Friday, May 26, 2017

"Into The Blaze, Of Battle!!"

"I came into this world, to bear witness to the truth, all those who are of the truth,..heareth my voice."
The words of Christ to Judean  Governor Pontius Pilate, mere hours before his scourging, crucifixion, and death.
Now, two thousand years later, truth is on trial again, a truth embodied in the singular force of nature, known only as Trump. This should come as no surprise, for whether in First Century Judea, or in this, the 21st Century Olympus, truth remains an eternal threat, to the forces of evil, whether they be Islamic Extremist,  or Democrat Party Operative.
Truth, is indeed on trial again, as the Democrat Party and its liberal media vanguard, prepare new sinister schemes. New malevolent assaults, on the credibility of President Trump, and his Republican  Army.
The Russian conspiracy strategem remains in place, and so too for an even more offensive and less credible attack, claiming that Trump is nothing less, than a monarch gone mad, unbalanced lunatic, whose finger rests uneasily, upon the nuclear button that will unleash final armaggedon . Indeed, according to the Democrat Party, the President  and his Republican Party, are nothing more than puppets of the Kremlin, actively seeking to sell out this once great nation , for a mere thirty pieces, of bloodstained  silver.
Indeed, according to the Democrats, Judas Iscariot, was a mere piker compared to the rougish Trump. And his band of Republican cut throats.
And now, in the wake of FBI Director James Comey's long overdue termination by Trump, the Democrat attacks have increased in hysterical intensity, perhaps because they know , have always known, that it was Comey, who was the true source of leaks from the Trump Administration,  the source of the General Flynn leak. Comey is the man who prevented the prosecution of Hillary Clinton for treason and malfeasance. The man who refused to investigate  Fast and Furious. The man who refused to stop the Tsarnaev brothers , the man who ignored the criminal incompetence behind the Benghazi tragedy. The man who ignored I.R.S. targeting of conservative organizations,....the man who ignored Attorney General Loretta Lynch's obvious collusion,  with former President Bill Clinton, shortly before Hillary Clinton's testimony before a Congressional Committee investigating her crimes.
Comey was the hand picked  Obama FBI appointee, who donated heavily to the Clinton Foundation, and ultimately decided that the Secretary of State, had committed no crime, by mishandling  and destroying government Intel,  because, according  to double agent  Comey, there was no , " malicious intent."
Comey may have been blamed , initially, the Democrats for the Clinton loss, when he the re opened  the Clinton investigation, but, in reality, the Democrats know it was Comey who saved Her, saved Obama, and even now , after his  dismissal, is actually working with the Democrat Party , to bring down Trump, and all things Republican. Comey has always been  the Democrat Party's inside secret weapon, used to keep Republicans at bay,  off balance, and out of power, permanently.
His scheduled testimony before congress , will, no doubt, be engineered toward this goal, just as his entire tenure of FBI service has been engineered toward one end, keeping the ever scheming  Democrats from the jail cell so many of them richly deserve.
Hardly a surprise then, that the Trump long overdue firing of this  dangerous double agent, has further shattered  the already fragile psyches, of the panicked and desperate  Democrat Machine.
For they know, deep down in the depths of their black souls, that, in the end, all their plots, schemes, machinations, and plans, to destroy this President and his Party, while regaining their lost power simultaneously, are doomed to failure.
There is no Russian collusion.
There is no conspiracy.
There is no crime.
At least, in respect to Republican political dealings, that is.
In truth, all  the Comey testimony and appointment of special council will accomplish,  ultimately, is to reveal the true Russian  collusion,  the true Russian conspiracy, involving the Democrat Party.
In reality, if you seek treason, conspiracy, and shadowy Kremlin connections, look no further than the Democrat Party.
There lies the true collusion.
And, if this investigation has any merit, it will uncover it.
It was Hillary who sold 2 billion dollars worth of uranium to the Russian government. It was President Obama who betrayed the Ukrainian  people, by withdrawing  American military  forces from the region, leaving them helpless  before the invading forces of Vladimir Putin, and the Russian Army.
And, it was President Obama who let it be known to Russian President  Medvedev, that there would be more ," flexibility" in U.S. dealings with Russia, after Obama secured his second term.
The examples are endless, vast, and myriad. It has always been the  Democrat Party, that has sought collusion with the Iron Curtain,  toward one fatal end, ...destroy America from within.
Indeed, it was Russian Premiere Kruschev, who predicted America's destruction from within,  and it has always been the Democrat Party, that would act as the weapon, to accomplish this.
Tred carefully, o"Democrats, in the months to come.
Be cautious, be wary, of what conspiracy you may uncover,
For, in the end, you may be exposing your own treachery, and formulating, your own defeat.
And, as for Trump and the Republicans?
Forget all the hand wringing, by clueless pundits, both Republican and Democrat. The Russian strategem is nothing, and will accomplish nothing.
Trump and his Republicans are winning, and will continue  winning, for the next eight years.
Republicans have been winning since 2010, and now control all three federal branches, and most state governments as well.
Weak Republicans?
Utter nonsense.
That may play well  with the clueless weaklings who sat home, election after election, and let the Democrats beat them mercilessly, for decades,...but to the well informed, consistently voting , Republican fighting machine, this is mindless propaganda, not even suitable for Pravda magazine.
Here is the reality;
Trump and the Republicans have accomplished more in 100 days , than any other administration in history,...period.
And,  there is more to come,..soon, the form of  complete tax and regulation reform,  complete repeal and replacement of Obamacare, ...and the Wall, made living, working, effective reality,...that will secure our borders completely, and move our nation, step closer, an America Reborn,...
To an America,...Made Great Again,....
All will be accomplished, at supersonic speed, the  days to come, by a Republican Party far more united behind this President's agenda, than the mindless critics , who lack the will to win,  ..would have you believe.
Conservatism, that cannot win, is useless, and in reality, not even conservatism.
The Democrat attacks may have intimidated  them, may have convinced them to surrender, again, the Democrat Machine,...
But not the President,..
Not the Republican Congress and Senate,..
Nor We the People, who put them in power, and continue to be the true source of power behind this Trumpian Age of Miracles.
Trump will meet all Democrat attacks with a far more Savage and unstoppable attack of his own, fueled by a fierce love of country, and the knowledge that he fights for all Americans,
And, by all the Gods, he does not fight alone.
Trump will not relent, will not back down,
Trump will continue to tweet, continue the rallies,  continue  to speak his mind,no matter the consequence,..continue to be an unstoppable force of nature,..
Continue, like Christ, bear witness to the truth.
For all who are of the truth,.by all that's holy,...hear his voice.
A Republican Voice.
A Conservative Fighting Machine, fueled by the truth, and  the power of We The People,..
Now joining with Saudi Arabia, and other Muslim nations, in a new alliance in the fight against global terror,...
A Conservative Fighting Machine,
Now with a new mission;..
Justice, ..for the Children of Manchester,..
A Conservative Fighting Machine,..
Plunging headlong,
Into the Blaze,of Battle,..

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