Tuesday, May 29, 2007

War , the greatest source of peace.

This Memorial Day was a true source of supreme irony.While we were celebrating our freedom, which was obtained by the brave men and women who sacrificed their lives in armed conflict with our enemies, while simutaneously watching an evil dictator exposed for the petty tyrant that he truly is.
Spain,s new Fuhrer, Hugo Chavez, decided that the criticism a local news station leveled upon him was unacceptable,so in true Hitleresque fashion, shut the studio down and fired over 100 employees in the process. That,s right folk,s! While our President was honoring our fallen heroes who preserved our freedom,Danny Glover and Rosie O, Donnell,s pal Hugo Chavez was showing the world his version of democracy in action, a democracy that is completely fair just and effective, for one person, Hugo Chavez. But not for the people he rules over with an iron boot.
This is a lesson all free men should never forget. So, the next time you see Mr. Chavez on television calling our President the Devil, or snuggling up to the gullible and dense Hollywood elite, who still believe that socialism is the way to go, and that capitalism is evil, remember this event that occured on Memorial Day.
And, while you're remembering, contemplate this,you who continue to hate the President ,hate this war,and hate our military.No freedom,on any part of this globe that has been won,has ever I repeat, ever been won without the spilling of blood in an often long and brutal conflict that creates massive casualties on both sides. Wr protestors like Cindy Sheehan believe that we are the agressors, we are the butchers, and we murder women and children.
Statistically speaking,this may be true, we may in fact kill just as many people in war as the enemy does, and in just as brutal a fashion, perhaps, even more so. What then,you may ask, is the difference between us and them? We apparently use the same savage methods, and achieve the same fatal results.
The difference is in what we are fighting for.Evil fights for power ,greed,and in the case of Islamic Extremists, the right to have seventy virgins in the next life over the crushed bodies of Christian American Capitalists.
We fight for peace in the world ,and the brotherhood of all men. We fight so that all humanity can live in freedom one day,especially our children.
That is the difference.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Mexico the 51st State

Ted Kennedy,s amnesty program for illegals is absurd of course, but like a many faceted jewel, this abomination has many sides to it. First, the idea of cutting a deal with an individual who broke the law is ridiculous, you came here illegally ,so your punishment must be that you leave the country , it,s as simple as that.Secondly, the idea that these people will now come forward, pay a back taxes fine  submit to a guest worker identification system, and then go to the back of the line to apply for legal citizenship is a fantasy worthy  of  Hans Christian Andersen.These people are criminals, you see. they came here illegally, lived her under the radar of our system, refused to learn our language, our laws, our way of life, and hold the country in contempt.If they didn,t they wouldwant to be a citizen with I.D and all that good stuff.Crooks do not pay fines , wait in lines , or submit to rules and regulations . That is why they are criminals , comprende?And don,t even get me started on what this marvelous plan is going to cost the law abiding tax payers like you and me.
You want to really solve the problem, here,s what you do. Annex MEXICO!1 It,s not as crazy as it sounds.The illegals already think that the U.S is part of their country anyway, so let,s make them correct ,but not in the way they want.No, you see we won the war with Mexico, which is something that most latinos seem to forget, so when we merge with them , they become the 51st state, and must obey the same laws that every state in our union must obey.The border problem is solved, our nation expands, and now we can track down the mexican crooks a lot easier, since they are in our country and legally, with I.D, CREDIT cards, Social securitycards , the works!!
Not fair you say? Well, All we fought Mexico for was Texas, and when we won, that,s all we took. These sore losers lost that war and still think they are entitled to the entire country we live in!
They should remember the old adage, You can,t have our country and fahita it too!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Big Brother or God,s Judgement?

The debate over electronic surviellance cameras in the streets of our cities continues to rage on.Those opposed to them feel that they are a violation of their privacy and freedom, suggesting that it,s just another example of the government taking away a basic right guaranteed by the constitution.
In response to this,I must ask the question, what right are you really concerned with anyway? Earlier this week,a World War 2 veteran was car jacked by a young thug who struck the elderly gentleman at least twenty times to the head in an effort to get him to relinquish his vehicle, while several witnesses just stood staring, as helpless and pathetic as sheep.The entire incident was captured on hidden camera,fortunately,which will hopefully lead to the capture of this mindless animal who gives pond scum a bad name.Now the question is, what right are we defending here by objecting to this on street surviellance? The right to beat an old man in complete privacy? The right to watch the beating like timid cowardly sheep without being shamed by a video recording ?Or is it just the right to not be bothered by such depressing images on the news at night, images which may remind you that some camera may one day capture your criminal activities for all the world to see and judge.What kind of rights do we think we have anyway?

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Jihad Mickey

The recent foiling of a terrorist plot to attack Fort Dix has been fortunately prevented, thanks to a store clerk who had the good sense to look at the film they had dropped off for processing, and realize that this was not an NRA spring outing that he was looking at. Good to see that some people realize that the solution to terrorism is not in the hands of  Homeland Security crackdowns, but in the hands of the people, you know, as in WE THE PEOPLE! We must never forget that ultimately our freedom and security are in our own hands, after all, that,s how we formed this great nation of ours to begin with, by rising up against our oppressors and taking back our God given rights from those who thought they could run our lives better than we could. The cost of freedom is constant vigilance. Ben Franklin said that, think and it is as true now against Islamic extremist as it was then against the British.We must take heed and follow this private citizens example, just as private citizen Franklin,s example set the wheels of democracy turning more than 200 years ago
People seem surprised to learn that Islamic extremist have now begun to use characters like Mickey Mouse to promote Jihad among school children.Why? This is a common tactic in  extreme movements, PETA used comic books for their message, cigarettes used a cartoon camel,even the Nazis had their own special youth program!
What to do about it? Simple really. Use cartoons to promote anti terror messages! It,s not as goofy an idea as it sounds. During WW2, a whole host of anti axis cartoon shorts were produced for movie audiences , many of them featuring Bugs Bunny  using his beloved dynamite in a carrot trick to blow up many a Nazi and Japanese solldier! Even Superman showed his politically incorrect side when he  encouraged his comic reading fans toSLAP A JAP! The simple fact is these methods are designed to form the thinking and ideals of our youth.For they will eventually shape the world in their image and ideals . Ijust hope they are not learning those ideals from Jihad Mickey!