Sunday, October 29, 2017

"Operation: Zero - Destruct !!"

Ever increasing, never relenting, Trumpian pressure, one thousand pounds per square inch.
That, is the ultimate strategem of the Trump Administration, in dealing with rogue Republicans, Democrat obstructionists, and terror enemies, that oppose this President's noble agenda ,to make America Great Again. And, whether dealing with NFL players disrespecting our flag, Democrat donors from Hollywood abusing and raping women for decades, or the Russian Conspiracy special investigations, that have
 accomplished naught, except to expose Democrat-Clinton Foundation treason, via the sale of Uranium to shadowy Russian sources,......
The President's patience with all this,...and more, ....
Is now at an end.
Trump will have victory on all he has promised, whether tax reform , Obamacare repeal and replace,..the Border Wall,....or the end to the absurd Iranian Deal,...Trump will have it, by hook or by crook. If the votes are not there, due to Republican Congress- Senate double agents McCain, Collins, Murkowsky, Flake, Sasse, or Corker,...Trump will simply change the rules of the game, utilizing the nucleate option of 51 ,rather than 60 votes in the Senate , or failing that,...Trump will simply use the power of his pen, to undo the entire Obama-Democrat Agenda.
Why shouldn't he? After all, Obamacare is unconstitutional, simply because it  forces the American people to purchase a product or service . Plus, the ever increasing taxes and regulations imposed by the Democrat Party thru Obamacare and EPA machinations,...are unconstitutional as well, since our nation was founded on the basic, common sense principles of self-government, limited taxes,..and, above all else, taxation without representation. The Iran Deal is unconstitutional as well, since it gives unlimited , unearned wealth, to a nation that has sworn to destroy America and her Allies, and has shown no willingness so far, to follow the rules of nuclear disengagement. And, for this reason, and more, all the gods,...the Border Wall will be built, our nation secured against our enemies,...even if the President must bypass all,..with a mere stroke of his pen.
And, all the while, conservative leader and Brietbart Editor in Chief, Steve Bannon, seeks to target not Democrats,..but Republicans,...and vows to insure that those he targets, are removed from office,..on both a Congressional and Senatorial  level. This is a self destructive strategem, destined to end the vitally necessary Republican control of both Houses. But, Bannon  doesn't care, because like most inflexible,self absorbed conservatives, Steve Bannon, ...does not know how to win, and seeks only to honor the letter of written Constitutional law,...but not it's Spirit. This is nonsense, and is the main reason Bannon  was exiled from the Trump War Machine.
Unlike Bannon  and his weak kneed ilk,...the President instinctively knows that defending the constitution means nothing,....if it results in Democrats regaining power, and control,... on a State and Federal level.
The Solution?
Republican numbers,.....ever increasing Republican numbers, the House, in the Senate,...and in all State Legislatures as well,...should always be the ultimate goal,....
Only Republican principles move the nation forward,...for only Republicans have the agenda that honors the self government, limited tax, and strong military formula, that has made America the Leader of the Free World,..and the Last, Best Hope for Humanity as well,...
As Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has aptly stated,.."This,.is a game of numbers."
Republicans must win elections, not attack their own. A chain is only as strong, it's weakest link. But, weak links in a chain,..are not strengthened , by creating new weak links,...
By risking Republican controlled seats, Steve Bannon  ,Rand Paul,...and other strict, inflexible, self absorbed Libertarian leaning constitutionalists , expose the fact that they do not understand this,...and seek only self righteous, vanity driven, so called conservative perfection,...even if it means losing to the Democrats,..yet again,....
This inexplicable attitude is the reason are have had decades of Democrat control at virtually every level of government,...with Republicans only occasionally seizing power, for a few years. Strict Constitutional Conservatives, by nature, do not know how to win, and are willing to watch America fall, long as their own misguided principles, are adhered to.
Utter Nonsense.
Christ was once confronted by his critics for performing miracles, on the Holy Day of rest. " The Law was written for man,...not man for the law",...came Christ's reply to them.
So Be It.
Common sense must always "Trump" written law, especially when it contradicts the natural laws , set by God, ..not man.
Is Trump violating the constitution when he proposes to go around the Senate , by ending Obamacare Insurance Agency subsidies,..through executive action?
Is Trump violating the constitution by threatening to pass Repeal and Replace,.. Tax Reform,...and end the Iran Deal, a stroke of his executive pen,..rather than congressional legislation?
Not at all.
For, what Obama created by illegal , unconstitutional means,....midst now be destroyed, those same means,..wielded this time, by Republicans, who honor not only  the spirit, of our founding document,...but its noble substance as well.
The Constitution is not law unto itself,...but man's acknowledgement of the natural law, that all free born men must live by,..or die.
It is natural law, that says a man is entitled to keep the money he earns, giving only those taxes to his government, that he authorizes.
It is the natural law that says a man should rule himself, with no dictator, despot, or tyrant, imposing his will upon humanity.
It is the natural law, that says a man has the free will, to purchase only what he chooses to, not what the government commands him to.
It is the natural law, that says a man has the right to defend himself, and his freedom , by arming himself, against those who stand, with the enemies of freedom.
The Constitution did not create man's rights, but merely put them to paper, in order to define what already existed, by Godly decree.
The Democrat Agenda is unconstitutional, and Trump will now undo it all , way, or another,..
And all those who would interfere, whether Republican Double Agent, Self-Defeating Conservative, or Democrat obstructionist,...
All, are now being served notice, by a Commander in Chief, whose patience with delay, now at an end,..and his message to his Republican WarGods, clear,....
Destroy the Democrat Machine,...
Or be Destroyed, along with them,...
And, make no mistake, the zero hour, the wake of this destruction of all things Democrat,...
One thing will be made clear in the days to come;..
From the ashes of Democrat destruction,...
America Will Be Made Great Again,..
The God-Given Freedoms of Man,..restored,..
 The Constitution that defines them,...secured,...
And the WarCry,.."Destroy,..Or Be Destroyed,..." on the lips of every Republican WarGod,....
In this Trumpian Age of Miracles, ...
An Age,...defined by a Commander in Chief, that reflects the will of We the People,...
A Commander in Chief,..who always finds,...
A way, to win,...

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

"" War Drums,..Before The Storm!!"

One singular question still hangs in the air, like a guillotine; ..."Who was the Las Vegas shooter?"
A convert to Radical Islam? A member of domestic terror groups such as ANTIFA, or Black Lives Matter? A drug addled madman?
It matters little.
59 Americans would still be dead, and over 100 still injured in the wake of the worst mass shooting ever perpetrated on American soil. And, despite the still pervading air of mystery surrounding the true identity of Steven Paddock, one thing has been made crystal clear about this man,...
Steven Paddock was a hard core, liberal Democrat, avid watcher of MSNBC, fan of the Rachel Maddow Show,...and enthusiastic Anti-Trump protestor and activist.
He was at the Women's March in Washington, after the President's Inauguration,..he was present at Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall street,..and ANTIFA riots as well.
Paddock was, simply your average angry Democrat , bound and determined to see this President and Free Republic destroyed, and replaced with the Socialist Marxist Utopia, that all Democrats dream of.
He may be more as well.
Islamic recruit?
Sleeper Cell?
Possibly. But, for the moment, Democrat Operative is enough. Remember, the shooter who targeted Republican Congressmen practicing for their annual baseball game, was also simply a mere Democrat voter, with no other terror affiliations. Yet again, this  was enough, to act as a catalyst, for attempted mass slaughter of defenseless Americans. But why? What has turned simple Democrats into stealth assassins?
A dose of reality, that's all.
The simple truth is, ..the Democrat Machine is finished as a political power, both on a state and federal level. The rise of Trump and his legions has finally exposed the Democrat Party for what it truly is;....the brutal truth of conservatism , effectively articulated by this President,...has made one thing abundantly clear;...
The Democrats can no longer win elections, simply because We the People now know there is no logical reason to vote for them. After all,..why vote for ever increasing taxes and regulations ?
Why vote for a downsized, demoralized, weakened military?
Why vote for the alienation of our Allies in Freedom, and the appeasement of our enemies?
Why vote for the end to our 2nd Amendment rights, and eternally open borders, that leave our nation unsecured, and vulnerable to our enemies?
Why vote for attacks on our Judeo-Christian Values, ...and the promotion of hate filled Islam?
Why? There is simply no logical reason, to vote for any of this,..ever again. Eight long years of Obama and the Democrats have demonstrated, quite effectively,...just how destructive the Democrat Party can be,...when it holds the reigns of power.
We are a Free Republic, and all that America is,....all her greatness,....was created by Republican principles of government,...period.
Only Republicans cut taxes and regulations.
Only Republicans strengthen and support our military.
Only Republicans support our Allies in Freedom, and put fear in the hearts of our nation's enemies.
Only Republicans support the 2nd Amendment, which protects the First Amendment,...and our Freedom in general.
Only Republicans in power,...have the agenda that moves the country forward, and makes our Shining City,..the last , best hope for humanity.
It's as simple as that.
And now, thanks to Trump,..the American people now recognize this obvious fact, ever increasing numbers.
The special elections of months past, in Georgia and South Carolina, were a portent of things to come. Despite spending millions on both elections,..the Democrat candidates lost handily, virtually unknown, average, nondescript Republican Candidates. This does not bode well, for the Democrats in the 2018 Midterms. In truth, since 2010,...the Democrats have been slowly sliding into political oblivion, with the Republicans regaining the House that year, and the Senate in 2014 as well. Most States are now Republican controlled, with Republican Governors,...the Democrats losing well over 1000 legislative seats,
They are done, and they know it. Their power will never be regained. And, with this realization, madness had gripped its members, and driven them to desperate measures indeed. If the Democrats cannot defeat the Republicans, they will destroy them instead,..using the very weapon they have tried to strip from the hands of free men.
The stealth assassin has replaced the deceptive, desperate , Democrat politician. The motive is clear;....what the Democrats cannot control,...they ....will...destroy,....using their George Soros  funded, ever growing army,...of urban terrorists.
But, the Republicans have an army too,..and now have the political power,...and right leader, fight back effectively, against all foes, whether Islamic terrorist,..or Democrat operative,...
And, with the 2nd Amendment now firmly protected by Conservative Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch,..
The Republicans are a formidable, well armed force to be reckoned with, indeed.
Republican Congressman Steve Scalise has finally returned to Washington,..still burdened with the injuries he sustained at the hands of a crazed Democrat assassin. Thunderous bipartisan applause was the result.
The Message is Clear;.....
The Republicans are not backing down this time, Democrat politicians,..or Democrat assassins.
For now,..they have a Leader, who has shown them, how to fight back, ...
And, more importantly,...
How to win,..
Every siege,..
Every battle,...
Every single time,..
At a recent White House staff gathering, the President posed for pictures, and then cryptically proclaimed ,.."This is the calm,..before the storm,.."
What did the President mean?
"You'll find out",.. came the President's reply.
Indeed, we will,...
For, while the storm is still gathering,..and the sea, remains calm,..still, the distance,..can be heard,..moving ever closer,...
The steady drumbeat,..
Of the coming war,..

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

"Apocalypse, Through A Savage Eye!!"

And, it is written, that in the days after his resurrection, Christ did descend into the dark, Stygian depths of Hell, to do battle with the Legions of Lucifer, in order to win freedom for souls unjustly condemned.
So Be It.
And, if the Son of Man was willing to risk all, in a siege against the Gates of Hell itself,...
Can the Son of Patriots, Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States, less?
It would seem not. For, in the weeks past, the President has indeed dared to do battle in the fiery pit itself, for the soul of this Free Republic,...this Shining City, Make America Great Again.
He will succeed. For this President knows, in order to defeat evil, you must first be able to recognize it, embrace it, for what it is,...and then turn it's power, against itself. This ability gives Trump a tremendous advantage over many of his political enemies , who choose to either ignore evil, or, worse yet, pretend it doesn't exist at all. This has always been Satan's greatest weapon, his ability to convince mankind, that, in the end, he really is nothing more than a shadowy myth.
The Men who live by the Truth of Conservatism, know better, and have always been there at History's darkest moments , to check evil, drive it back into the shadows from whence it came, so that free men may endure. And these men have also known, that the greatest weapon in the fight against evil, is, in fact,......
Evil itself.
To defeat evil, you must embrace and employ the same strategem, the same tactics, the same ruthless , deadly purpose, that evil itself does, knowing all the while, that what separates the forces of good and evil, are not the actions of each,....but the purpose behind the actions. Good wages war, just as evil does. It destroys on a global level, massacres thousands, leaving behind decimated cities, slaughtered innocents, and scorched earth desolation.
But, in destruction's wake, good restores , resurrects, rebuilds, and leaves those who survive, freedom, Masters of their own Destiny, no longer under the boot heel of tyrannical Despotism, Socialism, Marxism, ..Communism.
Therein lies the difference .
America wages war to liberate nations,..
While evil wages war, enslave them.
And, the greatest irony of all,..evil can often be used, as good's greatest ally, in this noble fight.
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill employed this strategem, in the dark days before World War II, as he sought to ally himself with Russian Despot and mass murderer, Joseph Stalin, in order to defeat the far greater threat of Hitler and the Nazi Party.
Churchill ignored the obvious war crimes of Stalin against his own people, and focused instead on the grim reality of a world under Nazi rule,.....
A reality,...he knew, must never be, matter what the cost.
Churchill saw the greater threat , the greater evil, and was willing to join forces with Satan himself, stop that threat. Like the resurrected Christ, Churchill was willing to descend into Hell, free the condemned souls of this blessed plot,...this earth,..this realm,....this England,...
So too, for the man called Trump, who , taking a page from the Churchill strategem, has added a new dimension to his doctrine, by embracing a rogues gallery of uneasy allies, in his fight against evil. He did it in the wake of still another failure by Republicans to pass Repeal and Replace,...or pass Tax Reform, for that matter. Trump quickly moved to make a deal with twin Democrat Devils Pelosi and Schumer, to gain the necessary votes that Republican Double Agents McCain, Murkowski, Paul, and Collins have denied him. The result? The Democrats are now attacked by Black Lives Matter , DACA, and ANTIFA, conspirators with Trump and the Republicans,..thereby effectively destroying the Democrats only remaining voting base;... illegals, and urban terrorists,...while also increasing the pressure on Republican Senators who still refuse to work the will of "We the People", who elected them.
Checkmate Trump.
Trump then appears before the United Nations,, yet again, his finest speech to date, ...calling out the gathered assembly as nothing more than a rogue's gallery of terror funders and supporters , again demanding that all those who stand with the Western Allies, their fair share of the financial burden of military support. He also increased the intensity of his attack on North Korean Despot Kim Jong Un , per square inch,...repeatedly mocking the odd looking boy tyrant with the nickname,.." Little Rocket Man", while brazenly vowing to destroy the dictator, and his entire nation, ..unless he ceases his inane nuclear posturing and breast beating. Trump then turned his attack on Iran, vowing to end the farce of a nuclear deal, that moves the world closer to Armageddon.
And, the result of Trump's U.N. Primal Scream , against all forces of global evil?
Increased sanctions against North Korea, from China itself, and stronger ties with the leaders of South Korea, Israel, Japan, Saudi Arabia, China, Afghanistan, France, and  Iran and North Korea  put on notice , that their nuclear ambitions and mad dream of a defeated America, will soon vanish in the light of the coming, Trumpian Dawn.
A world of tyrants, dictators, despots, and sponsors of terror, joining with the Allied Forces?
A Democrat Party, now allying itself with Trump and the Republicans, to save the DACA Amnesty it needs, to win future elections?
Impossible on both counts.
Yet, it now seems reality.
For Trump, like Churchill, does indeed know the secret to defeating evil.
Trump knows, all men are a mixture of good and evil, ...both sides necessary to his nature,...both sides necessary for a man to achieve the greatness that is his God-Given Heritage.
And, both sides of the man called Trump were on display again, his recent Atlanta Rally,   for Republican Senator Luther Strange,...once again forcefully calling out North Korea's "Rocket Man",.... NFL flag disrespect,...and Senators McCain, Collins, Paul, and Murkowsky, ...for blocking the Repeal Bill , yet again.
The Ultimate result of all this carefully plotted Trumpian Mayhem?
Ultimate Republican Victory,...
 Permanent Democrat Defeat,....
And the nuclear ambitions of North Korean and Iranian madmen,  ...Thwarted Forever.
Because, Trump knows, despite all the bluster and bully of Democrats, Dictators, and Terror Forces alike,..the great flaw of evil, is that it lacks courage , and ultimately will back down and cower before the forces of good,...simply to survive.
Why else would North Korean Ambassadors now be meeting with Trump Cabinet members , find out what the President  means,..when he says he will  " Destroy Them?"
They are afraid,..because they recognize their own savage nature, reflected in Trump,...
And, they know,..he means what he says.
The President knows, that truly great men, like those who founded this great nation, ..are, in fact, even mixtures of good and evil, in constant war with each other internally,..both necessary to make a man truly great,...both necessary, create a Free Republic , ..both necessary, Make America Great Again.
And,..above all else, Trump knows, it is the good side of man, where intelligence, ..empathy,...compassion, .....and yes,..courage reside.
And these qualities control the evil side of man, ...the side, that must always be there,...if a man is to truly be a man,..
Or a Commander in Chief, to truly be a Great Leader.
Trump knows the forces of evil, Bering nothing more than evil,...lack intelligence, empathy,...compassion,...and ultimately courage as well.
And that is why Trump and the Republican Party will be the ultimate victors against all forces of evil, that dare to oppose him, and his noble agenda.
And, even the threat of Ultimate Apocalypse,..Final Armageddon, the hands of nuclear powered madmen, ...
Seems less than nothing,....
When viewed through the Savage Eye,...
Of this Singular Force of Conservative Nature,...
Called Trump,....