The Democrat Machine's Russian Conspiracy Strategem ,..has succeeded,..beyond the left's wildest dreams.
It has indeed exposed collusion, conspiracy, malfeasance, and treason,..but,..ironically, has brought down the Democrat Party ,..not the President,..and not the Republican Party.
The latest Democrat outrage exposed by the President and Attorney General Jeff Sessions "Drain the Swamp" agenda has been thousands of government emails illegally obtained by Special Investigator Robert Mueller,..and a seemingly endless series of text messages by Deputy FBI Director Peter Strzok ,..revealing a clear malevolent bias against our President,..when he was merely Candidate Trump. The text messages expose the hatred, the contempt,....that the Democrat controlled FBI, CIA, and DOJ, had for Presidential Candidate Donald Trump, and the maniacal determination they all had, to do whatever was necessary to assure the defeat of Trump,....Cruz,....and the Republican Party on the whole, setting up the coronation of Hillary Clinton as the next President, and opening the door for a thousand year reign of power,...for the Democrat Party.
This was the goal,...and FBI Director Peter Strzok's text messages to fellow Clinton-Democrat operative Lisa Page,..prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt. In truth, all that has now been revealed by this endless Comey-Mueller farce of an investigation, has sealed the fate of the Democrat Machine, on the whole. This has been a Clinton-Democrat operative conspiracy indeed, ..of the highest order, and it has gone on in the FBI, CIA, and DOJ,...for decades now. All of these law enforcement agencies, from the top down,...are agents of the Democrat Party, pure and simple. And their chief goal, to use their Federally granted power, keep the Democrat Party , and the Clinton Dynasty in particular, power. There can no longer be any doubt .
This faux investigation has gone on for over a year,...and has produced zero evidence that President Trump, or any other Republican operative, has had any conspiratorial dealings with the Russians, any way. Millions of taxpayer dollars have been wasted by a Party that simply cannot admit, that they have been outmaneuvered, and permanently defeated, by this President and his Party.
Trump has grown ever stronger during this tempest, and forced the Democrats to alter their strategem ,..choosing to abandon the Russian Plan, temporarily,...and seek the elusive Trump Impeachment instead, exposing his perceived sexual misconduct. To this end,...the Democrats have chosen to cannibalize their own, ..exposing en masse the true evil that dwells within the Democrat Party and its Donors,...with an endless stream of Democrat Politicians and Hollywood Elitists,..being unmasked as sexual predators and pedophiles,...and the list of Democrat offenders keeps growing.
True,..Republican Senate Candidate Roy Moore was exposed as well,...during his failing bid to secure Jeff Sessions vacated seat,...but then,...Moore is a former Democrat himself, weak on 2nd Amendment issues,..and an admitted "nay" vote, ....on the President's tax plan. How then, does a Moore win,.... serve the MAGA agenda? It was,....apparently,...a blessing in disguise that Moore lost his bid for the Alabama Senate seat, to Democrat Doug Jones. As the President said in the wake of the loss,..there will be other chances,...and Republicans still hold a slim, one vote advantage in the Senate,..with Vice President Pence standing by with his vote,..if needed.
The lesson in all this, to all Republicans?
Back the President's Agenda,...1000% ,...all the time. Luther Strange was the President's pick in Atlanta. Strange supported the President's Agenda 1000%,.....and Strange was a solid Republican vote , for the overall MAGA strategem as well. Trump predicted Moore would lose in the general election .Again, Trump was proven right, always. The lesson,..couldn't be clearer,...
Back the President and his Democrat Destroying Republican Machine,...or be damned forever, to the darkest pits of political hell,..the very pit,....that Roy Moore now resides in.
So Be It.
The Democrats are finished. Now must come the final , fatal sword thrust, to the hilt,...the killing stroke,...
The Republican Mission is clear,....and must be accomplished,
Special Investigator Robert Mueller must be fired,
FBI Director Andrew McCabe,..architect of the Fusion GPS Trump Dossier,...must be fired,
FBI Deputy Director Peter Strzok ,....must be fired,
FBI Operative Lisa Page,....must be fired,
All FBI, CIA,..and DOJ Agents connected to this tax dollar wasting fraud,...must, by Presidential order, turn in their badges, and face prosecution for treason,....and professional scorn and disgrace.
The Russian Conspiracy deception must be ended ,,..
Reduced to nothingness, a phantom...
As though out never really existed at all,..
For, in truth, never did.
It was always Spectral in nature,...conjured up by Democrats desperate to find some way to destroy this Hellspawn called Trump.
So too, for the pretended Fusion GPS sex scandal,...which will once again,. Only destroy the true predators, . the true pedophiles,......
The Democrat Party,....
Trump could do battle with the gods themselves,..and still remain undestroyed,.....
For Trump is Truth,..personified.
And, he will never relent, never waiver in his noble quest to make the MAGA mission,..and the MAGA accomplishment,...
One and the same,....
The Tax Plan is now a fait accompli, Trump predicted,...
It has been passed before Christmas, much Republican celebration,...and the Obamacare Mandate,..has been reduced to nothingness as well,...
The forces of ISIS,...have been driven out of Iraq,...and are all but completely destroyed.
The Border is secured,....even without the coming wall,...
The economy booming,.. Unemployment at an all time low,...the Stock Market, an all time high,...
Domestic Energy production booming,..and the Anwar pipeline deal,......finally approved.
Our Veterans and Allies honored,...and now supported unwaiveringly, ..
The North Korean threat ended, by ever increasing global sanctions,..and the savage willpower of Trump, and his Military Legions.
The U.N. put on notice by U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley,...that all those who oppose the United States recognition of Jerusalem, as the undisputed capital of Israel,...will now find themselves in a political wilderness,..cut off from all U.S. subsidies,...permanently.
The Shining City now,..all but restored to its former greatness ,..while, in less than a year,...the the Democrat Party has been vaporized, .....
Reduced to corrupt nothingness,...
With only the Uranium One, Benghazi,..and Fusion GPS scandals, left behind , to prove they were ever really there,...
It was the Greek Philosopher Plato, who wrote of another Shining City,...a marvel of science, art, industry, technology,..and innovation,...a marvel, that stood in its time , the last, best hope for humanity , as well, ..
Plato said that it stood just beyond the Pillars of Hercules, the Aegean Sea,...before the wrath of the gods reduced it to nothing more,..than an all but forgotten,...ancient legend .
It was called Atlantis, earth-bound Olympus that seemed destined to stand forever,...before being swallowed in an instant, Poseidon's raging seas, be seen,..nevermore .
But,, .now, this Trumpian Age of Miracles, has risen again, in a new form, from the depths of Democrat corruption.
Plato's Shining City,...Beyond the Pillars of Hercules, ...resurrected and reborn, ...
By Trumpian and Republican will,....
This new Atlantis rising,...
This ancient legend, eternal reality,....
This Fabled City,...
May it always stand as shining monument, to what is possible,...
When Man and God,...
Become One,....
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Sunday, December 10, 2017
"Now Begins,..The Nightmare!!!"
Christ was once asked by his followers, "What is Faith?" His reply? "If you have faith, no greater than a grain of mustard seed, and you say to the mountain move,...the mountain will move! " "Nothing is impossible!"
Nothing indeed. Either two thousand years ago, by the Sea of Galilee,...or now, in this Trumpian Age of Miracles. The mountain of Democrat obstruction is, by all the gods, slowly but surely being moved aside, by the sheer dynamic force of Trump and his Republican Legions.
The President's tax cut and reform plan, that once seemed a bridge too far, ...doomed to be eternally blocked by a handful of Republican Senate double agents, has now been passed in the Senate, with all the usual Trump obstructionists now falling in line, and voting "Yea" on the bill , at 2:30 last Saturday morning. It seemed a miracle indeed, during a time of year when miracles are often commonplace. Collins, Flake, Murkowsky, McCain, Paul, ......all of them, save Bob Corker, now moved the greatest tax cut since the days of Reagan,..another step closer to becoming reality.
The President is demanding the deal be sealed well before Christmas ,..and it looks, at this point,..that his demand is a fait accompli, indeed,..with Repeal and Replace, not far behind. The question is, How was this suddenly accomplished, after months of Republican Senate gridlock, and a Democrat Party grimly united in stopping all Republican legislation, at all costs?
The solution?
First, there came the President himself, wielding one of his most effective weapons,..the mass rally,...this time in Missouri. Once again, the President used his unbreakable bond with "We the People",.. and called out those specific Senators that still refused to support his agenda. Trumpian pressure, one thousand pounds per square inch,...was now, in this zero hour,...increased to two thousand ,..even three thousand,...If Trump's plan was to fail,..then, by all the gods,....Trump will make sure he will take these faux Republican Senators down with it.
Now backed against the wall,..and forced into political survival mode, was inevitable that most, if not all,...would yield to the Will of Trump ,..the Will of We the People. This is not a new strategem, by any means,..for Reaganus Maximus used it as well, when his tax cut plan was blocked by then Democrat House Speaker Tip O'Neill. Reagan wasted no time in taking his tax cut message to the American people,...during a prime time Presidential Address . The strategem worked then,...just as it worked now. It will always work, as long as the people themselves hold the true reins of power, and force those in Washington, to submit to their will. All they ever need, is a singular force to remind them of their leadership responsibilities ,...the responsibilities that must be met, all citizens,...if our Free Republic is to survive.
Reagan was that force,..and now, is Trump.
And, in both cases,..the rise of these men came at critical times indeed, for our nation. And so, the tax plan will now go to Congress again, for final shaping ,..even to the point of removing the Obamacare Mandate in the same bill as well. And then, it will go to the President's desk , for his signature,...the final proof,...that the Trump Will is supreme indeed.
And, in this scenario, there were other factors at play as well,...factors that helped turn Republican traitors into heroes, virtually overnight. To be sure, Trump's Olympian pressure would have emerged victorious , sooner or later, beyond a shadow of a doubt. But, it became sooner, because of these other factors that were added to the equation,..factors that are always key to a successful war campaign,...
A worthy, noble cause to fight for,...
An evil, to be defeated,...
And, a fallen comrade, be avenged,...
These are the factors that truly turned a divided Republican House and Senate ,..into a united Republican War Machine,..
Factors that were found in San Francisco, as the Democrat controlled Sanctuary City, returned the outrageous verdict of "Not Guilty", the case of Kate Steinle, ..murdered by an illegal criminal and repeat felon, Carlos Zarate,...deported 5 times, previously, only to return each time,...until that fateful day,...when a bullet from his gun,...ended the life of a young girl ,with her whole life ahead of her. Dreams yet to be fulfilled. Dreams that would never be,...simply because the Democrat Party values the votes of illegal invaders, ..more than the lives of American citizens. In fact, the Democrats have always had nothing but contempt for people like Kate Steinle, and her family,..people who understand that the money you earn, the money you keep,...people who support a strong military and secured borders,...people who support our 2nd Amendment Rights, and our Allies in Freedom,...people who defend Judeo-Christian values and the Constitution, ..people who understand that the power to rule,.. rests in the hands of We the People,...and nowhere else.
To the San Francisco Democrats, Kate's death also serves another sinister purpose as well,..the same purpose that the deaths of all those who were left unarmed , and trapped in Democrat "gun free zones", serves,...
To promote the Democrat Party's gun ban agenda. To the Democrat mentality,...the deaths of unarmed Americans, a necessary sacrifice,..if their ultimate gun ban vision for America, to be realized.
Yes indeed.
Kate will never get married,..have children,....or even spend another Christmas with her family, ..but the Democrats will continue to smirk and sneer, in their Sanctuary City Asylum,...while continuing to blame the gun,...not the illegal felon,..for her death.
The potential Democrat vote of every illegal, far more important ,..than the life of any American.
This is what the Democrat Party, as a whole,...truly believes.
And, this is why,...they must be destroyed,
The Republican outrage over the Steinle verdict was unanimous,..and in their united rage, forgot petty differences,..and had but one mission, goal,....
One Objective,....
Destroy this pestilence ,..
This virulent disease,...
Known as the Democrat Party.
The passage of the Tax Cut and Reform plan was the first strike ,to bring them down.
The second? The enraged President and Attorney General Jeff Sessions filed Federal charges on the animal that killed Kate,...which will put him in a dark prison hole,. for many years to come,..despite his San Francisco acquittal.
The third Republican thrust?
All Federal funds and subsidies ,..will now be nonexistent, the Democrat Sanctuary Asylums,..including San Francisco. The smug, sneering,..grey bearded liberal scum, that now run that city,...will soon learn the truth that all Democrat and terror forces around the globe are now learning,...
They cannot survive,...any of them,....without the Free Republic, Capitalist subsidies,
Of the Judeo-Christian America that they hate.
And the fourth thrust,..and killing stroke?
President Trump will now honor the promise of three past Presidents, ...and recognize Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel,..and by so doing,...move the U.S. Embassy to the Holy City as well.
The outrage from Palestinian terror forces, and Democrats as well,...over this bold political chess move by this President, is to be expected.
Evil rarely accepts total, ignominious defeat,...with dignity.
So Be It.
The President's endless, enraged tweets, in the wake of the Steinle verdict,...just before the break of dawn,...spoke most eloquently of the grim fate that awaits San Francisco , and all cities and states that still dare defy this President and the will of We the People.
The Presidents Tax plan, and Repeal and Replace,...will become reality,..and the subsidies of states,..overseas and domestic,...that still smugly defy this force of nature called Trump ,..will now be Sanctuaries of poverty, disease,..and despair, ..cut off from all Federal relief,..permanently,...
So Be It,..for now begins the nightmare , for the infidel defilers of this Free Republic, that call themselves,..Democrat.
And their rage will continue to mount, the wake of each and every Trumpian strategem, ..and for good reason,..
As Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell stated, in the aftermath of the Senate passing of Tax Reform,....
"The Democrats are angry,..because they are losing,....
So Be It.
And the Democrats will learn the true meaning of fear too,..when the money they need to survive, no longer there,...
The Kate Steinle verdict, hath truly summoned a storm,..
Worthy of Poseidon himself,...
Now the Democrats will learn, why they are afraid of the dark,...
Now they will learn,...why they fear the night,...
Now they will learn why ultimate destruction and eternal political oblivion, are the inevitable destiny,...
Of any , and all, who dare awaken the Olympian Wrath,....of this man-god called Trump,.....
Nothing indeed. Either two thousand years ago, by the Sea of Galilee,...or now, in this Trumpian Age of Miracles. The mountain of Democrat obstruction is, by all the gods, slowly but surely being moved aside, by the sheer dynamic force of Trump and his Republican Legions.
The President's tax cut and reform plan, that once seemed a bridge too far, ...doomed to be eternally blocked by a handful of Republican Senate double agents, has now been passed in the Senate, with all the usual Trump obstructionists now falling in line, and voting "Yea" on the bill , at 2:30 last Saturday morning. It seemed a miracle indeed, during a time of year when miracles are often commonplace. Collins, Flake, Murkowsky, McCain, Paul, ......all of them, save Bob Corker, now moved the greatest tax cut since the days of Reagan,..another step closer to becoming reality.
The President is demanding the deal be sealed well before Christmas ,..and it looks, at this point,..that his demand is a fait accompli, indeed,..with Repeal and Replace, not far behind. The question is, How was this suddenly accomplished, after months of Republican Senate gridlock, and a Democrat Party grimly united in stopping all Republican legislation, at all costs?
The solution?
First, there came the President himself, wielding one of his most effective weapons,..the mass rally,...this time in Missouri. Once again, the President used his unbreakable bond with "We the People",.. and called out those specific Senators that still refused to support his agenda. Trumpian pressure, one thousand pounds per square inch,...was now, in this zero hour,...increased to two thousand ,..even three thousand,...If Trump's plan was to fail,..then, by all the gods,....Trump will make sure he will take these faux Republican Senators down with it.
Now backed against the wall,..and forced into political survival mode, was inevitable that most, if not all,...would yield to the Will of Trump ,..the Will of We the People. This is not a new strategem, by any means,..for Reaganus Maximus used it as well, when his tax cut plan was blocked by then Democrat House Speaker Tip O'Neill. Reagan wasted no time in taking his tax cut message to the American people,...during a prime time Presidential Address . The strategem worked then,...just as it worked now. It will always work, as long as the people themselves hold the true reins of power, and force those in Washington, to submit to their will. All they ever need, is a singular force to remind them of their leadership responsibilities ,...the responsibilities that must be met, all citizens,...if our Free Republic is to survive.
Reagan was that force,..and now, is Trump.
And, in both cases,..the rise of these men came at critical times indeed, for our nation. And so, the tax plan will now go to Congress again, for final shaping ,..even to the point of removing the Obamacare Mandate in the same bill as well. And then, it will go to the President's desk , for his signature,...the final proof,...that the Trump Will is supreme indeed.
And, in this scenario, there were other factors at play as well,...factors that helped turn Republican traitors into heroes, virtually overnight. To be sure, Trump's Olympian pressure would have emerged victorious , sooner or later, beyond a shadow of a doubt. But, it became sooner, because of these other factors that were added to the equation,..factors that are always key to a successful war campaign,...
A worthy, noble cause to fight for,...
An evil, to be defeated,...
And, a fallen comrade, be avenged,...
These are the factors that truly turned a divided Republican House and Senate ,..into a united Republican War Machine,..
Factors that were found in San Francisco, as the Democrat controlled Sanctuary City, returned the outrageous verdict of "Not Guilty", the case of Kate Steinle, ..murdered by an illegal criminal and repeat felon, Carlos Zarate,...deported 5 times, previously, only to return each time,...until that fateful day,...when a bullet from his gun,...ended the life of a young girl ,with her whole life ahead of her. Dreams yet to be fulfilled. Dreams that would never be,...simply because the Democrat Party values the votes of illegal invaders, ..more than the lives of American citizens. In fact, the Democrats have always had nothing but contempt for people like Kate Steinle, and her family,..people who understand that the money you earn, the money you keep,...people who support a strong military and secured borders,...people who support our 2nd Amendment Rights, and our Allies in Freedom,...people who defend Judeo-Christian values and the Constitution, ..people who understand that the power to rule,.. rests in the hands of We the People,...and nowhere else.
To the San Francisco Democrats, Kate's death also serves another sinister purpose as well,..the same purpose that the deaths of all those who were left unarmed , and trapped in Democrat "gun free zones", serves,...
To promote the Democrat Party's gun ban agenda. To the Democrat mentality,...the deaths of unarmed Americans, a necessary sacrifice,..if their ultimate gun ban vision for America, to be realized.
Yes indeed.
Kate will never get married,..have children,....or even spend another Christmas with her family, ..but the Democrats will continue to smirk and sneer, in their Sanctuary City Asylum,...while continuing to blame the gun,...not the illegal felon,..for her death.
The potential Democrat vote of every illegal, far more important ,..than the life of any American.
This is what the Democrat Party, as a whole,...truly believes.
And, this is why,...they must be destroyed,
The Republican outrage over the Steinle verdict was unanimous,..and in their united rage, forgot petty differences,..and had but one mission, goal,....
One Objective,....
Destroy this pestilence ,..
This virulent disease,...
Known as the Democrat Party.
The passage of the Tax Cut and Reform plan was the first strike ,to bring them down.
The second? The enraged President and Attorney General Jeff Sessions filed Federal charges on the animal that killed Kate,...which will put him in a dark prison hole,. for many years to come,..despite his San Francisco acquittal.
The third Republican thrust?
All Federal funds and subsidies ,..will now be nonexistent, the Democrat Sanctuary Asylums,..including San Francisco. The smug, sneering,..grey bearded liberal scum, that now run that city,...will soon learn the truth that all Democrat and terror forces around the globe are now learning,...
They cannot survive,...any of them,....without the Free Republic, Capitalist subsidies,
Of the Judeo-Christian America that they hate.
And the fourth thrust,..and killing stroke?
President Trump will now honor the promise of three past Presidents, ...and recognize Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel,..and by so doing,...move the U.S. Embassy to the Holy City as well.
The outrage from Palestinian terror forces, and Democrats as well,...over this bold political chess move by this President, is to be expected.
Evil rarely accepts total, ignominious defeat,...with dignity.
So Be It.
The President's endless, enraged tweets, in the wake of the Steinle verdict,...just before the break of dawn,...spoke most eloquently of the grim fate that awaits San Francisco , and all cities and states that still dare defy this President and the will of We the People.
The Presidents Tax plan, and Repeal and Replace,...will become reality,..and the subsidies of states,..overseas and domestic,...that still smugly defy this force of nature called Trump ,..will now be Sanctuaries of poverty, disease,..and despair, ..cut off from all Federal relief,..permanently,...
So Be It,..for now begins the nightmare , for the infidel defilers of this Free Republic, that call themselves,..Democrat.
And their rage will continue to mount, the wake of each and every Trumpian strategem, ..and for good reason,..
As Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell stated, in the aftermath of the Senate passing of Tax Reform,....
"The Democrats are angry,..because they are losing,....
So Be It.
And the Democrats will learn the true meaning of fear too,..when the money they need to survive, no longer there,...
The Kate Steinle verdict, hath truly summoned a storm,..
Worthy of Poseidon himself,...
Now the Democrats will learn, why they are afraid of the dark,...
Now they will learn,...why they fear the night,...
Now they will learn why ultimate destruction and eternal political oblivion, are the inevitable destiny,...
Of any , and all, who dare awaken the Olympian Wrath,....of this man-god called Trump,.....
Sunday, November 26, 2017
"Amongst The Children,..Dwells A Demon!!"
Is Judge Roy Moore, Alabama's Republican nominee for the Senate, guilty of the charges leveled against him? Perhaps. In some respects, he certainly fits the profile . He is a former Democrat, weak on Second Amendment issues, and has stated publicly, that if confirmed, he would oppose both Repeal and Replace , and the Tax Reform bill as well. These revelations, cast an ominous cloud over him as a holder of a critically needed Republican Senate seat, to be certain, while raising moral questions about his basic character as well. Time will tell. Time,..will ultimately reveal the truth. The women from his past will either be proven credible ,..or proven to be merely Democrat Operatives, acting to sabotage the Republican Party's current hold on power .
But, whether guilty or innocent, there is one absolute, that must be maintained. The Alabama Senate seat that Roy Moore seeks, once held by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, must at all costs,..remain in Republican hands. This is crucial. The 2018 Midterms loom ever nearer, and it is vital, not only that Republicans hold existing seats, but gain more seats as well. A Super Majority in the House and Senate, must always be the goal, if the President's noble agenda, is to be realized.
It would seem, on the surface, a monumental task, for the Republicans indeed,,
Yet, appearances can be deceiving . For, despite continued obstruction in the Republican Senate by the usual Republican Double Agents,..McCain, Murkowsky, Collins, Flake, Paul,..and the pedophile charges leveled against Roy Moore, .....
The Republicans, are still winning easily,....
As Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said,..."This is a game, of numbers,.." Pure and simple. The Party that can win elections consistently, on a State and Federal level, ..controls the fate of our free republic. Our nation was founded on Republican principles ,pure and simple. Therefore, if America is to remain the Shining City on a Hill that Reagan envisioned, and the last, best hope, for humanity, then the Republican Party must continue to win everything , at all levels of government, consistently, easily,..and permanently.
The Democrat Party, since its inception, has been nothing more than the Party of conspirators, and traitors. They are the Party that sided with the British. They are the Party that created the Ku Klux Klan, and fought to keep slavery. They are the Party of National Socialism,..otherwise known, as " Nazism." They are the Party of ever increasing taxes, a weak military, and gun bans . They are the true racist, sexist, bigoted, Nazi homophobes, ..and now, have been exposed even further, with Clinton Uranium One and Fusion GPS scandals, now fully coming to light, not to mention a massive wave of sexual misconduct, from harassment ,to rape , .leveled against Democrat donors, Hollywood Elites,..and yes, even Democrat politicians as well,...Senator Al Franken being the most recent.
Make no mistake,...
This is the true face,..the true nature,...of these people,..revealed now, by the Trumpian Legions who, unlike Republicans of the past,...know how to fight back hard, against Democrat attacks, And,..more importantly,...
They know how to win.
Forget self serving, self absorbed, conservatives like Steve Bannon, or Mark Levin, who pontificate nicely on the constitution and conservative values,..but lack the will, to win.
Instead, they spend most of their time attacking Republicans, not Democrats. Democrats are the true enemy of America. Yet, Bannon and Levin would seek to dismantle the Republican Majorities in both Houses, right before the critical 2018 midterms.
That, is the mark of a loser,..afraid to face the real enemy, and therefore chooses the easy way out, by targeting and blaming their own team,..their own Party,..
The Party of Lincoln, the Party of Reagan,...the Party that made America,..all that she is.
This is the Zero Hour, and this nation has no time to waste on those faux conservatives who lack the will to win,..who lack the will, crush the Democrats, by any means necessary,..
Until they are, no more.
If it is necessary for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to reclaim his old Senate seat, in order to save it from the failing Roy Moore,. then it must be done, to protect the Republican Majority , pure and simple. Whatever it takes. And, for those Trump voters who would seek to "punish" Republicans in the 2018 Midterms , by staying home, or voting Democrat,...
Contemplate this, ...
If Democrats regain their control of the House and Senate,..their first rule of order will be,...
The immediate Impeachment of Donald Trump. And, even if he is spared full removal from office, by Senate vote, it would matter little. Trump's Presidency would be reduced to ineffective, "Lame Duck" status, with the Democrats blocking every single aspect of his agenda ,..the agenda, of "We the People."
Make no mistake,..the Republicans in both Houses are flawed, and sometimes weak , as all men are. Heroes like Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Kennedy, Reagan,...cone along as often as Haley's Comet emblazons the sky.
Their uniqueness among mere mortals, is what makes them special,..what makes them leaders, what makes them,. Heroes,. .
So Be It.
Now, we have Trump, a conservative force of nature unto himself,...who, armed with only his phone, pen, and willpower,..has accomplished more in his first 100 plus days, than most Presidents accomplish in eight years.
He is Hero enough, ...for this Trumpian Age of Miracles,...
And, all this Hero needs to complete his Olympian Labors,. a Legion , unstoppable , unbeatable army of Republican Congressman and Senators, who keep winning elections, keep gaining seats, creating an unbreakable Super Majority that will make the nay votes of Republican Double Agents , whether in House or Senate,...irrelevant.
Trump's Legions are strong.
They must, however, become stronger, and there can only be overwhelming strength, in overwhelming numbers.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is hated,....yet,....he alone,...stood against Obama in his last year , preventing him from appointing the Liberal Democrat Supreme Court Judges, that would have sealed this nation's fate, for decades to come.
House Leader Paul Ryan may be hated, but he has voted consistently for Repeal and Replace, and has pushed the President's Tax Reform agenda relentlessly , lo' these many months , and Ryan has managed to pass all of these bills through the House, ..leaving only a handful of fake Republican Senators, as the true obstructionists.
The Republicans are not the Enemy.
The Democrats are.
Those who fail, at this critical time in history, to recognize this fact,..are no better than the Democrats themselves,. and must be destroyed along with them.
Total Victory is within the Republican Party's grasp, ..
They need only open their eyes,..and find the courage, to reach out, and take it.
There is no honor among thieves, or deposed , powerless Democrats either. And, to this end, they have begun to cannibalize their own, turning on the sexual predators among their ranks, even to the point now, where Democrat Congresswoman Kirsten Gillibrand,...admits that Bill Clinton should have been not only impeached,...but removed from office as well, and Democrat Chairwoman Donna Brazille, has written a tell all book, on the corruption behind the Clinton-Democrat Machine.
Total Republican Victory is here ,..
If but Republicans had eyes to see it, ....
But then, they need no eyes,....
Only numbers,..endless Republican legions, voting for the Trump Agenda, consistently.
This must become reality, for the Trump Agenda is the only agenda that saves the future for those are destined to inherit it,...
Those who Trump truly fights for, ....
The Children, ....
On his recent trip to China, to hammer out new trade deals and gain new sanction allies against North Korea ,...the President was greeted at the airport by throngs of children,.who were carrying flowers, present to the American Commander in Chief.
Remarkably, Trump has attained Pop-Idol status among the Chinese people , with even the Chinese President and First Lady,..seeming quite enamored of him.
But, its the children of China, who seem the most smitten with the President,...calling him a "Natural Man",.. Rousseau's " Innocent Savage",....A pure hearted barbarian-demon, ...whose down to earth personality speaks only truth,..while, at the same time,...never losing his boyish , Huck Finn sense of humor.
Christ once told his disciples that only those who could retain their child-like innocence,...could pass through the Gates of his Father's Kingdom,..and any who would dare harm a child,...would be better off never conceived,...or, failing that fate,... deserve to be flung into the sea, with a millstone about their necks.
The President's daughter, Ivanka, agrees with this sentiment,..for when asked about the Roy Moore accusations , stated,..."There is a special place in Hell,...for any who would harm a child."
So Be It.
But, thing is certain. Those Democrats now being exposed for their crimes against children, and Democrat turned Republican Roy Moore , if proven guilty,..
All, would indeed be better off in a state of non existence,..flung into the icy depths, or condemned to eternal toil, in the darkest Pits of Hell,...
Than to Face the Wrath of Trump,....
But, whether guilty or innocent, there is one absolute, that must be maintained. The Alabama Senate seat that Roy Moore seeks, once held by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, must at all costs,..remain in Republican hands. This is crucial. The 2018 Midterms loom ever nearer, and it is vital, not only that Republicans hold existing seats, but gain more seats as well. A Super Majority in the House and Senate, must always be the goal, if the President's noble agenda, is to be realized.
It would seem, on the surface, a monumental task, for the Republicans indeed,,
Yet, appearances can be deceiving . For, despite continued obstruction in the Republican Senate by the usual Republican Double Agents,..McCain, Murkowsky, Collins, Flake, Paul,..and the pedophile charges leveled against Roy Moore, .....
The Republicans, are still winning easily,....
As Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said,..."This is a game, of numbers,.." Pure and simple. The Party that can win elections consistently, on a State and Federal level, ..controls the fate of our free republic. Our nation was founded on Republican principles ,pure and simple. Therefore, if America is to remain the Shining City on a Hill that Reagan envisioned, and the last, best hope, for humanity, then the Republican Party must continue to win everything , at all levels of government, consistently, easily,..and permanently.
The Democrat Party, since its inception, has been nothing more than the Party of conspirators, and traitors. They are the Party that sided with the British. They are the Party that created the Ku Klux Klan, and fought to keep slavery. They are the Party of National Socialism,..otherwise known, as " Nazism." They are the Party of ever increasing taxes, a weak military, and gun bans . They are the true racist, sexist, bigoted, Nazi homophobes, ..and now, have been exposed even further, with Clinton Uranium One and Fusion GPS scandals, now fully coming to light, not to mention a massive wave of sexual misconduct, from harassment ,to rape , .leveled against Democrat donors, Hollywood Elites,..and yes, even Democrat politicians as well,...Senator Al Franken being the most recent.
Make no mistake,...
This is the true face,..the true nature,...of these people,..revealed now, by the Trumpian Legions who, unlike Republicans of the past,...know how to fight back hard, against Democrat attacks, And,..more importantly,...
They know how to win.
Forget self serving, self absorbed, conservatives like Steve Bannon, or Mark Levin, who pontificate nicely on the constitution and conservative values,..but lack the will, to win.
Instead, they spend most of their time attacking Republicans, not Democrats. Democrats are the true enemy of America. Yet, Bannon and Levin would seek to dismantle the Republican Majorities in both Houses, right before the critical 2018 midterms.
That, is the mark of a loser,..afraid to face the real enemy, and therefore chooses the easy way out, by targeting and blaming their own team,..their own Party,..
The Party of Lincoln, the Party of Reagan,...the Party that made America,..all that she is.
This is the Zero Hour, and this nation has no time to waste on those faux conservatives who lack the will to win,..who lack the will, crush the Democrats, by any means necessary,..
Until they are, no more.
If it is necessary for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to reclaim his old Senate seat, in order to save it from the failing Roy Moore,. then it must be done, to protect the Republican Majority , pure and simple. Whatever it takes. And, for those Trump voters who would seek to "punish" Republicans in the 2018 Midterms , by staying home, or voting Democrat,...
Contemplate this, ...
If Democrats regain their control of the House and Senate,..their first rule of order will be,...
The immediate Impeachment of Donald Trump. And, even if he is spared full removal from office, by Senate vote, it would matter little. Trump's Presidency would be reduced to ineffective, "Lame Duck" status, with the Democrats blocking every single aspect of his agenda ,..the agenda, of "We the People."
Make no mistake,..the Republicans in both Houses are flawed, and sometimes weak , as all men are. Heroes like Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Kennedy, Reagan,...cone along as often as Haley's Comet emblazons the sky.
Their uniqueness among mere mortals, is what makes them special,..what makes them leaders, what makes them,. Heroes,. .
So Be It.
Now, we have Trump, a conservative force of nature unto himself,...who, armed with only his phone, pen, and willpower,..has accomplished more in his first 100 plus days, than most Presidents accomplish in eight years.
He is Hero enough, ...for this Trumpian Age of Miracles,...
And, all this Hero needs to complete his Olympian Labors,. a Legion , unstoppable , unbeatable army of Republican Congressman and Senators, who keep winning elections, keep gaining seats, creating an unbreakable Super Majority that will make the nay votes of Republican Double Agents , whether in House or Senate,...irrelevant.
Trump's Legions are strong.
They must, however, become stronger, and there can only be overwhelming strength, in overwhelming numbers.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is hated,....yet,....he alone,...stood against Obama in his last year , preventing him from appointing the Liberal Democrat Supreme Court Judges, that would have sealed this nation's fate, for decades to come.
House Leader Paul Ryan may be hated, but he has voted consistently for Repeal and Replace, and has pushed the President's Tax Reform agenda relentlessly , lo' these many months , and Ryan has managed to pass all of these bills through the House, ..leaving only a handful of fake Republican Senators, as the true obstructionists.
The Republicans are not the Enemy.
The Democrats are.
Those who fail, at this critical time in history, to recognize this fact,..are no better than the Democrats themselves,. and must be destroyed along with them.
Total Victory is within the Republican Party's grasp, ..
They need only open their eyes,..and find the courage, to reach out, and take it.
There is no honor among thieves, or deposed , powerless Democrats either. And, to this end, they have begun to cannibalize their own, turning on the sexual predators among their ranks, even to the point now, where Democrat Congresswoman Kirsten Gillibrand,...admits that Bill Clinton should have been not only impeached,...but removed from office as well, and Democrat Chairwoman Donna Brazille, has written a tell all book, on the corruption behind the Clinton-Democrat Machine.
Total Republican Victory is here ,..
If but Republicans had eyes to see it, ....
But then, they need no eyes,....
Only numbers,..endless Republican legions, voting for the Trump Agenda, consistently.
This must become reality, for the Trump Agenda is the only agenda that saves the future for those are destined to inherit it,...
Those who Trump truly fights for, ....
The Children, ....
On his recent trip to China, to hammer out new trade deals and gain new sanction allies against North Korea ,...the President was greeted at the airport by throngs of children,.who were carrying flowers, present to the American Commander in Chief.
Remarkably, Trump has attained Pop-Idol status among the Chinese people , with even the Chinese President and First Lady,..seeming quite enamored of him.
But, its the children of China, who seem the most smitten with the President,...calling him a "Natural Man",.. Rousseau's " Innocent Savage",....A pure hearted barbarian-demon, ...whose down to earth personality speaks only truth,..while, at the same time,...never losing his boyish , Huck Finn sense of humor.
Christ once told his disciples that only those who could retain their child-like innocence,...could pass through the Gates of his Father's Kingdom,..and any who would dare harm a child,...would be better off never conceived,...or, failing that fate,... deserve to be flung into the sea, with a millstone about their necks.
The President's daughter, Ivanka, agrees with this sentiment,..for when asked about the Roy Moore accusations , stated,..."There is a special place in Hell,...for any who would harm a child."
So Be It.
But, thing is certain. Those Democrats now being exposed for their crimes against children, and Democrat turned Republican Roy Moore , if proven guilty,..
All, would indeed be better off in a state of non existence,..flung into the icy depths, or condemned to eternal toil, in the darkest Pits of Hell,...
Than to Face the Wrath of Trump,....
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
"Rise Of The Witch-Slayer!!"
Is Trump man, or devil?
Other Republicans would be in lifeless pieces by now, decimated by the relentless onslaught of the Democrat Machine, and it's sinister strategems, yet, ..Trump endures.
Endures, ..and has even grown stronger, wading into the heart of the maelstrom, armed with only two weapons; .......a savage, unrelenting twitter attack against all enemies, and the constant rallies,...from which Trump draws strength, and fighting spirit as well,...
His will, and the will of We the People,...have merged, and become the right and left hand, of the same indestructible body, the same unstoppable force,...the same conservative truth.
So Be It.
And now, faced with this grim truth, the Democrat Party is no more, it's true nature , it's true agenda,...finally fully exposed, in the light of this new conservative dawn, breaking over this Shining City on a Hill, this Free Republic,....
This America,...
And, as the dawn comes, so too, must come a sobering reality ,..
As Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell stated,..
"This is a game,..of numbers".
A game,...the Democrats can no longer win,..
Even special elections in South Carolina and Georgia were out of Democrat reach, despite spending millions on each campaign, and faced with mere nondescript, moderate Republican opponents, ..and all future elections will remain out of Democrat reach as well,..
For the Trumpian Age of Miracles , has exposed the truth;.....
Only Democrats raise taxes and regulations, endlessly,..
Only Democrats weaken our military and appease our enemies,...
Only Democrats attack our constitution, and the Judeo-Christian values it's based on,....
Only Democrats oppose our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms,...the one right,..that makes all others,..possible,.for freeborn men.
No sane man, would ever support this agenda.
And so, the Democrats ,..are undone,...
Their permanent defeat, a fait accompli, ...
The Trump Agenda, has brought final requiem, a Party that has always had, but one inglorious purpose,...
One malevolent goal,...
To Destroy America ,.... as founded.
And, they now know, in the wake of losing over 1000 legislative seats to Republicans, across the land,..
The House, Senate, and Presidency, .in Republican hands as well,...
The Democrats know,..they cannot win,..
Ever Again,...
Sure, they won Governorships in Virginia, New Jersey,.....and picked up local seats in Philadelphia as well,...but these are Democrat strongholds, New York and California, ....and must remain so. Their monuments must continue to be pulled down...taxes must be ever increasing,...unemployment must rise,..ever higher.. the Philly Soda Tax must remain,...their Sanctuary City status,.must remain as well,...
Just as Dachau and Treblinka ,..must remain,...
As monuments,... To ignorance , apathy,...and socialist evil .Aye, these states and cities, must remain,...Democrat , a reminder of what evil can accomplish,..when small men try to make themselves seem taller, standing on the backs ,..of other men,...
Aye, ..let these blue States and cities be the Democrat Party's Last Sanctuary , their Last Beachhead, fight upon,..a beachhead,..soon to be stripped of all Federal Subsidies, Attorney General Sessions,...and left , in poverty, ignorance, disease, .and despair,...lost , and isolated, for all eternity, the socialist wilderness,...
So Be It.
Aye, desperate times call for desperate measures,...and to this end,..many months ago,...came a real-life coven of witches, that sought , their bubbling cauldron of Trump Hate,...the right combination of evil spells, and conjured demons,...that would do what simp!e , devious Democrat strategem , could not .
And, at the heart of their conjurings, came the Russian Conspiracy strategem, ..a relentless , lingering spell, that uses the existing reality of decades long Russian espionage, taint the Trumpian Triumph,...make the Republican Presidential Victory illegitimate, finding some small Trump-Russian connection,..through campaign associates,...magnify it,...and force the President's impeachment and prosecution
A lofty ambition, to be sure, and one fraught with peril,...for the Democrats Party as well,..
For conspiracy is always a double edged sword.
Yet, despite the risk to their own corrupt Party,...the Democrats remained , since inauguration day,...laser focused on the Russian Strategem,...while the Witches Cauldron of Democrat Hate,...continued to bubble and froth, the witches poised, strike,..from the depths of hell, . at the first sign of Trumpian weakness
And so, it went on, this witches hunt, for the head of Trump ,..Lo, ,these many months .
And the result?
No evidence of Russian Conspiracy ever found, with Special Prosecutor, and Comey lackey, James Brennan, able to indict only former Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort on Ukrainian business dealings that took place long before the Trump Campaign ever existed.
All these months, millions of tax dollars spent , on a fantasy witch hunt, designed to bring down a President elected fair and square, by the will of We the People.
The Witches failed in their task,...seemingly,...
And, unfortunately for the Democrats,...for every spell cast,...there is always an equal ,..and opposite,...counter spell, as well,...
A counter spell,...that hard apparently been proven,...quite effective.
For, Russian Conspiracy had been proven, as evidence has surfaced, showing the Clinton Foundation's direct connection to Russia, through illegal Uranium sales.
Clinton and the Democrats have also been exposed, as the true root of election malfeasance,..having paid a shadowy British-Russian legal firm called Fusion GPS,...millions, ...for a fictional Trump Scandal Dossier,...and also paying the DNC bribe money,..for the right to call Hillary Clinton ,..the Democrat Presidential Nominee. Bernie Sanders never had a chance, ..because there was no Democrat Primary,..
It was rigged from the beginning, by Hillary Clinton,..and the Democrat Machine.
Rape and Sexual Harassment scandals amongst Hollywood Democrat donors, have been now fully exposed as well,...revealing the ugliness,..the evil,...the true face of the Liberal Democrat Machine,..and those who fund it .
Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl has been exposed as a traitor, ..deserting his post to join the Taliban, .and causing the death of his fellow soldiers who searched in vain for him.
Bergdahl and his Family,...are hardcore Democrat-Clinton Foundation donors, and lobbyists.
So Be It.
The Democrats are undone indeed,...
They are the true Russian Conspirators, the true racist, sexist Nazis, ..the true election riggers,...
And they are done, a Party, .
But, need to despair,...for from the depths of Democrat self destruction,...
Comes creation as well,...
Unemployment is at an all time low,..
The economy booming,...
The stock market,..booming, ..
The border secured,..
Regulations slashed by 75%,...
Tax cuts , Tax Reform,. and Repeal and Replace,..despite Republican Senate obstruction,...
Mere weeks away,..from finally passing, in both houses, ..
A Supreme Court,.. Now firmly in Conservative hands,...
The Terror Supporting U.N. ,..finally defunded ,.
The ISIS Terror State, ..defeated,and Iraq's tenuous Democracy restored,...
The Forces of Terror, itself,..driven back,..into the wilderness.
Our Second Amendment ,..protected,..
Out Military ,..restored o full fighting strength,...
Our Veterans properly honored,..and no longer ignored ,..
Our Allies respected,..and new ones created,...
Trade made free,..and fair,..for all nations,...
American businesses returned , to American soil.,. .
Our Flag, and Anthem,...respected by our President,...and We the People,..who elected him to the office of Commander in Chief,..
The Witch Hunt, ended indeed,..
The Coven, defeated,...
By a Witch-Slayer Supreme,...
Who will not relent,..never varies,..never waivers,...
And has yet,.... to taste defeat.
The Witches of the Democrat Party should take heed, ..and learn from this ignominious defeat.
Before again summoning demons to do battle with your political enemies, certain first, that they do not already hold allegiance to another demon,...who has but one mission,..
One Noble Task,...
Make America Great Again,...
Other Republicans would be in lifeless pieces by now, decimated by the relentless onslaught of the Democrat Machine, and it's sinister strategems, yet, ..Trump endures.
Endures, ..and has even grown stronger, wading into the heart of the maelstrom, armed with only two weapons; .......a savage, unrelenting twitter attack against all enemies, and the constant rallies,...from which Trump draws strength, and fighting spirit as well,...
His will, and the will of We the People,...have merged, and become the right and left hand, of the same indestructible body, the same unstoppable force,...the same conservative truth.
So Be It.
And now, faced with this grim truth, the Democrat Party is no more, it's true nature , it's true agenda,...finally fully exposed, in the light of this new conservative dawn, breaking over this Shining City on a Hill, this Free Republic,....
This America,...
And, as the dawn comes, so too, must come a sobering reality ,..
As Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell stated,..
"This is a game,..of numbers".
A game,...the Democrats can no longer win,..
Even special elections in South Carolina and Georgia were out of Democrat reach, despite spending millions on each campaign, and faced with mere nondescript, moderate Republican opponents, ..and all future elections will remain out of Democrat reach as well,..
For the Trumpian Age of Miracles , has exposed the truth;.....
Only Democrats raise taxes and regulations, endlessly,..
Only Democrats weaken our military and appease our enemies,...
Only Democrats attack our constitution, and the Judeo-Christian values it's based on,....
Only Democrats oppose our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms,...the one right,..that makes all others,..possible,.for freeborn men.
No sane man, would ever support this agenda.
And so, the Democrats ,..are undone,...
Their permanent defeat, a fait accompli, ...
The Trump Agenda, has brought final requiem, a Party that has always had, but one inglorious purpose,...
One malevolent goal,...
To Destroy America ,.... as founded.
And, they now know, in the wake of losing over 1000 legislative seats to Republicans, across the land,..
The House, Senate, and Presidency, .in Republican hands as well,...
The Democrats know,..they cannot win,..
Ever Again,...
Sure, they won Governorships in Virginia, New Jersey,.....and picked up local seats in Philadelphia as well,...but these are Democrat strongholds, New York and California, ....and must remain so. Their monuments must continue to be pulled down...taxes must be ever increasing,...unemployment must rise,..ever higher.. the Philly Soda Tax must remain,...their Sanctuary City status,.must remain as well,...
Just as Dachau and Treblinka ,..must remain,...
As monuments,... To ignorance , apathy,...and socialist evil .Aye, these states and cities, must remain,...Democrat , a reminder of what evil can accomplish,..when small men try to make themselves seem taller, standing on the backs ,..of other men,...
Aye, ..let these blue States and cities be the Democrat Party's Last Sanctuary , their Last Beachhead, fight upon,..a beachhead,..soon to be stripped of all Federal Subsidies, Attorney General Sessions,...and left , in poverty, ignorance, disease, .and despair,...lost , and isolated, for all eternity, the socialist wilderness,...
So Be It.
Aye, desperate times call for desperate measures,...and to this end,..many months ago,...came a real-life coven of witches, that sought , their bubbling cauldron of Trump Hate,...the right combination of evil spells, and conjured demons,...that would do what simp!e , devious Democrat strategem , could not .
And, at the heart of their conjurings, came the Russian Conspiracy strategem, ..a relentless , lingering spell, that uses the existing reality of decades long Russian espionage, taint the Trumpian Triumph,...make the Republican Presidential Victory illegitimate, finding some small Trump-Russian connection,..through campaign associates,...magnify it,...and force the President's impeachment and prosecution
A lofty ambition, to be sure, and one fraught with peril,...for the Democrats Party as well,..
For conspiracy is always a double edged sword.
Yet, despite the risk to their own corrupt Party,...the Democrats remained , since inauguration day,...laser focused on the Russian Strategem,...while the Witches Cauldron of Democrat Hate,...continued to bubble and froth, the witches poised, strike,..from the depths of hell, . at the first sign of Trumpian weakness
And so, it went on, this witches hunt, for the head of Trump ,..Lo, ,these many months .
And the result?
No evidence of Russian Conspiracy ever found, with Special Prosecutor, and Comey lackey, James Brennan, able to indict only former Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort on Ukrainian business dealings that took place long before the Trump Campaign ever existed.
All these months, millions of tax dollars spent , on a fantasy witch hunt, designed to bring down a President elected fair and square, by the will of We the People.
The Witches failed in their task,...seemingly,...
And, unfortunately for the Democrats,...for every spell cast,...there is always an equal ,..and opposite,...counter spell, as well,...
A counter spell,...that hard apparently been proven,...quite effective.
For, Russian Conspiracy had been proven, as evidence has surfaced, showing the Clinton Foundation's direct connection to Russia, through illegal Uranium sales.
Clinton and the Democrats have also been exposed, as the true root of election malfeasance,..having paid a shadowy British-Russian legal firm called Fusion GPS,...millions, ...for a fictional Trump Scandal Dossier,...and also paying the DNC bribe money,..for the right to call Hillary Clinton ,..the Democrat Presidential Nominee. Bernie Sanders never had a chance, ..because there was no Democrat Primary,..
It was rigged from the beginning, by Hillary Clinton,..and the Democrat Machine.
Rape and Sexual Harassment scandals amongst Hollywood Democrat donors, have been now fully exposed as well,...revealing the ugliness,..the evil,...the true face of the Liberal Democrat Machine,..and those who fund it .
Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl has been exposed as a traitor, ..deserting his post to join the Taliban, .and causing the death of his fellow soldiers who searched in vain for him.
Bergdahl and his Family,...are hardcore Democrat-Clinton Foundation donors, and lobbyists.
So Be It.
The Democrats are undone indeed,...
They are the true Russian Conspirators, the true racist, sexist Nazis, ..the true election riggers,...
And they are done, a Party, .
But, need to despair,...for from the depths of Democrat self destruction,...
Comes creation as well,...
Unemployment is at an all time low,..
The economy booming,...
The stock market,..booming, ..
The border secured,..
Regulations slashed by 75%,...
Tax cuts , Tax Reform,. and Repeal and Replace,..despite Republican Senate obstruction,...
Mere weeks away,..from finally passing, in both houses, ..
A Supreme Court,.. Now firmly in Conservative hands,...
The Terror Supporting U.N. ,..finally defunded ,.
The ISIS Terror State, ..defeated,and Iraq's tenuous Democracy restored,...
The Forces of Terror, itself,..driven back,..into the wilderness.
Our Second Amendment ,..protected,..
Out Military ,..restored o full fighting strength,...
Our Veterans properly honored,..and no longer ignored ,..
Our Allies respected,..and new ones created,...
Trade made free,..and fair,..for all nations,...
American businesses returned , to American soil.,. .
Our Flag, and Anthem,...respected by our President,...and We the People,..who elected him to the office of Commander in Chief,..
The Witch Hunt, ended indeed,..
The Coven, defeated,...
By a Witch-Slayer Supreme,...
Who will not relent,..never varies,..never waivers,...
And has yet,.... to taste defeat.
The Witches of the Democrat Party should take heed, ..and learn from this ignominious defeat.
Before again summoning demons to do battle with your political enemies, certain first, that they do not already hold allegiance to another demon,...who has but one mission,..
One Noble Task,...
Make America Great Again,...
Sunday, October 29, 2017
"Operation: Zero - Destruct !!"
Ever increasing, never relenting, Trumpian pressure, one thousand pounds per square inch.
That, is the ultimate strategem of the Trump Administration, in dealing with rogue Republicans, Democrat obstructionists, and terror enemies, that oppose this President's noble agenda ,to make America Great Again. And, whether dealing with NFL players disrespecting our flag, Democrat donors from Hollywood abusing and raping women for decades, or the Russian Conspiracy special investigations, that have
accomplished naught, except to expose Democrat-Clinton Foundation treason, via the sale of Uranium to shadowy Russian sources,......
The President's patience with all this,...and more, ....
Is now at an end.
Trump will have victory on all he has promised, whether tax reform , Obamacare repeal and replace,..the Border Wall,....or the end to the absurd Iranian Deal,...Trump will have it, by hook or by crook. If the votes are not there, due to Republican Congress- Senate double agents McCain, Collins, Murkowsky, Flake, Sasse, or Corker,...Trump will simply change the rules of the game, utilizing the nucleate option of 51 ,rather than 60 votes in the Senate , or failing that,...Trump will simply use the power of his pen, to undo the entire Obama-Democrat Agenda.
Why shouldn't he? After all, Obamacare is unconstitutional, simply because it forces the American people to purchase a product or service . Plus, the ever increasing taxes and regulations imposed by the Democrat Party thru Obamacare and EPA machinations,...are unconstitutional as well, since our nation was founded on the basic, common sense principles of self-government, limited taxes,..and, above all else, taxation without representation. The Iran Deal is unconstitutional as well, since it gives unlimited , unearned wealth, to a nation that has sworn to destroy America and her Allies, and has shown no willingness so far, to follow the rules of nuclear disengagement. And, for this reason, and more, all the gods,...the Border Wall will be built, our nation secured against our enemies,...even if the President must bypass all,..with a mere stroke of his pen.
And, all the while, conservative leader and Brietbart Editor in Chief, Steve Bannon, seeks to target not Democrats,..but Republicans,...and vows to insure that those he targets, are removed from office,..on both a Congressional and Senatorial level. This is a self destructive strategem, destined to end the vitally necessary Republican control of both Houses. But, Bannon doesn't care, because like most inflexible,self absorbed conservatives, Steve Bannon, ...does not know how to win, and seeks only to honor the letter of written Constitutional law,...but not it's Spirit. This is nonsense, and is the main reason Bannon was exiled from the Trump War Machine.
Unlike Bannon and his weak kneed ilk,...the President instinctively knows that defending the constitution means nothing,....if it results in Democrats regaining power, and control,... on a State and Federal level.
The Solution?
Republican numbers,.....ever increasing Republican numbers, the House, in the Senate,...and in all State Legislatures as well,...should always be the ultimate goal,....
Only Republican principles move the nation forward,...for only Republicans have the agenda that honors the self government, limited tax, and strong military formula, that has made America the Leader of the Free World,..and the Last, Best Hope for Humanity as well,...
As Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has aptly stated,.."This,.is a game of numbers."
Republicans must win elections, not attack their own. A chain is only as strong, it's weakest link. But, weak links in a chain,..are not strengthened , by creating new weak links,...
By risking Republican controlled seats, Steve Bannon ,Rand Paul,...and other strict, inflexible, self absorbed Libertarian leaning constitutionalists , expose the fact that they do not understand this,...and seek only self righteous, vanity driven, so called conservative perfection,...even if it means losing to the Democrats,..yet again,....
This inexplicable attitude is the reason are have had decades of Democrat control at virtually every level of government,...with Republicans only occasionally seizing power, for a few years. Strict Constitutional Conservatives, by nature, do not know how to win, and are willing to watch America fall, long as their own misguided principles, are adhered to.
Utter Nonsense.
Christ was once confronted by his critics for performing miracles, on the Holy Day of rest. " The Law was written for man,...not man for the law",...came Christ's reply to them.
So Be It.
Common sense must always "Trump" written law, especially when it contradicts the natural laws , set by God, ..not man.
Is Trump violating the constitution when he proposes to go around the Senate , by ending Obamacare Insurance Agency subsidies,..through executive action?
Is Trump violating the constitution by threatening to pass Repeal and Replace,.. Tax Reform,...and end the Iran Deal, a stroke of his executive pen,..rather than congressional legislation?
Not at all.
For, what Obama created by illegal , unconstitutional means,....midst now be destroyed, those same means,..wielded this time, by Republicans, who honor not only the spirit, of our founding document,...but its noble substance as well.
The Constitution is not law unto itself,...but man's acknowledgement of the natural law, that all free born men must live by,..or die.
It is natural law, that says a man is entitled to keep the money he earns, giving only those taxes to his government, that he authorizes.
It is the natural law that says a man should rule himself, with no dictator, despot, or tyrant, imposing his will upon humanity.
It is the natural law, that says a man has the free will, to purchase only what he chooses to, not what the government commands him to.
It is the natural law, that says a man has the right to defend himself, and his freedom , by arming himself, against those who stand, with the enemies of freedom.
The Constitution did not create man's rights, but merely put them to paper, in order to define what already existed, by Godly decree.
The Democrat Agenda is unconstitutional, and Trump will now undo it all , way, or another,..
And all those who would interfere, whether Republican Double Agent, Self-Defeating Conservative, or Democrat obstructionist,...
All, are now being served notice, by a Commander in Chief, whose patience with delay, now at an end,..and his message to his Republican WarGods, clear,....
Destroy the Democrat Machine,...
Or be Destroyed, along with them,...
And, make no mistake, the zero hour, the wake of this destruction of all things Democrat,...
One thing will be made clear in the days to come;..
From the ashes of Democrat destruction,...
America Will Be Made Great Again,..
The God-Given Freedoms of Man,..restored,..
The Constitution that defines them,...secured,...
And the WarCry,.."Destroy,..Or Be Destroyed,..." on the lips of every Republican WarGod,....
In this Trumpian Age of Miracles, ...
An Age,...defined by a Commander in Chief, that reflects the will of We the People,...
A Commander in Chief,..who always finds,...
A way, to win,...
That, is the ultimate strategem of the Trump Administration, in dealing with rogue Republicans, Democrat obstructionists, and terror enemies, that oppose this President's noble agenda ,to make America Great Again. And, whether dealing with NFL players disrespecting our flag, Democrat donors from Hollywood abusing and raping women for decades, or the Russian Conspiracy special investigations, that have
accomplished naught, except to expose Democrat-Clinton Foundation treason, via the sale of Uranium to shadowy Russian sources,......
The President's patience with all this,...and more, ....
Is now at an end.
Trump will have victory on all he has promised, whether tax reform , Obamacare repeal and replace,..the Border Wall,....or the end to the absurd Iranian Deal,...Trump will have it, by hook or by crook. If the votes are not there, due to Republican Congress- Senate double agents McCain, Collins, Murkowsky, Flake, Sasse, or Corker,...Trump will simply change the rules of the game, utilizing the nucleate option of 51 ,rather than 60 votes in the Senate , or failing that,...Trump will simply use the power of his pen, to undo the entire Obama-Democrat Agenda.
Why shouldn't he? After all, Obamacare is unconstitutional, simply because it forces the American people to purchase a product or service . Plus, the ever increasing taxes and regulations imposed by the Democrat Party thru Obamacare and EPA machinations,...are unconstitutional as well, since our nation was founded on the basic, common sense principles of self-government, limited taxes,..and, above all else, taxation without representation. The Iran Deal is unconstitutional as well, since it gives unlimited , unearned wealth, to a nation that has sworn to destroy America and her Allies, and has shown no willingness so far, to follow the rules of nuclear disengagement. And, for this reason, and more, all the gods,...the Border Wall will be built, our nation secured against our enemies,...even if the President must bypass all,..with a mere stroke of his pen.
And, all the while, conservative leader and Brietbart Editor in Chief, Steve Bannon, seeks to target not Democrats,..but Republicans,...and vows to insure that those he targets, are removed from office,..on both a Congressional and Senatorial level. This is a self destructive strategem, destined to end the vitally necessary Republican control of both Houses. But, Bannon doesn't care, because like most inflexible,self absorbed conservatives, Steve Bannon, ...does not know how to win, and seeks only to honor the letter of written Constitutional law,...but not it's Spirit. This is nonsense, and is the main reason Bannon was exiled from the Trump War Machine.
Unlike Bannon and his weak kneed ilk,...the President instinctively knows that defending the constitution means nothing,....if it results in Democrats regaining power, and control,... on a State and Federal level.
The Solution?
Republican numbers,.....ever increasing Republican numbers, the House, in the Senate,...and in all State Legislatures as well,...should always be the ultimate goal,....
Only Republican principles move the nation forward,...for only Republicans have the agenda that honors the self government, limited tax, and strong military formula, that has made America the Leader of the Free World,..and the Last, Best Hope for Humanity as well,...
As Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has aptly stated,.."This,.is a game of numbers."
Republicans must win elections, not attack their own. A chain is only as strong, it's weakest link. But, weak links in a chain,..are not strengthened , by creating new weak links,...
By risking Republican controlled seats, Steve Bannon ,Rand Paul,...and other strict, inflexible, self absorbed Libertarian leaning constitutionalists , expose the fact that they do not understand this,...and seek only self righteous, vanity driven, so called conservative perfection,...even if it means losing to the Democrats,..yet again,....
This inexplicable attitude is the reason are have had decades of Democrat control at virtually every level of government,...with Republicans only occasionally seizing power, for a few years. Strict Constitutional Conservatives, by nature, do not know how to win, and are willing to watch America fall, long as their own misguided principles, are adhered to.
Utter Nonsense.
Christ was once confronted by his critics for performing miracles, on the Holy Day of rest. " The Law was written for man,...not man for the law",...came Christ's reply to them.
So Be It.
Common sense must always "Trump" written law, especially when it contradicts the natural laws , set by God, ..not man.
Is Trump violating the constitution when he proposes to go around the Senate , by ending Obamacare Insurance Agency subsidies,..through executive action?
Is Trump violating the constitution by threatening to pass Repeal and Replace,.. Tax Reform,...and end the Iran Deal, a stroke of his executive pen,..rather than congressional legislation?
Not at all.
For, what Obama created by illegal , unconstitutional means,....midst now be destroyed, those same means,..wielded this time, by Republicans, who honor not only the spirit, of our founding document,...but its noble substance as well.
The Constitution is not law unto itself,...but man's acknowledgement of the natural law, that all free born men must live by,..or die.
It is natural law, that says a man is entitled to keep the money he earns, giving only those taxes to his government, that he authorizes.
It is the natural law that says a man should rule himself, with no dictator, despot, or tyrant, imposing his will upon humanity.
It is the natural law, that says a man has the free will, to purchase only what he chooses to, not what the government commands him to.
It is the natural law, that says a man has the right to defend himself, and his freedom , by arming himself, against those who stand, with the enemies of freedom.
The Constitution did not create man's rights, but merely put them to paper, in order to define what already existed, by Godly decree.
The Democrat Agenda is unconstitutional, and Trump will now undo it all , way, or another,..
And all those who would interfere, whether Republican Double Agent, Self-Defeating Conservative, or Democrat obstructionist,...
All, are now being served notice, by a Commander in Chief, whose patience with delay, now at an end,..and his message to his Republican WarGods, clear,....
Destroy the Democrat Machine,...
Or be Destroyed, along with them,...
And, make no mistake, the zero hour, the wake of this destruction of all things Democrat,...
One thing will be made clear in the days to come;..
From the ashes of Democrat destruction,...
America Will Be Made Great Again,..
The God-Given Freedoms of Man,..restored,..
The Constitution that defines them,...secured,...
And the WarCry,.."Destroy,..Or Be Destroyed,..." on the lips of every Republican WarGod,....
In this Trumpian Age of Miracles, ...
An Age,...defined by a Commander in Chief, that reflects the will of We the People,...
A Commander in Chief,..who always finds,...
A way, to win,...
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
"" War Drums,..Before The Storm!!"
One singular question still hangs in the air, like a guillotine; ..."Who was the Las Vegas shooter?"
A convert to Radical Islam? A member of domestic terror groups such as ANTIFA, or Black Lives Matter? A drug addled madman?
It matters little.
59 Americans would still be dead, and over 100 still injured in the wake of the worst mass shooting ever perpetrated on American soil. And, despite the still pervading air of mystery surrounding the true identity of Steven Paddock, one thing has been made crystal clear about this man,...
Steven Paddock was a hard core, liberal Democrat, avid watcher of MSNBC, fan of the Rachel Maddow Show,...and enthusiastic Anti-Trump protestor and activist.
He was at the Women's March in Washington, after the President's Inauguration,..he was present at Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall street,..and ANTIFA riots as well.
Paddock was, simply your average angry Democrat , bound and determined to see this President and Free Republic destroyed, and replaced with the Socialist Marxist Utopia, that all Democrats dream of.
He may be more as well.
Islamic recruit?
Sleeper Cell?
Possibly. But, for the moment, Democrat Operative is enough. Remember, the shooter who targeted Republican Congressmen practicing for their annual baseball game, was also simply a mere Democrat voter, with no other terror affiliations. Yet again, this was enough, to act as a catalyst, for attempted mass slaughter of defenseless Americans. But why? What has turned simple Democrats into stealth assassins?
A dose of reality, that's all.
The simple truth is, ..the Democrat Machine is finished as a political power, both on a state and federal level. The rise of Trump and his legions has finally exposed the Democrat Party for what it truly is;....the brutal truth of conservatism , effectively articulated by this President,...has made one thing abundantly clear;...
The Democrats can no longer win elections, simply because We the People now know there is no logical reason to vote for them. After all,..why vote for ever increasing taxes and regulations ?
Why vote for a downsized, demoralized, weakened military?
Why vote for the alienation of our Allies in Freedom, and the appeasement of our enemies?
Why vote for the end to our 2nd Amendment rights, and eternally open borders, that leave our nation unsecured, and vulnerable to our enemies?
Why vote for attacks on our Judeo-Christian Values, ...and the promotion of hate filled Islam?
Why? There is simply no logical reason, to vote for any of this,..ever again. Eight long years of Obama and the Democrats have demonstrated, quite effectively,...just how destructive the Democrat Party can be,...when it holds the reigns of power.
We are a Free Republic, and all that America is,....all her greatness,....was created by Republican principles of government,...period.
Only Republicans cut taxes and regulations.
Only Republicans strengthen and support our military.
Only Republicans support our Allies in Freedom, and put fear in the hearts of our nation's enemies.
Only Republicans support the 2nd Amendment, which protects the First Amendment,...and our Freedom in general.
Only Republicans in power,...have the agenda that moves the country forward, and makes our Shining City,..the last , best hope for humanity.
It's as simple as that.
And now, thanks to Trump,..the American people now recognize this obvious fact, ever increasing numbers.
The special elections of months past, in Georgia and South Carolina, were a portent of things to come. Despite spending millions on both elections,..the Democrat candidates lost handily, virtually unknown, average, nondescript Republican Candidates. This does not bode well, for the Democrats in the 2018 Midterms. In truth, since 2010,...the Democrats have been slowly sliding into political oblivion, with the Republicans regaining the House that year, and the Senate in 2014 as well. Most States are now Republican controlled, with Republican Governors,...the Democrats losing well over 1000 legislative seats,
They are done, and they know it. Their power will never be regained. And, with this realization, madness had gripped its members, and driven them to desperate measures indeed. If the Democrats cannot defeat the Republicans, they will destroy them instead,..using the very weapon they have tried to strip from the hands of free men.
The stealth assassin has replaced the deceptive, desperate , Democrat politician. The motive is clear;....what the Democrats cannot control,...they ....will...destroy,....using their George Soros funded, ever growing army,...of urban terrorists.
But, the Republicans have an army too,..and now have the political power,...and right leader, fight back effectively, against all foes, whether Islamic terrorist,..or Democrat operative,...
And, with the 2nd Amendment now firmly protected by Conservative Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch,..
The Republicans are a formidable, well armed force to be reckoned with, indeed.
Republican Congressman Steve Scalise has finally returned to Washington,..still burdened with the injuries he sustained at the hands of a crazed Democrat assassin. Thunderous bipartisan applause was the result.
The Message is Clear;.....
The Republicans are not backing down this time, Democrat politicians,..or Democrat assassins.
For now,..they have a Leader, who has shown them, how to fight back, ...
And, more importantly,...
How to win,..
Every siege,..
Every battle,...
Every single time,..
At a recent White House staff gathering, the President posed for pictures, and then cryptically proclaimed ,.."This is the calm,..before the storm,.."
What did the President mean?
"You'll find out",.. came the President's reply.
Indeed, we will,...
For, while the storm is still gathering,..and the sea, remains calm,..still, the distance,..can be heard,..moving ever closer,...
The steady drumbeat,..
Of the coming war,..
A convert to Radical Islam? A member of domestic terror groups such as ANTIFA, or Black Lives Matter? A drug addled madman?
It matters little.
59 Americans would still be dead, and over 100 still injured in the wake of the worst mass shooting ever perpetrated on American soil. And, despite the still pervading air of mystery surrounding the true identity of Steven Paddock, one thing has been made crystal clear about this man,...
Steven Paddock was a hard core, liberal Democrat, avid watcher of MSNBC, fan of the Rachel Maddow Show,...and enthusiastic Anti-Trump protestor and activist.
He was at the Women's March in Washington, after the President's Inauguration,..he was present at Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall street,..and ANTIFA riots as well.
Paddock was, simply your average angry Democrat , bound and determined to see this President and Free Republic destroyed, and replaced with the Socialist Marxist Utopia, that all Democrats dream of.
He may be more as well.
Islamic recruit?
Sleeper Cell?
Possibly. But, for the moment, Democrat Operative is enough. Remember, the shooter who targeted Republican Congressmen practicing for their annual baseball game, was also simply a mere Democrat voter, with no other terror affiliations. Yet again, this was enough, to act as a catalyst, for attempted mass slaughter of defenseless Americans. But why? What has turned simple Democrats into stealth assassins?
A dose of reality, that's all.
The simple truth is, ..the Democrat Machine is finished as a political power, both on a state and federal level. The rise of Trump and his legions has finally exposed the Democrat Party for what it truly is;....the brutal truth of conservatism , effectively articulated by this President,...has made one thing abundantly clear;...
The Democrats can no longer win elections, simply because We the People now know there is no logical reason to vote for them. After all,..why vote for ever increasing taxes and regulations ?
Why vote for a downsized, demoralized, weakened military?
Why vote for the alienation of our Allies in Freedom, and the appeasement of our enemies?
Why vote for the end to our 2nd Amendment rights, and eternally open borders, that leave our nation unsecured, and vulnerable to our enemies?
Why vote for attacks on our Judeo-Christian Values, ...and the promotion of hate filled Islam?
Why? There is simply no logical reason, to vote for any of this,..ever again. Eight long years of Obama and the Democrats have demonstrated, quite effectively,...just how destructive the Democrat Party can be,...when it holds the reigns of power.
We are a Free Republic, and all that America is,....all her greatness,....was created by Republican principles of government,...period.
Only Republicans cut taxes and regulations.
Only Republicans strengthen and support our military.
Only Republicans support our Allies in Freedom, and put fear in the hearts of our nation's enemies.
Only Republicans support the 2nd Amendment, which protects the First Amendment,...and our Freedom in general.
Only Republicans in power,...have the agenda that moves the country forward, and makes our Shining City,..the last , best hope for humanity.
It's as simple as that.
And now, thanks to Trump,..the American people now recognize this obvious fact, ever increasing numbers.
The special elections of months past, in Georgia and South Carolina, were a portent of things to come. Despite spending millions on both elections,..the Democrat candidates lost handily, virtually unknown, average, nondescript Republican Candidates. This does not bode well, for the Democrats in the 2018 Midterms. In truth, since 2010,...the Democrats have been slowly sliding into political oblivion, with the Republicans regaining the House that year, and the Senate in 2014 as well. Most States are now Republican controlled, with Republican Governors,...the Democrats losing well over 1000 legislative seats,
They are done, and they know it. Their power will never be regained. And, with this realization, madness had gripped its members, and driven them to desperate measures indeed. If the Democrats cannot defeat the Republicans, they will destroy them instead,..using the very weapon they have tried to strip from the hands of free men.
The stealth assassin has replaced the deceptive, desperate , Democrat politician. The motive is clear;....what the Democrats cannot control,...they ....will...destroy,....using their George Soros funded, ever growing army,...of urban terrorists.
But, the Republicans have an army too,..and now have the political power,...and right leader, fight back effectively, against all foes, whether Islamic terrorist,..or Democrat operative,...
And, with the 2nd Amendment now firmly protected by Conservative Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch,..
The Republicans are a formidable, well armed force to be reckoned with, indeed.
Republican Congressman Steve Scalise has finally returned to Washington,..still burdened with the injuries he sustained at the hands of a crazed Democrat assassin. Thunderous bipartisan applause was the result.
The Message is Clear;.....
The Republicans are not backing down this time, Democrat politicians,..or Democrat assassins.
For now,..they have a Leader, who has shown them, how to fight back, ...
And, more importantly,...
How to win,..
Every siege,..
Every battle,...
Every single time,..
At a recent White House staff gathering, the President posed for pictures, and then cryptically proclaimed ,.."This is the calm,..before the storm,.."
What did the President mean?
"You'll find out",.. came the President's reply.
Indeed, we will,...
For, while the storm is still gathering,..and the sea, remains calm,..still, the distance,..can be heard,..moving ever closer,...
The steady drumbeat,..
Of the coming war,..
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
"Apocalypse, Through A Savage Eye!!"
And, it is written, that in the days after his resurrection, Christ did descend into the dark, Stygian depths of Hell, to do battle with the Legions of Lucifer, in order to win freedom for souls unjustly condemned.
So Be It.
And, if the Son of Man was willing to risk all, in a siege against the Gates of Hell itself,...
Can the Son of Patriots, Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States, less?
It would seem not. For, in the weeks past, the President has indeed dared to do battle in the fiery pit itself, for the soul of this Free Republic,...this Shining City, Make America Great Again.
He will succeed. For this President knows, in order to defeat evil, you must first be able to recognize it, embrace it, for what it is,...and then turn it's power, against itself. This ability gives Trump a tremendous advantage over many of his political enemies , who choose to either ignore evil, or, worse yet, pretend it doesn't exist at all. This has always been Satan's greatest weapon, his ability to convince mankind, that, in the end, he really is nothing more than a shadowy myth.
The Men who live by the Truth of Conservatism, know better, and have always been there at History's darkest moments , to check evil, drive it back into the shadows from whence it came, so that free men may endure. And these men have also known, that the greatest weapon in the fight against evil, is, in fact,......
Evil itself.
To defeat evil, you must embrace and employ the same strategem, the same tactics, the same ruthless , deadly purpose, that evil itself does, knowing all the while, that what separates the forces of good and evil, are not the actions of each,....but the purpose behind the actions. Good wages war, just as evil does. It destroys on a global level, massacres thousands, leaving behind decimated cities, slaughtered innocents, and scorched earth desolation.
But, in destruction's wake, good restores , resurrects, rebuilds, and leaves those who survive, freedom, Masters of their own Destiny, no longer under the boot heel of tyrannical Despotism, Socialism, Marxism, ..Communism.
Therein lies the difference .
America wages war to liberate nations,..
While evil wages war, enslave them.
And, the greatest irony of all,..evil can often be used, as good's greatest ally, in this noble fight.
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill employed this strategem, in the dark days before World War II, as he sought to ally himself with Russian Despot and mass murderer, Joseph Stalin, in order to defeat the far greater threat of Hitler and the Nazi Party.
Churchill ignored the obvious war crimes of Stalin against his own people, and focused instead on the grim reality of a world under Nazi rule,.....
A reality,...he knew, must never be, matter what the cost.
Churchill saw the greater threat , the greater evil, and was willing to join forces with Satan himself, stop that threat. Like the resurrected Christ, Churchill was willing to descend into Hell, free the condemned souls of this blessed plot,...this earth,..this realm,....this England,...
So too, for the man called Trump, who , taking a page from the Churchill strategem, has added a new dimension to his doctrine, by embracing a rogues gallery of uneasy allies, in his fight against evil. He did it in the wake of still another failure by Republicans to pass Repeal and Replace,...or pass Tax Reform, for that matter. Trump quickly moved to make a deal with twin Democrat Devils Pelosi and Schumer, to gain the necessary votes that Republican Double Agents McCain, Murkowski, Paul, and Collins have denied him. The result? The Democrats are now attacked by Black Lives Matter , DACA, and ANTIFA, conspirators with Trump and the Republicans,..thereby effectively destroying the Democrats only remaining voting base;... illegals, and urban terrorists,...while also increasing the pressure on Republican Senators who still refuse to work the will of "We the People", who elected them.
Checkmate Trump.
Trump then appears before the United Nations,, yet again, his finest speech to date, ...calling out the gathered assembly as nothing more than a rogue's gallery of terror funders and supporters , again demanding that all those who stand with the Western Allies, their fair share of the financial burden of military support. He also increased the intensity of his attack on North Korean Despot Kim Jong Un , per square inch,...repeatedly mocking the odd looking boy tyrant with the nickname,.." Little Rocket Man", while brazenly vowing to destroy the dictator, and his entire nation, ..unless he ceases his inane nuclear posturing and breast beating. Trump then turned his attack on Iran, vowing to end the farce of a nuclear deal, that moves the world closer to Armageddon.
And, the result of Trump's U.N. Primal Scream , against all forces of global evil?
Increased sanctions against North Korea, from China itself, and stronger ties with the leaders of South Korea, Israel, Japan, Saudi Arabia, China, Afghanistan, France, and Iran and North Korea put on notice , that their nuclear ambitions and mad dream of a defeated America, will soon vanish in the light of the coming, Trumpian Dawn.
A world of tyrants, dictators, despots, and sponsors of terror, joining with the Allied Forces?
A Democrat Party, now allying itself with Trump and the Republicans, to save the DACA Amnesty it needs, to win future elections?
Impossible on both counts.
Yet, it now seems reality.
For Trump, like Churchill, does indeed know the secret to defeating evil.
Trump knows, all men are a mixture of good and evil, ...both sides necessary to his nature,...both sides necessary for a man to achieve the greatness that is his God-Given Heritage.
And, both sides of the man called Trump were on display again, his recent Atlanta Rally, for Republican Senator Luther Strange,...once again forcefully calling out North Korea's "Rocket Man",.... NFL flag disrespect,...and Senators McCain, Collins, Paul, and Murkowsky, ...for blocking the Repeal Bill , yet again.
The Ultimate result of all this carefully plotted Trumpian Mayhem?
Ultimate Republican Victory,...
Permanent Democrat Defeat,....
And the nuclear ambitions of North Korean and Iranian madmen, ...Thwarted Forever.
Because, Trump knows, despite all the bluster and bully of Democrats, Dictators, and Terror Forces alike,..the great flaw of evil, is that it lacks courage , and ultimately will back down and cower before the forces of good,...simply to survive.
Why else would North Korean Ambassadors now be meeting with Trump Cabinet members , find out what the President means,..when he says he will " Destroy Them?"
They are afraid,..because they recognize their own savage nature, reflected in Trump,...
And, they know,..he means what he says.
The President knows, that truly great men, like those who founded this great nation, ..are, in fact, even mixtures of good and evil, in constant war with each other internally,..both necessary to make a man truly great,...both necessary, create a Free Republic , ..both necessary, Make America Great Again.
And,..above all else, Trump knows, it is the good side of man, where intelligence, ..empathy,...compassion, .....and yes,..courage reside.
And these qualities control the evil side of man, ...the side, that must always be there,...if a man is to truly be a man,..
Or a Commander in Chief, to truly be a Great Leader.
Trump knows the forces of evil, Bering nothing more than evil,...lack intelligence, empathy,...compassion,...and ultimately courage as well.
And that is why Trump and the Republican Party will be the ultimate victors against all forces of evil, that dare to oppose him, and his noble agenda.
And, even the threat of Ultimate Apocalypse,..Final Armageddon, the hands of nuclear powered madmen, ...
Seems less than nothing,....
When viewed through the Savage Eye,...
Of this Singular Force of Conservative Nature,...
Called Trump,....
So Be It.
And, if the Son of Man was willing to risk all, in a siege against the Gates of Hell itself,...
Can the Son of Patriots, Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States, less?
It would seem not. For, in the weeks past, the President has indeed dared to do battle in the fiery pit itself, for the soul of this Free Republic,...this Shining City, Make America Great Again.
He will succeed. For this President knows, in order to defeat evil, you must first be able to recognize it, embrace it, for what it is,...and then turn it's power, against itself. This ability gives Trump a tremendous advantage over many of his political enemies , who choose to either ignore evil, or, worse yet, pretend it doesn't exist at all. This has always been Satan's greatest weapon, his ability to convince mankind, that, in the end, he really is nothing more than a shadowy myth.
The Men who live by the Truth of Conservatism, know better, and have always been there at History's darkest moments , to check evil, drive it back into the shadows from whence it came, so that free men may endure. And these men have also known, that the greatest weapon in the fight against evil, is, in fact,......
Evil itself.
To defeat evil, you must embrace and employ the same strategem, the same tactics, the same ruthless , deadly purpose, that evil itself does, knowing all the while, that what separates the forces of good and evil, are not the actions of each,....but the purpose behind the actions. Good wages war, just as evil does. It destroys on a global level, massacres thousands, leaving behind decimated cities, slaughtered innocents, and scorched earth desolation.
But, in destruction's wake, good restores , resurrects, rebuilds, and leaves those who survive, freedom, Masters of their own Destiny, no longer under the boot heel of tyrannical Despotism, Socialism, Marxism, ..Communism.
Therein lies the difference .
America wages war to liberate nations,..
While evil wages war, enslave them.
And, the greatest irony of all,..evil can often be used, as good's greatest ally, in this noble fight.
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill employed this strategem, in the dark days before World War II, as he sought to ally himself with Russian Despot and mass murderer, Joseph Stalin, in order to defeat the far greater threat of Hitler and the Nazi Party.
Churchill ignored the obvious war crimes of Stalin against his own people, and focused instead on the grim reality of a world under Nazi rule,.....
A reality,...he knew, must never be, matter what the cost.
Churchill saw the greater threat , the greater evil, and was willing to join forces with Satan himself, stop that threat. Like the resurrected Christ, Churchill was willing to descend into Hell, free the condemned souls of this blessed plot,...this earth,..this realm,....this England,...
So too, for the man called Trump, who , taking a page from the Churchill strategem, has added a new dimension to his doctrine, by embracing a rogues gallery of uneasy allies, in his fight against evil. He did it in the wake of still another failure by Republicans to pass Repeal and Replace,...or pass Tax Reform, for that matter. Trump quickly moved to make a deal with twin Democrat Devils Pelosi and Schumer, to gain the necessary votes that Republican Double Agents McCain, Murkowski, Paul, and Collins have denied him. The result? The Democrats are now attacked by Black Lives Matter , DACA, and ANTIFA, conspirators with Trump and the Republicans,..thereby effectively destroying the Democrats only remaining voting base;... illegals, and urban terrorists,...while also increasing the pressure on Republican Senators who still refuse to work the will of "We the People", who elected them.
Checkmate Trump.
Trump then appears before the United Nations,, yet again, his finest speech to date, ...calling out the gathered assembly as nothing more than a rogue's gallery of terror funders and supporters , again demanding that all those who stand with the Western Allies, their fair share of the financial burden of military support. He also increased the intensity of his attack on North Korean Despot Kim Jong Un , per square inch,...repeatedly mocking the odd looking boy tyrant with the nickname,.." Little Rocket Man", while brazenly vowing to destroy the dictator, and his entire nation, ..unless he ceases his inane nuclear posturing and breast beating. Trump then turned his attack on Iran, vowing to end the farce of a nuclear deal, that moves the world closer to Armageddon.
And, the result of Trump's U.N. Primal Scream , against all forces of global evil?
Increased sanctions against North Korea, from China itself, and stronger ties with the leaders of South Korea, Israel, Japan, Saudi Arabia, China, Afghanistan, France, and Iran and North Korea put on notice , that their nuclear ambitions and mad dream of a defeated America, will soon vanish in the light of the coming, Trumpian Dawn.
A world of tyrants, dictators, despots, and sponsors of terror, joining with the Allied Forces?
A Democrat Party, now allying itself with Trump and the Republicans, to save the DACA Amnesty it needs, to win future elections?
Impossible on both counts.
Yet, it now seems reality.
For Trump, like Churchill, does indeed know the secret to defeating evil.
Trump knows, all men are a mixture of good and evil, ...both sides necessary to his nature,...both sides necessary for a man to achieve the greatness that is his God-Given Heritage.
And, both sides of the man called Trump were on display again, his recent Atlanta Rally, for Republican Senator Luther Strange,...once again forcefully calling out North Korea's "Rocket Man",.... NFL flag disrespect,...and Senators McCain, Collins, Paul, and Murkowsky, ...for blocking the Repeal Bill , yet again.
The Ultimate result of all this carefully plotted Trumpian Mayhem?
Ultimate Republican Victory,...
Permanent Democrat Defeat,....
And the nuclear ambitions of North Korean and Iranian madmen, ...Thwarted Forever.
Because, Trump knows, despite all the bluster and bully of Democrats, Dictators, and Terror Forces alike,..the great flaw of evil, is that it lacks courage , and ultimately will back down and cower before the forces of good,...simply to survive.
Why else would North Korean Ambassadors now be meeting with Trump Cabinet members , find out what the President means,..when he says he will " Destroy Them?"
They are afraid,..because they recognize their own savage nature, reflected in Trump,...
And, they know,..he means what he says.
The President knows, that truly great men, like those who founded this great nation, ..are, in fact, even mixtures of good and evil, in constant war with each other internally,..both necessary to make a man truly great,...both necessary, create a Free Republic , ..both necessary, Make America Great Again.
And,..above all else, Trump knows, it is the good side of man, where intelligence, ..empathy,...compassion, .....and yes,..courage reside.
And these qualities control the evil side of man, ...the side, that must always be there,...if a man is to truly be a man,..
Or a Commander in Chief, to truly be a Great Leader.
Trump knows the forces of evil, Bering nothing more than evil,...lack intelligence, empathy,...compassion,...and ultimately courage as well.
And that is why Trump and the Republican Party will be the ultimate victors against all forces of evil, that dare to oppose him, and his noble agenda.
And, even the threat of Ultimate Apocalypse,..Final Armageddon, the hands of nuclear powered madmen, ...
Seems less than nothing,....
When viewed through the Savage Eye,...
Of this Singular Force of Conservative Nature,...
Called Trump,....
Sunday, September 17, 2017
"Alone, Against The Tempest!!"
The ancient legends say, that when man dares to do battle, against the forces of nature, it is man that will always be, the inevitable loser.
So be it.
But, what if that man, is a force of nature, unto himself?
To this end, comes the man called Trump;..a man who has been all things in his day; ...Playboy Industrialist, American Ideal, Capitalist Icon, Commandeer in Chief of the Armed Forces,..and finally,...Conservative Force of Nature,..personified.
Could not a man such as this, stand alone against nature's tempest,..and somehow emerge victorious?
It would seem so. For now, as in moments of crises in the past, Trump seems to always be there, prepared to do battle with nature, and tyrannical terror forces alike, when they endanger the innocent. He did it when Syrian President Mahmoud Assad targeted his own people with deadly Sarin Gas. Trump raged at the sight of innocent Syrian children near death, from the gas effects, and showed that he too, could deal death,..hurling from the heavens Olympian Thunderbolts that rained down upon the Tyrant's head, in the form of Tomahawk missiles,..that all but destroyed Assad's air forces and fuel reserves, a matter of minutes.
He rose to the challenge again, when the socialist medical system of Britain, refused to give a terminally ill child a chance at life, by denying him access to an experimental procedure in America,...that could have given the embattled infant, at least a fighting chance. Once again, while the world was silent, Trump acted, contacting young Charlie Gard's parents , and British authorities alike, offering to clear away the red tape, and get Charlie the treatment he needed.
Now again, as storm systems Harvey and Irma ravaged Texas and beyond,..the President is there, ..slashing away the red tape, committing billions to the relief effort, ...including a million of his own dollars,..mobilizing Red Cross and Rescue Forces at the speed of light,...while simultaneously ordering Air Force One, to take him instantly ,...into the heart of the malestrom.
Once again, when people were in need, the President acted swiftly, ..doing what he does best,..making Mission;..and Accomplishment, and the same.
In the heart of flood ravaged Texas, and Louisiana as well,...the President was there, ....talking to the homeless at emergency shelters, serving meals, loading supply trucks,...hugging parents and babies,...playing with children,...
Trump's speeches were, like those of his rallies, the cuff, and heartfelt. In fact, they may have been the best of his Presidency to date. Not surprising, for once again,..Trump was in his element, ..doing what he does best;.....forging an unbreakable bond with We the People, who elected him, to work our will, but one end,...Making America Great Again,...
In truth, despite accomplishing more in his first 100 plus days, than most Presidents accomplish in eight years,....Trump's lightning fast, military precise response to Harvey and Irma storm systems, is, beyond any shadow of doubt,..his finest moment as President,..defining him, not only as Commander in Chief,..but as a man as well.
Trump is not a creature of liberalism, offering mere soft, sympathetic platitudes , and hugging ,..for endless replay on MSNBC,...nay,...he is a man of action, who sees a problem,....demands quick solution ,...and has no time for empty emotional displays that accomplish naught. Look to the Liberal Democrats for hugs and sympathy, if you will,..but when in battle with the forces of Harvey, Irma, ISIS, Al Queda,..or even North Korea,...
Trump only has time,...
For solutions.
And, as always, it is the plight of children that turns this man into the living embodiment , of instantaneous, effective, action.
As the President stated, ...
"Texas, not alone",...
Nor Louisiana, or Florida, for that matter,...
For the President, and the American People,...are one,..
And united in one , singular mission:
Helping our fellow Americans in need,...
Making Texas, Louisiana, Florida,..and all storm ravaged states, Great Again, blazing, warp speed.
And, as for Repeal, Replace, Tax Reform, and the Wall,...
They too, will be accomplished,..soon,....despite both Republican and Democrat obstruction in the Senate.
For Trump, like Reagan before him, has the formula to overcome all obstacles, all barriers, constructed by his political enemies,..
Just as Reagan did , when Democrat House Speaker Tip O'Neill blocked his proposed tax cuts , and reneged on the Deal, to cut Washington spending,...
Trump will take his message, his agenda,...his noble mission,...directly to We the People.
The President will define his mission, at rally after rally, tweet after endless tweet,...
And, most importantly, he will define the means to accomplish it,..and call out the enemies who oppose it.
Therein lies the time tested formula, for Republican Victory.
After his return from flood ravaged Texas and Louisiana, the President was asked by a White House reporter, if a military response was possible, in the wake of North Korea's ever increasing threat, of Nuclear Armageddon.
"We'll See",... came the President's measured, ominous response.
So Be It,...and Kim Jong Un, ...will no doubt, see as well,..what We the People,..have already confirmed, beyond a shadow of doubt,....
That, for this man called Trump,...
Mission, ..and Accomplishment,....
Are one and the same,....
And,...unlike the North Korean Despot,...
Trump,.. does not stand alone,....
So be it.
But, what if that man, is a force of nature, unto himself?
To this end, comes the man called Trump;..a man who has been all things in his day; ...Playboy Industrialist, American Ideal, Capitalist Icon, Commandeer in Chief of the Armed Forces,..and finally,...Conservative Force of Nature,..personified.
Could not a man such as this, stand alone against nature's tempest,..and somehow emerge victorious?
It would seem so. For now, as in moments of crises in the past, Trump seems to always be there, prepared to do battle with nature, and tyrannical terror forces alike, when they endanger the innocent. He did it when Syrian President Mahmoud Assad targeted his own people with deadly Sarin Gas. Trump raged at the sight of innocent Syrian children near death, from the gas effects, and showed that he too, could deal death,..hurling from the heavens Olympian Thunderbolts that rained down upon the Tyrant's head, in the form of Tomahawk missiles,..that all but destroyed Assad's air forces and fuel reserves, a matter of minutes.
He rose to the challenge again, when the socialist medical system of Britain, refused to give a terminally ill child a chance at life, by denying him access to an experimental procedure in America,...that could have given the embattled infant, at least a fighting chance. Once again, while the world was silent, Trump acted, contacting young Charlie Gard's parents , and British authorities alike, offering to clear away the red tape, and get Charlie the treatment he needed.
Now again, as storm systems Harvey and Irma ravaged Texas and beyond,..the President is there, ..slashing away the red tape, committing billions to the relief effort, ...including a million of his own dollars,..mobilizing Red Cross and Rescue Forces at the speed of light,...while simultaneously ordering Air Force One, to take him instantly ,...into the heart of the malestrom.
Once again, when people were in need, the President acted swiftly, ..doing what he does best,..making Mission;..and Accomplishment, and the same.
In the heart of flood ravaged Texas, and Louisiana as well,...the President was there, ....talking to the homeless at emergency shelters, serving meals, loading supply trucks,...hugging parents and babies,...playing with children,...
Trump's speeches were, like those of his rallies, the cuff, and heartfelt. In fact, they may have been the best of his Presidency to date. Not surprising, for once again,..Trump was in his element, ..doing what he does best;.....forging an unbreakable bond with We the People, who elected him, to work our will, but one end,...Making America Great Again,...
In truth, despite accomplishing more in his first 100 plus days, than most Presidents accomplish in eight years,....Trump's lightning fast, military precise response to Harvey and Irma storm systems, is, beyond any shadow of doubt,..his finest moment as President,..defining him, not only as Commander in Chief,..but as a man as well.
Trump is not a creature of liberalism, offering mere soft, sympathetic platitudes , and hugging ,..for endless replay on MSNBC,...nay,...he is a man of action, who sees a problem,....demands quick solution ,...and has no time for empty emotional displays that accomplish naught. Look to the Liberal Democrats for hugs and sympathy, if you will,..but when in battle with the forces of Harvey, Irma, ISIS, Al Queda,..or even North Korea,...
Trump only has time,...
For solutions.
And, as always, it is the plight of children that turns this man into the living embodiment , of instantaneous, effective, action.
As the President stated, ...
"Texas, not alone",...
Nor Louisiana, or Florida, for that matter,...
For the President, and the American People,...are one,..
And united in one , singular mission:
Helping our fellow Americans in need,...
Making Texas, Louisiana, Florida,..and all storm ravaged states, Great Again, blazing, warp speed.
And, as for Repeal, Replace, Tax Reform, and the Wall,...
They too, will be accomplished,..soon,....despite both Republican and Democrat obstruction in the Senate.
For Trump, like Reagan before him, has the formula to overcome all obstacles, all barriers, constructed by his political enemies,..
Just as Reagan did , when Democrat House Speaker Tip O'Neill blocked his proposed tax cuts , and reneged on the Deal, to cut Washington spending,...
Trump will take his message, his agenda,...his noble mission,...directly to We the People.
The President will define his mission, at rally after rally, tweet after endless tweet,...
And, most importantly, he will define the means to accomplish it,..and call out the enemies who oppose it.
Therein lies the time tested formula, for Republican Victory.
After his return from flood ravaged Texas and Louisiana, the President was asked by a White House reporter, if a military response was possible, in the wake of North Korea's ever increasing threat, of Nuclear Armageddon.
"We'll See",... came the President's measured, ominous response.
So Be It,...and Kim Jong Un, ...will no doubt, see as well,..what We the People,..have already confirmed, beyond a shadow of doubt,....
That, for this man called Trump,...
Mission, ..and Accomplishment,....
Are one and the same,....
And,...unlike the North Korean Despot,...
Trump,.. does not stand alone,....
Thursday, August 31, 2017
"Puppets Of Death!"
The Russian Conspiracy Strategem has failed. Despite the combined efforts of the still largely Democrat controlled FBI, DOJ, and NSA, despite the special investigation conducted by James Comey's leftist henchman Robert Mueller, ..the Trump Presidency endures,...and the President remains , undestroyed. But, the Democrat mission remains. From now until the last day of his Presidency, the Democrat Machine will have but one goal; ...find a way to end the Trump Presidency, while regaining Democrat control of the House and Senate as well.
But how? If the race card failed, the Russian card failed, claims of mental instability failed, ...what conspirator dagger is there, that can bring down this new Caesar?
Perhaps, a dagger called Nazism. That has become the new weapon that the Democrat Machine is gambling its future on.
The mission? Simple. Tie this President to the Neo-Nazi and KuKluxKlan forces that still exist in our nation, and watch the Trump Administration implode upon itself. And, make no mistake, the Nazi-Antifa riots in Charlotte, West Virginia, were nothing more than the implementation of this sinister strategem.
The riot was nothing more than a Democrat manufactured fraud, with out of state , professional anarchists, and urban terrorists, bussed in and paid by the Democrat Machine, to do exactly what they did, do exactly what all terror forces do,....create chaos and fear, destroy, damage, burn, maim, and yes, even kill , an Oregon based terrorist eventually did, ...ramming his van into the warring leftist factions, injuring many, and killing one young woman. Their bodies were hurled into the air like ragdolls, like broken puppets, sacrificial pawns in a sinister game, to usurp the Trump Presidency, by connecting him directly to the chaos, destruction, and death that occurred this day in Charlotte, West Virginia. The irony is that despite the reality of a lost life,..all the rest was mere facade, ..the leftist Democrat Mayor of Charlotte, through the Democrat Machine, paid the terror forces of Nazism, KKK, and Antifa, to collide with brutal finality, by the statue of Civil War General Stonewall Jackson, knowing full well that no matter what the President's response to the violence would be, would not be enough to acquit him of direct responsibility for this madness.
Yes, even though President Trump has repeatedly disavowed the KKK, David Duke,...and Nazism, going back to the early nineties, despite clear rejection of racist based hate, that can easily be verified , with a simple search on YouTube, ...despite all the evidence that proves Trump is no racist, no Nazi sympathizer,...the Democrat media moved swiftly, in the wake of this clash of evil, to insist that the President refused to condemn the Nazi Party, refused to condemn the KKK, on the grounds that they are his strongest supporters ,....the evil voting base,....that handed him the Presidency on a silver platter.
Utter nonsense, and the President has neither the time, nor the patience, to play this new Democrat Game,..quickly dismissing all racism as evil, dismissing all involved in this brutal conflict, as equally reprehensible, ..for the President knows ,..the truth.
All of us, are brothers , who bleed the same blood, ..share the same humanity. All skin , the same. All blood, the same. All humanity, the same. It is only hate that separates us, not color. Did the President refuse to solely blame Nazi-KKK factions? Of course. There is much of the Asgardian God of mischief, Loki, this man called Trump. And, make no mistake,...there is nothing this President enjoys more, than tweaking the nose of his enemies, and angering any who lack the intelligence, and character, see the method behind his seeming madness.
Trump knows, the two things all leftists lack, a sense of humor, and a sense of irony,..for these qualities are the product of intelligence and empathy, ..qualities all Democrats,..are sorely lacking.
President Trump deliberately thumbed his nose at the Democrats, yet again, by simply refusing to call out the Nazis directly. The result?
They raged, they called for his resignation,...and, in the case of one congresswoman,...they even called for his assassination.
Yet, despite all this outrage, despite all Democrat effort to now link Trump to Nazi-KKK extremists,...despite all relentless efforts to reduce the Trump Agenda to a burnt out cinder,..
Trump and his Republican WarGods endure,..and remain, undestroyed.
Yes, another Democrat plot had failed to do anything , except further erode Democrat credibility. Chief Strategist Steve Bannon may be out, Terror Advisor Sebastian Gorka may be out as well,...but this matters little. Bannon called for higher taxes, and believed North Korea held the upper hand. Gorka opposed expansion of the Afghanistan War. This is not the Trump agenda, on both counts, so they are out. They could all fall,...and Trump would still endure,..because Trump and the American people, are one and the same. His power, is their power. His agenda, is their agenda. The agenda of truth. The agenda of conservatism.
The agenda, that cannot be defeated, by any force of terror or Democrat machinations.
Both sides were to blame in Charlotte, as Trump said,..and both sides were bought and paid for, the Democrat Party.
The Democrats next move? Go beyond attacking the indestructible Trump, and begin, in earnest, to attack America directly. Pull down all her statues, all her monuments, for all are linked to slavery, and racism. Pull down this nation, bit by bit, and leave Trump the King of an empty, desolate , Desert Kingdom.
The Democrats will continue this agenda to destroy the America Trump rules, ...but it is a false agenda,..a self inflicted mirage, ..with no reality,....doomed to failure,..before its even begun.
The True Reality?
The Republican Party is winning,..and will continue to win, well after their landslide 2018 Midterm Victory, which is now virtually a fait accompli, in the wake of the Democrat endorsed Charlotte madness. For, despite all their hysteria, all their outrage, all their warcry's of racism, and Nazi bigotry,...
The grim reality is,...the Democrat Party is done.
They have lost all power, well before the critical 2018 Midterms.
They could not even win special elections in South Carolina and Georgia, despite weak Republican opposition, and spending millions on both campaigns. They can no longer raise money. Donations to the DNC have dropped to nearly zero. They no longer have a voting base, since the new Sessions crackdown on border security, and illegal immigrant voting. After all, what legitimate hard working American, would vote for a Party that promises to take more of their hard earned money, while heaping contempt and scorn, on our Military, Veterans, Police, Allies in Freedom, 2nd Amendment Rights, and even the Constitution itself?
Trump has exposed this farce called the Democrat Party. Trump has tweaked them, forced them to frustration, rage, and ultimate madness.
And the result?
Their true Communist face is exposed, ..making them,..unelectable.
Making them,..obsolete, as a political party in America.
Nazi? Bigot? Homophobe?
"I embrace all these epithets heaped upon me, by the Democrat enemy, and use their power, to formulate their own defeat." ,..Trump seems to say,.."I embrace their hate, chaos, violence, and wade into the fray of battle, for I am a force of conservative nature, born on the battlefield of a Free Republic, and I ask for nothing more,.. than the thrill of the battle, itself.
The Democrats are destroyed, but the chaos of war, will go on, as it should, in a Free Republic,..for we must always remember,...
A world, where all men, agree with each other,..
A world, where there is no conflict, no dispute, no heroes, no villains, no battles to fight, no crowns to conquer, no freedom to protect, ..
No Shining City, secure,...
Is the pale, grey world, of Socialism, Marxism, ..Communism,..
And that, is not a world fit for those born into conflict,
Born into Freedom,..
And dedicated, to the never ending battle against the forces of terror, and the now powerless Democrat Party.
A Party, that has followed in the footsteps of the Nazi Party they reflect, by destroying themselves, ..rather than admit bitter , lasting defeat, the hands of Trumpian Legions.
But how? If the race card failed, the Russian card failed, claims of mental instability failed, ...what conspirator dagger is there, that can bring down this new Caesar?
Perhaps, a dagger called Nazism. That has become the new weapon that the Democrat Machine is gambling its future on.
The mission? Simple. Tie this President to the Neo-Nazi and KuKluxKlan forces that still exist in our nation, and watch the Trump Administration implode upon itself. And, make no mistake, the Nazi-Antifa riots in Charlotte, West Virginia, were nothing more than the implementation of this sinister strategem.
The riot was nothing more than a Democrat manufactured fraud, with out of state , professional anarchists, and urban terrorists, bussed in and paid by the Democrat Machine, to do exactly what they did, do exactly what all terror forces do,....create chaos and fear, destroy, damage, burn, maim, and yes, even kill , an Oregon based terrorist eventually did, ...ramming his van into the warring leftist factions, injuring many, and killing one young woman. Their bodies were hurled into the air like ragdolls, like broken puppets, sacrificial pawns in a sinister game, to usurp the Trump Presidency, by connecting him directly to the chaos, destruction, and death that occurred this day in Charlotte, West Virginia. The irony is that despite the reality of a lost life,..all the rest was mere facade, ..the leftist Democrat Mayor of Charlotte, through the Democrat Machine, paid the terror forces of Nazism, KKK, and Antifa, to collide with brutal finality, by the statue of Civil War General Stonewall Jackson, knowing full well that no matter what the President's response to the violence would be, would not be enough to acquit him of direct responsibility for this madness.
Yes, even though President Trump has repeatedly disavowed the KKK, David Duke,...and Nazism, going back to the early nineties, despite clear rejection of racist based hate, that can easily be verified , with a simple search on YouTube, ...despite all the evidence that proves Trump is no racist, no Nazi sympathizer,...the Democrat media moved swiftly, in the wake of this clash of evil, to insist that the President refused to condemn the Nazi Party, refused to condemn the KKK, on the grounds that they are his strongest supporters ,....the evil voting base,....that handed him the Presidency on a silver platter.
Utter nonsense, and the President has neither the time, nor the patience, to play this new Democrat Game,..quickly dismissing all racism as evil, dismissing all involved in this brutal conflict, as equally reprehensible, ..for the President knows ,..the truth.
All of us, are brothers , who bleed the same blood, ..share the same humanity. All skin , the same. All blood, the same. All humanity, the same. It is only hate that separates us, not color. Did the President refuse to solely blame Nazi-KKK factions? Of course. There is much of the Asgardian God of mischief, Loki, this man called Trump. And, make no mistake,...there is nothing this President enjoys more, than tweaking the nose of his enemies, and angering any who lack the intelligence, and character, see the method behind his seeming madness.
Trump knows, the two things all leftists lack, a sense of humor, and a sense of irony,..for these qualities are the product of intelligence and empathy, ..qualities all Democrats,..are sorely lacking.
President Trump deliberately thumbed his nose at the Democrats, yet again, by simply refusing to call out the Nazis directly. The result?
They raged, they called for his resignation,...and, in the case of one congresswoman,...they even called for his assassination.
Yet, despite all this outrage, despite all Democrat effort to now link Trump to Nazi-KKK extremists,...despite all relentless efforts to reduce the Trump Agenda to a burnt out cinder,..
Trump and his Republican WarGods endure,..and remain, undestroyed.
Yes, another Democrat plot had failed to do anything , except further erode Democrat credibility. Chief Strategist Steve Bannon may be out, Terror Advisor Sebastian Gorka may be out as well,...but this matters little. Bannon called for higher taxes, and believed North Korea held the upper hand. Gorka opposed expansion of the Afghanistan War. This is not the Trump agenda, on both counts, so they are out. They could all fall,...and Trump would still endure,..because Trump and the American people, are one and the same. His power, is their power. His agenda, is their agenda. The agenda of truth. The agenda of conservatism.
The agenda, that cannot be defeated, by any force of terror or Democrat machinations.
Both sides were to blame in Charlotte, as Trump said,..and both sides were bought and paid for, the Democrat Party.
The Democrats next move? Go beyond attacking the indestructible Trump, and begin, in earnest, to attack America directly. Pull down all her statues, all her monuments, for all are linked to slavery, and racism. Pull down this nation, bit by bit, and leave Trump the King of an empty, desolate , Desert Kingdom.
The Democrats will continue this agenda to destroy the America Trump rules, ...but it is a false agenda,..a self inflicted mirage, ..with no reality,....doomed to failure,..before its even begun.
The True Reality?
The Republican Party is winning,..and will continue to win, well after their landslide 2018 Midterm Victory, which is now virtually a fait accompli, in the wake of the Democrat endorsed Charlotte madness. For, despite all their hysteria, all their outrage, all their warcry's of racism, and Nazi bigotry,...
The grim reality is,...the Democrat Party is done.
They have lost all power, well before the critical 2018 Midterms.
They could not even win special elections in South Carolina and Georgia, despite weak Republican opposition, and spending millions on both campaigns. They can no longer raise money. Donations to the DNC have dropped to nearly zero. They no longer have a voting base, since the new Sessions crackdown on border security, and illegal immigrant voting. After all, what legitimate hard working American, would vote for a Party that promises to take more of their hard earned money, while heaping contempt and scorn, on our Military, Veterans, Police, Allies in Freedom, 2nd Amendment Rights, and even the Constitution itself?
Trump has exposed this farce called the Democrat Party. Trump has tweaked them, forced them to frustration, rage, and ultimate madness.
And the result?
Their true Communist face is exposed, ..making them,..unelectable.
Making them,..obsolete, as a political party in America.
Nazi? Bigot? Homophobe?
"I embrace all these epithets heaped upon me, by the Democrat enemy, and use their power, to formulate their own defeat." ,..Trump seems to say,.."I embrace their hate, chaos, violence, and wade into the fray of battle, for I am a force of conservative nature, born on the battlefield of a Free Republic, and I ask for nothing more,.. than the thrill of the battle, itself.
The Democrats are destroyed, but the chaos of war, will go on, as it should, in a Free Republic,..for we must always remember,...
A world, where all men, agree with each other,..
A world, where there is no conflict, no dispute, no heroes, no villains, no battles to fight, no crowns to conquer, no freedom to protect, ..
No Shining City, secure,...
Is the pale, grey world, of Socialism, Marxism, ..Communism,..
And that, is not a world fit for those born into conflict,
Born into Freedom,..
And dedicated, to the never ending battle against the forces of terror, and the now powerless Democrat Party.
A Party, that has followed in the footsteps of the Nazi Party they reflect, by destroying themselves, ..rather than admit bitter , lasting defeat, the hands of Trumpian Legions.
Sunday, August 27, 2017
"Target : Indestructible!!"
It was aviator Charles Lindberg who once proclaimed, "A life, without risk, is not worth living."
He was correct.
For, without risk, there is no conflict, no obstacle, no burden, no conflict, no cause to fight for, no enemy to overcome, nothing to make us stronger, nothing to entrust us, with one noble purpose,...
Make America Great Again,....
By confronting the evil among us, and ultimately,..destroying it.
To this end, comes the latest threat to the Shining City On A Hill,..a threat in the form of a man called Kim Jong Un,..Despot, Tyrant, Childish Buffoon,..and Supreme Ruler of North Korea. Like the forces of Islamic terror, North Korea represents a long standing menace to world peace, one that has been made infinitely worse, by decades worth of Democrat appeasement and weakness in the face of the enemy.
Giving billions of dollars to communist regimes is hardly the way to reduce their threat, let alone turn them into a functioning Free Republic, yet for decades, America under Democrat rule, has followed that self a destructive path,.President Clinton, in particular, giving billions to the Kim Jong Ill regime.
The result?
A madman, now armed with nuclear missiles .
Their target?
America, and the Free World.
Even detonated in the atmosphere above their targets, they would still have devastating consequences ,..shutting down electromagnetic systems, and unleashing deadly radioactive fallout, that could last for decades.
The only force in the universe that can stop Kim Jong Un from making his mad vision reality, is the American Military, ...the finest fighting force yet assembled by mortal man. Fully unleashed, it could crush Un's evil regime, like a bug , reducing his arrogance, his evil, his weaponry,..his very nation itself,... to charred ash, in a matter of minutes,..before Un could even blink.
And yet, has not. It has let evil grow around the world. Islamic evil, Communist evil, Socialist evil, Marxist evil. It has all grown stronger, for one reason, ..the Democrat Party has ruled Washington for far too long,...for far too many decades, and, consequently, has kept the American Military that they despise, on a leash, ...refusing to let them do, what they do best,....destroy evil. Not surprising, for the Democrat Party has always believed one thing above all others,....
America , is the true terror state.
America, has stolen the wealth, the power, the resources, the freedom,..from other nations, and left them second rate and poverty stricken,..dependent on the handouts and subsidies of Infidel America , to sustain themselves.
That is the brazen lie, that the Democrat Party accepts as truth.
Their solution? Secure permanent power in Washington, and use that power to weaken America .
Weaken her economically, militarily, ...weaken her so that her enemies can grow stronger . That was always the goal, and the result now, a Middle East in terror stricken turmoil, the resurgence of the Soviet threat, ..and a Mad Tyrant , with his finger poised on a nuclear button.
Democrat appeasement of evil, has now sown the seeds of permanent American defeat, at the hands of a nuclear madman.
Nothing, it seems,...can now alter the course of the Shining City's grim destiny,....
Unless,..of course,...the unexpected intervenes.
For, in the midst of the maelstrom, ....a celestial storm has been gathering,...
A storm, that started in 2010,..when the Republicans finally regained control of the House, ...a storm that continued to build in intensity,...into 2014, as the Republicans then regained control of the Senate, and most State level legislatures as well.
A storm, whose Thunder and Lightning finally ripped the very heavens asunder,...when the Republicans finally seized the Presidency for their own,...and by so doing,...unleashed fire, fury, ...the very forces of Hell itself,....upon the enemies of the Free World.
That Figure,..that Fury,...that Hellspawn, ..wouldst come in the form of Donald Trump, .the 45th President of the United States, ....a Force of pure conservatism,...a Force with one mission,...
Win, all the time,....
Win, at all costs,....
Make America Great Again,....
And the enemies in his path, whether Democrat conspirator, Islamic Terrorist, or Foppish, Pot-Bellied, North Korean Despot,..
Would tremble in his wake, ....
For, he has proven himself , so far,....against all opponents, be,....
Unconquerable, ...
The Mueller Russian Probe will only expose the Democrat conspirators themselves,....
The Repeal and Replace of Obamacare, will be accomplished, very soon,...
The Wall will be built,....
The Economy will continue, to grow stronger,....
The Supreme Court,...ever more conservative,...
Our Military, ...ever more powerful,.....
And, We the People, ever more dedicated, ever more determined, make the Trump vision of an America Reborn,....
A Living, Working,..Reality.
And therein, lies the key to the Trump success .
The key, that will bring total , inevitable Republican Victory.
Forget weak Republicans that vote against Repeal and Replace.
Forget Never Trumpers.
Forget the Democrat Machine and the Washington Elite, dedicated to derailing the Trump agenda, and ending his Presidency in impeachment and disgrace,....
Forget Democrat enabled , nuclear powered madmen, who hold this President, in the crosshairs of atomic fusion,...
Forget all this,....
And Remember,...
That this President, and the People,....are one.
And that, is the secret weapon, that makes him indestructible,...
And Unbeatable.
For this man called Trump, has reasoned it out.
America is Great, because, for the first time in History,....
We the People Rule.
The greatest system of government, yet devised by man, great indeed, only because it is a system if self government.
For, man is a creature , fashioned by the Gods, to be free, and must live free, or face self destruction.
America, is the only nation on earth, to make this God-Spawned system work, and that is the Greatness of America.
Washington knew this,
Jefferson knew this,
Adams knew this,
Hamilton, knew this,
Teddy Roosevelt, knew this,
Lincoln knew this,
Kennedy knew this,
Reagan, knew this,
Bush knew this,
And now, Trump knows it as well, ...
Perhaps, even better than his predecessors .
Trump and the American people, are one and the same.
This is why all obstacles, all enemies, will be overcome, and the Trump agenda, will be fully realized.
The Trump rallies will continue, unabated.
The Trump Tweets will increase exponentially.
And, the Trump threats leveled against America's enemies?
The Fire, the Fury, he promised to unleash?
Already, a Fait Accompli,...
For one simple reason, ...
This singular force of nature that men call Trump, has returned the ruling power, to the hands of We the People.
And, We the People, have made this man, our noble herald, that works only our will,...
Make America Great Again?
No. America has always remained Great,....
For, it's People are Great.
Trump's noble task was always to simply force us, to remember this,....
And so he has, with a booming voice and vision, that rumbles like thunder.
DPRK Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un, has warned our President, to cease his threats and insults, or he will target America and her Allies, and "Reduce them to Jelly."
Trump and his WarGods disagree with Un's vision, and have issued a counter threat,....
Continue to threaten America, her Allies, and the Free World, with nuclear annihilation, ....
And your Regime,
Your People,
Your Nation,....
Your petty, tinkertoy weapons,....
Will be, no more.
Is there much risk in this dangerous rhetoric?
But, America was born from risk, from conflict. Indeed, the Patriot is a creature born on the battlefield, of risk itself. A creature, that knows , a life without risk, is not worth living, and a fight for Freedom and Liberty, is always worth the risk.
He was correct.
For, without risk, there is no conflict, no obstacle, no burden, no conflict, no cause to fight for, no enemy to overcome, nothing to make us stronger, nothing to entrust us, with one noble purpose,...
Make America Great Again,....
By confronting the evil among us, and ultimately,..destroying it.
To this end, comes the latest threat to the Shining City On A Hill,..a threat in the form of a man called Kim Jong Un,..Despot, Tyrant, Childish Buffoon,..and Supreme Ruler of North Korea. Like the forces of Islamic terror, North Korea represents a long standing menace to world peace, one that has been made infinitely worse, by decades worth of Democrat appeasement and weakness in the face of the enemy.
Giving billions of dollars to communist regimes is hardly the way to reduce their threat, let alone turn them into a functioning Free Republic, yet for decades, America under Democrat rule, has followed that self a destructive path,.President Clinton, in particular, giving billions to the Kim Jong Ill regime.
The result?
A madman, now armed with nuclear missiles .
Their target?
America, and the Free World.
Even detonated in the atmosphere above their targets, they would still have devastating consequences ,..shutting down electromagnetic systems, and unleashing deadly radioactive fallout, that could last for decades.
The only force in the universe that can stop Kim Jong Un from making his mad vision reality, is the American Military, ...the finest fighting force yet assembled by mortal man. Fully unleashed, it could crush Un's evil regime, like a bug , reducing his arrogance, his evil, his weaponry,..his very nation itself,... to charred ash, in a matter of minutes,..before Un could even blink.
And yet, has not. It has let evil grow around the world. Islamic evil, Communist evil, Socialist evil, Marxist evil. It has all grown stronger, for one reason, ..the Democrat Party has ruled Washington for far too long,...for far too many decades, and, consequently, has kept the American Military that they despise, on a leash, ...refusing to let them do, what they do best,....destroy evil. Not surprising, for the Democrat Party has always believed one thing above all others,....
America , is the true terror state.
America, has stolen the wealth, the power, the resources, the freedom,..from other nations, and left them second rate and poverty stricken,..dependent on the handouts and subsidies of Infidel America , to sustain themselves.
That is the brazen lie, that the Democrat Party accepts as truth.
Their solution? Secure permanent power in Washington, and use that power to weaken America .
Weaken her economically, militarily, ...weaken her so that her enemies can grow stronger . That was always the goal, and the result now, a Middle East in terror stricken turmoil, the resurgence of the Soviet threat, ..and a Mad Tyrant , with his finger poised on a nuclear button.
Democrat appeasement of evil, has now sown the seeds of permanent American defeat, at the hands of a nuclear madman.
Nothing, it seems,...can now alter the course of the Shining City's grim destiny,....
Unless,..of course,...the unexpected intervenes.
For, in the midst of the maelstrom, ....a celestial storm has been gathering,...
A storm, that started in 2010,..when the Republicans finally regained control of the House, ...a storm that continued to build in intensity,...into 2014, as the Republicans then regained control of the Senate, and most State level legislatures as well.
A storm, whose Thunder and Lightning finally ripped the very heavens asunder,...when the Republicans finally seized the Presidency for their own,...and by so doing,...unleashed fire, fury, ...the very forces of Hell itself,....upon the enemies of the Free World.
That Figure,..that Fury,...that Hellspawn, ..wouldst come in the form of Donald Trump, .the 45th President of the United States, ....a Force of pure conservatism,...a Force with one mission,...
Win, all the time,....
Win, at all costs,....
Make America Great Again,....
And the enemies in his path, whether Democrat conspirator, Islamic Terrorist, or Foppish, Pot-Bellied, North Korean Despot,..
Would tremble in his wake, ....
For, he has proven himself , so far,....against all opponents, be,....
Unconquerable, ...
The Mueller Russian Probe will only expose the Democrat conspirators themselves,....
The Repeal and Replace of Obamacare, will be accomplished, very soon,...
The Wall will be built,....
The Economy will continue, to grow stronger,....
The Supreme Court,...ever more conservative,...
Our Military, ...ever more powerful,.....
And, We the People, ever more dedicated, ever more determined, make the Trump vision of an America Reborn,....
A Living, Working,..Reality.
And therein, lies the key to the Trump success .
The key, that will bring total , inevitable Republican Victory.
Forget weak Republicans that vote against Repeal and Replace.
Forget Never Trumpers.
Forget the Democrat Machine and the Washington Elite, dedicated to derailing the Trump agenda, and ending his Presidency in impeachment and disgrace,....
Forget Democrat enabled , nuclear powered madmen, who hold this President, in the crosshairs of atomic fusion,...
Forget all this,....
And Remember,...
That this President, and the People,....are one.
And that, is the secret weapon, that makes him indestructible,...
And Unbeatable.
For this man called Trump, has reasoned it out.
America is Great, because, for the first time in History,....
We the People Rule.
The greatest system of government, yet devised by man, great indeed, only because it is a system if self government.
For, man is a creature , fashioned by the Gods, to be free, and must live free, or face self destruction.
America, is the only nation on earth, to make this God-Spawned system work, and that is the Greatness of America.
Washington knew this,
Jefferson knew this,
Adams knew this,
Hamilton, knew this,
Teddy Roosevelt, knew this,
Lincoln knew this,
Kennedy knew this,
Reagan, knew this,
Bush knew this,
And now, Trump knows it as well, ...
Perhaps, even better than his predecessors .
Trump and the American people, are one and the same.
This is why all obstacles, all enemies, will be overcome, and the Trump agenda, will be fully realized.
The Trump rallies will continue, unabated.
The Trump Tweets will increase exponentially.
And, the Trump threats leveled against America's enemies?
The Fire, the Fury, he promised to unleash?
Already, a Fait Accompli,...
For one simple reason, ...
This singular force of nature that men call Trump, has returned the ruling power, to the hands of We the People.
And, We the People, have made this man, our noble herald, that works only our will,...
Make America Great Again?
No. America has always remained Great,....
For, it's People are Great.
Trump's noble task was always to simply force us, to remember this,....
And so he has, with a booming voice and vision, that rumbles like thunder.
DPRK Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un, has warned our President, to cease his threats and insults, or he will target America and her Allies, and "Reduce them to Jelly."
Trump and his WarGods disagree with Un's vision, and have issued a counter threat,....
Continue to threaten America, her Allies, and the Free World, with nuclear annihilation, ....
And your Regime,
Your People,
Your Nation,....
Your petty, tinkertoy weapons,....
Will be, no more.
Is there much risk in this dangerous rhetoric?
But, America was born from risk, from conflict. Indeed, the Patriot is a creature born on the battlefield, of risk itself. A creature, that knows , a life without risk, is not worth living, and a fight for Freedom and Liberty, is always worth the risk.
Sunday, August 6, 2017
"Forged In Battle, Tempered By Victory!"
The Trump Administration has accomplished more in it's first 100 days, than any other administration in history. Regulations destroyed, a conservative Supreme Court Justice secured, our Military restored, our Veterans and Allies in freedom supported, the economy and stock market rebounding, our borders secured, and the terror forces of AlQueda and ISIS now broken, and on the run, with the State of Iraq, no longer in their control.
And yet, with all this, still tax cuts remain undone, and Obamacare still endures. Why? With the House, Senate, and the Presidency in Republican hands, all things should be possible.
The destructive Democrat Agenda should, by all rights, be a distant memory now. Yet, it is not, for one basic reason;
Despite belief in basic conservative values, despite a Republican agenda designed to move the country forward, despite strong support for the President's aggressive ,"America First" agenda, despite a winning record that saw the Republicans take back the House in 2010, the Senate in 2014, and the Presidency in 2017, and handing the Democrats a loss of over 1000 legislative seats across the country,.....
Still the Republicans lack the will, fight,..
The killer instinct,..
The will to win, all costs,..
The will to destroy all things Democrat, no matter what the cost.
For this reason, the Repeal and Replace of Obamacare still remains undone, the border wall still mere concept,...and tax cuts -tax reform, still waiting to be brought to a vote.
There is no excuse for this inaction. The engine that drives the free market economy is the concept of limited taxes and regulations. Only the Republican Party supports this concept. Only the Republican Party understands that limited taxes are the rock, upon which a system of self government is built.
Yet, the Repeal of Obamacare has failed to pass in repeated votes brought before the House and Senate,...with another vote, soon to come.
"Failure, is not an option",.. the President has said,...
Yet, glaring weakness still remains in a Party that has won everything it could possibly win, outside of a Super Majority.
A Party that has made winning look easy,..still lacks the confidence, of a winner.
The reason is simple; ....
You can teach conservative values, but you cannot teach a fighting will,...a fighting spirit,...
The Will, Win,...
But, within the Republican ranks, such men do exist, and, in the end,...Trump shall have them,..
This is the President's new strategem. Drain the Swamp,.to be sure,...purge all Democrat infiltration within the Republican ranks,...but also restructure the Republican Party ,..turn it into a savage, conservative fighting machine, that will not only continue to win handily, but will also take the battle to the Democrat Enemy, with a new found aggressiveness.
Destroy the Democrats,...
Before they can destroy you.
This new strategem is clear to see;....
The President openly criticizes Attorney General Sessions recusal in the Russian investigation.
The President brings in Wall Street entrepreneur Anthony Scaramucci as the new, but short lived Communications Director, ,conservative firebrand Sarah Huckabee Sanders, as the new Press Secretary, and Homeland Security Director John Kelly, to replace Reince Priebus as the President's Senior Advisor and Administration Director. All three are aggressive, bar room brawlers, with no tolerance for Democrat machinations.
All three have the will to win, all three would take the battle, to the enemy, and take no Democrat prisoners. And, despite the ousting of Scaramucci because of a foolish New Yorker interview laced with foul mouthed invective aimed at Preibus,..Ted Cruz still remains, still endures,....and has the same fighting spirit ,same conservative purity, and has vowed to push through the Repeal of Obamacare, and Tax Reform, at all costs.
The fighting will Cruz has displayed since winning his 2012 Senate seat, and brutal Primary battle with Trump, still intact.
And, so called conservatives such as Mike Lee , Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, and John McCain, have now been put on notice, by both Trump and Cruz,...
Your so called conservative values mean nothing,...
Your dedication to conservative principles , means nothing,...
If you cannot win,...
If you cannot beat, the Democrats,...
If you cannot destroy Obamacare and all things Democrat, no matter what the cost.
Conservatism, is the very essence of truth,...
Therefore,...conservatism must win.
If you cannot win, then you are no conservative, and have failed to work the will of We the People,..who sent you to Washington.
The Trump rallies still remain the standard by which all Republicans representatives, must be measured.
The President and the will of We the People,...are one and the same,..
They are the right and left hand, of the same body.
The Republican House and Senate must implement that will, make its legislation reality,..or they must step aside, and pass the political baton, to those who can, and will.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has been put on notice, with the new shift, in the Trump Agenda,...
Failure on Obamacare repeal, not an option.
The President, will have it now, no matter what the cost.
McConnell has responded to both Trump and Cruz pressure, and called for still another rushed vote, to Repeal and Replace.
The Republican holdouts are now on notice,...
Pass this bill, ...or be destroyed along with the now powerless Democrats.
Failure, is not an option.
Winning, isn't everything,...
It is the only thing,...
And winning, is what this President , Ted Cruz, General Kelly, Dr.Sebastian Gorka, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and Steven Miller, do best. And this is why they are now leading this war against the Democrats,..why Sean Spicer is out,..why Scaramucci is out,...why Reince Priebus, out,...
Why others, may soon be out as well,...
Forget the Russian conspiracy,..
Forget the Mueller Witch Hunt,...
And remember, O' Republicans, ..the will of this one man, who has made winning a way of life, and will tolerate nothing less, than victory for his country as well.
Victory, forged in the fires of his own will, and the will of We the People, who made him President, and will tolerate no other.
President Trump stood on the deck of the newly commissioned USS Gerald R. Ford,...a 33 Billion Dollar Destroyer,..capable of bringing death and destruction to America's enemies in every corner of the globe. A virtual military city unto itself, it's power awesome, unrivaled and symbolic, of the Trump Agenda itself.
As the President stated on that ship's deck; ....
"War,...against America's enemies, should never be a fair fight,"...
America, should always have the unfair advantage, ..
The enemy, must always be reminded,..that it stands no chance against the greatest fighting force yet devised by man.
Their defeat and destruction, is always inevitable,....
This President will tolerate, no other outcome.
John Kennedy was once asked why he wanted to be President,..
His reply?
" Because,..I want it,.."
So Be It.
Contemplate this well, Republican House and Senate, yet another vote on Repeal looms,..ever nearer,...before the August recess,...
Kellyanne Conway, Sarah Huckabee Sanders,..Steven Miller,...Sebastian Gorka,...John Kelly,...and yes,..MS 13 Destroyer Attorney General Jeff Sessions as well,..are the savage new WarGods, who will take no prisoners in their mission to destroy all things Democrat,...and advance the President's Republican Agenda.
Senators McCain, Collins, and Murkowski, the Democrat double agents who voted against the repeal bill,..are now in their crosshasirs, and targeted for termination.
Obamacare will be destroyed, and those Republicans working against this President shall be condemned to the dark Stygian depths of Democrat Hell Eternally. Their cushy healthcare subsidies will be stripped from them, and the 51 Vote Nuclear Option,...shall be employed, to pass all things Republican,...
To paraphrase JFK,...
We the People want it,....
And,..We the People,...will have it.
Failure, not an option, and the unfair advantage, must always belong ,..
To the American Military,...
And,..the Republican Party.
And yet, with all this, still tax cuts remain undone, and Obamacare still endures. Why? With the House, Senate, and the Presidency in Republican hands, all things should be possible.
The destructive Democrat Agenda should, by all rights, be a distant memory now. Yet, it is not, for one basic reason;
Despite belief in basic conservative values, despite a Republican agenda designed to move the country forward, despite strong support for the President's aggressive ,"America First" agenda, despite a winning record that saw the Republicans take back the House in 2010, the Senate in 2014, and the Presidency in 2017, and handing the Democrats a loss of over 1000 legislative seats across the country,.....
Still the Republicans lack the will, fight,..
The killer instinct,..
The will to win, all costs,..
The will to destroy all things Democrat, no matter what the cost.
For this reason, the Repeal and Replace of Obamacare still remains undone, the border wall still mere concept,...and tax cuts -tax reform, still waiting to be brought to a vote.
There is no excuse for this inaction. The engine that drives the free market economy is the concept of limited taxes and regulations. Only the Republican Party supports this concept. Only the Republican Party understands that limited taxes are the rock, upon which a system of self government is built.
Yet, the Repeal of Obamacare has failed to pass in repeated votes brought before the House and Senate,...with another vote, soon to come.
"Failure, is not an option",.. the President has said,...
Yet, glaring weakness still remains in a Party that has won everything it could possibly win, outside of a Super Majority.
A Party that has made winning look easy,..still lacks the confidence, of a winner.
The reason is simple; ....
You can teach conservative values, but you cannot teach a fighting will,...a fighting spirit,...
The Will, Win,...
But, within the Republican ranks, such men do exist, and, in the end,...Trump shall have them,..
This is the President's new strategem. Drain the Swamp,.to be sure,...purge all Democrat infiltration within the Republican ranks,...but also restructure the Republican Party ,..turn it into a savage, conservative fighting machine, that will not only continue to win handily, but will also take the battle to the Democrat Enemy, with a new found aggressiveness.
Destroy the Democrats,...
Before they can destroy you.
This new strategem is clear to see;....
The President openly criticizes Attorney General Sessions recusal in the Russian investigation.
The President brings in Wall Street entrepreneur Anthony Scaramucci as the new, but short lived Communications Director, ,conservative firebrand Sarah Huckabee Sanders, as the new Press Secretary, and Homeland Security Director John Kelly, to replace Reince Priebus as the President's Senior Advisor and Administration Director. All three are aggressive, bar room brawlers, with no tolerance for Democrat machinations.
All three have the will to win, all three would take the battle, to the enemy, and take no Democrat prisoners. And, despite the ousting of Scaramucci because of a foolish New Yorker interview laced with foul mouthed invective aimed at Preibus,..Ted Cruz still remains, still endures,....and has the same fighting spirit ,same conservative purity, and has vowed to push through the Repeal of Obamacare, and Tax Reform, at all costs.
The fighting will Cruz has displayed since winning his 2012 Senate seat, and brutal Primary battle with Trump, still intact.
And, so called conservatives such as Mike Lee , Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, and John McCain, have now been put on notice, by both Trump and Cruz,...
Your so called conservative values mean nothing,...
Your dedication to conservative principles , means nothing,...
If you cannot win,...
If you cannot beat, the Democrats,...
If you cannot destroy Obamacare and all things Democrat, no matter what the cost.
Conservatism, is the very essence of truth,...
Therefore,...conservatism must win.
If you cannot win, then you are no conservative, and have failed to work the will of We the People,..who sent you to Washington.
The Trump rallies still remain the standard by which all Republicans representatives, must be measured.
The President and the will of We the People,...are one and the same,..
They are the right and left hand, of the same body.
The Republican House and Senate must implement that will, make its legislation reality,..or they must step aside, and pass the political baton, to those who can, and will.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has been put on notice, with the new shift, in the Trump Agenda,...
Failure on Obamacare repeal, not an option.
The President, will have it now, no matter what the cost.
McConnell has responded to both Trump and Cruz pressure, and called for still another rushed vote, to Repeal and Replace.
The Republican holdouts are now on notice,...
Pass this bill, ...or be destroyed along with the now powerless Democrats.
Failure, is not an option.
Winning, isn't everything,...
It is the only thing,...
And winning, is what this President , Ted Cruz, General Kelly, Dr.Sebastian Gorka, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and Steven Miller, do best. And this is why they are now leading this war against the Democrats,..why Sean Spicer is out,..why Scaramucci is out,...why Reince Priebus, out,...
Why others, may soon be out as well,...
Forget the Russian conspiracy,..
Forget the Mueller Witch Hunt,...
And remember, O' Republicans, ..the will of this one man, who has made winning a way of life, and will tolerate nothing less, than victory for his country as well.
Victory, forged in the fires of his own will, and the will of We the People, who made him President, and will tolerate no other.
President Trump stood on the deck of the newly commissioned USS Gerald R. Ford,...a 33 Billion Dollar Destroyer,..capable of bringing death and destruction to America's enemies in every corner of the globe. A virtual military city unto itself, it's power awesome, unrivaled and symbolic, of the Trump Agenda itself.
As the President stated on that ship's deck; ....
"War,...against America's enemies, should never be a fair fight,"...
America, should always have the unfair advantage, ..
The enemy, must always be reminded,..that it stands no chance against the greatest fighting force yet devised by man.
Their defeat and destruction, is always inevitable,....
This President will tolerate, no other outcome.
John Kennedy was once asked why he wanted to be President,..
His reply?
" Because,..I want it,.."
So Be It.
Contemplate this well, Republican House and Senate, yet another vote on Repeal looms,..ever nearer,...before the August recess,...
Kellyanne Conway, Sarah Huckabee Sanders,..Steven Miller,...Sebastian Gorka,...John Kelly,...and yes,..MS 13 Destroyer Attorney General Jeff Sessions as well,..are the savage new WarGods, who will take no prisoners in their mission to destroy all things Democrat,...and advance the President's Republican Agenda.
Senators McCain, Collins, and Murkowski, the Democrat double agents who voted against the repeal bill,..are now in their crosshasirs, and targeted for termination.
Obamacare will be destroyed, and those Republicans working against this President shall be condemned to the dark Stygian depths of Democrat Hell Eternally. Their cushy healthcare subsidies will be stripped from them, and the 51 Vote Nuclear Option,...shall be employed, to pass all things Republican,...
To paraphrase JFK,...
We the People want it,....
And,..We the People,...will have it.
Failure, not an option, and the unfair advantage, must always belong ,..
To the American Military,...
And,..the Republican Party.
Monday, July 17, 2017
"The Exile "
Freedom, may be God given, but it is not free. Nor does it come easy. It requires hard work, discipline, self reliance, and sacrifice, sometimes in blood. Our Founding Fathers , the Patriots that dared to make the dream of a system of self government reality,..knew this all too well. Indeed, America only exists, because of their willingness to risk all ; ....their families, their fortunes, their careers, their security, their very lives, to transform thirteen British colonies into a Shining City on a Hill, ..the last, best hope, ...for humanity.
Mission Accomplished, but what did it cost them?
Most died in poverty and obscurity, would take later generations of American Historians to give them the fame and glory they deserved. Yes, freedom is hard, and suffers no weaklings to survive,..but, in the end, it is always worth the struggle.
Always worth the sacrifice.
For, the alternative is unthinkable.
The alternative, is the history of mankind. Since the dawn of time, man has lived in subjugation , under the boot heel of his fellow man. Under the boot heel, of small , weak, petty tyrants, who deem themselves superior, by birth right. Despots who only find strength, by weakening others.
That, is the History of Mankind,..until the Birth of America. Until a small band of patriots decided, it was time to risk all,...and change the world forever. Hard work, sacrifice and commitment to the Judeo-Christian values that gave rise to the birth of freedom, was the agenda that President Trump brought to both his Warsaw Poland appearance, and the G-20 Summit in Germany as well. In Warsaw, the President gave his greatest speech as Commander in Chief, possibly the best speech given by any President on foreign soil, since Ronald Reagan. He spoke of a renewal , a rebirth of Western values,..a re-commitment of Democratic Nations , to stand united against the forces of terror and tyranny, and a willingness for each free nation within the NATO alliance, to pay their fair share , to pull their own weight, equal partners in freedom.
A renewed commitment to Western values, ..
Western Democracy,....
And, most importantly, ....
To God, as well,....
This was the speech President Trump gave before a cheering crowd in Warsaw.
Freedom, is not free, and Trump reminded them that there must be sacrifice, and commitment, by all Democratic nations, ..
Freedom, is a hard road indeed, Trump told them,...
But, in the end,. always worth it,...
At the G-20 Summit, as well, the President continued his message of unity , sacrifice, and commitment to Democracy.
He met with Russian President Vladimir Putin, face to face for the first time, and the result? A proposed cease fire in Syria, now made reality,..and a potential U.S - Russia Cyber- Security Task Force, that could only be possible, in this Trumpian Age of Miracles.
And, Germany, France, and England as well, seem to also be slowly bending to Trump's will, slowly bending to his message of truth,..slowly bending to the inevitable reality,..that Western Europe must stand as a united Democratic alliance, equal partners, ..committed to destroy the forces of terror , ..
Or stand united,....
In oblivion,....
Yes, Freedom is hard, and the President made this clear, .but he also made it clear that he is sure, that Western Values will not die, ...
They will rise again.
They must.
For, as stated, the alternative , is no alternative at all. The alternative, is unthinkable. The alternative, is for Western Europe to cointinue , united,..down the same path it is now following,...
The path of Socialism,..
The path of Marxism,....
The path, of Communism,....
The path of weakness, the face of Islamic Terror, ...
The path of total collapse,...
Total destruction, ...
Total defeat, the hands of Islamic Terror.
Yes, freedom is hard, ...
But, it is the only way.
For, the easy path is indeed socialism,...communism, ..the easy path is the path that most of humanity has followed since the dawn of time.
And, the results are clear,....
The easy path, does not work.
It's easy, to let government control your lives,...
It's easy, to live in total equality,...
Equal work,....equal pay, ...equal poverty,....equal despair, .....
That, is the end result, of the socialism nightmare that Western Europe now suffers under, ..
Poverty and despair for all,....except for the ruling elite that is,..who make themselves wealthy, off the labors and burdens,..of their fellow man,...
Yes, freedom is hard,....for it demands self reliance,...self sufficiency,...
And socialism is easy,...for it does not demand self reliance.
It says that government will run your lives,..make your decisions, spend our money for you,...and provide you with Health Care, from cradle to grave. Socialism is the compassionate system, that takes care of all,....
That is the lie that always sells socialism, the weak, ..
Yes, freedom is hard, and suffers no weaklings,... to survive, ..
But, it is also the only true form of compassion, the only true form of charity.
The Proof?
It comes in the form of an infant,..a small exile from heaven, the name of Charlie Gard , who was born, unable to speak, hear, eat, or even breathe on his own without the use of machines.
A British born child, seemingly condemned to a grim, undeserved fate, ...
Unless,... the unexpected intervenes,...
In this case, that came in the form of an experimental medical treatment , that may give Charlie a fighting chance.
A chance, survive.
A chance, at life.
But, the socialist, government controlled health system of England, has deemed Charlie's plight, ..
As hopeless,...
His slim chance for survival? By socialist decree, chance at all. For you see, to send Charlie to America to seek this medical miracle,... To give Charlie a chance at life,..would simply be too expensive, ..cost too much taxpayer money, that would be wasted, on a hopeless cause.
Government money, that could be better spent, on more important things, .
More government programs,...more government entitlements, more government control,....more government power.
For that, is government money well spent,.
On important things,...
Far more important,....than the life of an exile from heaven,...
An exile,...whose plight now exposes the compassion of socialism, be a lie indeed.
For, by rejecting the pleas of Charlie's parents, doctors, and lawyers alike, the socialist system ,says no to a child's chance ,at life.
The Party of Compassion,..says no, to a chance at life, for a dying infant.
Who then, would speak for Charlie?
Even Pope Francis, a Jesuit raised socialist, says no, ..says that Charlie's parents must accept their son's fate.
Who would speak for Charlie?
There was, over all of Western Europe,..nothing but silence.
So much for the Compassion of Socialism.
So much, for Government controlled Healthcare.
Then, from the despair of silence,.. came deliverance, of a sort,..came the voice of one man, who, in his short time as Commander in Chief, seems to always be there,.. when a child is in need.
President Trump would speak for Charlie.
A man, from Capitalist America.
The Playboy Industrialist,..
The American Ideal,...
The Ultimate Living Symbol, of Free Market Principles,...
Who now holds the reigns, of Republican Presidency,..
A student, of Conservatism,..with an America First message,...
A man, who has now spread a message across Western Europe, ..
That, freedom, is not free,..
And compassion, can only come from free men, not from government.
Free men, like President Trump.
Yes, freedom is not free,
Yes, freedom is not easy,...
But, it is always the source of true compassion,..true charity,...
President Trump alone, has vowed to do whatever he can, to move the mountain of socialist impasse,...
And save Charlie.
For, as always, it is the plight of children, that brings out the best ,in this man called Trump.
Yes, Freedom is not Free,..
It's road,..long and hard,...
But, nothing would make traveling that road a little easier,...
Than to have a friend,..
A brother,....
Or a President,...
Like Donald J. Trump,....
Mission Accomplished, but what did it cost them?
Most died in poverty and obscurity, would take later generations of American Historians to give them the fame and glory they deserved. Yes, freedom is hard, and suffers no weaklings to survive,..but, in the end, it is always worth the struggle.
Always worth the sacrifice.
For, the alternative is unthinkable.
The alternative, is the history of mankind. Since the dawn of time, man has lived in subjugation , under the boot heel of his fellow man. Under the boot heel, of small , weak, petty tyrants, who deem themselves superior, by birth right. Despots who only find strength, by weakening others.
That, is the History of Mankind,..until the Birth of America. Until a small band of patriots decided, it was time to risk all,...and change the world forever. Hard work, sacrifice and commitment to the Judeo-Christian values that gave rise to the birth of freedom, was the agenda that President Trump brought to both his Warsaw Poland appearance, and the G-20 Summit in Germany as well. In Warsaw, the President gave his greatest speech as Commander in Chief, possibly the best speech given by any President on foreign soil, since Ronald Reagan. He spoke of a renewal , a rebirth of Western values,..a re-commitment of Democratic Nations , to stand united against the forces of terror and tyranny, and a willingness for each free nation within the NATO alliance, to pay their fair share , to pull their own weight, equal partners in freedom.
A renewed commitment to Western values, ..
Western Democracy,....
And, most importantly, ....
To God, as well,....
This was the speech President Trump gave before a cheering crowd in Warsaw.
Freedom, is not free, and Trump reminded them that there must be sacrifice, and commitment, by all Democratic nations, ..
Freedom, is a hard road indeed, Trump told them,...
But, in the end,. always worth it,...
At the G-20 Summit, as well, the President continued his message of unity , sacrifice, and commitment to Democracy.
He met with Russian President Vladimir Putin, face to face for the first time, and the result? A proposed cease fire in Syria, now made reality,..and a potential U.S - Russia Cyber- Security Task Force, that could only be possible, in this Trumpian Age of Miracles.
And, Germany, France, and England as well, seem to also be slowly bending to Trump's will, slowly bending to his message of truth,..slowly bending to the inevitable reality,..that Western Europe must stand as a united Democratic alliance, equal partners, ..committed to destroy the forces of terror , ..
Or stand united,....
In oblivion,....
Yes, Freedom is hard, and the President made this clear, .but he also made it clear that he is sure, that Western Values will not die, ...
They will rise again.
They must.
For, as stated, the alternative , is no alternative at all. The alternative, is unthinkable. The alternative, is for Western Europe to cointinue , united,..down the same path it is now following,...
The path of Socialism,..
The path of Marxism,....
The path, of Communism,....
The path of weakness, the face of Islamic Terror, ...
The path of total collapse,...
Total destruction, ...
Total defeat, the hands of Islamic Terror.
Yes, freedom is hard, ...
But, it is the only way.
For, the easy path is indeed socialism,...communism, ..the easy path is the path that most of humanity has followed since the dawn of time.
And, the results are clear,....
The easy path, does not work.
It's easy, to let government control your lives,...
It's easy, to live in total equality,...
Equal work,....equal pay, ...equal poverty,....equal despair, .....
That, is the end result, of the socialism nightmare that Western Europe now suffers under, ..
Poverty and despair for all,....except for the ruling elite that is,..who make themselves wealthy, off the labors and burdens,..of their fellow man,...
Yes, freedom is hard,....for it demands self reliance,...self sufficiency,...
And socialism is easy,...for it does not demand self reliance.
It says that government will run your lives,..make your decisions, spend our money for you,...and provide you with Health Care, from cradle to grave. Socialism is the compassionate system, that takes care of all,....
That is the lie that always sells socialism, the weak, ..
Yes, freedom is hard, and suffers no weaklings,... to survive, ..
But, it is also the only true form of compassion, the only true form of charity.
The Proof?
It comes in the form of an infant,..a small exile from heaven, the name of Charlie Gard , who was born, unable to speak, hear, eat, or even breathe on his own without the use of machines.
A British born child, seemingly condemned to a grim, undeserved fate, ...
Unless,... the unexpected intervenes,...
In this case, that came in the form of an experimental medical treatment , that may give Charlie a fighting chance.
A chance, survive.
A chance, at life.
But, the socialist, government controlled health system of England, has deemed Charlie's plight, ..
As hopeless,...
His slim chance for survival? By socialist decree, chance at all. For you see, to send Charlie to America to seek this medical miracle,... To give Charlie a chance at life,..would simply be too expensive, ..cost too much taxpayer money, that would be wasted, on a hopeless cause.
Government money, that could be better spent, on more important things, .
More government programs,...more government entitlements, more government control,....more government power.
For that, is government money well spent,.
On important things,...
Far more important,....than the life of an exile from heaven,...
An exile,...whose plight now exposes the compassion of socialism, be a lie indeed.
For, by rejecting the pleas of Charlie's parents, doctors, and lawyers alike, the socialist system ,says no to a child's chance ,at life.
The Party of Compassion,..says no, to a chance at life, for a dying infant.
Who then, would speak for Charlie?
Even Pope Francis, a Jesuit raised socialist, says no, ..says that Charlie's parents must accept their son's fate.
Who would speak for Charlie?
There was, over all of Western Europe,..nothing but silence.
So much for the Compassion of Socialism.
So much, for Government controlled Healthcare.
Then, from the despair of silence,.. came deliverance, of a sort,..came the voice of one man, who, in his short time as Commander in Chief, seems to always be there,.. when a child is in need.
President Trump would speak for Charlie.
A man, from Capitalist America.
The Playboy Industrialist,..
The American Ideal,...
The Ultimate Living Symbol, of Free Market Principles,...
Who now holds the reigns, of Republican Presidency,..
A student, of Conservatism,..with an America First message,...
A man, who has now spread a message across Western Europe, ..
That, freedom, is not free,..
And compassion, can only come from free men, not from government.
Free men, like President Trump.
Yes, freedom is not free,
Yes, freedom is not easy,...
But, it is always the source of true compassion,..true charity,...
President Trump alone, has vowed to do whatever he can, to move the mountain of socialist impasse,...
And save Charlie.
For, as always, it is the plight of children, that brings out the best ,in this man called Trump.
Yes, Freedom is not Free,..
It's road,..long and hard,...
But, nothing would make traveling that road a little easier,...
Than to have a friend,..
A brother,....
Or a President,...
Like Donald J. Trump,....
Tuesday, July 4, 2017
"The First, Of The Fourth Of Julys!"
As you celebrate Independence Day, in this Trumpian Age of Miracles, contemplate this singular question;..
Are you tired of winning yet?
If not, you should be.
For, since this President's Inauguration in January, winning, is the mantle he has worn, as easily as Herakles wore his Lion's Skin. Forget the endless Democrat attacks, whether they be Russian conspiracies, personal slurs, calls for Impeachment, or any other Democrat strategem designed to destroy this President and derail his mission,. .
All Democrat plots and malevolent schemes against this exceptional man, have failed ,miserably.
Trump has outmaneuvered the Democrat Machine at every turn, even taking their Russian plot, and turned it against them. There shall be a Russian collusion exposed,..and it shall be the Democrats who are revealed to be the conspirators. Checkmate, President Trump, and the Republican Party.
Are you tired of winning yet?
You should be indeed.
For, there is more,...
EPA restrictions have been destroyed, ..the Alaskan Pipeline approved, and moving forward,..
Our Military strengthened,. Our Veterans now honored, and cared for properly,...Our Supreme Court bolstered with the most conservative Justice, since Antonin Scalia,...Our Borders now secured, and illegal criminals deported,. in record numbers, and the Mexican Terror Gang MS-13,... now on the run, and on their way to complete destruction at the hands of the Trump Security Agenda.
Are you tired of winning yet?
You should be.
For, there's more.
The Democrats now know, they can no longer win elections ,....ever.
They have been exposed now fully, by endless Trumpian rally proclamations, as nothing more than the Party of endless taxes and regulations , that steal hard working American's money, and the Party that has shown nothing but contempt and disdain, for the greatest military force yet devised by man.
The special elections just held in South Carolina and Georgia, were do or die for the Democrat Party. On these two elections, hung their political future. To this end, the Democrat Machine invested a record amount of tax payer dollars, and leftist lobbyist donations, into their campaigns .
They failed. The Republicans won both seats easily, and make no mistake,....this is a portent, of things to come,....
The money We the People earn, ours,...
The Military we support,....sacrosanct,....
Our Judeo-Christian values,..the rock upon which, our Constitution, and Nation, was built.
The Democrats, will never understand this,...never accept this, ...
And, for this reason,....
They are,...undone, ...
They are, ....No More,....
Are you tired of winning yet?
You should be,....
And, make no mistake, this conservative force of nature, called Trump, only getting started.
With the Democrat Machine and the Liberal Media on the run, he is now increasing the pressure a thousandfold, per square inch,...
He body slams CNN, on a YouTube video,..
He goes to the Supreme Court, and gets his Anti-Terror Travel Ban approved, and put into full effect to secure our nation.
He is one step closer to passing Repeal and Replace, urging Republican Senators to Repeal fully first, ..and then concentrate on the Replacement bill. The President knows that it must be eliminated now, or the Democrats will regard it as a victory for their Party. Repeal ends the unconstitutional mandate, and ends the crushing , oppressive series of taxes and regulations that are, in reality,....all that Obamacare ever really was. Repeal alone, is victory, for We the People .
Replace is nothing more, than our already existing Free Market Republic.
And, the President will have both,..before the August recess,..guaranteed.
For, he understands the lesson learned by our Founders. Hopelessly divided over the issue of slavery repeal, John Adams refused to sign the Declaration of Independence, until Doctor Benjamin Franklin reminded him, that no one would remember John Adam's bold stance on principle,...
Nay,...all History will record, that the rebel colonists, had failed in their bid for Independence and Liberty,...
All History would remember, that the Patriots, had been defeated, by the British.
Winning isn't everything,..
Defeating the Democrats ,...isn't everything, ..
It's the Only Thing,....
Winning is what this man called Trump, does best, and the Republican Army that serves him, is discovering now,...
That winning, is contagious.
The Wall will be built.
Tax cuts and reform, will be reality.
Repeal and Replace, mere days away,..
And the Republican Victory Keg Party,..
Virtual Fait Accompli,...
For, by all the gods, winning is what the President does best, indeed,..
His Republican War Gods are united behind him, and the mission is clear;...
Destroy the Democrat Party, ..
See them driven before you,..
And then, tap the Victory Kegs of Ale, the Rose Garden.
Are you tired of winning yet?
By all the gods, you should be, ..
And, the first celebration, of a new Fourth of July, is just beginning, ..
The Trump rally in Washington, to honor our Veterans, made the point clear;...
Winning, the Republican Party,
And no malevolent strategem of the permanently defeated Democrats, can alter the course of their grim destiny.
A destiny, of eternal political oblivion,..
And the Democrat's Assassin strategem that brought down Hamilton, Lincoln, Kennedy, and nearly Reagan as well,..
This too,...will fail,....
For the gun, that the Democrats have long tried to ban, the chosen tool of those who know, cannot remain free,..unless you are able to defend that freedom.
The tool of the NRA backed, Republican Party,...
The Weapon,...of We the People.
And, our mastery of this weapon,....makes us the victors in any armed conflict with Terrorists, or Democrat Operative,...
By all that's Holy,...
Are You Tired Of Winning ,...Yet?
Then rest for a moment, on your well earned Republican Laurels, this Independence Day. Celebrate well, on this First, of the Fourth of Julys,...of an America Made Great Again,...
For, as the President proclaimed at the Washington Freedom Rally,...
"I am President,...and they ,..are not,..."
And no force of Man, God, Devil, or Democrat,...
Can alter this Olympian Reality,...
Are you tired of winning yet?
If not, you should be.
For, since this President's Inauguration in January, winning, is the mantle he has worn, as easily as Herakles wore his Lion's Skin. Forget the endless Democrat attacks, whether they be Russian conspiracies, personal slurs, calls for Impeachment, or any other Democrat strategem designed to destroy this President and derail his mission,. .
All Democrat plots and malevolent schemes against this exceptional man, have failed ,miserably.
Trump has outmaneuvered the Democrat Machine at every turn, even taking their Russian plot, and turned it against them. There shall be a Russian collusion exposed,..and it shall be the Democrats who are revealed to be the conspirators. Checkmate, President Trump, and the Republican Party.
Are you tired of winning yet?
You should be indeed.
For, there is more,...
EPA restrictions have been destroyed, ..the Alaskan Pipeline approved, and moving forward,..
Our Military strengthened,. Our Veterans now honored, and cared for properly,...Our Supreme Court bolstered with the most conservative Justice, since Antonin Scalia,...Our Borders now secured, and illegal criminals deported,. in record numbers, and the Mexican Terror Gang MS-13,... now on the run, and on their way to complete destruction at the hands of the Trump Security Agenda.
Are you tired of winning yet?
You should be.
For, there's more.
The Democrats now know, they can no longer win elections ,....ever.
They have been exposed now fully, by endless Trumpian rally proclamations, as nothing more than the Party of endless taxes and regulations , that steal hard working American's money, and the Party that has shown nothing but contempt and disdain, for the greatest military force yet devised by man.
The special elections just held in South Carolina and Georgia, were do or die for the Democrat Party. On these two elections, hung their political future. To this end, the Democrat Machine invested a record amount of tax payer dollars, and leftist lobbyist donations, into their campaigns .
They failed. The Republicans won both seats easily, and make no mistake,....this is a portent, of things to come,....
The money We the People earn, ours,...
The Military we support,....sacrosanct,....
Our Judeo-Christian values,..the rock upon which, our Constitution, and Nation, was built.
The Democrats, will never understand this,...never accept this, ...
And, for this reason,....
They are,...undone, ...
They are, ....No More,....
Are you tired of winning yet?
You should be,....
And, make no mistake, this conservative force of nature, called Trump, only getting started.
With the Democrat Machine and the Liberal Media on the run, he is now increasing the pressure a thousandfold, per square inch,...
He body slams CNN, on a YouTube video,..
He goes to the Supreme Court, and gets his Anti-Terror Travel Ban approved, and put into full effect to secure our nation.
He is one step closer to passing Repeal and Replace, urging Republican Senators to Repeal fully first, ..and then concentrate on the Replacement bill. The President knows that it must be eliminated now, or the Democrats will regard it as a victory for their Party. Repeal ends the unconstitutional mandate, and ends the crushing , oppressive series of taxes and regulations that are, in reality,....all that Obamacare ever really was. Repeal alone, is victory, for We the People .
Replace is nothing more, than our already existing Free Market Republic.
And, the President will have both,..before the August recess,..guaranteed.
For, he understands the lesson learned by our Founders. Hopelessly divided over the issue of slavery repeal, John Adams refused to sign the Declaration of Independence, until Doctor Benjamin Franklin reminded him, that no one would remember John Adam's bold stance on principle,...
Nay,...all History will record, that the rebel colonists, had failed in their bid for Independence and Liberty,...
All History would remember, that the Patriots, had been defeated, by the British.
Winning isn't everything,..
Defeating the Democrats ,...isn't everything, ..
It's the Only Thing,....
Winning is what this man called Trump, does best, and the Republican Army that serves him, is discovering now,...
That winning, is contagious.
The Wall will be built.
Tax cuts and reform, will be reality.
Repeal and Replace, mere days away,..
And the Republican Victory Keg Party,..
Virtual Fait Accompli,...
For, by all the gods, winning is what the President does best, indeed,..
His Republican War Gods are united behind him, and the mission is clear;...
Destroy the Democrat Party, ..
See them driven before you,..
And then, tap the Victory Kegs of Ale, the Rose Garden.
Are you tired of winning yet?
By all the gods, you should be, ..
And, the first celebration, of a new Fourth of July, is just beginning, ..
The Trump rally in Washington, to honor our Veterans, made the point clear;...
Winning, the Republican Party,
And no malevolent strategem of the permanently defeated Democrats, can alter the course of their grim destiny.
A destiny, of eternal political oblivion,..
And the Democrat's Assassin strategem that brought down Hamilton, Lincoln, Kennedy, and nearly Reagan as well,..
This too,...will fail,....
For the gun, that the Democrats have long tried to ban, the chosen tool of those who know, cannot remain free,..unless you are able to defend that freedom.
The tool of the NRA backed, Republican Party,...
The Weapon,...of We the People.
And, our mastery of this weapon,....makes us the victors in any armed conflict with Terrorists, or Democrat Operative,...
By all that's Holy,...
Are You Tired Of Winning ,...Yet?
Then rest for a moment, on your well earned Republican Laurels, this Independence Day. Celebrate well, on this First, of the Fourth of Julys,...of an America Made Great Again,...
For, as the President proclaimed at the Washington Freedom Rally,...
"I am President,...and they ,..are not,..."
And no force of Man, God, Devil, or Democrat,...
Can alter this Olympian Reality,...
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