Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas; A threat to evil

This Christmas, we have had a man dressed as Santa killing his family ; a man shooting  a group of people on Christmas day because they were talking too loud at the movies, and assorted shootings and murders throughout the city during the entire Christmas season.
This should come as no surprise .This time of year inspires violence and crime.Just as the vampire is repelled by the crucifix and Holy water ; so too are the evil people that infest our society repelled by the celebration of the birthday of the Son of God.That's why they try so hard to ban Nativity displays  and other Christmas related decorations. The sight of them pains those who are evil like a canker sore.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Greatest of All Time; George W. Bush

Displaying the reflexes of a panther; President Bush dodged not one ;but two shoes that were hurled at him by an angry Iraqi reporter , during  a recent visit to Baghdad. Bush's skillful dodging of the missiles and his casual humour after the incident gives one more reason to consider this man the greatest President of all time.
 His other assets are;
Greatest War President.We have been safe for eight years from an enemy that is determined to destroy us. That is no accident Bush Haters.
Greatest Tax Cuts.He pulled out all the stops to make sure his cuts were enacted and also extended.
Greatest appointments of conservative judges.Judges that will correctly interpret the Constitution.
Greatest aid to Africa and the fight against Aids and poverty; in fact,he may wind up getting a Nobel Peace Prize for his work.He certainly deserves it more than Al Gore did.
Greatest in living a scandal free life as President.Not even Reagan could compare, since Nancy was heavily into Astrology and was a bit of a control freak. And, last but not least ,most physically fit President in History. Sure ,Kennedy looked good,but was a physical wreck hooked pain killers and Obama smokes like a chiminey.
Yep, when you look at all the evidence ; including his ability to dodge objects hurled at him with casual grace and the agility of an teenager,Bush has to be the Greatest President of all time; except for George Washington ; maybe.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Obama and Hillary ; The Art of the Big Con

So, now Obama claims that he never spoke to Illinois Gov. Rod Blogojevich about the filling of his vacant Senate seat.Blagojevich, of course has been recently arrested on charges of trying to "sell" the senate position , which if true ,is probably the sleaziest political manuvering in the history of Chicago pay to play politics.
The Obama saga just keeps getting better and better,and he hasn't even taken office yet.
He didn't know Ayers , the terrorist, he never heard of Rev. Wright's racist rants,he never was involved in slumlord Tony Rezco's sleazy dealings ; and now , he says he never spoke to Gov. Blagojevich , despite his campaign manager David Axelrod's statement that he, in fact, did.
Add to all this the appointment of Hillary as Secretary of State as well as most of President Clinton's previous staff as his cabinet ; and you have a man who doesn't remind you of Lincoln or Kennedy ,but Paul Newman from The Sting".As a matter of fact I'll bet that as soon as he is sworn in both he and Hillary will probably give each other that sly wink and finger to the side of the nose that Redford and Newman gave each other at the end of the movies sucessful "Big Con".Add to the mix the keeping of Secretary of Defense
Robert Gates; one of the architects of the Iraq War ; and you have a con that would be dismissed by the "Stings" screenwriters as far fetched and implausible.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Walmart Kill Crew Shopping Spree

In the aftermath of the death of a Wal Mart employee at the hands of a rabid bargain hunting mob of morons, I can now readily understand why department stores pushed so hard to get the word "Christmas" out of the holidays last year. After all , if you're in the middle of killing someone who is slowing down your pursuit of sweat socks on sale;you certainly don't want a replica of the baby Jesus staring you down,possibly casting judgement on your actions. Yep,taking the"Christ" out of Christmas was a real good idea wasn't it?You know,it might be time for the man upstairs to unleash another flood or two, you know, just as paybacks for the wonderful way that we celebrate his son's birthday.