With mere minutes to go before Republican Party implosion, the President pulled the plug on the American Care Act, thereby narrowly avoiding handing the Democrat Party its first victory over this seemingly indestructible political force known as the Trump Administration. The votes were not there, and the President, always the master of check and countercheck, recognized what was about to occur, and did what he does best ; turn seemingly inevitable defeat, into overwhelming victory.
House Speaker Paul Ryan's Health Care Bill was flawed from the beginning, since the very idea of replacing Government Health Insurance, with Government Health Insurance, is an illogical premise. The only workable solution was simply to destroy Obamacare completely, and then replace it with nothing at all.
We are a Free Republic, of separate sovereign states, not a Democracy, of one state. Health Insurance can only work if it is purchased by the American people, in the free market. Choice and competition, between rival Insurance Companies , across state lines, is the only answer, the only way to reduce cost, improve quality of product and service, and to insure even pre-existing conditions as well. Free Market Competition always works. Government subsidized free market never works, for healthcare or any other marketable product or service. It's as simple as that.
Trump, in the last moments before the vote, realized what was coming, and knew that even if the bill was passed, the cost would still increase for the next year, and then, the Republicans would own Obamacare, with all its ever increasing miseries.
The Government Mandate was eliminated,..true. So too was the Government Penalty, as it should have been. The government , after all, has no constitutional right to force any American , to purchase anything, whether its Insurance, or a loaf of bread. The mandate and the penalty had to go immediately, if any repeal and replace bill was to be taken even remotely seriously. But , the Ryan Bill still kept government subsidiaries for the Insurance companies, and did not remove the State Line restrictions. That spelled doom in the near future, as government subsidized Insurance Companies would still have their government imposed monopolies, and would indeed still increase premiums and deductibles as they pleased. Absolute Power does indeed corrupt, Absolutely.
Only free market competition can lower cost and insure quality of product or service. That is the irrefutable law of political and economic physics that Obamacare, and now Ryancare just refused to recognize. But, nevertheless, it still should have been supported by the Republican House and Senate, because unlike Democrat Bills, a Republican backed bill can always be adjusted and reworked, as time goes on, to suit the needs of We the People. That is the basic difference between Republican rule and Democrat rule. Republicans will always work for We the People, and our agenda , not theirs. Eventually, Ryancare would have worked. Trump guaranteed it. Pence guaranteed it. And both men have damn well earned the trust of the American People. We should back their bill, for no other reason than the President said it will work. He's been right so far, every single time, on every issue. And has kept his word, on every promise he's made. When he asks you to support legislation that he has helped craft, do it. Anything less, is to let the Democrats achieve a victory over the now Supreme Republicans , and that should always be an unthinkable alternative. Instead, a House divided, did not stand, and the Democrats are , no doubt, celebrating at the result. Obamacare is here, and will stay here, for the foreseeable future. And perhaps, Americans deserve it, for being too weak to fight , and too simple minded, to see who the real enemy is.
The Democrat Party is the real enemy, and if divided Republicans still cannot comprehend that, then it is fortunate that the President stepped in again, to save the day by pulling the bill, at the last instant, before inevitable Republican implosion.
The President is the proven chess master, who has repeatedly been able to turn the force of Democrat and Republican attacks against them, and counter effectively.
Offense, not defense, is always the President's key, and he recognizes two things that will never change;...Democrats will always seek to destroy Republicans, and Republicans will always be divided against themselves. That is the unalterable law of political nature, as constant as the law of gravity itself. For this reason, the President knows he must play by his rules, not theirs.
He did it with the Russian conspiracy, by pivoting , and countering with the Obama wiretap conspiracy on Trump Tower., which has now been confirmed as reality by House Intel Chairman Devin Nunes, and by a strange confession on MSNBC, by a former Obama Operative , Dr.Fracus, who openly bragged about Democrat spying on the Trump campaign , throughout the election season. Apparently, Democrats are so consumed with hate , they cannot see the felonies they are now publicly celebrating. Such is the effect of the Trump strategem upon the Democrat psyche..He did it again with the Democrat 9th Circuit Court blockings of his immigration and Sanctuary City legislation, by simply passing another bill , and then imposing strict Federal funding sanctions on every state attempting to block this established Federal Immigration Law.
Trump will do it again, with the Democrat attempts to block Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch as well. The President will waste no time, and simply counter effectively , with the Nuclear Option, and declare Gorsuch appointed, simple as that. Those who chose to rule by tyranny, will now be defeated by tyranny, its as simple as that. The President is not afraid to use the enemies own weapons, to win a war, that must be won, if America is to endure.
But, to Repeal and Replace;...
Why stop the vote?
What was the President's strategy here?
Simple. He realized how other politicians were destroyed trying to end government healthcare. Too complicated, too many differing opinions , too many aspects that some Republicans would want to keep, such as pre- existing conditions. No, Trump knew, in those last moments before the vote, that the American Health Care Act, would never be approved, by a permanently divided Republican House and Senate, that still cannot unite even in battle, to achieve the greater goal, the only goal, the only thing that really matters;....
Defeating the Democrat Party in every election,
Defeating the Democrat Party, Permanently.
Trump now knows that the Republicans will never understand. Conservative Republican, Moderate Republican, Establishment Republican, ...it doesn't matter.Whether fire breathing Republican fighter, or weak Republican moderate,
President Trump knows, all Republicans, weak or strong,...
Voted against Obamacare, unanimously.
All Republicans voted to repeal Obamacare, over eighty times.
All Republicans believe in Tax and Regulation cuts for all Americans, on a Corporate and Individual level.
All Republicans believe in a strong military and in supporting our soldiers and veterans ,unwaveringly.
All Republicans believe in supporting our Allies in Freedom, especially Israel.
All Republicans believe in supporting our Second Amendment right , and know that right, cannot be infringed.
All Republicans support a conservative based Supreme Court that interprets the Constitution as written.
All Republicans will protect and defend our Judeo-Christian values that are the foundation of our constitution and our system of self government as well.
Yes, Trump knows all Republicans do not have to be , and cannot be, ...another Reagan, another Washington, another Lincoln,...they cannot be.
Those men were special, and history has recorded that fact.
But, President Trump knows that while all Republicans cannot be Revolutionary War Heroes, they are still important, as Republican seats, Republican votes, and Republican supporters of the political agenda that moves our country forward.
That, Trump knows, and accepting what divides, and what unites the Party, as unalterable , pivoted from the Obamacare repeal attack, to another attack, a new strategem, that would quickly turn this defeat, into victory. Trump canceled the vote, abandoned the Obamacare agenda, and quickly counter attacked, with massive tax and regulation reform;...the Rock, upon which all Free Market Republics are built.
Trump realized mere moments before the vote that would lead to Republican Party implosion, a mere 50 days plus into his first term, that, in order to truly destroy any enemy, whether ISIS, Obamacare, one must first be able to identify who, or what, the enemy truly is.
What is Obamacare?
What was it created to be?
The answer is simple, and explains why it was always so important to the Democrats, that it was passed, and passed quickly.
Obamacare is not Health Insurance.
It was never intended to be .
The ever increasing premiums and deductibles, the refusal of most Health providers to accept it, the refusal of many Doctors in private practice to have anything to do with it, prove it is not Health Insurance. How can it be, if it is simply too expensive , too restrictive, to actually use when you need it?
What then, is it?
What did we sign up for?
A tax,..that's all.
A far reaching tax, that allows the Federal government to eventually gain control of all aspects of the free market and the citizens that operate in it. A tax, that all socialist, communist, Marxist, tyrannical nations are based on.
A tax, that insures the citizens of any nation, work only for the ruling elite.
A tax, that gives the Federal government the one thing it must have, in order to secure a socialist state,...
The absolute right to confiscate the wealth and property, of its citizens.
Did not Chief Justice Roberts conclude that Obamacare was constitutional, because it was not a mandate, but merely ,...a tax?
That is Obamacare.
And President Trump, with mere minutes to go till the vote, finally realized this, and quickly formulated, a better way to destroy it.
If Obamacare is nothing more than a tax, you don't repeal or replace.
You destroy it , by simply cutting and slashing, to the bone, all the taxes , regulations, mandates, and penalties associated with it.
You put into effect, the biggest tax and regulation cut in history, reducing corporate and individual tax rates to 10 and 15 per cent,
You eliminate 75% of regulations that now burden the free market.
You create the greatest environment for economic growth since the Kennedy Reagan, and Bush tax cuts.
Tax and regulation cuts grow businesses, which creates jobs, which creates new tax payers , which creates increased revenue to the government itself.
And, it destroys Obamacare, by forcing it, to destroy itself.
For, without the tax and penalty mandate for it to feed upon,
How can Obamacare endure?
How can a tax, pretending to be healthcare, survive the greatest tax and regulation cut in history?
Answer;...It Cannot, for it was never anything more , than a tax itself.
This is the Trump Countercheck, to the Obamacare repeal implode, that insures Obamacare destroys itself, with only Democrat hands to blame, while creating the greatest period of economic growth, and prosperity, this nation has ever known.
Healthcare, is not a right.
It's a tax, nothing more.
And the President knows that man, is better off without it.
Freedom, is better than healthcare.
It's harder, requires more work, more sacrifice, more guts, more self- sufficiency, more individual responsibility.
But, in the end, it is always better than the false security of so called insurance.
For, insurance takes away risk.
America was built on the backs of men, willing to risk all , for freedom. For they understood that insurance is the lie of tyranny, and a life without risk, is simply not worth living.
America was created to end oppressive taxes, not to obtain health insurance.
And that, will now be the founding principle, that the President will use to make America Great Again.
He defeated every attack , countered every setback effectively.
All the President needs to win, is unwaivering support by the Republican Party for his agenda.
This must happen, for conservatism that cannot win, conservatism that does not destroy the Democrats and their agenda,
Is Worthless.
A conservative, that would not support the President, after he won the Republican nomination ,even faced with a Hillary Presidency, and more Democrat destruction, worthless as well.
The Midterms are coming, and Republicans must win 61 votes in both Houses to insure all that Republican victory was not in vain.
There are so called conservatives within the Republican ranks, who faced with a choice between Hillary Clinton and the destruction of our free republic, or Donald Trump and Republican victory, refused to support the who had become the Republican nominee, fair and square, and seemed content, to let Hillary and the Democrats , finish what eight years of Obama had started.
That is not conservatism.
Whether Establishment Republicans, Freedom Caucus, Never Trump, or National Review.
That, is not the Conservatism that Buckley fought for,
That, is Liberal Weakness.
We the People do not care about your caucuses, your magazines, your self serving conservative snobbery.
The Democrats have but one mission;
Destroy this President, and his Party,
As President Bush proclaimed while standing on the twisted ruin of the Twin Towers,...
"If you are not with us, you are against us."
So Be It.
And , make no mistake, whether ISIS terrorist, Liberal Democrat, or "Never Trump" elitist conservative,...
All those who oppose Operation MAGA ,and the Republican Agenda, are enemies of this Free Republic,
And. By all the gods, they will be defeated, by this conservative force of nature. who never shrinks from the fray of battle, and always finds a way to win Republican Glory.
Friday, March 31, 2017
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
"A Gathering Of Witches!"
The Sorcerer in Chief has struck again, this time his target was the enemy stronghold of MSNBC. A copy of the President's 2005 tax return mysteriously appeared in their company mailbox, a bait far too tempting for this Democrat controlled liberal media outlet, not to pounce upon. The problem? Hate, rage, and madness, have blinded the liberal media to all caution, logic, or common sense. They must destroy Trump,...is all they now know, and his tax returns are the weapon that they are convinced will bring him down. Why they would believe this, defies all logic. The I.R.S. is, after all, a Democrat Union controlled government agency. If they had anything at all on the President regarding his returns, they most certainly would have leaked it by now, as they do everything else related to the Trump Administration.
But, dwindling MSNBC ratings and desperation make for a poor political strategem, and MSNBC host Rachel Maddow blindly forged ahead , hyping. the tax return special as if the Lost Ark had finally been uncovered, ...and then,...mouthing rambling conspiracy insanities, proudly held up the document to the television camera, .....seemingly oblivious, to the felony she had just committed. You cannot release any citizens tax return to the public. This is illegal, to be sure. So too, is the fact that Trump's social security number was also exposed to the television lens. Also illegal, also a felony, also a sign , that this latest attack by the Sorcerer in Chief , has most likely destroyed one of the left's most prominent media personalities. Maddow's embarrassing clown show revealed nothing more than the fact that President Trump had paid more in taxes, in 2005, than the entire staff of MSNBC , ....not to mention President Obama, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and Mitt Romney, as well. The illegal release also confirmed that ,yes, ..Trump is as rich as he always said he was.
Even Rachael Maddow's own colleagues criticized her, for blindly taking this obvious sucker's bait, and will, no doubt, consider terminating her employment, before their network is damaged any further.
Where did the tax return come from? How did it wind up in a mailbox at MSNBC? Answer; ...the President planted it there. That, is the only logical explanation The recent obstruction of his new immigration bill by 9th circuit Hawaiian activist Judge, demanded an immediate counterstrike,..and the President is nothing, if not an effective counterpuncher
There will never be an admission. Nor will there ever be a trail that will point to the President, or his staff. But make no mistake, President Trump has, once again, proven himself more than a match, for the hapless, permanently defeated Democrats.
Every plot they hatch, is quickly and neatly countered, with devestating and far reaching results.
MSNBC is done as a network,..along with the carers of all of their on-air talent. But, make no mistake, .. .they will not relent,.....ever.
The Liberal Democrats have but one goal; ..
Destroy Trump, and regain their power over his defeated corpse.
This will not happen however, for one basic reason;..
They have lost their voting base, permanently.
How could it be otherwise, when the entire Anti-Trump strategem, has consisted of riots, vandalism, burnings, assaults on Trump supporters, blocking of traffic, offensive, vulgar women's marches, attacks on Republican Town hall meetings, threats against the President's life, from the Hollywood elite and domestic terrorist alike,..and a constant barrage of personal attacks on any Republican supporting the Trump Agenda.
These attacks run the entire Democrat talking point gauntlet:...
Racist, Sexist, Nazi, Homophobe, .and the Russians stole the election by conspiring with this criminal President, who is hiding his malfeasance in the unrevealed pages of his tax returns of the past sixteen years.
And, all the while, any Trump supporter who dares display a sign in his yard, or a sticker on his vehicle, continues to suffer vandalism at the hands of the Defeated Democrat Machine that ,..as Vladimir Putin stated, .." Does not have the character, or the dignity, to lose gracefully."
So Be It.
One thing is certain.
Despite repeated blockings of the Trump Sanctuary City Bills, the immigration bills, the Trump cabinet and judicial nominees,
Anything the President attempts,....
Everything,...nevertheless,....is going according to plan, and is , in fact, well ahead of schedule,..
America will be made Great Again, right on time, and on budget,
And Neil Gorsuch, will be confirmed to the Supreme Court, by Nuclear Option, guaranteed.
The President, and We the People,..demand it.
And, no force of gods, devils, Republicans or Democrats, can prevent that now.
All cuts to the bloated EPA, and all other worthless tax grabbing Washington Agencies, will become reality.
The Veterans Administration will be restored, our Vets will receive the care they deserve, the President's portrait will be prominently displayed, in every facility, despite employee protests, and the Democrat union that now controls this Administration, will be fired , en masse, along with all Obama controlled Democrat Double Agents that still dwell in the Shadowed Halls of Washington.
Our Military will be restored, ISIS will be destroyed, and best of all, the ever increasing madness of the Democrat Elite, will virtually assure that the 2020 Midterm Elections, will be won, overwhelmingly, by the Republicans.
For now, the 85% of Registered Republican Voters, that stayed home for past elections , have been awakened by the Trump phenomenon, and by the fact that the Democrat Mask has been fully removed now, and the true face of liberalism , is now on display, for all the world to see.
They have no more power, so they no longer have reason to conceal their true face,..their true Anti-American Agenda, from the American People that they have but contempt for.
Their rage at the loss of all political power, on a State and Federal level, has made them desperate and reckless. And to this end, they have shown the American People who the true racists are, who the true Nazis are, ..
Who the true Terrorists are.
The Democrats have met the real enemy ,...
And,...it is themselves,...
Always has been,...
And always will be,...
The riots will continue,
The vandalism will continue,...
The constant attacks by the Democrat Machine will continue,..
And this will indeed, assure overwhelming Republican Victory in the Midterms , creating Super-Majorities, in both the House and the Senate,...which will seal the fate of the Democrat Party, for all time.
And all the while, even as the Democrats watch Obamacare dissected surgically, and replaced with nothing more than the Free Market,..
The President will use his Sorcerer's Touch, to conjure new counter spells, new rallies, new tweets, ..that will thwart his determined leftist enemies.
The bizarre gathering of witches the other week, has apparently failed to conjure the proper demonic spells to destroy this President. Even the President's claim of wiretapping, by the Obama Administration, has now been seemingly confirmed, as reality, much to the Democrat Elite's horror.
Every potential scandal, every outrageous tweet, seems to make this President, grow ever stronger,..while the Democrats, grow ever weaker.
Indeed, the President seems to consort with demons witches and republicans with equal skill, using them as his vanguard, to offset any attack , whether Democrat, or Supernatural in nature.
The mysterious materialization , of the President's 2005 Tax Return, demonstrates this quite clearly.
Where it came from, no one knows, nor will they ever.
Nevertheless, it has done its work, by destroying another of Trump's enemies.
By All the Gods, ..
What Demon protects the President?
Perhaps it is not a demon at all. Perhaps , the true source of Trump's power over demons devils, witches, and Democrats, lies in the portrait, that hangs behind his Oval Office desk. The Lion, President Andrew Jackson, is ever present over Trump's shoulder, shocking white mane, and steely gaze dominating the entire room ,..
And all who enter, cannot help but fall under his spell.
Jackson was the President, suffered no fools, or weaklings, and tolerated no interference in his agenda.
The Nation was secured, the native Americans sent to reservations, to protect American citizens from these British collaborators, the Fed , was abolished, the national debt eliminated, the budget balanced, taxes and regulations slashed, power, returned to We the People , the Border secured, the British, permanently defeated, and all obstructing judges, blocking the Jackson agenda to secure the Nation, were ignored completely, before inevitably falling victim to Old Hickory's Olympian Wrath.
Jackson, like Trump, had one mantra;...
America First.
A political opponent, once tried to kill Jackson, while he attended a congressman's funeral, with a pair of dueling pistols. They both misfired, leaving him helpless before the Jackson cane, which pummeled the would be assassin mercilessly.
The demon that protected Jackson, from assassins and political opponents alike, no doubt, is the same demon that now protects and guides Trump and his Administration. What Gathering of Democrat Witches could stand against such a demon?
One thing is certain; the Democrats will never give the country back.
The Republicans, will have to take it.
And take it they will, for God, Constitution, and Free Republic
For where Jackson once stood supreme,
Now rules his mirrored reflection Trump,
Who will not permit any 9th circuit liberal judge to threaten America's Security.
The Constitution is clear;...
The President's security power, unlimited.
The Commander in Chief's noble task, is to secure this nation, against all enemies.
And, by all the gods, he'll do it.
And, all the while, the Jackson portrait will look on, with steely approval, while the Democrat Witches wail on, in eternal Macbethian torment.
But, dwindling MSNBC ratings and desperation make for a poor political strategem, and MSNBC host Rachel Maddow blindly forged ahead , hyping. the tax return special as if the Lost Ark had finally been uncovered, ...and then,...mouthing rambling conspiracy insanities, proudly held up the document to the television camera, .....seemingly oblivious, to the felony she had just committed. You cannot release any citizens tax return to the public. This is illegal, to be sure. So too, is the fact that Trump's social security number was also exposed to the television lens. Also illegal, also a felony, also a sign , that this latest attack by the Sorcerer in Chief , has most likely destroyed one of the left's most prominent media personalities. Maddow's embarrassing clown show revealed nothing more than the fact that President Trump had paid more in taxes, in 2005, than the entire staff of MSNBC , ....not to mention President Obama, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and Mitt Romney, as well. The illegal release also confirmed that ,yes, ..Trump is as rich as he always said he was.
Even Rachael Maddow's own colleagues criticized her, for blindly taking this obvious sucker's bait, and will, no doubt, consider terminating her employment, before their network is damaged any further.
Where did the tax return come from? How did it wind up in a mailbox at MSNBC? Answer; ...the President planted it there. That, is the only logical explanation The recent obstruction of his new immigration bill by 9th circuit Hawaiian activist Judge, demanded an immediate counterstrike,..and the President is nothing, if not an effective counterpuncher
There will never be an admission. Nor will there ever be a trail that will point to the President, or his staff. But make no mistake, President Trump has, once again, proven himself more than a match, for the hapless, permanently defeated Democrats.
Every plot they hatch, is quickly and neatly countered, with devestating and far reaching results.
MSNBC is done as a network,..along with the carers of all of their on-air talent. But, make no mistake, .. .they will not relent,.....ever.
The Liberal Democrats have but one goal; ..
Destroy Trump, and regain their power over his defeated corpse.
This will not happen however, for one basic reason;..
They have lost their voting base, permanently.
How could it be otherwise, when the entire Anti-Trump strategem, has consisted of riots, vandalism, burnings, assaults on Trump supporters, blocking of traffic, offensive, vulgar women's marches, attacks on Republican Town hall meetings, threats against the President's life, from the Hollywood elite and domestic terrorist alike,..and a constant barrage of personal attacks on any Republican supporting the Trump Agenda.
These attacks run the entire Democrat talking point gauntlet:...
Racist, Sexist, Nazi, Homophobe, .and the Russians stole the election by conspiring with this criminal President, who is hiding his malfeasance in the unrevealed pages of his tax returns of the past sixteen years.
And, all the while, any Trump supporter who dares display a sign in his yard, or a sticker on his vehicle, continues to suffer vandalism at the hands of the Defeated Democrat Machine that ,..as Vladimir Putin stated, .." Does not have the character, or the dignity, to lose gracefully."
So Be It.
One thing is certain.
Despite repeated blockings of the Trump Sanctuary City Bills, the immigration bills, the Trump cabinet and judicial nominees,
Anything the President attempts,....
Everything,...nevertheless,....is going according to plan, and is , in fact, well ahead of schedule,..
America will be made Great Again, right on time, and on budget,
And Neil Gorsuch, will be confirmed to the Supreme Court, by Nuclear Option, guaranteed.
The President, and We the People,..demand it.
And, no force of gods, devils, Republicans or Democrats, can prevent that now.
All cuts to the bloated EPA, and all other worthless tax grabbing Washington Agencies, will become reality.
The Veterans Administration will be restored, our Vets will receive the care they deserve, the President's portrait will be prominently displayed, in every facility, despite employee protests, and the Democrat union that now controls this Administration, will be fired , en masse, along with all Obama controlled Democrat Double Agents that still dwell in the Shadowed Halls of Washington.
Our Military will be restored, ISIS will be destroyed, and best of all, the ever increasing madness of the Democrat Elite, will virtually assure that the 2020 Midterm Elections, will be won, overwhelmingly, by the Republicans.
For now, the 85% of Registered Republican Voters, that stayed home for past elections , have been awakened by the Trump phenomenon, and by the fact that the Democrat Mask has been fully removed now, and the true face of liberalism , is now on display, for all the world to see.
They have no more power, so they no longer have reason to conceal their true face,..their true Anti-American Agenda, from the American People that they have but contempt for.
Their rage at the loss of all political power, on a State and Federal level, has made them desperate and reckless. And to this end, they have shown the American People who the true racists are, who the true Nazis are, ..
Who the true Terrorists are.
The Democrats have met the real enemy ,...
And,...it is themselves,...
Always has been,...
And always will be,...
The riots will continue,
The vandalism will continue,...
The constant attacks by the Democrat Machine will continue,..
And this will indeed, assure overwhelming Republican Victory in the Midterms , creating Super-Majorities, in both the House and the Senate,...which will seal the fate of the Democrat Party, for all time.
And all the while, even as the Democrats watch Obamacare dissected surgically, and replaced with nothing more than the Free Market,..
The President will use his Sorcerer's Touch, to conjure new counter spells, new rallies, new tweets, ..that will thwart his determined leftist enemies.
The bizarre gathering of witches the other week, has apparently failed to conjure the proper demonic spells to destroy this President. Even the President's claim of wiretapping, by the Obama Administration, has now been seemingly confirmed, as reality, much to the Democrat Elite's horror.
Every potential scandal, every outrageous tweet, seems to make this President, grow ever stronger,..while the Democrats, grow ever weaker.
Indeed, the President seems to consort with demons witches and republicans with equal skill, using them as his vanguard, to offset any attack , whether Democrat, or Supernatural in nature.
The mysterious materialization , of the President's 2005 Tax Return, demonstrates this quite clearly.
Where it came from, no one knows, nor will they ever.
Nevertheless, it has done its work, by destroying another of Trump's enemies.
By All the Gods, ..
What Demon protects the President?
Perhaps it is not a demon at all. Perhaps , the true source of Trump's power over demons devils, witches, and Democrats, lies in the portrait, that hangs behind his Oval Office desk. The Lion, President Andrew Jackson, is ever present over Trump's shoulder, shocking white mane, and steely gaze dominating the entire room ,..
And all who enter, cannot help but fall under his spell.
Jackson was the President, suffered no fools, or weaklings, and tolerated no interference in his agenda.
The Nation was secured, the native Americans sent to reservations, to protect American citizens from these British collaborators, the Fed , was abolished, the national debt eliminated, the budget balanced, taxes and regulations slashed, power, returned to We the People , the Border secured, the British, permanently defeated, and all obstructing judges, blocking the Jackson agenda to secure the Nation, were ignored completely, before inevitably falling victim to Old Hickory's Olympian Wrath.
Jackson, like Trump, had one mantra;...
America First.
A political opponent, once tried to kill Jackson, while he attended a congressman's funeral, with a pair of dueling pistols. They both misfired, leaving him helpless before the Jackson cane, which pummeled the would be assassin mercilessly.
The demon that protected Jackson, from assassins and political opponents alike, no doubt, is the same demon that now protects and guides Trump and his Administration. What Gathering of Democrat Witches could stand against such a demon?
One thing is certain; the Democrats will never give the country back.
The Republicans, will have to take it.
And take it they will, for God, Constitution, and Free Republic
For where Jackson once stood supreme,
Now rules his mirrored reflection Trump,
Who will not permit any 9th circuit liberal judge to threaten America's Security.
The Constitution is clear;...
The President's security power, unlimited.
The Commander in Chief's noble task, is to secure this nation, against all enemies.
And, by all the gods, he'll do it.
And, all the while, the Jackson portrait will look on, with steely approval, while the Democrat Witches wail on, in eternal Macbethian torment.
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
"Requiem For Brutus?"
For Operation MAGA to succeed, there is one absolute; Obamacare must be destroyed, completely. Scorched earth, reduced to a cinder, every single trace of it, gone from this mortal sphere. It is the root of Democrat destruction, an all encompassing tax and regulation blitzkrieg, that was designed by the Dem-Coms, decades ago, to force our free market Republic's economy to operate under Democrat Party control , permanently. Nothing else matters, nothing else can be accomplished by the Trump Administration, until the noble task , of complete Obamacare destruct, becomes reality.
And have no fear, the President and Republican Party are well on their way to doing just that. It's fate was sealed, the very moment Trump and the Republicans were declared the victors this past November.
The only unanswered question now is; what to replace it with?
The Answer; Nothing.
Absolutely Nothing.
We the People have the greatest system of self government yet devised by man, and a free market republic. What more does any mortal need?
Citizens from every corner of the globe have always journeyed to America , to seek quality healthcare, long before there was a Hillary care, or an Obamacare. That is all the proof needed, that Obamacare must be repealed , but not replaced. No American hospital refuses anyone care. Ever. If its Healthcare Insurance you seek, free market competition is the only solution needed. Once state-line restrictions are eliminated, the over 1000 existing health insurance companies can compete for the American taxpayer's business. That will bring cost down, and insure quality too, as it does with all services and goods we purchase. Health Insurance should be purchased, the same way we purchase, a loaf of bread. If I find the quality and price of one bread unacceptable, I can choose another brand that suits my needs. The government does not sign up citizens for car insurance. That is the job of the individual to do that, if they seek the privilege to drive. So too, for health insurance. It is a product or service, just like bread. I can buy it , or not, as I please. The very concept of the government forcing me to buy insurance is laughable, and woefully unconstitutional. The government that is controlled by it's citizens , cannot mandate those citizens to purchase a product. Nor can they fine those citizens if they refuse to buy it. The government has no business being involved in the healthcare of its citizens, unless it's a communist based government, that is. I will either buy it, of my own free will, or I will pay cash, for medical services rendered, simple as that. And, with government out of the healthcare business completely, prices for all medical treatment will be slashed drastically, which will enable all citizens to pay a minimal fee , for the most ridiculously overpriced procedures and prescriptions.
That, is the nuts and bolts reality of this Healthcare nonsense. If illegals camp out at emergency rooms seeking free care for the sniffles, make them pay cash, or put them on a payment plan, simple as that. And more importantly, now under the Trump Presidency, take their information, report them to ICE, and get them shipped back to their country of origin. Let them seek free medical treatment there.
The bottom line is this; the "Healthcare Issue" has been the longest running scam ever perpetrated on the American public. Socialist, government controlled medicine, can end in only one way, a tyrannical , communist based government, run by a handful of elitist despots , that make themselves rich, by confiscating the wealth and property of the citizens they rule over.
History has proven this to be true. Whether Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, Castro, or Chavez, all tyrants seize power, using the double edged sword of government healthcare, and gun control.
That is the grim reality, that makes it all the more critical that Obamacare be destroyed, completely, here and now, while Republicans still reign supreme. Tax credits to buy insurance are fine, since its just returning the money to the citizens that it was stolen from, by Obamacare. But the Paul Ryan bill proposal that the mandate remain in place, merely shifted to the Insurance Companies for enforcement, is nonsense. No one can force any American , to do anything , let alone buy anything. Nor can anyone fine an American for not complying with this unconstitutional nonsense.
The Ryan Bill is dead on arrival, as crafted, and will certainly be reworked and improved, by Trump and the House Conservatives , who will now need to bypass all moderate Republican obstruction, and surround the President, with their much needed council. Senators Rand Paul, Mike Lee, and Ted Cruz, in particular, need to attend the President's Bowling Party Conference, and guide him to the conservative reality that must be there, in this bill, if the will of We the People is to become legislative reality.
The President has earned , and deserves, the trust of the American people on this issue, and all others as well. Whatever doubts about his true motives during the Primary, they were erased ,when he became the Republican Nominee, and quickly assembled the most conservative administration in Republican History. Despite Democrat ties of the past that might have given some Republicans pause , they were erased the moment Trump chose Reagan disciple Mike Pence as his V.P., and then proceeded to pick eleven of the most hardcore conservative Supreme Court nominees in history.
Trump has earned our trust.
His Road to Damascus awakening proven true.
So, trust him.
He'll get it right.
I guarantee it.
One thing is critical in this process, however. One issue that must be addressed quickly, if his Administration is to survive.
There are double agents dwelling in the Halls of Washington, holdovers from the Obama Administration, and hardcore Liberal Democrats to boot. They must be purged , immediately , for they mean to destroy this President and his Administration, from within. Indeed, that will be their sole task, their grim mission, for the next eight years. Obama himself, set this plan in motion, in the last days of his Presidency, when he signed his last executive order, allowing classified Intel to be handled by sixteen additional agencies within the FBI, CIA, and judicial branches of government.
The leaks, are Obama.
They are his last orders, being carried out by his remaining Democrat loyalists. The Hillary loss has not been forgotten, and they will avenge it, by destroying Trump.
Did Obama directly directly order the leaks?
Didn't have to.
The Democrat Party, its Unions, it's CIA, FBI, DOJ, NSA, are all Obama. They are the right and left hand of the same body, and will destroy the President, unless, he destroys them fiwith Besides the leaks and the Russian strategem, there was a more recent , more sinister indication, of things to come.
A lone intruder, made it over the White House fence, crossed the South Lawn, and came within yards of the President's very residency, within the White House. The intruder was seized by security, and found to be unarmed, carrying only an empty backpack.
A dry run for future assassination attempts?
To be sure.
Nothing unusual about this. All Presidents are constant targets for assassination. But what is unusual, was the Secret Service's reaction to the intruder. They said the security system, worked as planned.
By allowing an intruder to get within mere feet, of the sitting President?
Beware the Ides of March.
For the conspirators gathering now, against this Caesar, are legion indeed, even amongst his own personal guard.
To this end, Attorney General Jeff Sessions , fresh from the aftermath of an attack against him as well, has quickly taken action, and done, what should have been done, on day one of the Trump Presidency. Sessions has started to purge the judicial branch, of all Democrat prosecutor holdovers, from the Obama era. He will also extend this House cleaning, to the FBI, CIA, NSA, and Pentagon as well.
If he's as smart as his reputation would indicate, that is.
This is a new dawn, a new age.
If conspirators would gather, and plot , and plan, against the Republicans, let them do it, outside the Halls of Washington, among their fellow anarchist, who loot, burn, assault, and vandalize, in protest of this President's victory.
But, as Sessions continues his purge of March conspirators, there are three he should overlook, for they are allies now.
Rand Paul, Mike Lee, and Ted Cruz, Conservative Republican Senators all, were bitter rivals and opponents ,during the Primary season, and perhaps, even beyond. Now, all are staunch allies of the President, and his Administration.
All stand with him, and are equally dedicated to his mission;
To Make America Great Again.
They will offer their advice, and counsel, this coming week, on the Ryancare plan, and the changes needed, to work the will of We the People.
President Trump will, no doubt, find their judgement sound, and will, no doubt, in the end, join with them, to make the Obamacare aftermath, Constitutionally sound. Senator Cruz in particular, is a voice , a council, the President will seek out, when uncertain of his own judgement.
For the President knows, that despite the bitterness of the Primary battle, Cruz alone, amongst his sixteen Republican rivals, was willing to battle the combined forces of Heaven and Hell, or Republican and Democrat, to accomplish one task,
Restoring America, to her former greatness.
There was a Roman General, in the time of Caesar, who had the motto;
"If it is possible, it is done,
If it is impossible,...it will be done".
So be it.
Nothing is impossible, to the American will.
Trump and Cruz, embody that will, in this, the New Rome.
In fact, even more than Trump, Cruz has never waivered on border or immigration, the destruction of ISIS, the destruction of Obamacare, the repeal of heavy taxes and regulations, and even , the repeal of the I.R.S. itself.
Not to this man, Cruz,
Who shares that unbreakable American will,
With his President.
Indeed, Trump may be a conservative force of nature,
But, it has always been Cruz , that stands as the perfect conservative fighting machine, personified.
They are well matched, indeed.
And both will battle Democrat Republican, and Shadowy Conspirator alike,
To insure Operation MAGA is successfully completed.
Beware the Ides of March indeed, Mr.President
But, among your many dark conspirators, seeking your destruction, there is one, whose hidden dagger, you no longer need fear,...
One whose council will remain sound, and true, to your agenda,....
Senator Ted Cruz.
Upon his head, seek not a Caesar's revenge,...
But Requiem,...
For this Brutus,.....
And have no fear, the President and Republican Party are well on their way to doing just that. It's fate was sealed, the very moment Trump and the Republicans were declared the victors this past November.
The only unanswered question now is; what to replace it with?
The Answer; Nothing.
Absolutely Nothing.
We the People have the greatest system of self government yet devised by man, and a free market republic. What more does any mortal need?
Citizens from every corner of the globe have always journeyed to America , to seek quality healthcare, long before there was a Hillary care, or an Obamacare. That is all the proof needed, that Obamacare must be repealed , but not replaced. No American hospital refuses anyone care. Ever. If its Healthcare Insurance you seek, free market competition is the only solution needed. Once state-line restrictions are eliminated, the over 1000 existing health insurance companies can compete for the American taxpayer's business. That will bring cost down, and insure quality too, as it does with all services and goods we purchase. Health Insurance should be purchased, the same way we purchase, a loaf of bread. If I find the quality and price of one bread unacceptable, I can choose another brand that suits my needs. The government does not sign up citizens for car insurance. That is the job of the individual to do that, if they seek the privilege to drive. So too, for health insurance. It is a product or service, just like bread. I can buy it , or not, as I please. The very concept of the government forcing me to buy insurance is laughable, and woefully unconstitutional. The government that is controlled by it's citizens , cannot mandate those citizens to purchase a product. Nor can they fine those citizens if they refuse to buy it. The government has no business being involved in the healthcare of its citizens, unless it's a communist based government, that is. I will either buy it, of my own free will, or I will pay cash, for medical services rendered, simple as that. And, with government out of the healthcare business completely, prices for all medical treatment will be slashed drastically, which will enable all citizens to pay a minimal fee , for the most ridiculously overpriced procedures and prescriptions.
That, is the nuts and bolts reality of this Healthcare nonsense. If illegals camp out at emergency rooms seeking free care for the sniffles, make them pay cash, or put them on a payment plan, simple as that. And more importantly, now under the Trump Presidency, take their information, report them to ICE, and get them shipped back to their country of origin. Let them seek free medical treatment there.
The bottom line is this; the "Healthcare Issue" has been the longest running scam ever perpetrated on the American public. Socialist, government controlled medicine, can end in only one way, a tyrannical , communist based government, run by a handful of elitist despots , that make themselves rich, by confiscating the wealth and property of the citizens they rule over.
History has proven this to be true. Whether Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, Castro, or Chavez, all tyrants seize power, using the double edged sword of government healthcare, and gun control.
That is the grim reality, that makes it all the more critical that Obamacare be destroyed, completely, here and now, while Republicans still reign supreme. Tax credits to buy insurance are fine, since its just returning the money to the citizens that it was stolen from, by Obamacare. But the Paul Ryan bill proposal that the mandate remain in place, merely shifted to the Insurance Companies for enforcement, is nonsense. No one can force any American , to do anything , let alone buy anything. Nor can anyone fine an American for not complying with this unconstitutional nonsense.
The Ryan Bill is dead on arrival, as crafted, and will certainly be reworked and improved, by Trump and the House Conservatives , who will now need to bypass all moderate Republican obstruction, and surround the President, with their much needed council. Senators Rand Paul, Mike Lee, and Ted Cruz, in particular, need to attend the President's Bowling Party Conference, and guide him to the conservative reality that must be there, in this bill, if the will of We the People is to become legislative reality.
The President has earned , and deserves, the trust of the American people on this issue, and all others as well. Whatever doubts about his true motives during the Primary, they were erased ,when he became the Republican Nominee, and quickly assembled the most conservative administration in Republican History. Despite Democrat ties of the past that might have given some Republicans pause , they were erased the moment Trump chose Reagan disciple Mike Pence as his V.P., and then proceeded to pick eleven of the most hardcore conservative Supreme Court nominees in history.
Trump has earned our trust.
His Road to Damascus awakening proven true.
So, trust him.
He'll get it right.
I guarantee it.
One thing is critical in this process, however. One issue that must be addressed quickly, if his Administration is to survive.
There are double agents dwelling in the Halls of Washington, holdovers from the Obama Administration, and hardcore Liberal Democrats to boot. They must be purged , immediately , for they mean to destroy this President and his Administration, from within. Indeed, that will be their sole task, their grim mission, for the next eight years. Obama himself, set this plan in motion, in the last days of his Presidency, when he signed his last executive order, allowing classified Intel to be handled by sixteen additional agencies within the FBI, CIA, and judicial branches of government.
The leaks, are Obama.
They are his last orders, being carried out by his remaining Democrat loyalists. The Hillary loss has not been forgotten, and they will avenge it, by destroying Trump.
Did Obama directly directly order the leaks?
Didn't have to.
The Democrat Party, its Unions, it's CIA, FBI, DOJ, NSA, are all Obama. They are the right and left hand of the same body, and will destroy the President, unless, he destroys them fiwith Besides the leaks and the Russian strategem, there was a more recent , more sinister indication, of things to come.
A lone intruder, made it over the White House fence, crossed the South Lawn, and came within yards of the President's very residency, within the White House. The intruder was seized by security, and found to be unarmed, carrying only an empty backpack.
A dry run for future assassination attempts?
To be sure.
Nothing unusual about this. All Presidents are constant targets for assassination. But what is unusual, was the Secret Service's reaction to the intruder. They said the security system, worked as planned.
By allowing an intruder to get within mere feet, of the sitting President?
Beware the Ides of March.
For the conspirators gathering now, against this Caesar, are legion indeed, even amongst his own personal guard.
To this end, Attorney General Jeff Sessions , fresh from the aftermath of an attack against him as well, has quickly taken action, and done, what should have been done, on day one of the Trump Presidency. Sessions has started to purge the judicial branch, of all Democrat prosecutor holdovers, from the Obama era. He will also extend this House cleaning, to the FBI, CIA, NSA, and Pentagon as well.
If he's as smart as his reputation would indicate, that is.
This is a new dawn, a new age.
If conspirators would gather, and plot , and plan, against the Republicans, let them do it, outside the Halls of Washington, among their fellow anarchist, who loot, burn, assault, and vandalize, in protest of this President's victory.
But, as Sessions continues his purge of March conspirators, there are three he should overlook, for they are allies now.
Rand Paul, Mike Lee, and Ted Cruz, Conservative Republican Senators all, were bitter rivals and opponents ,during the Primary season, and perhaps, even beyond. Now, all are staunch allies of the President, and his Administration.
All stand with him, and are equally dedicated to his mission;
To Make America Great Again.
They will offer their advice, and counsel, this coming week, on the Ryancare plan, and the changes needed, to work the will of We the People.
President Trump will, no doubt, find their judgement sound, and will, no doubt, in the end, join with them, to make the Obamacare aftermath, Constitutionally sound. Senator Cruz in particular, is a voice , a council, the President will seek out, when uncertain of his own judgement.
For the President knows, that despite the bitterness of the Primary battle, Cruz alone, amongst his sixteen Republican rivals, was willing to battle the combined forces of Heaven and Hell, or Republican and Democrat, to accomplish one task,
Restoring America, to her former greatness.
There was a Roman General, in the time of Caesar, who had the motto;
"If it is possible, it is done,
If it is impossible,...it will be done".
So be it.
Nothing is impossible, to the American will.
Trump and Cruz, embody that will, in this, the New Rome.
In fact, even more than Trump, Cruz has never waivered on border or immigration, the destruction of ISIS, the destruction of Obamacare, the repeal of heavy taxes and regulations, and even , the repeal of the I.R.S. itself.
Not to this man, Cruz,
Who shares that unbreakable American will,
With his President.
Indeed, Trump may be a conservative force of nature,
But, it has always been Cruz , that stands as the perfect conservative fighting machine, personified.
They are well matched, indeed.
And both will battle Democrat Republican, and Shadowy Conspirator alike,
To insure Operation MAGA is successfully completed.
Beware the Ides of March indeed, Mr.President
But, among your many dark conspirators, seeking your destruction, there is one, whose hidden dagger, you no longer need fear,...
One whose council will remain sound, and true, to your agenda,....
Senator Ted Cruz.
Upon his head, seek not a Caesar's revenge,...
But Requiem,...
For this Brutus,.....
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
"Spell Of The Sorcerer!"
In 2008 President Obama and the Democrats had won everything they needed, to implement an agenda that would seal the fate of our Free Republic, once and for all. They had the Presidency, and a year earlier, had won control of the House and Senate as well. In the two years when Democrats reigned supreme in Washington, they were unstoppable, passing one destructive entitlement program after another, including the all encompassing, tax and regulation economic implosion known as Obamacare.
Nuclear Option and Executive Order became the Democrat weapon of choice, and even the Senate filibuster was removed , to prevent any Republican resistance to their grim agenda.
They seemed unstoppable, but they failed to see the storm that was coming. A storm that would gradually sweep all Democrat power and machinations away, and replace them with a singular force of conservative nature called Trump.
It started slowly, but would quickly build momentum. In 2010, the Republicans took back the House. In 2012,even more Republican Congressional seats and State Legislatures would be gained as well. In 2014, the Republicans now had the Senate , the majority of Governorships, and control of most States as well.
All that remained to complete the coup, was the Presidency. And in November of 2016, that prize was also usurped by a Blitzkrieg of Republican force determined to bring down the walls of corrupt Rome , and replace it with the savage barbarism of truth. A truth personified, in America's Neely crowned Commander in Chief, Donald J. Trump.
The Republic now seemed restored and the Democrat Party decimated, it's forces scattered and strewn across the bloodstained battlefield, it's legions having lost more than 1000 legislative seats all across the nation, on a state and federal level, it's power base seemingly broken forever, by a man , and a Party, armed with one simple truth;
There is no rule, except self rule,
And against this truth, no tyrant , dictator or despot, can long endure.
Their power gone, their voting base and media reduced to hysterical madness and violent anarchy,
One question remains;
How can the Democrat Party possibly survive, as a political power?
Answer; they must stop Trump now, before momentum builds, before his ambitious agenda to Make America Great Again, becomes unstoppable reality.
To this end, comes the Russian strategem. The Democrat mission is clear; they must turn an off the cuff, joking comment by Trump during the campaign about Putin helping to find Hillary's missing emails, and by hook or by crook, turn it into the political reality of a Trump Campaign deliberately joining forces with the Russians , to bring down the Democrats, and insure overwhelming Republican victory, and a Trump Presidency. Saul Alinsky' s "Rules for Radicals", tactics would be employed to this end. The Democrat Machine would take the Trump Cabinet picks , and one by one, isolate them, and accuse them of Russian collusion ,even with the most meagre of evidence. National Security Agency Director Mike Flynn would be the first to fall, when he failed to fully reveal ther nature of conversations he had with the Russian Ambassador during the campaign.
President Trump dismissed him, not because he did anything wrong, but simply because he failed to reveal all details of his Russian related conversations to the Vice President. A foolish mistake on the President's part, for now the Democrats smelled blood in the water, and quickly moved in for the kill.
The Russian Strategem was working, Flynn was gone, through no fault of his own, but the Democrats rightly surmised that the Republicans had blinked, in the face of their Russian conspiracy accusations.
Why were the President's Men, meeting with Russian Agents?
This was the question that would be the basis, for the Democrat plan to bring down this new Republican President, and regain their power in the Midterm Elections.
No real proof would be needed. Simply infer a connection, based on a photograph or phone call ,and then demand a full congressional investigation that will, if nothing else, serve to temporarily derail the ambitious Trump legislative agenda.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions would be the next target, and his failure ,under oath, to remember a brief meeting with the Russian Ambassador , as part of his routine duties as a member of the Foreign Intelligence Committee.
Again, like Flynn, Sessions did nothing wrong, and despite recusing himself from any official investigation into this non-issue, Sessions is otherwise standing strong against this obvious Democrat ploy. President Trump too, is standing strong with Sessions, refusing to take the bait, refusing to fall into the same trap the Democrats have set for virtually every other Republican Administration.
No, this President rejects the very premise of the attack, and in response will now launch a counterattack of his own. This CounterPunch strategem, is the technique that won him the Presidency. Why would he not use it now, even more effectively, with the power of his office, to give his attacks even more weight?
The Trump counterattack began with his first Address to Congress , which, in one respect, was simply a repeat of the same agenda talking points that the President unleashes at every public event. This one, however, would stun the Democrats ,as they , once again, were faced with an enemy that seemed capable of shape shifting at will, to fit any occasion, any event, and counter any attack, quickly and efficiently.
This time Trump turned in a performance that rivaled some of the finest speeches ever given , by any President before Congress. President Trump, in one Address, had equalled, if not surpassed, Reagan, Kennedy, Lincoln, rhetoric, while still hitting each and every conservative talking point ,like a man wielding a war axe.
He was poised, Presidential, and dignified in every way possible for a Commander in Chief to be. Even his worst critics in the Liberal Democrat Media, had to begrudgingly admit that , with one speech, this Man-Boy had finally become, well and truly,...
President of the United States.
His emphasis on strengthening the military and destroying Radical Islam stood out in particular, with the President making his coming agenda for the War on Terror quite clear;
Our military would be rebuilt , our veterans would be unwaiveringly supported, and our Islamic terror enemies would be crushed, once and for all. America and its military would be Made Great Again, and with the widow of a fallen Navy Seal standing to rousing applause, by all Republicans assembled, and, with her tear stained eyes turned heavenward, the President made it clear, to all assembled,..to Republican friend, and Democrat foe alike, ...
His mission ,was a success,
His sacrifice, was not in vain,..
His heroism, is never in question,...
And the love of the American People , for him, his family, and his fellow heroes,....
The standing ovation by House Republicans , for this hero and his widow, set a congressional record ,...which the President quickly pointed out, ..no doubt to simply tweak his already enraged Democrat opponents , whose hatred still blinded them to the surge of Patriotic Truth, that now was the People"s House personified. The Democrats will continue to sit on their hands, stony faced, seated, and silent, no matter how great the Trump accomplishment to come, and will, no doubt,..for the next eight years, still remain mystified by their ignominious defeat, at the hands of a force of nature,..they can barely comprehend.
Still reeling from one of the greatest Congressional Addresses in history, the Democrats reflexibly struck back, with the Russian counter again, accusing Sessions of lying under oath about a routine meeting with the Russian Ambassador. A desperate counterstrike, to be sure, no doubt designed to offset the momentum gained by the President after his Congressional Address. However, it would prove to be, once again, ineffectual , against a man who seems to shape shift, move, and counter strike against all Democrat attacks with the speed, skill, and deft touch, of a sorcerer born.
A Sorcerer Supreme indeed, as the President quickly turned the Russian attack against the Democrats with a " I Am Spartacus" style strategem that quickly released a series of photos depicting Senator Schumer, House Minority Leader Pelosi, and other Democrat House Representatives meeting with one Russian Official after another, virtually destroying any and all credible argument , that Russian collusion was a Republican problem alone. After all,for decades now, it has been the Democrats, not the Republicans, who have appeased Russia, and allowed them to slowly, but surely, gain power in the middle east, as an ally of Syria and Iran as well.
Here's the bottom line; all congressman and senators , at one time or another, meet with their Russian counterparts,as part of their official duties,.....it's as simple as that. There's nothing sinister about it,...it's a bipartisan occurrence..and the Trump counterstrike proved it.
But, like any Master of the Mystic Arts,..this Sorcerer Supreme called Trump, would not be content with a mere counterspell, but would cast a new spell of his own. A master stroke of political manuevering that, may well end the Democrats last bid for power. Blending a sorcerer's touch, with playpen manners, ..the President unleashed a perfectly timed master spell, designed to break the Russian Curse, once and for all.
It was the Trump Tweet that would, once again, ..be the weapon that would release the spell.
The President has accused the Obama Administration of wire-tapping Trump Tower phones, during the Presidential Election Season, and has called for immediate congressional investigation.
A brilliant counterstrike against the Democrat Machine, who ,almost certainly, did wiretap Trump through either FBI or CIA sources. After all, didn't President Obama seek a FISA court warrant to wiretap Trump, twice during the campaign? And , how else would the phone conversation between National Security Advisor Flynn and the Russian Ambassador ,have become public knowledge, except through wiretapping?
No doubt, the allegations against Obama and the Democrats are true, and Trump has wisely waited , for the right moment, to unveil this new weapon. Now, the Democrats must admit to illegal wiretapping of a private citizen, if they continue push the Trump- Russia connection.
Checkmate, Trump.
Perfect timing, perfect counterstrike, perfect offset to the Russian attack, and a perfect way to destroy the Democrasts, once and for all, by essentially turning their own weapon against them, while they are still in mid- attack. Brilliant.
Wiretapping is a felony, and , if the Democrat's Russian attack continues, the President will, no doubt, seek to prosecute.
He is a Sorcerer ,this Trump. He moves, as his opponent moves.
What conjuror's spell could possibly break such a man?
To this end, desperate countermeasures have now been put in motion.
A Gathering of Witches, no less, are now calling on the dark Democrat demons they serve, to conjure the counterspells needed, to stop this hellspawn Trump, once and for all, at the Witching Hour of their choosing.
A formidable task indeed,
For their opponent is a being equally effective in battle ,
Against Democrat, or Republican,
Against Hellspawn,
Or Heavensent,...
And has yet to taste the bitter dregs of defeat,..
Nor will he, ever,...
For this President understands the nature of war,..
And understands in war , there are but two options,...
Kill,..or be Killed.
The Gods may grant mercy to Democrat, and Islamic for alike,...
Trump,..will not.
Nuclear Option and Executive Order became the Democrat weapon of choice, and even the Senate filibuster was removed , to prevent any Republican resistance to their grim agenda.
They seemed unstoppable, but they failed to see the storm that was coming. A storm that would gradually sweep all Democrat power and machinations away, and replace them with a singular force of conservative nature called Trump.
It started slowly, but would quickly build momentum. In 2010, the Republicans took back the House. In 2012,even more Republican Congressional seats and State Legislatures would be gained as well. In 2014, the Republicans now had the Senate , the majority of Governorships, and control of most States as well.
All that remained to complete the coup, was the Presidency. And in November of 2016, that prize was also usurped by a Blitzkrieg of Republican force determined to bring down the walls of corrupt Rome , and replace it with the savage barbarism of truth. A truth personified, in America's Neely crowned Commander in Chief, Donald J. Trump.
The Republic now seemed restored and the Democrat Party decimated, it's forces scattered and strewn across the bloodstained battlefield, it's legions having lost more than 1000 legislative seats all across the nation, on a state and federal level, it's power base seemingly broken forever, by a man , and a Party, armed with one simple truth;
There is no rule, except self rule,
And against this truth, no tyrant , dictator or despot, can long endure.
Their power gone, their voting base and media reduced to hysterical madness and violent anarchy,
One question remains;
How can the Democrat Party possibly survive, as a political power?
Answer; they must stop Trump now, before momentum builds, before his ambitious agenda to Make America Great Again, becomes unstoppable reality.
To this end, comes the Russian strategem. The Democrat mission is clear; they must turn an off the cuff, joking comment by Trump during the campaign about Putin helping to find Hillary's missing emails, and by hook or by crook, turn it into the political reality of a Trump Campaign deliberately joining forces with the Russians , to bring down the Democrats, and insure overwhelming Republican victory, and a Trump Presidency. Saul Alinsky' s "Rules for Radicals", tactics would be employed to this end. The Democrat Machine would take the Trump Cabinet picks , and one by one, isolate them, and accuse them of Russian collusion ,even with the most meagre of evidence. National Security Agency Director Mike Flynn would be the first to fall, when he failed to fully reveal ther nature of conversations he had with the Russian Ambassador during the campaign.
President Trump dismissed him, not because he did anything wrong, but simply because he failed to reveal all details of his Russian related conversations to the Vice President. A foolish mistake on the President's part, for now the Democrats smelled blood in the water, and quickly moved in for the kill.
The Russian Strategem was working, Flynn was gone, through no fault of his own, but the Democrats rightly surmised that the Republicans had blinked, in the face of their Russian conspiracy accusations.
Why were the President's Men, meeting with Russian Agents?
This was the question that would be the basis, for the Democrat plan to bring down this new Republican President, and regain their power in the Midterm Elections.
No real proof would be needed. Simply infer a connection, based on a photograph or phone call ,and then demand a full congressional investigation that will, if nothing else, serve to temporarily derail the ambitious Trump legislative agenda.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions would be the next target, and his failure ,under oath, to remember a brief meeting with the Russian Ambassador , as part of his routine duties as a member of the Foreign Intelligence Committee.
Again, like Flynn, Sessions did nothing wrong, and despite recusing himself from any official investigation into this non-issue, Sessions is otherwise standing strong against this obvious Democrat ploy. President Trump too, is standing strong with Sessions, refusing to take the bait, refusing to fall into the same trap the Democrats have set for virtually every other Republican Administration.
No, this President rejects the very premise of the attack, and in response will now launch a counterattack of his own. This CounterPunch strategem, is the technique that won him the Presidency. Why would he not use it now, even more effectively, with the power of his office, to give his attacks even more weight?
The Trump counterattack began with his first Address to Congress , which, in one respect, was simply a repeat of the same agenda talking points that the President unleashes at every public event. This one, however, would stun the Democrats ,as they , once again, were faced with an enemy that seemed capable of shape shifting at will, to fit any occasion, any event, and counter any attack, quickly and efficiently.
This time Trump turned in a performance that rivaled some of the finest speeches ever given , by any President before Congress. President Trump, in one Address, had equalled, if not surpassed, Reagan, Kennedy, Lincoln, rhetoric, while still hitting each and every conservative talking point ,like a man wielding a war axe.
He was poised, Presidential, and dignified in every way possible for a Commander in Chief to be. Even his worst critics in the Liberal Democrat Media, had to begrudgingly admit that , with one speech, this Man-Boy had finally become, well and truly,...
President of the United States.
His emphasis on strengthening the military and destroying Radical Islam stood out in particular, with the President making his coming agenda for the War on Terror quite clear;
Our military would be rebuilt , our veterans would be unwaiveringly supported, and our Islamic terror enemies would be crushed, once and for all. America and its military would be Made Great Again, and with the widow of a fallen Navy Seal standing to rousing applause, by all Republicans assembled, and, with her tear stained eyes turned heavenward, the President made it clear, to all assembled,..to Republican friend, and Democrat foe alike, ...
His mission ,was a success,
His sacrifice, was not in vain,..
His heroism, is never in question,...
And the love of the American People , for him, his family, and his fellow heroes,....
The standing ovation by House Republicans , for this hero and his widow, set a congressional record ,...which the President quickly pointed out, ..no doubt to simply tweak his already enraged Democrat opponents , whose hatred still blinded them to the surge of Patriotic Truth, that now was the People"s House personified. The Democrats will continue to sit on their hands, stony faced, seated, and silent, no matter how great the Trump accomplishment to come, and will, no doubt,..for the next eight years, still remain mystified by their ignominious defeat, at the hands of a force of nature,..they can barely comprehend.
Still reeling from one of the greatest Congressional Addresses in history, the Democrats reflexibly struck back, with the Russian counter again, accusing Sessions of lying under oath about a routine meeting with the Russian Ambassador. A desperate counterstrike, to be sure, no doubt designed to offset the momentum gained by the President after his Congressional Address. However, it would prove to be, once again, ineffectual , against a man who seems to shape shift, move, and counter strike against all Democrat attacks with the speed, skill, and deft touch, of a sorcerer born.
A Sorcerer Supreme indeed, as the President quickly turned the Russian attack against the Democrats with a " I Am Spartacus" style strategem that quickly released a series of photos depicting Senator Schumer, House Minority Leader Pelosi, and other Democrat House Representatives meeting with one Russian Official after another, virtually destroying any and all credible argument , that Russian collusion was a Republican problem alone. After all,for decades now, it has been the Democrats, not the Republicans, who have appeased Russia, and allowed them to slowly, but surely, gain power in the middle east, as an ally of Syria and Iran as well.
Here's the bottom line; all congressman and senators , at one time or another, meet with their Russian counterparts,as part of their official duties,.....it's as simple as that. There's nothing sinister about it,...it's a bipartisan occurrence..and the Trump counterstrike proved it.
But, like any Master of the Mystic Arts,..this Sorcerer Supreme called Trump, would not be content with a mere counterspell, but would cast a new spell of his own. A master stroke of political manuevering that, may well end the Democrats last bid for power. Blending a sorcerer's touch, with playpen manners, ..the President unleashed a perfectly timed master spell, designed to break the Russian Curse, once and for all.
It was the Trump Tweet that would, once again, ..be the weapon that would release the spell.
The President has accused the Obama Administration of wire-tapping Trump Tower phones, during the Presidential Election Season, and has called for immediate congressional investigation.
A brilliant counterstrike against the Democrat Machine, who ,almost certainly, did wiretap Trump through either FBI or CIA sources. After all, didn't President Obama seek a FISA court warrant to wiretap Trump, twice during the campaign? And , how else would the phone conversation between National Security Advisor Flynn and the Russian Ambassador ,have become public knowledge, except through wiretapping?
No doubt, the allegations against Obama and the Democrats are true, and Trump has wisely waited , for the right moment, to unveil this new weapon. Now, the Democrats must admit to illegal wiretapping of a private citizen, if they continue push the Trump- Russia connection.
Checkmate, Trump.
Perfect timing, perfect counterstrike, perfect offset to the Russian attack, and a perfect way to destroy the Democrasts, once and for all, by essentially turning their own weapon against them, while they are still in mid- attack. Brilliant.
Wiretapping is a felony, and , if the Democrat's Russian attack continues, the President will, no doubt, seek to prosecute.
He is a Sorcerer ,this Trump. He moves, as his opponent moves.
What conjuror's spell could possibly break such a man?
To this end, desperate countermeasures have now been put in motion.
A Gathering of Witches, no less, are now calling on the dark Democrat demons they serve, to conjure the counterspells needed, to stop this hellspawn Trump, once and for all, at the Witching Hour of their choosing.
A formidable task indeed,
For their opponent is a being equally effective in battle ,
Against Democrat, or Republican,
Against Hellspawn,
Or Heavensent,...
And has yet to taste the bitter dregs of defeat,..
Nor will he, ever,...
For this President understands the nature of war,..
And understands in war , there are but two options,...
Kill,..or be Killed.
The Gods may grant mercy to Democrat, and Islamic for alike,...
Trump,..will not.
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