What is best in life? To crush the Democrat Party,..to see them driven out of power, permanently, and to hear the lamentations of their protestors. This, above all other things, is the key, the one goal, that must be fulfilled, if America and the world, is to endure.
To this end, the Republicans have been slowly gaining ground , winning victory after victory, since 2010, when they ended the Democrat control of all three branches of government, by taking back control of congress. Since then, each year brought new victories, culminating in this new reality; ...the Republicans now have the House, the Senate, the Presidency, and most state governments as well. This must remain a permanent victory for the Republicans, if the Trump vision of an America reborn, is to reach fruition. For the grim reality is, the Democrat Party has opposed the very concept of America since the days of the Revolutionary War. They are the Party that sided with the British against the Continental Army. They fought a war against their fellow Americans , again, to hold on to the evil of slavery, ..they created anti-gun legislation to keep the freed slaves from being capable of protecting that freedom. They opposed the Republican created Civil Rights Act, that was first conceived in the minds of fellow Republicans Richard Nixon and Martin Luthor King.
They oppose all tax and regulation cuts ,and demand government control over the free market. They oppose our military and our veterans, and have always sought to cut the funding and equipment our heroes need, to defend our free republic. They continue to seek the destruction of the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms, ..the right that makes all other rights possible. They appease our enemies, and promote isolationism, which has resulted in every major war that America has engaged in, including the Iraq War, which was spawned by the Clinton Administration's refusal to respond to five separate terror attacks on American soil and personnel by the forces of Osama Bin Laden.
And, most offensive of all, they took the complete victory in Iraq, by President Bush, and turned it into defeat, by a withdraw of all American troops from the region, thereby allowing the evil of ISIS to be spawned, and in the place of Iraq's fledgling democracy, came the Obama Iraq, the first terror state in existence, a monumental tribute to evil, to hell on earth, all made possible because of Obama-Democrat policies that handcuffed our military for 8 years, appeased Islamic evil, and permitted ISIS to spread like a plague across the middle east, and the world, unopposed. And with this, came eight years worth of burnings, beheadings, drownings, and crucifixions, of innocent men, women, and children, all slaughtered by the thousands, from Iraq to Syria , to Somalia, to American soil, and every corner of the globe as well.
All because of Democrat rule.
All because of Democrat weakness ,Democrat appeasement, Democrat evil, that opposes America as created by our Founding Fathers, and instead, has always allied itself with America's enemies.
Indeed, there can be only one evil greater than the Democrat Party, and that is the 85% of registered Republican voters who, for decades now, have sat home for elections, in abysmal ,willfully ignorant apathy, and allowed this pox on humanity called Democrat, to win, election after election, after election.
The result?
A weakened America,
A world in chaos,
And most recently, men, women, and children butchered by the Syrian tyrant Assad, who used Sarin gas, the very weapon that President Obama and the Democrats said no longer existed in Syria. The gas that was used by Assad before, on his own people. The gas, that former National Security Advisor Susan Rice assured the American people was no longer a threat, just as she assured us that Benghazi was no terror attack, hand the traitor Bowe Bergdahl served with " honor and distinction".
This is the madness of the Democrat Party, the Party that exists for one purpose,...
To destroy America as founded , and replace it with a third world style ,socialist tyranny. Fitting punishment, for its imperialist crimes around the globe.
To the Democrat Party, America will always be , the true terror state, and the world can never know peace, until it is destroyed.
That is what the Democrats believe, and that is why they must be destroyed first.
To this end, the Trump Administration has, from day one , put forth a battle plan of pure , nuclear infused genius,..
Accomplishing one task after another,
The EPA, and its oppressive regulations destroyed,
NATO restructured, with all member nations paying their fair share,
The Keystone Pipeline, made reality,
The free trade system created by Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton, restructured, to fit Trump's " America First" Agenda.
Tax and regulation cuts for all Americans, at unprecedented 10 to 15% rates, for corporate and individual, and tax reform as well, with the IRS itself, a Democrat. Union controlled entity, now finally made ,obsolete.
Only the scourge of Obamacare will remain a challenge to the divided Republicans in the House and Senate, but, they will not be divided for long.
For, as the President has demonstrated thus far,
Patience with political gridlock and delay, are not to be part of this Administration.
For President Trump, Objective, Mission, and Accomplishment, are all one and the same.
To this end, comes the so called "Nuclear Option", that ended the obstruction of Democrat Filibuster, and enabled the Republicans to finally confirm Neil Gorsuch, to the Supreme Court, by a mere 51 Republican vote majority. With Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's unleashing of this legislative weapon, the Democrat perception of their own power, was finally exposed to the cold hard light of reality.
They have no power.
The power, now rests with " We the People', the President, and the Party, that represent our will.
The Democrats are out of power now, permanently.
Their rantings, ravings, and street terrorism, masquerading as protest marches, have fully exposed their true nature in defeat.
And by so doing, virtually assure that the upcoming 2018 Midterms will be another landslide sweep for the Republicans.
In truth, there can be no other outcome.
The Democrats have no platform to run on, other than the twin lies of racism and corporate greed, a standard ploy, of all communist revolutions.
The simple truth is , the American people now know there is no reason to vote for Democrats.
They impose ever increasing taxes and regulations,
They weaken our military, neglect our Vets, and have contempt for our allies in freedom.
They attack and demonize our Judeo-Christian values, that are the foundation of our constitution , while appeasing Islamic terrorists who seek America's destruction.
Why would any sane individual vote for them, and return them to the seat of power ,after eight years that brought America to the brink of annihilation?
The Democrats are done as a Party.
Violent protests in the streets, do not win elections. Voters do, and protestors, do not show up at the polls, period.
The Trump Nuclear Option strategem, will make sure of this, by fast tracking Republican legislation, by simple majority vote. The inevitable result will be economic prosperity, and the American people will now see, what Republican controlled government, can do, with the right man ,as Commander in Chief .
Democrat Party interference in this agenda, will no longer be tolerated ,now that their power is gone.
For now, the truth is clear;
The Democrat Agenda has brought nothing but destruction to this nation , and it has enabled our enemies, to grow, in strength, and number,
And the evil of Islamic terror, to engulf the world.
No more.
Operation:Nuke, is now in full effect. and America's enemies, both at home, and abroad, should take notice.
To this end, comes the launch of 60 Tomahawk Missiles on a Syrian Airbase, that destroyed both airfield, and 20 Syrian warplanes as well.
This was followed swiftly with the unleashing of the MOAB concussion bomb upon Afghanistan, which obliterated over 80 ISIS terror agents, vaporizing them, in a 15 mile, mushroom cloud, of non nuclear destruction. Then, without missing a beat, the President pivoted to North Korea, sending warships into their seas, ready to strike their forces down, just as swiftly. North Korea"s despotic ruler, Kim Jong Un, blinked, and then watched in disbelief, as his own missiles mysteriously misfired, exploding on their launchpad.
A portent, of things to come, no doubt.
The pressure was on, and the dictators, despots, and tyrants of the world, were now feeling it.
The President even announced his Tomahawk assault on Syria, while dining with the Chinese President, at his Florida retreat.
The message, was now full circle, and made crystal clear;
Either you are with us, or you are against us.
President Trump's nuclear option strategem, allows for no other alternative.
Message received.
The Chinese President now supports President Trump's anti terror agenda, on both North Korea , and Syria, and his new trade policy as well.
Christ once told his followers, that any who would bring harm to a child, would be better off never conceived, or, failing this, flung into the sea, with a millstone tied to their necks.
So Be It.
This Easter Season, President Trump has taken the words of Christ to heart, with the sight of Syrian Children, being poisoned by Sarin Gas, transforming him from Commander in Chief, to Avenging Angel, and Protector of Children.
During a Republican Primary helicopter ride, a boy asked the future President, if he was Batman. Trump jokingly replied,"Yes, I am Batman!" Or, ...was he joking?
A message has now been sent, not to Syria, North Korea, Afghanistan, ISIS, or even the Democrat Party,..
But, to the world.
Harm a child, by terror attack, while this man is Commander in Chief,
And your fate is sealed.
Better the state of non existence, or the watery tomb Christ spoke of,
Than to face the Wrath of Trump.
Monday, April 17, 2017
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