And, it is written, ..that in First Century Judea, a time of miracles,..a prophet named Jesus, did stretch forth his hand, and cast out a demon that possessed the soul of a man,..
Before the demon fled, Jesus did ask of him,..his name,..
The demon replied,.."I am legion,..for we are many",..
Aye,..many indeed, the Democrats now discover about another demon as well, this ,the 21st Century,..a demon summoned forth by Democrat malfeasance and diabolic destruction,..A demon called Trump, who the Democrats thought could be manipulated into serving their ends,..crippling the Republican Party before the 2016 election,..
An agent of disruption and division, that would clear the Republican field of all challengers, ..and then,..self destruct,..leaving Hillary Clinton , the Heir Apparent to the Obama throne,..
But,..this demon proved more formidable than the Democrats bargained for,..His savage thirst for the truth, of country,..and will to win, proving too much for the diabolical Democrats ,who were.forced into the light of truth by Trump's savage 3 dimensional chess attack,..leaving Hillary a shattered ruin on election night,..with nothing to recommend her, or her Party, except ever higher taxes and regulations, a weakened military,..and an end to the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms,.. the right that makes all others possible,..
And, the wake of Trump's triumph,.and even before,.. .his legion of followers ,..apparent at every rally,..every gathering those 4 years ago,..
Legions that clearly indicated the inevitable Trumpian Triumph to come in 2016,..
Aye,.and those legions now, ..still remain, and in greater number than ever before,..
Trump's endless list of achievements over 4 years, making his legions ever more resolute,..and growing in number as well,..
A record setting economy,..a military reborn,..ISIS crushed, independence achieved, for the first time in Ametican history,..Peace in the middle east,..and with North Korea, within Trumpian grasp,..
Iran's power and threat diminished,..4 Nobel Peace Prize nominations,..
New Trade and NATO agreements that force Allies and Enemies alike, pay their way,..
Our Veterans and Allies in Freedom , supported as never before,..An end to the scourge of Obamacare ,..and a revamping of the free market health insurance system,..
A new conservative Supreme Court Justice apppointed,..Amy Coney Barrett,..becoming the third of the Presidents Suoreme Court appointments, under 4 years,..
Aye,..only the China created Wuhan Virus, was able to derail this Trumpuan Age of Miracles,..
At least,..for a moment,...
But now, with the 2020 election one day away, miracles have come to pass,..
Record setting 3rd quarter economic growth,..The Wall,..finished,..and a second debate with Biden that gave the President the chance to fully expose the feeble Biden ,..forcing him to finally admit what he truly was,..the CBS Moderator Kristen Welker,..a leftist Hillary supporter, to be sure,..was, nonetheless, unlike Chris Wallace ,..seemingly unwilling to run interference for Biden, and allowed Trump to counter attack,..And yes,..gave Biden more time to speak as well,..more time, hang himself,..
Biden had no answer for the Hunter Biden laptop exposure of the Biden family influence pedaling ,..which has been the source of Biden family wealth , for many decades,....
Joe Biden is now quite wealthy,..and all it cost was his nation's security,..
Biden is compromised, selling his Senate seat,..and his Vice Presidency, foreign nations, ..for monetary gain.
Joe Biden cannot pass a security clearance,..therefore,..he cannot be President ,..its as simple as that.
And the President let him know it, on that debate stage, while, at the same time, ..forcing Biden to admit to three things that doom his bid for the Presidency,..
Aye .the President forced Biden to admit that he intended to raise taxes on Americans drastically,..End Fracking,...and tax and regulate the oil industry out of business as well,..
How?, by simply reminding Joe of his own repeated statements on these issues,..and by playing the Biden videotaped appearances ..over many months of campaigning,..
Biden destroys Biden,.quite effectively,..
The Trumo strategem,..working perfectly,..
Let Biden's own words hang himself, and his Party,..especially in oil and gas rich Texas and Pennsylvania,..
So Be It.
And the Trumpian Ralies,..continue,..rapid fire now ..three,..four,..five, one day,..
The President's triumph over the virus has renewed him ,..body and soul,.
His energy, boundless,..almost superhuman,.. while Biden can draw only handfuls of honking cars at his psuedo- rallies, .Obama too,..barely drawing more than ten,..or twenty of Democrat diehards,..still hoping ..for the masked, feeble Biden , and his angry. Marxist, race baiting running mate, pull off an evil miracle in this time of Halloween,..and end the Trump Presidency,..
Aye,..they can hope, Trumpian Legions disrupt their gatherings, and Trump himself,.. continues to plow the 50 states,....rally after rally ,..the numbers of his Legions ever growing, strength , number ..30,000,..50,000,....even more outside the events,..unable to get close,..
But,..they ,..are,..there,..
And a new Trumpian battle cry has arisen in recent days,.. one never heard before, the Arena of Ideas,..
A ritual chant,..that reveals the true strength of the MAGA movement,..
Aye,..and even the Blue cities and states now seem to be leaning towards this savage man demon , who has survived all Democrat attacks ..All virus threats,..All attempts to destroy him,..and his mission,..and yet remains,.. undefeated....undestroyed,..and still determined to Make America Great Again,..
Yet ..Again,..
A Red Death is coming,..
A Tidalwave of Trumpian Proportions ,..even greater than the last,..and no virus, ballot malfeasance,..can alter this Trumpian destiny,..
For this Savage man demon, not alone,..
Indeed,..his legions are but a reflection of him,..
And he,..a reflection of them, well,..
Their savage message is clear,..
We the People,..rule ourselves,..We rule this land,..and will tolerate no would be tyrant , who would challenge this God given heritage,..
The money we earn,.. is ours,..
The weapon we carry,..cannot be taken,..
Our Judeo Christian values,..are sacrosanct,..
Our Freedom,..Our individuality,..Our Self Rule,..a part of our very nature,..
The Legion is Trump,..and Trump is Legion indeed,..and cannot be defeated by mere earthian forces,..
And,..he is now poised to grasp the ultimate prize once more,..
The lesson to Democrats is clear,..
Before summoning demons , certain first, to who they hold allegiance,..
So Be It.
Republican Victory,..
And Democrat Death,...
The President,..will accept nothing less,..
For Trump is Legion,..and We are Many,....Indeed,..
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