Tuesday, March 14, 2017

"Requiem For Brutus?"

For Operation MAGA to succeed, there is one absolute; Obamacare must be destroyed, completely. Scorched earth, reduced to a cinder, every single trace of it, gone from this mortal sphere. It is the root of Democrat destruction,  an all encompassing  tax and regulation blitzkrieg, that was designed by the Dem-Coms, decades ago, to force our free market Republic's economy to operate under Democrat Party control , permanently. Nothing else matters, nothing else can be accomplished by the Trump Administration, until the noble task , of complete Obamacare destruct, becomes reality.
And have no fear, the President and Republican Party are well on their way to doing just that. It's fate was sealed, the very moment  Trump and the Republicans were declared the victors this past November.
The only unanswered question now is; what to replace it with?
The Answer;  Nothing.
Absolutely Nothing.
We the People have the greatest system of self government yet devised by man, and a free market republic. What more does any mortal need?
Citizens from every corner of the globe have always journeyed to America , to seek quality healthcare, long before there was a Hillary care, or an Obamacare. That is all the proof needed, that Obamacare must be repealed , but not replaced. No American hospital refuses anyone care. Ever. If its Healthcare Insurance you seek,  free market competition is the only solution needed. Once state-line restrictions are eliminated, the over 1000 existing health insurance companies can compete for the American taxpayer's business. That will bring cost down, and insure quality too, as it does with all services and goods we purchase. Health Insurance should be purchased, the same way we purchase, a loaf of bread. If I find the quality and price of one bread unacceptable, I can choose another brand that suits my needs. The government does not sign up citizens for car insurance. That is the job of the individual to do that, if they seek the privilege to drive. So too, for health insurance. It is a product or service, just like bread. I can buy it , or not, as I please. The very concept of the government forcing me to buy insurance is laughable, and woefully unconstitutional. The government that is controlled by it's citizens , cannot mandate those citizens to purchase a product. Nor can they fine those citizens if they refuse to buy it. The government has no business being involved in the healthcare of its citizens, unless it's a communist based government, that is. I will either buy it, of my own free will, or I will pay cash, for medical services rendered, simple as that. And, with government out of the healthcare business completely, prices for all medical treatment will be slashed drastically, which will enable all citizens to pay a minimal fee , for the most ridiculously overpriced procedures and prescriptions.
That, is the nuts and bolts reality of this Healthcare nonsense. If illegals camp out at emergency rooms seeking free care for the sniffles, make them pay cash, or put them on a payment plan, simple as that. And more importantly, now under the Trump Presidency, take their information, report them to ICE, and get them shipped back to their country of origin. Let them seek free medical treatment there.
The bottom line is this; the "Healthcare Issue" has been the longest running scam ever perpetrated on the American public. Socialist, government controlled medicine, can end in only one way,  a tyrannical  , communist based government, run by a handful of elitist despots , that make themselves rich, by confiscating the wealth and property of the citizens they rule over.
History has proven this to be true. Whether Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, Castro, or Chavez, all tyrants seize power, using the double edged sword of government healthcare, and gun control.
That is the grim reality, that makes it all the more critical that Obamacare be destroyed, completely, here and now, while Republicans still reign supreme. Tax credits to buy insurance are fine, since its just returning the money to the citizens that it was stolen from, by Obamacare. But the Paul Ryan bill proposal that the mandate remain in place, merely shifted to the Insurance Companies for enforcement, is nonsense. No one can force any American , to do anything , let alone buy anything. Nor can anyone fine an American for not complying with this unconstitutional nonsense.
The Ryan Bill is dead on arrival, as crafted, and will certainly be reworked and improved, by Trump and the House Conservatives , who will now need to bypass all moderate Republican obstruction, and surround the President, with their much needed council. Senators Rand Paul, Mike Lee, and Ted Cruz, in particular, need to attend the President's Bowling Party Conference, and guide him to the conservative reality that must be there, in this bill, if the will of We the People is to become legislative reality.
The President has earned , and deserves, the trust of the American people on this issue, and all others as well. Whatever doubts about his true motives during the Primary, they were erased ,when he became the Republican Nominee, and quickly assembled the most conservative administration in Republican History. Despite Democrat ties of the past that might have given some Republicans pause , they were erased the moment Trump chose Reagan disciple Mike Pence as his V.P., and then proceeded to pick eleven of the most hardcore conservative Supreme Court nominees in history.
Trump has earned our trust.
His Road to Damascus awakening proven true.
So, trust him.
He'll get it right.
I guarantee it.
One thing is critical in this process, however. One issue that must be addressed quickly, if his Administration is to survive.
There are double agents dwelling in the Halls of Washington, holdovers from the Obama Administration, and hardcore Liberal Democrats to boot. They must be purged , immediately , for they mean to destroy this President and his Administration, from within. Indeed, that will be their sole task, their grim mission, for the next eight years. Obama himself, set this plan in motion, in the last days of his Presidency, when he signed his last executive order, allowing classified Intel to be handled by sixteen additional agencies within the FBI, CIA, and judicial branches of government.
The leaks, are Obama.
They are his last orders, being carried out by his remaining Democrat loyalists. The Hillary loss has not been forgotten, and they will avenge it, by destroying Trump.
Did Obama directly directly order the leaks?
Didn't have to.
The Democrat Party, its Unions, it's CIA, FBI, DOJ, NSA, are all Obama. They are the right and left hand of the same body, and will destroy the President, unless, he destroys them fiwith Besides the leaks and the Russian strategem, there was a more recent , more sinister indication, of things to come.
A lone intruder, made it over the White House fence, crossed the South Lawn, and came within yards of the President's very residency, within the White House. The intruder was seized by security, and found to be unarmed, carrying only an empty backpack.
A dry run for future assassination attempts?
To be sure.
Nothing unusual about this. All Presidents are constant targets for assassination. But what is unusual, was the Secret Service's reaction to the intruder. They said the security system, worked as planned.
By allowing an intruder to get within mere feet, of the sitting President?
Beware the Ides of March.
For the conspirators gathering now, against this Caesar, are legion indeed, even amongst his own personal guard.
To this end, Attorney General Jeff Sessions , fresh from the aftermath of an attack against him as well, has quickly taken action, and done, what should have been done, on day one of the Trump Presidency. Sessions has started to purge the judicial branch, of all Democrat prosecutor holdovers, from the Obama era. He will also extend this House cleaning, to the FBI, CIA, NSA, and Pentagon as well.
If he's as smart as his reputation would indicate, that is.
This is a new dawn, a new age.
If conspirators would gather, and plot , and plan, against the Republicans, let them do it, outside the Halls of Washington, among their fellow anarchist, who loot, burn, assault, and vandalize, in protest of this President's victory.
But, as Sessions continues his purge of March conspirators, there are three he should overlook, for they are allies now.
Rand Paul, Mike Lee, and Ted Cruz, Conservative Republican Senators all,  were bitter rivals and opponents ,during the Primary season, and perhaps, even beyond. Now, all are staunch allies of the President, and his Administration.
All stand with him, and are equally dedicated to his mission;
To Make America Great Again.
They will offer their advice, and counsel, this coming week, on the Ryancare plan, and the changes needed, to work the will of We the People.
President Trump will, no doubt, find their judgement sound, and will, no doubt, in the end, join with them, to make the Obamacare aftermath, Constitutionally sound. Senator Cruz in particular, is a voice , a council, the President will seek out, when uncertain of his own judgement.
For the President knows, that despite the bitterness of the Primary battle, Cruz alone, amongst his sixteen Republican rivals, was willing to battle the combined forces of Heaven and Hell, or Republican and Democrat, to accomplish one task,
Restoring America, to her former greatness.
There was a Roman General, in the time of Caesar, who had the motto;
"If it is possible, it is done,
If it is impossible, will be done".
So be it.
Nothing is impossible, to the American will.
Trump and Cruz, embody that will, in this, the New Rome.
In fact, even more than Trump, Cruz has never waivered on border or immigration, the destruction of ISIS, the destruction of Obamacare, the repeal of heavy taxes and regulations, and even , the repeal of the I.R.S. itself.
Not to this man, Cruz,
Who shares that unbreakable American will,
With his President.
Indeed, Trump may be a conservative force of nature,
But, it has always been Cruz , that stands as the perfect conservative fighting machine, personified.
They are well matched, indeed.
And both will battle Democrat Republican, and Shadowy Conspirator alike,
To insure Operation MAGA is successfully completed.
Beware the Ides of March indeed, Mr.President
But, among your many dark conspirators, seeking your destruction, there is one, whose hidden dagger, you no longer need fear,...
One whose council will remain sound, and true, to your agenda,....
Senator Ted Cruz.
Upon his head, seek not a Caesar's revenge,...
But Requiem,...
For this Brutus,.....

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