Thursday, February 18, 2016

Night Of The Red Death

The best way to honor the memory and legacy of conservative icon, Chief Justice Antonin Scalia is obviously to appoint a replacement Justice with comparable conservative credentials.For decades now,since his appointment by President Reagan,Scalia has been the one, true defender of the constitution,as it is written,not as the liberal left would "interpret it".Scalia believed in, and promoted the concept of "originalism",..seeing the constitution as an unalterable rock,upon which the greatest system of self government yet devised by man,was built. Scalia was often that one, vital vote,that prevented the loss of many of our basic freedoms and liberties,including the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, which is the right that makes all other rights possible. President Obama will no doubt nominate a replacement for Scalia that will serve as a useful puppet for his leftist agenda. That is to be expected, and of course the President is well within his rights to do so, even in his last year , during an election season. That is his job, as a committed liberal Democrat.But, it is also the job of the Republican controlled House and Senate to block any and all Obama nominees,permanently,and leave the appointment of Scalia's replacement to the next President , who will most assuredly be a Republican,who will understand that our constitution is not a living, breathing, document, subject to modern interpretation, but a document written in stone, like the Ten Commandments,.and can never be altered by the hand of power hungry , ambitious, flawed mortals. There are only three things in life that are certain;.. death, taxes,.. and the fact that the next Justice, appointed to the Supreme court,will be a conservative.
If,..the next President is a Republican, that is. That is a must.In the meantime, the Republican House and Senate must block any and all Obama nominees to be sure. That is their conservative responsibility , but even this will be a hollow victory ,if the Republicans fail to stop the Democrats from winning the Presidency.
The Presidential election this November,is a must win for the Republican Party , and that point was rammed home by Senator Ted Cruz,at the very start of the Republican debate in South Carolina. After a brief memorial , and moment of silence to commemorate the passing of Chief Justice Scalia, Cruz made the opening statement, making it clear that he would personally be leading the fight against any Obama nominee, by filibuster,..if necessary. And, as Cruz has proven in the past,his threats are no mere politi-speak to be later re-interpreted, and then dismissed as mere political theater. No, say what you will about Cruz, love him or hate him,there is one thing about him,that cannot be denied,..what Cruz says,he will do,..he will do.This makes him unique among his fellow House members and fellow Republican candidates as well. Cruz's record in the Senate , perfectly matches his rhetoric. When campaigning for his Senate seat, Cruz said he would shut down the government, if necessary,to stop Obama's agenda,..and sure enough, he did. This is what makes him the one Republican candidate for the Presidency that the Democrats truly fear, because despite knowing the shutdown would not stop Obamacare,despite knowing a passed repeal bill could never survive the unbreakable Obama veto, without the necessary 67 override votes, ..Cruz would keep coming after them.relentlessly,anyway. No matter what, No matter how hopeless the cause, no matter how outnumbered, matter how impossible the task of breaking Obama and the Democrats will,..Cruz,.,.keeps,..coming,..after them, matter what.
That is what the Democrats fear;..a man in the Oval Office whose simple mission is to destroy Democrats,.. and to destroy the Liberal Agenda. That is Ted Cruz,..the perfect conservative fighting machine,whose record matches his rhetoric ,..whose will,..matches his political skill,..and who ,with virtually no ground game,..or extensive campaign effort, still placed a respectable third, in Liberal leaning New Hampshire. There is a reason for that .Cruz is the pure conservative,..the closest thing to Reagan in politics today,..and conservatism is nothing more than truth .And truth, enthusiastically embraced,..effectively articulated,..and aggressively promoted,..can never be defeated. And now, there was Evangelical dominated South Carolina , a State that would give the winner a respectable 50 delegate points,..a State where former President George W. Bush was still extremely popular,..a State where Conservative Republicans reigned supreme,..a State that seemed tailor made for an easy Ted Cruz victory.
But,..there was Donald Trump,and his seemingly unbreakable 35% range approval rating among voters in nationwide polls. Cruz's victory in Iowa may have been by the largest vote percentage in Iowa caucus history, but Trump was close behind him, even without a functioning ground game.How could Cruz overcome the almost fanatical voting base that was bound and determined to defy all Conservative Republican logic, and secure a Trump victory?
It's simple really. The key to defeating Trump is forcing him to debate the one candidate that he can never defeat , in any Primary,..Trump himself.
You see, the first debate of the Primary season revealed the secret to defeating Trump. In that debate, it was Fox News Moderator Megan Kelly , who with her first question,..fully exposed the Trump Achilles heel,an obvious one , that for some baffling reason,..the press and most of the Trump's Republican rivals ,had chosen , early on, to flat out ignore. That Achilles Heel, that profound weakness, that Trump cannot escape from, is his own extensive public history , easily accessed on YouTube,or in print,..a history that, until very recently, exposes him as a Liberal Democrat, nothing more,..nothing less,..In fact, even up to a few weeks ago, Trump was still supporting a Government controlled,Single Payer replacement for Obamacare!And the Trump of just a few years back,supported the Democrat Agenda financially, and continually promoted himself in an endless series of interviews , dating back to the late eighties, a basic, garden variety Liberal Democrat , with a penchant for verbally disparaging women who dared to challenge him, on any issue. In the First Debate,Kelly chose Trump's past comments on women as her opening salvo,looking to decimate his candidacy before he even got out of the gate. It didn't work. , largely because ,from the beginning Trump followers were willing to forgive him almost anything,..but it did reveal the key to victory, to other candidates,willing to use it. Trump survived his first debate,and in many polls he was perceived to be the winner, as well. But , afterwards, he posted angry , late night tweets against Kelly, calling her a no talent bimbo .Is that the level headed, measured response of a man seeking the title, ..Commander in Chief , of the Armed Forces?This was nothing more than an angry tweet from a childish man, in the wake of tough questions from a debate moderator who knows,..any man seeking the Presidency , must endure a Baptism of Fire,before America risks World War Three on him.
Trump exploded,..and both Cruz and Bush,..took notice,..
The debates went on,..with the personal attacks by Trump  increasing,..even as his his polls remained,..impressively high.And all the while,..Cruz and Bush,..again,..took notice,..and bided their time.
Then, the Iowa Caucus loomed,..the first leg of the actual voting stage of the primary season,..and Trump, this critical moment,..of the campaign season, suddenly seemed to commit a double edged political suicide,by simultaneously withdrawing from the Iowa debate,and also refusing to do the grassroots campaigning necessary to garner last minute votes, and assure a strong caucus turnout. Trump opted instead, for his standard stadium rally, and a CNN hosted Veterans rally, that aired opposite of the debate.
Trump's reason for bailing was clear;..Megan Kelly was, once again,.assigned the role of Fox News Debate moderator,and Trump knew, this time,..she had prepared for him quite extensively.Actually, Kelly had prepared for all the candidates , pulling up old video clips and interviews ,that might contradict their current political stances.
Trump knew what was coming,and decided on a strategic withdraw, to avoid any damning video collection that Kelly may have.
And,..all the while,..Cruz and Bush,..took notice,..and planned their strategy for the next debate.
They knew that Trump did not avoid the debate , simply because of a reported dispute with Roger Ailes. No, it was Kelly Trump feared, because she alone,early on,.. had discovered his weakness ,..a weakness that, when fully exposed,..could end his bid for the Presidency,..before it even began,..
If,..the media and his fellow Republican Candidates , took advantage of that weakness , that is.
They did not,..and that is why Trump was able , for many months,now, project an almost teflon like invulnerability , in his dealings with the media and his fellow candidates. No matter what Trump said,no matter how outrageous ,how extreme, only seemed to strengthen him, and drive up his poll numbers.
The press was actually protecting him,..believe it or not. They saw Trump, early on, a spoiler for the Republican Party, who could inflict severe damage on the other Republican candidates, which would leave him the eventual Republican nominee for President. So too, for many of his Democrat supporters, who, after Iowa and New Hamshire,..have given him a commanding lead in the polls, despite his obvious lack of Conservative Republican credentials.The reason is clear; the press,..the Democrat voting base has, crossed over into the Republican open primaries, and once again,cast votes for the Republican candidate that they perceive as the easiest opponent for the eventual Democrat nominee to beat.
They did it for McCain,..they did it for Romney,..Both failed to win the primary nomination by Republican votes alone.Both won the Republican nomination,by Democrat votes,..right up till Super Tuesday,..and beyond. And, all the while,the liberal press touted both of them,,as the most viable Republican candidates,..the ones most capable of beating Obama.
And now,..Trump is their pick, defeat Hillary.
But, unfortunately,..this time , the candidate they chose is not just a moderate Republican,..he is a full blown Liberal Democrat,..and has been, most of his life. This time,there was too much ammunition for the Republican moderators and his fellow candidates, ignore. This time,..all that needed to be done to stop this Democrat pick for the Republican nomination was to simply play the endless videos and repeat the endless interviews that Trump gave ,espousing his Liberal Democrat views and opinions.But, at first,..they didn't.. Other than Megan Kelly, they all hesitated and chose instead,to take the higher road, and focus on the issues , rather than respond to Trump attacks. They all initially feared that drawing the Trump wrath could cost them in the polls,and so most resisted the urge to attack early on,and those that did engage, like Rand Paul,..quickly paid the price.But, there was another, very important reason for their reticence.They all knew that, if the Republican Party, did not win the Presidency, 2016,..after taking both the House and Senate , 2010, and 2014, could spell doom for the future of America,..especially after eight long, destructive years,..of the Obama Presidency .
They all feared that,an all out attack on Trump , who they knew, was barely a Republican,..could cause him to go back on his signed GOP pledge ,..and run a third party campaign out of spite,..which would effectively give Hillary Clinton the Presidency. So, all the candidates sparred with Trump very carefully,..early on,..well aware that Trump had already threatened such a run,..several times before.
Best to just let the Trump candidacy run its natural course , until he gets bored,says something too outrageous ,even for his fan base,..and simply destroys himself,..without involving the remaining Republican candidates.
Only, that didn't happen, even after the Kelly debacle,..
Even after Trump skipped the Iowa debate ,..because of Kelly. ,..
Even after after calling Kelly a bimbo,..
Even after saying McCain was not a war hero,...
Even after making fun of Carly Fiorina's looks,..
Even after mocking a physically handicapped reporter,..
But then came the debate before Iowa,..where Ted Cruz decided to make his master chess move ,declaring that Trump had "New York Values", incompatable with Iowa values .
Trump retaliated furiously, calling Cruz a liar,..and using the aftermath of 911, as proof of the strong character and values of New Yorkers. All well and good,..but then, Cruz revealed where the term,"New York Values" , actually came from. It was something Trump himself had said, in a 1999 interview with the late Tim Russert. Cruz took the cue from Kelly, and sensed that now was the time to take down Trump,...
With his own words,..
The caucus voters took notice, Cruz the victory in Iowa.
Then came New Hampshire,and Cruz pressed his advantage again,..challenging him on his past support for Planned Parenthood, and even partial birth abortion.Then,Jeb Bush joined in the fray, also raising the ghosts of Trump's past,...ghosts that may cost him dearly, in South Carolina.
Ghosts that were.finally revealed on that South Carolina debate stage,..a stage that quickly turned into a brutal cage match, between Trump , Cruz, and Bush,..with the glaring , blood red primary colors of the stage , setting the appropriately hellish atmosphere for the battle to come,..
Annoyed by the ever increasing Bush and Cruz Anti-Trump ads ,Trump attacked both men, calling Cruz a liar repeatedly, for exposing his Planned Parenthood and partial birth hypocrasy,..even threatening to sue Cruz, if he didn't remove the ads immediately. Cruz didn't budge , relishing the idea of  Trump in court , under oath , having to refute his own damning words.
Then Trump turned his wrath on Bush,after Jeb reminded him of his past statements regarding the Iraq War, and his Brother, President Bush.
Trump leaped at the bait,...erupting in a political primal scream,.. that finally removed the mask,..of conservatism,..from this lifelong,..Liberal Democrat.
Trump now doubled down on his Iraq War statements,..
Bush did lie about WMD's,...
Trump did call on Speaker Pelosi, impeach  Bush,..
And Bush was responsible,..for 911,..because it happened on his watch.
Opinions not that unusual,for a 2004 Era liberal Democrat,or a member of Code Pink,..
But for a man running as a conservative Republican candidate for the Presidency,..they were damning words indeed.
Now, on this blood red battlefield,..with six candidates remaining,..both Cruz and Bush,..decided it was now,or never.Cruz , Bush, and Rubio,..all still had a chance to win,..if they could take out Trump,..once and for all.
Of these frontrunners, Rubio alone,refrained from the Trump attacks,..choosing to attack Cruz instead,..accusing him, once again,..of lying about his record on Amnesty.
Cruz, Rubio calculated, was Rubio's immediate threat,..and taking him out could at least give him the solid second place showing in South Carolina,which is critical, if he is to have any chance of winning the nomination.
Kasich and Carson are both effectively done,..and, in Rubio's eyes ,neither pose an immediate threat,even with Kasich's strong second place finish in New Hampshire.
Cruz is the one that must go,..but,..unfortunately,..Rubio has no real, solid ammunition ,to take him out with.
Ted Cruz's voting record clearly shows he never supported Amnesty, any way.
Marco Rubio's voting record,..shows that he did,..simple as that,..and no amount of attacks on Cruz,..will change that.
Rubio should have focused his fire on Trump,who is a threat not only to win the nomination,..but,..more importantly,..a threat to the entire Republican Party's chance for victory.
But,if he did attack Trump,would it have mattered?
For in this extremely conservative, military , pro Bush state of South Carolina,..
Donald Trump had exploded with an Anti Bush , Anti -Iraq War, 911 truther conspiracy rant,..worthy of Code Pink, its peak.
And, in the immediate aftermath of this blood drenched South Carolina,battle, seemed once again, not to matter., with the Trump numbers seemingly unscathed.
But then,..something happened.
For the first time in this election season,..Trump blinked,.and then,..backtracked on his statements. He knew,..he had finally gone too far,..and now,..instead of doubling down as he had in the past,..he now began to go through the process of damage control, any other politician.
His past routine was to either double down on his statements,.and actions,...or simply deny that he ever said them,..or did them,.. to begin with.
Until now, that is.
Now, on his boldest, most outrageous statements, regarding Bush and the Iraq War,..
He simply had no choice.
Like any politician,..that senses danger,..he had to revise his statements,.
Now,..Bush may not have actually lied,..but he made a big mistake,..
Bush may not be actually responsible for 911,..but it did happen, while he was President,..
Trump now resembled another deceptive Democrat politician,.by the name of John Kerry,..who was, of course,..for the war in Iraq,..before he was against it,..
Blood had been drawn on Trump finally, the one man was always the most likely to bring him down, in the end,..
Trump himself,..
For,..the Bush rant is not just another gaffe,..or outrageous statement,..
This time, fully exposed him, sharing the opinions of liberal Democrats, and leftist radicals, during the Bush Administration.
Is this the man who can be trusted to elect a solid, conservative replacement ,..for Chief Justice Antonin Scalia?
Ted Cruz,...says no,..
Can Trump still win,..despite these remarks?
But, a House divided against itself, cannot stand,..
And as the Cruz polls continue to rise in South Carolina,..while Trump's remain the same,..
Nor can the Conservative Republican Candidacy of Donald Trump stand,..
Against his own Liberal Democrat Legacy,..
The Night of the Red Death , South Carolina, now over,..
And, its wake,..the man who would bring death to the Republican Party,..has finally been fully unmasked,..
And ,..all the while,..the voting polls of South Carolina,..
Loom ever nearer,..
Cruz now leads Trump, a Wall Street Journal National Poll,and is strongly supported by conservative icons,Rush Limbaugh, and Mark Levin, well,..
Does this portend impending disaster ,..for this strange cult,..
Called Trump?

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