Tuesday, March 3, 2020

"Fall,..Of The Master Sinister!!"

For more than twenty years,..Iranian General Qaseem Solemani has carried out a reign of ritualistic Muslim terror across the Middle East, killing ,..maiming,..mutilating thousands of American soldiers,..and Iraqi -Iranian citizens as well,....with his diabolical weapon systems,..hidden explosives,.and incendiary devices,..designed to destroy buildings, military vehicles,..and the occupants therein,..or leave them legless, armless,.. faceless ,..scarred casualties of a cowardly terrorist war,..
A war,..that terror supporting Iran,..has excelled at,..for thousands of years,..A war,..that General Solemani has made his sinister specialty.  A Master of Evil indeed,..that has sown the seeds of destruction, and hate, ways that would make even Lucifer himself,..pale in comparison,..and make Solemani's false god Allah,..swell with pride, for his well schooled apprentice of the diabolical.
All this has now come to an abrupt end,...due to a thunderous strike from the Heavens,..Like an enraged Zeus hurling  his thunderbolts from eternal Olympus,..President Trump seized upon a small opening,..a brief moment in the shifting sands of time,..when General Solemani dared venture into Iraqi territory,..a forbidden zone for him,.by Trumpian decree,..and the President made him pay,..instantly,..for this brazen move, by calling upon his sky borne F-16's, unleash a pin point missile strike on the General's armored vehicle and entourage,..destroying all utterly,..
Vaporizing not only vehicle,..but all within it as well,..rending asunder this infamous Master of Mutilation,..leaving nothing more than twisted metal,..and the barest remnants of flesh,..a finger,.. a ring,..a foot,..just enough to confirm that,..once again,..the President has proven to be a man of his word.
He warned Iranian Supreme Leader Hassan Rouhani that should any harm come to any Americans stationed in Iranian-Iraqui regions during the Anniversary of Benghazi,..the Trumpian retaliation will be swift,..and merciless indeed.
And so, came to pass, General Solemani arrived at the Iraqi Embassy,..while a terror strike upon its walls,..was in progress,..
His purpose? To complete the strike on this American stronghold,..and to plot other strikes to come,..even on American shores as well,..None of this will now become reality, for when American soldiers were killed weeks earlier in Iran,..and then Iranian backed terror forces fell upon the walls of the Iraqi Embassy,..the President's mission became clear.
As he stated before,..There will be no Benghazi on his watch,..
And this Commander in Chief was as good as his word,..the very second the assault on the Iraqi Embassy began,..the President ordered American forces to the region immediately,..No delay would be tolerated on his watch,..For the Trumpian wrath is swift to come,..and merciless in its intent.
Iranian forces were defeated with the speed of a cobra strike,..and General Solemani ,..the untouchable devil of the desert, became part of the desert itself,....reduced by Trumpian F-16 forces, the dust from whence he came,..
And, the wake of this Olympian powered strike,..a miracle had come to pass,..All terror forces in Iran and Iraq territories, fled into the desert,..
For they now knew one Trumpian truth indeed,..
This American President,..was no mere mortal to be toyed with, as they had done with those past,..Nay,..this President was an earth bound demon of death, who would not hesitate, even for a second, unleash the full, invincible power of the greatest military force, yet assembled by mortal man,..
A Military Power, great,..that it could strike down a master of evil, with pinpoint precision,..leaving nary a bush or shrub next to him touched,..or, contrast,....could level the entire surface of the earth, less than a week,..leaving nothing but wind swept ashes in their wake,..
Aye, truth,..the American Military has always had this power,..but it was held in check ,..leaving enemies overly confident, that they could possibly hold their own , or even surpass American forces,..with a formidable strike of their own,..
An absurd delusion, to be certain,..yet one that every Tyrant,..Dictator,..and Despot around the globe has held in their twisted brains,..for decade after decade.
A dangerous delusion,..One that the man devil Trump ,..would now dispel,..once and for all,..
And by so doing, the President has opened the door to new miracles of foreign policy strategem,....The Iranian people now
side with the United States against their own rulers,..especially after the Iranian missile strike that brought down a Ukrainian passenger plane, supposed  error,..
Iran also lobbed ground missiles at Iraqi based American forces,..missiles that fell harmlessly to neutral ground,..harming none,..
A weak response, an evil regime that has now been broken in spirit and soul, a shockingly brutal strike against their formerly untouchable Master of Terror,..who now, they know,..was all too mortal,.
Aye,..far more so,..than the seemingly unstoppable American demon called Trump, to be certain,..
Peace talks? It's possible.
For terror regimes respect but one thing,..strength,..and fear but one thing ss well,..
A hell born madness,..that gives no quarter in battle, ...
A Trumpian Madness,..and wrath, be feared by enemies and respected by an ever growing number of Allies indeed.
And,..while barely pausing to contemplate the Democrats defending Iranian forces over this latest Trumpian outrage,..the President swiftly turned his attention back to American shores,....and the home grown madness of Impeachment ,..which had now moved to the Senate,..with the full acquittal of the President,..the inevitable result.
The Democrats of Congressional Destruction,..led by Pelosi,..Schumer,..and Schiff,.finally had no choice but to transfer the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate,..where the real game began,..of actual trial,..which could have only one of two outcomes,..
Conviction,..and removal from office,..
Or full acquittal of this man devil called Trump.
But, reality,..there was only one outcome possible. Full acquittal of the President, ..for he has done nothing wrong,..other than have the audacity to dare challenge the Democrat Machine,..and defeat it,..time and time again,.
The 3 day opening of the Senate trial was a Democrat tour de force of madness,..with House Intel Committee Chairman Adam Schiff pontificating for all three days,..on virtually nothing,..
No evidence,..
No witnesses called,..
No crimes specifically stated,..
A phantom Trumpian malfeasance,..that, nonetheless,..must lead to removal of this President,..simply because Trump must not be allowed to triumph again,
this November,..
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell,..however, .had other ideas,..other strategems to deploy,..that will serve alternate purposes indeed,..
"The Democrat's time is over." "Its our game now.",..the Senate Leader proclaimed,..
The President's defense team assembled,..and swiftly destroyed all Democrat arguements within minutes of the opening salvo,..that first Saturday
 of the trial,..
Simple,, the point,..logical, the Spock-like McConnell himself,..
No fire, bluster,..just solid,..Republican facts,..
Democrat witnesses? They could have had them,..if Republicans were also permitted to call their own ..Former Vice Prdsident Biden and Son, particular,..and delve into the strange connection they both have,..with the corrupt Ukrainian gas company,..Burisma,..and other suspicious Biden family connections to China, well,..
So,..there would be no witnesses ,..for the 3 Dimensional Chess strategem still employed by the Trump-Republican Machine,..was still quite effective indeed.
The evidence?
There is only this,..
The transcript of the phone call,..that the President released immediately,..which shows no quid pro quo, crime whatsoever,..
The phone call recording,..which confirms the transcript evidence perfectly,..
The testimony of Ambassador Sundland,..and the New Ukrainian President himself,..both stating that no demands were made  in exchange for relief funds,..nothing was demanded by the President,..and the funds to Ukraine were received on time, the September 30 deadline,..
Facts, .this is all there is,..all else is speculation,.. heresay,....
Mere Phantoms,..of Democrat desperation,..
And,..there is one more reality ,..a reality that seals the fate of this Democrat impeachment strategem as well,..
Withholding funds from a foreign nation, insure change in regime behavior, proper foreign policy strategem,..and more importantly, is the duty of the American President to do so,..for no nation is entitled to hard earned American money,..and under this President's command,..the days of giving American blood and treasure to foreign nations that hold America  in contempt,....
Are Over,..
So Be It.
And,..the very notion that the President cannot fire foreign ambassadors,..for any reason,.. is absurd.
Ambassador Marie Yovanovich,..Ambasssdor Sundland,..and Ambassador Lt.Col.Vindman,..were all fired justly,..for one solid reason,..
They are all Democrat Operatives, ..who opposed this President's election,..and his entire Republican foreign policy agenda as well.
All actively spoke out against him,..on foreign soil,..
All actively spoke against American policies to foreign nations ,..while on foreign soil,..
The President had a duty to fire them all,..and possibly even bring them up on charges of treason as well,..
This is reality,..
The only reality ,..the only Trumpian truths in the impeachment saga, agenda so devoid of substance,.. that even Hans Christian Anderson would dismiss it , a fairytale,..
And now,..its the President's turn,..
The Republican controlled Senate destroyed the Democrat case within a matter of days,.. with simple, logical, precise attacks by Rrpublican Senate Legions,..the President's Law Team,..Attorney General Barr,..Attorney Durham,..and Senate Majority Leader McConnell as well,..who has stated , no uncertain terms,..with grim finality,..
"The Democrat's time, over,,..its our turn."
And,..the result?
The Man-Devil Trump,..
Acquitted,..for all eternity,..
So Be It.
Aye,..and then came another Trumpian triumph,..
The greatest State of the Union Address ,yet given by mortal man,..
A Medal of Freedom,..for conservative powerhouse Rush Limbaugh,..
A 100 year old Tuskegee Airman honored for his service, being promoted to full General,..
A full academic scholarship,..for a deserving teen,..and her financially struggling mother,..
And,..a speech, the President,..
A speech so powerful,..that it forced House Speaker Pelosi , finally admit crushing defeat, performing a ritualistic destruction of the physical manifestation of the speech ,..
Pages torn asunder,..before the watching world, act of barely contained rage,..
Total surrender,..
Total admission,..
Of eternal defeat,..
So Be It.
And the thunderous Trumpian strikes to come, on newly plotted Democrat madness,..will be just as swift,..precise,..and merciless, the President's strike on the Master Sinister,.Solemani himself,..
And, the Solemani strike,..they will leave very little of the enemy behind,..but mere fragments,..
Democrat dust,..
Returned to Democrat dust,..
Aye,..and the November elections still looms ahead,..with overwhelming Trumpian Republican Victory, seemingly as inevitable,..
As the Rising Sun,..
Aye, well it should be,..
For , by all the Gods,..the Trumpian wrath,..remains,..unabated,..
And the Thunderbolts he hurls,..
Myriad indeed,..


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