Sunday, October 29, 2017

"Operation: Zero - Destruct !!"

Ever increasing, never relenting, Trumpian pressure, one thousand pounds per square inch.
That, is the ultimate strategem of the Trump Administration, in dealing with rogue Republicans, Democrat obstructionists, and terror enemies, that oppose this President's noble agenda ,to make America Great Again. And, whether dealing with NFL players disrespecting our flag, Democrat donors from Hollywood abusing and raping women for decades, or the Russian Conspiracy special investigations, that have
 accomplished naught, except to expose Democrat-Clinton Foundation treason, via the sale of Uranium to shadowy Russian sources,......
The President's patience with all this,...and more, ....
Is now at an end.
Trump will have victory on all he has promised, whether tax reform , Obamacare repeal and replace,..the Border Wall,....or the end to the absurd Iranian Deal,...Trump will have it, by hook or by crook. If the votes are not there, due to Republican Congress- Senate double agents McCain, Collins, Murkowsky, Flake, Sasse, or Corker,...Trump will simply change the rules of the game, utilizing the nucleate option of 51 ,rather than 60 votes in the Senate , or failing that,...Trump will simply use the power of his pen, to undo the entire Obama-Democrat Agenda.
Why shouldn't he? After all, Obamacare is unconstitutional, simply because it  forces the American people to purchase a product or service . Plus, the ever increasing taxes and regulations imposed by the Democrat Party thru Obamacare and EPA machinations,...are unconstitutional as well, since our nation was founded on the basic, common sense principles of self-government, limited taxes,..and, above all else, taxation without representation. The Iran Deal is unconstitutional as well, since it gives unlimited , unearned wealth, to a nation that has sworn to destroy America and her Allies, and has shown no willingness so far, to follow the rules of nuclear disengagement. And, for this reason, and more, all the gods,...the Border Wall will be built, our nation secured against our enemies,...even if the President must bypass all,..with a mere stroke of his pen.
And, all the while, conservative leader and Brietbart Editor in Chief, Steve Bannon, seeks to target not Democrats,..but Republicans,...and vows to insure that those he targets, are removed from office,..on both a Congressional and Senatorial  level. This is a self destructive strategem, destined to end the vitally necessary Republican control of both Houses. But, Bannon  doesn't care, because like most inflexible,self absorbed conservatives, Steve Bannon, ...does not know how to win, and seeks only to honor the letter of written Constitutional law,...but not it's Spirit. This is nonsense, and is the main reason Bannon  was exiled from the Trump War Machine.
Unlike Bannon  and his weak kneed ilk,...the President instinctively knows that defending the constitution means nothing,....if it results in Democrats regaining power, and control,... on a State and Federal level.
The Solution?
Republican numbers,.....ever increasing Republican numbers, the House, in the Senate,...and in all State Legislatures as well,...should always be the ultimate goal,....
Only Republican principles move the nation forward,...for only Republicans have the agenda that honors the self government, limited tax, and strong military formula, that has made America the Leader of the Free World,..and the Last, Best Hope for Humanity as well,...
As Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has aptly stated,.."This,.is a game of numbers."
Republicans must win elections, not attack their own. A chain is only as strong, it's weakest link. But, weak links in a chain,..are not strengthened , by creating new weak links,...
By risking Republican controlled seats, Steve Bannon  ,Rand Paul,...and other strict, inflexible, self absorbed Libertarian leaning constitutionalists , expose the fact that they do not understand this,...and seek only self righteous, vanity driven, so called conservative perfection,...even if it means losing to the Democrats,..yet again,....
This inexplicable attitude is the reason are have had decades of Democrat control at virtually every level of government,...with Republicans only occasionally seizing power, for a few years. Strict Constitutional Conservatives, by nature, do not know how to win, and are willing to watch America fall, long as their own misguided principles, are adhered to.
Utter Nonsense.
Christ was once confronted by his critics for performing miracles, on the Holy Day of rest. " The Law was written for man,...not man for the law",...came Christ's reply to them.
So Be It.
Common sense must always "Trump" written law, especially when it contradicts the natural laws , set by God, ..not man.
Is Trump violating the constitution when he proposes to go around the Senate , by ending Obamacare Insurance Agency subsidies,..through executive action?
Is Trump violating the constitution by threatening to pass Repeal and Replace,.. Tax Reform,...and end the Iran Deal, a stroke of his executive pen,..rather than congressional legislation?
Not at all.
For, what Obama created by illegal , unconstitutional means,....midst now be destroyed, those same means,..wielded this time, by Republicans, who honor not only  the spirit, of our founding document,...but its noble substance as well.
The Constitution is not law unto itself,...but man's acknowledgement of the natural law, that all free born men must live by,..or die.
It is natural law, that says a man is entitled to keep the money he earns, giving only those taxes to his government, that he authorizes.
It is the natural law that says a man should rule himself, with no dictator, despot, or tyrant, imposing his will upon humanity.
It is the natural law, that says a man has the free will, to purchase only what he chooses to, not what the government commands him to.
It is the natural law, that says a man has the right to defend himself, and his freedom , by arming himself, against those who stand, with the enemies of freedom.
The Constitution did not create man's rights, but merely put them to paper, in order to define what already existed, by Godly decree.
The Democrat Agenda is unconstitutional, and Trump will now undo it all , way, or another,..
And all those who would interfere, whether Republican Double Agent, Self-Defeating Conservative, or Democrat obstructionist,...
All, are now being served notice, by a Commander in Chief, whose patience with delay, now at an end,..and his message to his Republican WarGods, clear,....
Destroy the Democrat Machine,...
Or be Destroyed, along with them,...
And, make no mistake, the zero hour, the wake of this destruction of all things Democrat,...
One thing will be made clear in the days to come;..
From the ashes of Democrat destruction,...
America Will Be Made Great Again,..
The God-Given Freedoms of Man,..restored,..
 The Constitution that defines them,...secured,...
And the WarCry,.."Destroy,..Or Be Destroyed,..." on the lips of every Republican WarGod,....
In this Trumpian Age of Miracles, ...
An Age,...defined by a Commander in Chief, that reflects the will of We the People,...
A Commander in Chief,..who always finds,...
A way, to win,...

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