improve the economy.
He failed to close the Gitmo Bay prison.
He is failing miserably to get his joke of a health care plan passed, a plan that will insure long waits for medical treatment and cut off care to the elderly. The only thing he has been sucessful at is wasting millions of taxpayers dollarson moronic bailouts and pipe dream, non-existent green jobs.
I stated in a previous blog that Obama needed to be more like George Bush, in order to save his Presidency.I said he needed to stop being "Bush Lite". I have been proven correct.
Obama needs to forget Health Care and copy everything his hero, George Bush has done,if he wishes to have a sucessful presidency, which means;
Increasing military spending and continue to be strong on the war on terror by continuing the fight in afghanistan.
 Make the Bush tax cuts permanent. It's the only proven way to improve the economy.
Get the Government out of private sector businesses.It's called Free Enterprise and Capitalism,maybe Obama's heard of it.
 If he does this,he may achieve some sucess.Of course, he can never be as great as his hero Bush.
 For instance, he will never be able to pitch a baseball as well as the former President, as he proved the other day. And he certainly will never be as popular as Bush in Africa, but the fact that he tried to be with his recent trip to the dark continent at least shows that he's making an effort to be more like his hero. Maybe a cowboy hat would help.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sarah, Sarah Palin; King of the Wild Frontier

Forget about Obama's healh care plan. It's a failure. It was a failure the minute it was proposed.Our health care system is the envy of the world because it is run by the private sector, with no government interference.That's why people come to our country for treatment of serious ailments. They know they won't be put on a waiting list, or be refused treatment because of their age; two things that will happen under Obama care.
This health care reform package is nothing more than a scam to raise taxes and get illegal immigrants free medical care. Why, you ask? Because illegals are guaranteed Democrat votes.It's no wonder Sarah Palin stepped down as Governor of Alaska. She saw the corruption in this new administration as she was costing her state millions of dollars defending herself against false ethics violations charges ;so she did the logical thing, and decided to change the playing field to where she could be more effective.
Much like former congressman and fellow outdoorsman Col. David Crockett did, she has decided to take the fight for freedom to a different venue. A run for congress? Maybe. Senator palin? Possibly. "Be sure you are right, then go ahead". Those were the words uttered by Crockett shortly before his resignation from Congress, and it fits Sarah Palin as well. Palin for President in 2012? You Betcha!!
Davy Crockett's final address before Congress amid goverment corruption and betrayal of the American Indian land treaties made by President Jackson was, "You can all go to hell, and, as for me, I will go to Texas".
Maybe Sarah's final statement to the press before stepping down should have been,"You can all go to hell; and as for me, I will go to the White House"

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Michael Jackson, Tortured genius, or just a pervert who wrote tunes?

Let me sum up the King of Pop as simply and clearly as possible, Musical Icon? Humanitarian? Inspiration to millions? You have got to be kidding! This is a drug addict who deformed his face and slept and showered with children while drinking "Jesus Juice" with them! Nobody but a pedophile lunatic would do the things he did. His behavior is no mystery at all.He was out of his mind on hard drugs for years . Probably started on them right after he got burned while filming a Pepsi commercial back in the 80's.As a matter of fact, that's when the whole plastic surgery thing became an obsession too. And ' of course, it introduced him to the wonderful world of painkillers and other assorted narcotics.
Yep, I guess you can blame it all on Pepsi Cola. Jacko should have cut a deal with Coke; they use less explosions to sell their product.
But, whatever the cause ,the simple fact is his strange behavior was the result of the fact that he was a drug addict; period. A famous one, but a drug addict, nontheless. "Billie Jean" and "Thriller" cannot excuse a lifetime of insane behavior , and an unhealthy attraction to small boys.If he just loved children, where were all the little girls? He seemed to invite only young boys to his lair.
 I think if people really want to mourn this man,they must first ask themselves this question; Would you let your child sleep and shower with this man?

Friday, July 3, 2009

Freedom's Trinity

While celebrating the 4th of July this year,there are three words that all Americans should keep in mind. "We the People". This is the best system of  government yet devised by man , a system that allows the citizens ,"We The People", to govern ourselves , as was intended by our creator. Watching the struggles of Iraq and Iran against opressive terrorist regimes makes it even more clear how precious, how wonderful freedom is; and how it should never be taken for granted.
We don't need free health care
We don't need free schooling
We don't need free handouts of any kind.
All we need is what we already have , Freedom.
Freedom to live,work,and worship as we choose, as individuals.
Despite what President Obama thinks,there is nothing wrong with our country,nothing wrong with our people, and nothing wrong with our constitution.
Our Government exists to protect us , not to help us.
If the President wants to give us real Health Care, he should increase funding for our missile defense systems.
I can't think of a better way to protect our fellow Americans "Health" than by preventing Iran or North Korea from blowing us up .
So , as we eat our hot dogs and launch our fireworks  on this great nation's birthday, let us not forget those three words that best define America; "We The People". They are the only words you'll ever need.