Thursday, February 25, 2016

"Et Tu Barabbas?"

And, it is written, that two thousand years ago, Pontius Pilate, Governor and Procurator of First Century Judea,by order of the Roman Emperor Tiberius Caesar,was confronted with a dilemma most profound, most vexing.
The days of unleavened bread were upon the land,it was the time of Passover,and Jews throughout the known world, migrated to to the City of Jerusalem, and to the Temple itself, which was the very heart of Judea. There they would celebrate this time each year,and Pontius Pilate was given the task of maintaining order during these holy days. Not an easy task, to be sure. The Emperor was already displeased with Pilate and his performance thus far, as Governor in this faraway land. For Pilate had been excessively brutal in his dealings with the Jews, especially the group called "Zealots",who were determined to end Rome's occupation of the Holy Land,by any means necessary. The Zealots methods were extreme indeed,with often fatal consequences, for their Roman conquerors. The Zealots struck from the shadows ,often using hit and run tactics,striking at Rome's Legions quickly and decisively,and then retreating to the endless caves and catacombs of the desert mountains. Now, with the coming of Passover, Pilate was under strict orders from Tiberius, to maintain the peace at all costs,or else.Being in disfavor with the Emperor already, Pilate knew that one more violent incident with the occupied Jews could cost him not only his position as Governor, but his head as well.
Pilate's Legions were given their instructions,the peace in Jerusalem must be maintained, at all costs during the Passover Celebration. Yet, there were already problems in this, the first day of the celebration. A young rabbi from Galilee had, for many months now,with his followers called Apostles, wandered Judea and the ajoining lands,healing the sick, curing the crippled, giving sight to the blind, and yes, even raising the dead ,according to some reports.And all the while,this Jesus preached his message as well, a revolutionary message,a message of peace, love,and the brotherhood of man.The legend of Jesus grew, and spread throughout the lands, during the three years of his ministry. But not all embraced his message.The Temple Priests and Pharisees, for example, were angered by his words and deeds, questioning the nature of his mission, and the claims made by his followers that this man Jesus was the Anointed One, the Messiah, that had been foretold in Holy Scripture,the Man who was destined to be Crowned, King of the Jews.
The Temple High Priest, Caiphus, began plotting against this man,accusing him of blasphemy for daring to perform absolution, and seeming to declare himself the Son of God, personified.
But, bringing accusations and charges against this Jesus was one thing, arresting him and bringing him to trial , was another matter entirely.
By the time Jesus had reached the Gates of Jerusalem , his entourage of followers was massive indeed. It had become clear , if this false Messiah was to be stopped,it must be done at a time when the crowds had thinned, and his followers scattered.
Jesus of Nazareth must be taken when he is completely alone, simple as that. But this, the first day of Passover,was not that day.Jesus rode into the City, following Jewish Prophet tradition,riding on a donkey,his Apostles about him,while the adoring masses littered his path, with palm leaves.
His arrival was peaceful.
What happened next, was not.Jesus,as he entered the Temple to pray, suddenly exploded in rage,attacking the Temple Merchants ,who boldly sold their wares within the Holy Walls.Jesus turned their tables over, scattered their merchandise,and money, and drove the profiteers from the Temple,using a leathern cord as a whip. Jesus declared to the startled merchants that his Father's House, had been turned, into a Den of Thieves. Jesus rage then abated, as quickly as it had come, but the damage had been done. The merchant's wares and coins had been scattered across the Temple floor,and Jesus , now surrounded by his protective followers, left as quickly as he had come.
But in his wake,the underground rebel movement known as the Zealots decided that this was the moment to strike , using the chaos created by Jesus and his followers , as the perfect distraction , drawing the attention of the Roman Guards, and giving the Zealots their chance to strike at Rome, from within the walls of Jerusalem itself. But, it was to no avail, with the Roman Legions quickly ending the Zealots terror strike, as quickly as it had begun, and arresting those that remained alive after the skirmish.
Among the Zealot prisoners,was one of the leaders of the movement, who also bore the name Jesus,but was better known to his fellow zealots, and Roman enemies, as Barabbas.
And Jesus, having left the Temple,celebrated the Passover meal with his disciples, at a gathering that would become known by future Christians, as the Last Supper. Later, as Jesus prayed with the Twelve, in the nearby Garden of Gethsemane,,the Roman Guards came and arrested him,having been led to this secluded spot, by the deceptive disciple known as Judas Iscariot, a Zealot himself, who sought to test the power of the Messiah by forcing his hand against the Roman Legions.
It was a miscalculation on Judas part,however,for Jesus had predicted his own arrest and trial, and believed that he had been sent by his Father in Heaven,to endure these final hours to redeem all mankind. ,from the scourge of original sin.
Now, with the Apostles in hiding,fearing for their lives, and Jesus, finally arrested,Pontius Pilate had a grim decision to make. Should he bring this Jesus to trial for starting an uprising in Jerusalem during the Holy Days , or turn him over to the Temple Priests and Herod Antipas , the Roman appointed, puppet King of the Jews?Only Rome had the power to impose a death sentence on Jesus,and only Pilate , the very hand of Rome in Judea,could make this sentence a reality.
Pilate had no qualms about imposing this sentence.He cared nothing about the charge of blasphemy,but causing a disturbance in the Temple itself, during the Holy Days,was intolerable, and indeed worthy of the sentence of crucifixion, if for no other reason than to serve as a warning to any other malcontents and rebels, that may be contemplating such actions. But, there was the warning from Tiberius about Pilate's heavy hand in dealing with the Jews. How can he now condemn this man to death ,a man with thousands of fanatical followers,who would, no doubt retaliate in response to his execution, with even more terror attacks?After all, the crucifixion of a man who, for three years did nothing more than preach a message of peace and love,while healing the sick, the lame, and the blind, was bound to create even more unrest and conflict between the forces of Rome and occupied Judea.
How to solve this problem ?Maintain the peace, goodwill,and tax payments of the Jews,while still meting out the appropriate justice ?
Then, came a spark of inspiration that would solve both problems quite effectively. During the Holy Days, there existed a Jewish tradition that called for the release of one condemned prisoner , free and clear. The solution then ,was simple. Governor Pilate would offer the gathering mob,a choice, between two prisoners. One, Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah of Peace who sought to overthrow Rome ,by promoting the Brotherhood of all men. Or, Jesus Barabbas,. the Messiah of War, Violence,and Death, the Messiah who believed there could be no peace in Judea, unless it was won by the sword.
There was the solution that Pilate sought. Roman justice would be served, and Judean law properly observed, for surely when given the choice between between Jesus the Messiah of Peace, and Barabbas, the Messiah of War,..the mob would surely choose Jesus, overwhelmingly. Democracy and Roman Justice, would both be served. Jesus, a man wrongly condemned, would be free, and Barabbas, the true leader of the Temple insurrection, the Disciple of death, the Messiah of Misery,would be imprisoned scourged, and crucified for his crimes, thereby giving Rome the victim it needed to maintain authority and order amongst the Jewish populace, while showing proper respect for their laws and traditions as well.
"Who then, do you choose, Jesus or Barabbas?"Pilate shouted,as he overlooked the gathering throng.
It was no contest. There could be no doubt, the shouts were loud and clear, and overwhelmingly in favor, of the man called Barabbas.
"Give us Barabbas" , came the refrain, over and over , reducing Pilate to mute incredulity.
'But, what of your King?" cried Pilate,.."What of Jesus?"
"Crucify him!,And let his blood , be upon our heads!",They shouted in response,to the now stunned and silent Governor of Judea.
"You would crucify your King?"Pilate asked ,seemingly in disbelief.
"We have no King,..but Caesar!",..came the crowds final reply.
The verdict was cast,and Pilate , turning from the bloodthirsty crowd,with a contemptuous sneer, then motioned to a nearby servant ,who brought him a small gold basin, over which, the stunned Governor of Judea,now ceremoniously,washed his hands of all responsibility for the fate of the young rabbi from Galilee.
Pilate now, washed his hands , of the innocent blood about to be shed.
A man of peace , who preached a message of love.A man who was asked by Pilate,"What is Truth?"To which came the reply, "There is only one truth, be true to God."
A man who healed the sick,the crippled, the blind,a man whose message of truth, freedom,and love,would change the world forever.
And yet,the people rejected him,and chose the criminal Barabbas instead.
Perplexing, inconceivable, inexplicable.
And now, two thousand years later,after this man's three year campaign to bring this message of truth to the people was defeated, by a man named Barabbas, now there comes another man,with a similar message , a message of truth, of freedom, of liberty,a message inspired by the words of that man, from First Century Judea.
The Message of Truth,
The Message of Conservatism,
The Message that is the Foundation of the United States Constitution,
The Message that Senator Ted Cruz , Republican Presidential Candidate, in the 21st Century, has lived his life by ,and aggressively and relentlessly promotes , in his bid to win the title, Commander in Chief, of the Armed Forces of the United States.
Indeed, Cruz would seem to be almost the perfect conservative,who came to Washington promising to fight against the Democrat Agenda that has damaged our nation, and a man who kept that promise , and never varied, never waivered, in his relentless attack on the evil of liberalism. Cruz's conservative voting record in the Senate is nearly perfect. He is, in fact, the one man in Washington, who promised to take on the broken system and fight hard, even against impossible odds , to repeal every single word of Obamacare. He kept that promise,too. In fact, everything Cruz had promised to do, during his Senate campaign , Cruz did.His record truly does match his rhetoric .He is unique among his fellow candidates, in that respect.
What Cruz says he will do,he does.
He is the only candidate to consistently oppose Amnesty.He is the only candidate willing to shut down the government , in order to stop Obamacare.
He is, what Rush Limbaugh called him,"The closest thing to Ronald Reagan , that we have today. "
He is the Ultimate Conservative Fighting Machine,
He is the chosen one,whose coming was foretold by the Tea Party,who demanded more conservatives in Washington,and through a powerful grassroots movement,..enabled the Republican Party to take back control of the House , in the 2010 Midterm Elections.
Ted Cruz,is the President  who would do what the Tea Party's conservative base, had always demanded.,

Ted Cruz record says he is the consistent ,hard core conservative , that will rebuild our military,
Destroy ISIS,
Repeal every word of Obamacare ,
Will impose a simple flat tax,for all Americans, and eliminate the I.R.S., completely.
Will protect and fight for our Second Amendment Rights, and Judeo-Christian Values.
He is, by all evidence,the perfect conservative, a disciple of Reagan, the one the Tea Party dreamed of , way back in 2010.
He would seem to be the logical choice, for the logical conservative.
But now, like Pontius Pilate, the Republican National Committee, has given the people a choice of candidates,to choose from. All solid conservative Republicans ,all quite capable of being our next President.
But then, there was another.Donald Trump, Real Estate Mogul, political outsider,
Not Conservative,
Not Moderate,
Not even really Republican.
Trump is ever changing, from day to day,
Is inappropriate and rude,
Blamed Bush for 911, and called for his impeachment.
Wanted Obamacare repealed, and replaced, with a government controlled, single payer healthcare system.
Wants to let Putin fight ISIS and Syria,
Called for increased taxes, on the rich.
In other words , Trump is nothing more than a Democrat in disguise,
In fact,. Trump has been a Democrat most of his life,and only became a Republican, in his late sixties,just so he could run for President.
Trump could destroy the Republican Party with his 60% National disapproval ratings,and complete lack of Republican credentials.
Even if he beats Hillary,and is elected President, he is almost guaranteed to lose the Senate to the Democrats and to appoint a liberal Supreme court judge to replace Antonin Scalia.
Despite his current Republican rhetoric and talking points, Trump has, for most of his life, pushed a liberal Democrat agenda .What man suddenly turns conservative in his late sixties?
Trump cannot be trusted.
Trump must be stopped.
To accomplish this task, the GOP has created a virtual conservative army, the greatest collection of conservative Republicans ever assembled for one single primary season.
Ted Cruz, in particular, seems tailor made to defeat the boisterous, blustering ,deceptive,liberal Trump,by simply putting forth his solid , unchanging , conservative values.
And then, asking the people to choose.
And they did.
So far, We the People, have chosen the deceptive boorish Trump, over all the other conservative candidates, in three out of four Primary States,by a 35%margin and even higher,even in Evangelical Christian South Carolina,that worships Presidents Bush and Reagan,and supported the Iraq War as well.
Trump denounced the war, said Bush lied about WMD's,blamed Bush for the war,and called for his impeachment.Yet, the people of South Carolina, voted overwhelmingly, for Trump.
So too, for Nevada,by Trump's highest vote percentage yet, of 45%.
Yes, after eight long hard years of destructive Democrat rule,after eight long years of the Tea Party demanding more conservative candidates, more conservative government, a more conservative America,
We the People chose a Liberal Democrat, named Donald Trump, over all the other very conservative, very Republican candidates, after nearly eight years of Obama and Democrat Party rule.
The American people, have so far, inexplicably,rejected a virtual army of hard core conservative Republican candidates, and  chosen a Liberal Democrat named Trump,to be their next President.
Now, Super Tuesday looms ever nearer, and Senator Cruz's home state of Texas. How can this ultimate conservative , possibly lose , in his home state, the Red State of Texas?How can Cruz lose, to a Liberal Dem named Trump?
How could the perfect conservative, two thousand years ago, campaign for three years on a message of peace, love,and the brotherhood of man,and yet , lose the people's vote, to a criminal and killer like Barabbas?
Both losses, seem,..inexplicable.
And, if this Barabbas syndrome continues to Super Tuesday, it does not bode well for the campaigns of Cruz , or Rubio, for that matter.
But there is a difference however.
Jesus went willingly and passively to the slaughter, accepting the will of his Father in Heaven,that he must suffer the rejection of the people,in order to one day, rise again, in victory.
Cruz however, is not Jesus Christ.
He does not seek a heavenly victory, not yet anyway.
This is a Presidential campaign.
He seeks victory here, now,and will not go meekly to the slaughter by the will of misguided people,because he knows this will result in nothing less than eight more years of Democrat destruction.
Cruz seeks to win now, and will fight against the votes of Liberal Democrats who vote in Open Republican Primaries.
Cruz will keep fighting, he will not turn the other cheek,
He and Rubio will take the fight to this New Barabbas named Trump,and will not repeat the passive defeat,of the first,and only truly perfect conservative,at the hands of misguided Barabbas supporters.
Unlike Christ, Cruz has challenged his Barabbas to a one on one debate, winner take all, Trump refused,wisely so, for it is a battle he knows he could not win.
Cruz and Rubio will not go quietly,for,even against the new Barabbas named Trump,
The conservative message ,
The message of truth,
Of freedom,
Of faith,
When aggressively articulated and promoted,
Always wins,
We the People must learn the lesson of the Man from Galilee, and promote his message of conservatism,..
Of truth.
Louder , and more aggressively,than those who promote the message of corruption of dark and dismal despair, the message of a man named Barabbas.
Give us Barabbas?
Give us Trump?
Not this time.
This time, we will not wash our hands of the responsibility for our Primary candidates.
Remember, in the 1980 Republican Primaries, Reagan lost six states, before winning the nomination .
Nothing is impossible.
No matter the odds, We the People cannot allow the fate of this new conservative messiah, to be decided by an ill informed Democrat mob.
Give us, Conservatism!
Give us, Cruz!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Night Of The Red Death

The best way to honor the memory and legacy of conservative icon, Chief Justice Antonin Scalia is obviously to appoint a replacement Justice with comparable conservative credentials.For decades now,since his appointment by President Reagan,Scalia has been the one, true defender of the constitution,as it is written,not as the liberal left would "interpret it".Scalia believed in, and promoted the concept of "originalism",..seeing the constitution as an unalterable rock,upon which the greatest system of self government yet devised by man,was built. Scalia was often that one, vital vote,that prevented the loss of many of our basic freedoms and liberties,including the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, which is the right that makes all other rights possible. President Obama will no doubt nominate a replacement for Scalia that will serve as a useful puppet for his leftist agenda. That is to be expected, and of course the President is well within his rights to do so, even in his last year , during an election season. That is his job, as a committed liberal Democrat.But, it is also the job of the Republican controlled House and Senate to block any and all Obama nominees,permanently,and leave the appointment of Scalia's replacement to the next President , who will most assuredly be a Republican,who will understand that our constitution is not a living, breathing, document, subject to modern interpretation, but a document written in stone, like the Ten Commandments,.and can never be altered by the hand of power hungry , ambitious, flawed mortals. There are only three things in life that are certain;.. death, taxes,.. and the fact that the next Justice, appointed to the Supreme court,will be a conservative.
If,..the next President is a Republican, that is. That is a must.In the meantime, the Republican House and Senate must block any and all Obama nominees to be sure. That is their conservative responsibility , but even this will be a hollow victory ,if the Republicans fail to stop the Democrats from winning the Presidency.
The Presidential election this November,is a must win for the Republican Party , and that point was rammed home by Senator Ted Cruz,at the very start of the Republican debate in South Carolina. After a brief memorial , and moment of silence to commemorate the passing of Chief Justice Scalia, Cruz made the opening statement, making it clear that he would personally be leading the fight against any Obama nominee, by filibuster,..if necessary. And, as Cruz has proven in the past,his threats are no mere politi-speak to be later re-interpreted, and then dismissed as mere political theater. No, say what you will about Cruz, love him or hate him,there is one thing about him,that cannot be denied,..what Cruz says,he will do,..he will do.This makes him unique among his fellow House members and fellow Republican candidates as well. Cruz's record in the Senate , perfectly matches his rhetoric. When campaigning for his Senate seat, Cruz said he would shut down the government, if necessary,to stop Obama's agenda,..and sure enough, he did. This is what makes him the one Republican candidate for the Presidency that the Democrats truly fear, because despite knowing the shutdown would not stop Obamacare,despite knowing a passed repeal bill could never survive the unbreakable Obama veto, without the necessary 67 override votes, ..Cruz would keep coming after them.relentlessly,anyway. No matter what, No matter how hopeless the cause, no matter how outnumbered, matter how impossible the task of breaking Obama and the Democrats will,..Cruz,.,.keeps,..coming,..after them, matter what.
That is what the Democrats fear;..a man in the Oval Office whose simple mission is to destroy Democrats,.. and to destroy the Liberal Agenda. That is Ted Cruz,..the perfect conservative fighting machine,whose record matches his rhetoric ,..whose will,..matches his political skill,..and who ,with virtually no ground game,..or extensive campaign effort, still placed a respectable third, in Liberal leaning New Hampshire. There is a reason for that .Cruz is the pure conservative,..the closest thing to Reagan in politics today,..and conservatism is nothing more than truth .And truth, enthusiastically embraced,..effectively articulated,..and aggressively promoted,..can never be defeated. And now, there was Evangelical dominated South Carolina , a State that would give the winner a respectable 50 delegate points,..a State where former President George W. Bush was still extremely popular,..a State where Conservative Republicans reigned supreme,..a State that seemed tailor made for an easy Ted Cruz victory.
But,..there was Donald Trump,and his seemingly unbreakable 35% range approval rating among voters in nationwide polls. Cruz's victory in Iowa may have been by the largest vote percentage in Iowa caucus history, but Trump was close behind him, even without a functioning ground game.How could Cruz overcome the almost fanatical voting base that was bound and determined to defy all Conservative Republican logic, and secure a Trump victory?
It's simple really. The key to defeating Trump is forcing him to debate the one candidate that he can never defeat , in any Primary,..Trump himself.
You see, the first debate of the Primary season revealed the secret to defeating Trump. In that debate, it was Fox News Moderator Megan Kelly , who with her first question,..fully exposed the Trump Achilles heel,an obvious one , that for some baffling reason,..the press and most of the Trump's Republican rivals ,had chosen , early on, to flat out ignore. That Achilles Heel, that profound weakness, that Trump cannot escape from, is his own extensive public history , easily accessed on YouTube,or in print,..a history that, until very recently, exposes him as a Liberal Democrat, nothing more,..nothing less,..In fact, even up to a few weeks ago, Trump was still supporting a Government controlled,Single Payer replacement for Obamacare!And the Trump of just a few years back,supported the Democrat Agenda financially, and continually promoted himself in an endless series of interviews , dating back to the late eighties, a basic, garden variety Liberal Democrat , with a penchant for verbally disparaging women who dared to challenge him, on any issue. In the First Debate,Kelly chose Trump's past comments on women as her opening salvo,looking to decimate his candidacy before he even got out of the gate. It didn't work. , largely because ,from the beginning Trump followers were willing to forgive him almost anything,..but it did reveal the key to victory, to other candidates,willing to use it. Trump survived his first debate,and in many polls he was perceived to be the winner, as well. But , afterwards, he posted angry , late night tweets against Kelly, calling her a no talent bimbo .Is that the level headed, measured response of a man seeking the title, ..Commander in Chief , of the Armed Forces?This was nothing more than an angry tweet from a childish man, in the wake of tough questions from a debate moderator who knows,..any man seeking the Presidency , must endure a Baptism of Fire,before America risks World War Three on him.
Trump exploded,..and both Cruz and Bush,..took notice,..
The debates went on,..with the personal attacks by Trump  increasing,..even as his his polls remained,..impressively high.And all the while,..Cruz and Bush,..again,..took notice,..and bided their time.
Then, the Iowa Caucus loomed,..the first leg of the actual voting stage of the primary season,..and Trump, this critical moment,..of the campaign season, suddenly seemed to commit a double edged political suicide,by simultaneously withdrawing from the Iowa debate,and also refusing to do the grassroots campaigning necessary to garner last minute votes, and assure a strong caucus turnout. Trump opted instead, for his standard stadium rally, and a CNN hosted Veterans rally, that aired opposite of the debate.
Trump's reason for bailing was clear;..Megan Kelly was, once again,.assigned the role of Fox News Debate moderator,and Trump knew, this time,..she had prepared for him quite extensively.Actually, Kelly had prepared for all the candidates , pulling up old video clips and interviews ,that might contradict their current political stances.
Trump knew what was coming,and decided on a strategic withdraw, to avoid any damning video collection that Kelly may have.
And,..all the while,..Cruz and Bush,..took notice,..and planned their strategy for the next debate.
They knew that Trump did not avoid the debate , simply because of a reported dispute with Roger Ailes. No, it was Kelly Trump feared, because she alone,early on,.. had discovered his weakness ,..a weakness that, when fully exposed,..could end his bid for the Presidency,..before it even began,..
If,..the media and his fellow Republican Candidates , took advantage of that weakness , that is.
They did not,..and that is why Trump was able , for many months,now, project an almost teflon like invulnerability , in his dealings with the media and his fellow candidates. No matter what Trump said,no matter how outrageous ,how extreme, only seemed to strengthen him, and drive up his poll numbers.
The press was actually protecting him,..believe it or not. They saw Trump, early on, a spoiler for the Republican Party, who could inflict severe damage on the other Republican candidates, which would leave him the eventual Republican nominee for President. So too, for many of his Democrat supporters, who, after Iowa and New Hamshire,..have given him a commanding lead in the polls, despite his obvious lack of Conservative Republican credentials.The reason is clear; the press,..the Democrat voting base has, crossed over into the Republican open primaries, and once again,cast votes for the Republican candidate that they perceive as the easiest opponent for the eventual Democrat nominee to beat.
They did it for McCain,..they did it for Romney,..Both failed to win the primary nomination by Republican votes alone.Both won the Republican nomination,by Democrat votes,..right up till Super Tuesday,..and beyond. And, all the while,the liberal press touted both of them,,as the most viable Republican candidates,..the ones most capable of beating Obama.
And now,..Trump is their pick, defeat Hillary.
But, unfortunately,..this time , the candidate they chose is not just a moderate Republican,..he is a full blown Liberal Democrat,..and has been, most of his life. This time,there was too much ammunition for the Republican moderators and his fellow candidates, ignore. This time,..all that needed to be done to stop this Democrat pick for the Republican nomination was to simply play the endless videos and repeat the endless interviews that Trump gave ,espousing his Liberal Democrat views and opinions.But, at first,..they didn't.. Other than Megan Kelly, they all hesitated and chose instead,to take the higher road, and focus on the issues , rather than respond to Trump attacks. They all initially feared that drawing the Trump wrath could cost them in the polls,and so most resisted the urge to attack early on,and those that did engage, like Rand Paul,..quickly paid the price.But, there was another, very important reason for their reticence.They all knew that, if the Republican Party, did not win the Presidency, 2016,..after taking both the House and Senate , 2010, and 2014, could spell doom for the future of America,..especially after eight long, destructive years,..of the Obama Presidency .
They all feared that,an all out attack on Trump , who they knew, was barely a Republican,..could cause him to go back on his signed GOP pledge ,..and run a third party campaign out of spite,..which would effectively give Hillary Clinton the Presidency. So, all the candidates sparred with Trump very carefully,..early on,..well aware that Trump had already threatened such a run,..several times before.
Best to just let the Trump candidacy run its natural course , until he gets bored,says something too outrageous ,even for his fan base,..and simply destroys himself,..without involving the remaining Republican candidates.
Only, that didn't happen, even after the Kelly debacle,..
Even after Trump skipped the Iowa debate ,..because of Kelly. ,..
Even after after calling Kelly a bimbo,..
Even after saying McCain was not a war hero,...
Even after making fun of Carly Fiorina's looks,..
Even after mocking a physically handicapped reporter,..
But then came the debate before Iowa,..where Ted Cruz decided to make his master chess move ,declaring that Trump had "New York Values", incompatable with Iowa values .
Trump retaliated furiously, calling Cruz a liar,..and using the aftermath of 911, as proof of the strong character and values of New Yorkers. All well and good,..but then, Cruz revealed where the term,"New York Values" , actually came from. It was something Trump himself had said, in a 1999 interview with the late Tim Russert. Cruz took the cue from Kelly, and sensed that now was the time to take down Trump,...
With his own words,..
The caucus voters took notice, Cruz the victory in Iowa.
Then came New Hampshire,and Cruz pressed his advantage again,..challenging him on his past support for Planned Parenthood, and even partial birth abortion.Then,Jeb Bush joined in the fray, also raising the ghosts of Trump's past,...ghosts that may cost him dearly, in South Carolina.
Ghosts that were.finally revealed on that South Carolina debate stage,..a stage that quickly turned into a brutal cage match, between Trump , Cruz, and Bush,..with the glaring , blood red primary colors of the stage , setting the appropriately hellish atmosphere for the battle to come,..
Annoyed by the ever increasing Bush and Cruz Anti-Trump ads ,Trump attacked both men, calling Cruz a liar repeatedly, for exposing his Planned Parenthood and partial birth hypocrasy,..even threatening to sue Cruz, if he didn't remove the ads immediately. Cruz didn't budge , relishing the idea of  Trump in court , under oath , having to refute his own damning words.
Then Trump turned his wrath on Bush,after Jeb reminded him of his past statements regarding the Iraq War, and his Brother, President Bush.
Trump leaped at the bait,...erupting in a political primal scream,.. that finally removed the mask,..of conservatism,..from this lifelong,..Liberal Democrat.
Trump now doubled down on his Iraq War statements,..
Bush did lie about WMD's,...
Trump did call on Speaker Pelosi, impeach  Bush,..
And Bush was responsible,..for 911,..because it happened on his watch.
Opinions not that unusual,for a 2004 Era liberal Democrat,or a member of Code Pink,..
But for a man running as a conservative Republican candidate for the Presidency,..they were damning words indeed.
Now, on this blood red battlefield,..with six candidates remaining,..both Cruz and Bush,..decided it was now,or never.Cruz , Bush, and Rubio,..all still had a chance to win,..if they could take out Trump,..once and for all.
Of these frontrunners, Rubio alone,refrained from the Trump attacks,..choosing to attack Cruz instead,..accusing him, once again,..of lying about his record on Amnesty.
Cruz, Rubio calculated, was Rubio's immediate threat,..and taking him out could at least give him the solid second place showing in South Carolina,which is critical, if he is to have any chance of winning the nomination.
Kasich and Carson are both effectively done,..and, in Rubio's eyes ,neither pose an immediate threat,even with Kasich's strong second place finish in New Hampshire.
Cruz is the one that must go,..but,..unfortunately,..Rubio has no real, solid ammunition ,to take him out with.
Ted Cruz's voting record clearly shows he never supported Amnesty, any way.
Marco Rubio's voting record,..shows that he did,..simple as that,..and no amount of attacks on Cruz,..will change that.
Rubio should have focused his fire on Trump,who is a threat not only to win the nomination,..but,..more importantly,..a threat to the entire Republican Party's chance for victory.
But,if he did attack Trump,would it have mattered?
For in this extremely conservative, military , pro Bush state of South Carolina,..
Donald Trump had exploded with an Anti Bush , Anti -Iraq War, 911 truther conspiracy rant,..worthy of Code Pink, its peak.
And, in the immediate aftermath of this blood drenched South Carolina,battle, seemed once again, not to matter., with the Trump numbers seemingly unscathed.
But then,..something happened.
For the first time in this election season,..Trump blinked,.and then,..backtracked on his statements. He knew,..he had finally gone too far,..and now,..instead of doubling down as he had in the past,..he now began to go through the process of damage control, any other politician.
His past routine was to either double down on his statements,.and actions,...or simply deny that he ever said them,..or did them,.. to begin with.
Until now, that is.
Now, on his boldest, most outrageous statements, regarding Bush and the Iraq War,..
He simply had no choice.
Like any politician,..that senses danger,..he had to revise his statements,.
Now,..Bush may not have actually lied,..but he made a big mistake,..
Bush may not be actually responsible for 911,..but it did happen, while he was President,..
Trump now resembled another deceptive Democrat politician,.by the name of John Kerry,..who was, of course,..for the war in Iraq,..before he was against it,..
Blood had been drawn on Trump finally, the one man was always the most likely to bring him down, in the end,..
Trump himself,..
For,..the Bush rant is not just another gaffe,..or outrageous statement,..
This time, fully exposed him, sharing the opinions of liberal Democrats, and leftist radicals, during the Bush Administration.
Is this the man who can be trusted to elect a solid, conservative replacement ,..for Chief Justice Antonin Scalia?
Ted Cruz,...says no,..
Can Trump still win,..despite these remarks?
But, a House divided against itself, cannot stand,..
And as the Cruz polls continue to rise in South Carolina,..while Trump's remain the same,..
Nor can the Conservative Republican Candidacy of Donald Trump stand,..
Against his own Liberal Democrat Legacy,..
The Night of the Red Death , South Carolina, now over,..
And, its wake,..the man who would bring death to the Republican Party,..has finally been fully unmasked,..
And ,..all the while,..the voting polls of South Carolina,..
Loom ever nearer,..
Cruz now leads Trump, a Wall Street Journal National Poll,and is strongly supported by conservative icons,Rush Limbaugh, and Mark Levin, well,..
Does this portend impending disaster ,..for this strange cult,..
Called Trump?

Friday, February 12, 2016

"And, A Changeling Shall Lead Them."

The battle for Iowa was over, with Senator Ted Cruz capturing the highest number of  recorded caucus votes in history,with Donald Trump and Marco Rubio virtually tied for the second highest number of votes. An impressive start to a war that will, in the end, leave many casualties and , only one deemed worthy to wear the Crown, Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States.
Many casualties indeed,for with the field of combat shifting to New Hampshire ,there would be a hard reckoning for those remaining, who lacked the conservative will, skill, and killer instinct,to debate and campaign, as though their political lives depended on it.
Such are the fortunes of war, and in this conflict,it would be Carly Fiorina,former Hewlett-Packard CEO,whose former support for Hillary and the Democrat Party, lack of financial resources and ground game,would keep her polling numbers low enough to cost her a spot on the ABC network Republican debate stage,and who must now accept the grim reality that her Presidential bid has ended in defeat. So too for Rand Paul, who abandoned his campaign a week earlier,due to single digit poll numbers ,that simply did not justify going on,especially with his failure to generate the funds that must be there, if a candidate is to campaign effectively from State to State. Just as Carly was hurt by her former Democrat ties, so too was Paul hurt, by his isolationist foreign policy stance, which is unfortunately,a common stance, in libertarian politicians.
Unlike these candidates ,however, who were done in strictly by their political histories, and financial limitations,Chris Christie would,in the New Hampshire debate,formulate his own defeat,by viciously attacking Senator Marco Rubio's record, and rhetoric. No doubt ,calculating that if could disrupt the Senator's momentum,generated by his respectable showing in Iowa,he could perhaps inherit his close third place showing in New Hampshire.His strategy is simple ;emphasize Rubio's lack of experience and ,worst of all, his inability to really debate the issues, relying instead on oft repeated catch phrases , slogans, and sound bites that, in Christie's eyes, essentially reduced Rubio to nothing more than a political automaton,that answers attacks from opponents with pre-programmed responses, frozen in the recesses of his memory banks,and rotated systematically ,depending on the nature of the opponent's assault.Christie spent the entire debate harping on the fact that Rubio continued to emphasize the malicious ,deliberate nature of the Obama agenda.It was no accident , or sheer incompetence that caused America's downfall.All was done according to a pre-arrainged plan, and Rubio felt the need to repeatedly ram this fact down the throats of his debate opponents,and rightfully so,for if you fail to recognize the true nature ,the true mission of the enemy,how can you possibly defeat it?Rubio was right to repeat himself on this issue ,and did so ,knowing full well it would hurt him, by validating Christie's claim. You see, the true conservative is always willing to sacrifice himself,for the greater good of spreading the truth. Rubio would stay on message , refuse to attack Christie in kind,and would go out on his shield.But, as he fell, he managed to take Christie down with him.Christie simply spent so much time and energy attacking Rubio, he left no time to promote his own message, and in the end, simply looked like a desperate bully,who,sensing the end was near , decided that he would not go down alone. But perhaps this was a deliberate calculation on Christie's part, a roll of the dice, if you will.He is, after all,the Governor of a failed Blue State,and knew that he had to stay on constant attack,if he were to avoid the issues that always leave him vulnerable,weaknesses in common core, weaknesses in taxes and regulations,weakness on Second Amendment rights,and an overall failure to reverse the doomed course the Democrat controlled New Jersey is set upon.
Chris Christie has now suspended his campaign,after a disasterous showing at the New Hampshire election polls. So much for his strategy.
Rubio finished a close fourth,and may survive if he rebounds well in South Carolina. Ted Cruz remained solid in the New Hampshire debate,emphasizing his conservative policy stances , rather than personal attack rhetoric. Cruz would remain above the fray, spend less time on his excellent ground game, expecting little results in the liberal leaning State of New Hampshire. Yet,despite lack of real effort,.he still managed to place third.Impressive , considering New Hampshire general distaste for hard core conservatives. And Ben Carson?He seems to have lost all energy , and now seems almost a spectral presence to the primary proceedings.Dr.Carson left the debate in Iowa,..and , in many respects, simply never came back.
But, the real story was Trump.His debate was shaky,being called out by the ever attacking Bush, who chose the Trump stance on Eminent Domain, as his weapon of choice. The concept of Eminent Domain , is not a popular one,in liberal to libertarian leaning New Hampshire. The fact that Trump strongly endorsed the concept and that he had actually used it once,to justify his attempt to kick an old woman out of her Atlantic City home, so he could use her land as a parking lot, for one of his failed casinos. Jeb Bush reminded Trump that Eminent Domain was designed for government backed public projects , not private ones, and it can never be used to justify taking private property to build a parking lot for a failing casino.,..ever. Point to Bush. Well done Jeb, and Cruz would follow up this attack with several campaign ads also emphasizing Trump's unethical, reckless use of the principle of Eminent Domain. But, despite Bush's momentary triumph, he, like Christie, would find that his new , aggressive , attacking stance, would, unfortunately, not translate into votes, with Bush finishing a distant fourth. Jeb did do better than Christie however,..and unlike the New Jersey Governor, has decided to forge ahead ,to South Carolina.
But what of the New Hampshire winner Trump?How did this man , once again poll in the high 30's, and cruise to an easy , overwhelming primary victory?
Is it because he is a hard core conservative Republican , cut in the Reagan mold?No, Trump, until just a few years ago, was a Democrat supporter and donor, praising both Bill and Hillary Clinton, and contributing millions to the 2006 Democrat midterm campaign, that led to Democrat control of both Houses, which then, paved the way for the destructive age of Obama.
Is it because he's a strong fiscal conservative, like Kasich and Bush?No, Trump has, in his recent past, called for increased taxes on the wealthy, and although he now condemns Obamacare, he once favored it , and even now still insists he'll repolace it with a single payer , government controlled,Health Care System.In other words, Trump wants to repeal Obamacare,..and then, replace it with , Obamacare.
Is Trump's popularity perhaps based then, on his strong National Security, Second Amendment, and Foreign Policy stances?No, Trump always opposed the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars,accused Bush of lying about WMD's, and called on his good friend House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, to impeach him. Trump also stated that Iraq's former dictator Saddam Hussein was a good killer of terrorists,and Trump essentially blamed Bush , not Bin Laden,.for 911.
Trump also called ADFI 's President Pamela Geller "disgusting" ,for holding a Draw Muhammed contest , in tribute to Charlie Hebdo, and to show her strong opposition to the evil of Sharia Law. Trump said Geller was deliberately provoking the terrorists, and felt that Charlie Hebdo got what they deserved. Apparently, Trump supports Sharia Law, over freedom of speech. Trump also , more recently, approved of the Putin invasion of Syria, saying he would simply let the Russians kill ISIS. Sorry Mr. Trump, but Putin is in the middle east to sell weapons to Syria and Iran, and has no interest in fighting ISIS. In fact, the only ones Putin has been targeting are Syrian rebels and Jordanians,both allies in the war on terror , funded by the United States. And, at one time., Trump even suipported gun bans , despite being pro-Second Amendment now.
But, perhaps it's Trump's soaring, Reagan -like rhetoric, and matchless charisma ,that enthralls his fans and drives up his poll numbers. Not very likely. Trump speaks in simplistic generalizations, repeats sentences constantly, uses coarse and vulgar language, mocks opponents physical appearances, war records, and even physical disabilities,and seems to have a special problem with women, even calling Fox Anchor Megan Kelly a "bimbo", on a late night tweet, after the first Fox News debate.
Well, perhaps then, it's Trump's matchless skill at making business deals, and  incredible corporate success that fills his followers with confidence. Again not very likely. Trump has filed four bankruptcies, and none of his casinos have ever turned a profit. Trump actually makes his money just selling his businesses, after they go belly up.
But, perhaps the most damning thing about this man-child who would be the Conservative Republican King, was exposed by a recent interview with Greta Van Sustren on Fox News. Greta asked Trump about his sometimes vulgar language, and whether or not it would be a problem, if he were , in fact,to win the Presidential nomination. Trump responded with the most truthful answer of his political career. ,..and the most revealing as well. "Greta", Trump replied,"I can change myself into anything I want to change into".
. No doubt he can.But, there is one thing, even Trump,can never become, and that's a conservative.
Indeed,. Trump seems not to even know what the word "conservative' really means. In fact,when asked this question in the New Hampshire debate,Trump gave an answer that even a sixth grader would call childish.Trump said conservatism,to him,means, "conserving things, like water, energy,..and our natural resources ".Really? Not even close.
So apparently, it's not Trump's  conservative Republican  purity, that gave him his impressive New Hampshire victory. What then, was it?
Who or what, gave Trump his victory,..and why?
Answer; Democrats gave Trump his victory,..overwhelmingly. True, many Republicans Moderates, and Independents voted for Trump as well, but it was , in fact Democrat votes that gave him his 35% margin of victory, and his consistently high poll numbers too, for that matter.
This is the Presidential Primary Season, and, as usual, the Democrat voters are crossing over into Republican primaries and voting for their candidates. In essense, they are picking the Republican candidate, that they want to run against Hillary. They are, as usual, picking a Republican candidate that they think is the easiest one for the Democrat candidate, to beat. This year,that candidate is none other, than Donald J. Trump.
Sound far fetched? Not at all. Democrat voters have been doing this for many years, as part of their standard Presidential Primary strategy. You see, there are 20 States in our country that have what are known as "Open Primaries', meaning they permit votes for any candidate, from either Party. Dems can vote for Republicans, and Republicans can vote for Dems. All Dems need do is show up, at the polls, re-register as a Republican, vote,..and then,..on the way out, again, a Democrat. In fairness. Republicans have done this too, with Rush Limbaugh's "Operation Chaos" Republican push for Hillary, against Obama, being the more recent example.
But, for the most part , this is primarily a Democrat strategy ,..used by their Party, for every Presidential Primary.
This is how Republicans got John McCain, as their nominee, in 2008. This is how Republicans got Mitt Romney, as their nominee, in 2012.
The Democrats pick the Republican candidate that is , in their estimate, the weakest conservative, order to give their Democrat candidate an easy opponent, in the general election.
And this strategy worked, both for Romney and McCain, ..the voting tallies tell the tale.
McCain, for instance, did not get nearly enough conservative Republican votes to win the nomination. In fact, right up till Super Tuesday, McCain failed to win any State , based on Conservative Republican votes alone. McCain won decisively, because of Democrat votes, pure and simple. So too, with Romney .And the rest, of course , is history. Conservative Republican purists stayed home for both McCain and Romney, and allowed Obama to win two destructive terms,rather than compromise their misapplied concept of conservative values. Values, that they barely even comprehend, and the result is a lame duck nominee that cannot win, especially against an impressive Democrat turnout of illegal immigrant, and entitlement bum voters in both 2008, and 2012.
And now, Trump is the new Democrat secret weapon, that they believe will secure an easy victory in 2016, for Hillary Clinton. They may be right. After all, Trump's not even a basic moderate Republican,like McCain and Romney. Trump was, until recently, a Liberal Democrat, with extensive monetary ties to Democrat candidates ,..especially Bill Clinton, who Trump called, "Our best President', and Hillary Clinton, ..who Trump said would make a "great Secretary of State".Add to this an endless collection of video clips and endless interviews in which Trump clearly explains his Liberal Democrat leanings , and you have a Democrat Presidential Candidate's dream opponent.
All Hillary, or Bernie, or even Biden need do, to beat Trump, is point out the simple reality, that he was , until very recently, one of them, and donated millions of dollars, in 2008, to keep them in power.
Like with McCain and Romney,..Trump's lack of solid contrast with his Democrat opponents ,on key issues,will once again , keep Republican voters home and could spell massive Democrat victory,especially when combined with with Trump's 60% nationwide disapproval rating .And, with Trump's impressive second place finish in Iowa, behind Cruz, and his overwhelming victory in New Hampshire, now part of history,..South Carolina looms next ,..and already the polls, once again,..favor Trump heavily. Not surprising. South Carolina , is another state,..that has open primaries.
This seems to assure another cynical Democrat augmented victory for Trump, in this primary, and inevitable defeat, in the main Presidential election, for the Republican Party. And, even if it isn't,..will it matter that much?Trump has already given strong indications that he, unlike Cruz, actually likes many Democrats,and will work with them to "get things done",..and will in fact, insist on a government controlled , single payer Health Care System.
In other words, a Trump victory simply gives the Democrats a Double Agent in the Oval Office, that will , as he has in the past, do their bidding, for personal gain.
Win or lose, would appear to be a no-lose situation,..for the Democrat Party,...
And a no-win situation,..
For America's future.
Can this madness be stopped, before it's too late?
Or, after seven long years of Democrat destruction,..will America ,once again, to elect a true conservative?
Will America , once again,..choose a changeling ,who conceals his true nature?.This time,...a liberal Democrat, ..concealed in Conservative  Republican clothing?
Perhaps,..and,..perhaps not.
There are , in fact, several solutions,..
First,..eliminate the concept of the Open Primary. This Primary rule, is essentially unconstitutional, since it violates the right of individual Party members to have their votes actually count. Open Primaries are as unconstitutional as the lack of strict voter I.D. Laws, since both fail to protect the rights of the American citizen, to be heard, through their most potent weapon,..their right to vote,..the right for each individual Party member to be heard,..within the confines of their chosen Party affiliation.
As Conservative Republicans,we have the right for our votes to be tallied with only members of our own Party, period.
Second, We the People must end this destructive, third world style, anti American,habit of sitting home for major elections ,..a willfully ignorant,unintelligent habit,..that has resulted in disaster for America.
This is a center right, conservative majority nation.It always has been, and always will be.
But, this matters little, if millions of those Conservative Republican voters sit home for major election , after major election.
Forget the concept of winning the so-called "Blue Dog, Reagan Democrat" votes. They are a myth.Always have been, and always will be. Democrat votes did not lead Reagan to a landslide victory in 1984. A strong, overwhelming, conservative campaign by Reagan,..and a strong overwhelming conservative voter turnout ,.did,..all across the country.
Democrats do not vote for Republican candidates in major elections, ever,..and that includes both Reagan victories. Democrats are the enemy, period.
So, why do Republicans continue to sabotage their own Primaries,by allowing the enemy of their Party,and of America itself, elect their Presidential nominees?
The Republican Party needs to close all of their Primaries, and enact strict voter I.D. laws at all voting polls ,..and make damn sure that, like with Reagan,..all Republican voters get off their asses , put down the remote,,show up at the polls,and vote a straight Republican ticket,..every time,..for every damn election,, and until the end of time.
If,..they really want to save America ,..
If,..they really give a damn,....
About anybody besides themselves,..
If,..they're not traitors to their country,....
There is, of course, one more solution,..that can work,..not in the future , but can work,..right here , right now, this election,..before its too late.
That solution is simply this;.
Every single Republican voter must seek out the most conservative Republican Candidate, running for President,..the one who has the most consistently conservative voting record,..and support that candidate,..enthusiastically, unwaiveringly,..and aggressively.
Don't vote for a Republican candidate based on what he says..
Vote for a Republican candidate,..based on what he has done.
Donald Trump has said many things,..that do indeed,..sound conservative.
But,.the things he has said in the recent past, not.
Marco Rubio says he is conservative,..and his Senate voting record of supporting conservative values and principles supports what he has said,..including his bill to repeal Obamacare,..a bill that he,..and he alone,..crafted.
Ted Cruz,also says he is strongly conservative.
An extreme conservative.
A passionate conservative.
Ted Cruz record says he is indeed.
It says he will implement a flat tax, abolish the I.R.S.,strengthen our military, repeal Obamacare,..and destroy ISIS.
It says he will defend our Second Amendment rights,that he will defend our Judeo-Christian values, that are the rock, upon which our constitution was built.
Ted Cruz's voting record, says he is the only Republican candidate, who has consistently opposed Amnesty,and that he will oppose the entire Obama agenda,..alone,..if necessary,..even if it means shutting down the government , he did, 2012.Even if Obama still vetos the inevitable bill,..
Ted Cruz's record is clear;..
No matter how many times Obama may veto the the repeal Obamacare bill,..
Senator Ted Cruz ,..will keep coming after him,..and will keep attacking the Democrat Agenda, matter what,..he will not stop coming after Democrats,..ever,..
His record proves this.
The Democrat Party,..does not want this kind of man, be the next President of the United States,..ever.
They know they must stop this man,because even when he knows he's beaten,..
Even when he knows,..he can't win,..
He keeps coming after them,..
The Democrat Party's main goal, this Presidential election season,..
Is to stop this man,..
That is why Ted Cruz is the man that every conservative Republican voter must support ,1000%
And, Ted will do his part too.
For he knows the way to beat the Democrat Agenda. .The one sure way,.that always works,without fail.
You embrace conservatism,..
You articulate conservatism
And you promote conservatism,..
Aggressively,..and relentlessly,...
And you can't be beaten,..ever.
For conservatism is nothing more than the truth.
The truth that Ted Cruz lives for, works for,..and sacrifices for,..every single day of his life,..
A truth that defeats any and all Democrat strategems,..
A truth that will , in the end,..always lead to ultimate victory.
The time for debate , over,..
Let the ugly hunt begin,..

Saturday, February 6, 2016

"Behold, A Savage Glory!"

The time for polls, tweets, political maneuvering ,and speculation was done.Now, the real game was on, and the first actual votes for the Republican Presidential nomination had been cast, in Iowa.The result?Despite all polls, despite all stadium rallies, despite all angry tweets,despite all guarantees by Donald Trump, that he would win Iowa, easily,with no need for debates,or grassroots ground game,..he lost. In the first stop of the Republican Primary season, the real, nuts and bolts actual start of the State by State,process to determine the best man to defeat Hillary Clinton,the man who once said "second place is for losers",had, in fact ,achieved that second place status in the Iowa Caucus,virtually in a tie for second, with Marco Rubio,. and by his own standards,with which he measures success,was now, in fact,a loser , pure and simple.
You see, in Donald Trump's world,defeat is simply not an option , so therefore there is no need to even contemplate it. "No one remembers the guy who came in second place",Trump once tweeted,and now, in the wake of his latest childish, raging temper tantrum,his claims of deception and malfeasance,on the part of Senator Ted Cruz, his gamesmanship in the face of defeat, Trump's claim may be proven right. As Presidential Candidate Al Gore proved, the sore loser is usually relegated to history's trash heap , because he lacks the one quality that all great men must possess,if they are truly worthy of their status;..Grace under Pressure,..the ability to face adversity , face defeat,..accept it,..rise to the challenge it presents,..and , in the end, overcome and conquer.
Grace under Pressure.All American Presidents who are regarded by history as great , all had this quality ,..the ability to 'keep their heads,.when all about them,..are losing theirs," quote Rudyard Kipling.Donald Trump clearly, does not have this quality , and this does not bode well, for the future success of his bid for the Presidency.
At first though, there was surprising modesty and humility in the immediate aftermath of the Iowa caucus ,as Trump congratulated Cruz on his victory, Rubio, on his third place showing,and thanked the people of Iowa, for their hospitality. But,..this mood could not last more than a few hours,for a man who, despite his almost seventy years on this planet, often displays massive instabilities to the faculties of his rage,almost like a weak King,or an overtired infant, who needs his diaper changed. Losing, is for losers, simple as that, and, as far as Trump was concerned, all his opponents in this Presidential race were losers , to one varying degree or another. Cruz is a nasty guy, that no one likes,and he's also a foreigner, trying to steal the Presidency, for Canada. Rubio is an inexperienced kid who supports Amnesty,misses votes, and refuses to show up for work.But, the main thing is, Trump has better hair than him.And Carson, who Trump now paints as the victim of Cruz's deceptions and tricks,was, not too long ago,..labeled by Trump, a "pathological maniac",and" Mediocre Doctor" who fantasizes about stabbing his childhood friends,and attacking his mother with a hammer.All the other candidates , at one time or another,suffered similar personal attacks at the hands of this would be "Bully in Chief",while they all chose a higher road, keeping their attacks on Trump about policy,rather than personal insults. In other words, they all have displayed that one, indispensible quality that a President must have,Grace and dignity ,..under pressure..a quality that is simply not part of the psychological makeup of the real estate mogul Donald J.Trump, the "enfant terrible" who, rather than accept defeat, insists that the entire game be replayed, because his opponents cheated. In the case of the Iowa Caucus, it was specifically the Canadian invader and trickster  Cruz,who robbed Trump of his rightful victory.
Trump's team, in the space of 24 hours, went from congratulating Cruz,to calling him a liar,who used Carson's sudden exodus from Iowa as an opportunity to steal the surgeon's votes.Trump claims that both CNN and Cruz , conspired to paint the Doctor's return home for a wardrobe reboot,as an opportunity to spread a rumor amid Iowa Caucus voters that Ben Carson had, in fact, dropped out of the race,and those who supported him should now consider shifting their votes to Cruz.
Dirty , Washington style, elitist politics at its worst, claimed the Trump camp,and it cost not only the good Doctor a third place showing , but had also cost Trump the overall victory .Combine this dirty trick with the fact that Cruz grassroots team had sent mailers out to Iowan voters , accusing them of "Voter Violations",for their failure to caucus in past years,and thereby "shaming "them into voting for Cruz,..and you have , Trump's mind,..the dirtiest political campaign since the Watergate tainted re-election campaign of Richard Nixon.
These are the infantile assertions of the raging man-child who would be King,..Donald J.Trump.
Here is the political reality,..Dr. Ben Carson, left the Iowa Caucus in mid campaign,went home, left no indication he was going to either of the next campaign stops New Hampshire or South Carolina, made no grassroots effort to explain, or clarify the status of his campaign to the Iowan voters,and announced instead, a trip to Washington .Donald J.Trump , upon arrival in Iowa, refused to attend their debate, citing "Fox News unfairness",..refused to campaign on a grassroots level,..gave his standard, rambling stadium speech , held a rally to raise money for Veterans, compensate for missing the debate,..and then, like Carson, left town,..if not physically,..them at least , metaphorically.Trump simply had no interest in doing the work required , to win elections.
And, what of Cruz?What did he do?Cruz did, what any smart ,experienced ,determined, skillful politician would do, in this situation,..he used the lack of focus and effort shown by his front runner opponents, a key weapon to assure their defeat , and his victory. Yes, Team Cruz rammed home the idea that Trump was afraid to face him, in the debate, and afraid to face Fox News debate moderator Megan Kelly as well, who, the first debate, Trump's intolerance for professional women who dared challenge him. Yes, Team Cruz reminded the voters of Trump's former support for Democrat politicians, and their destructive agenda, including Obamacare.
Yes, Team Cruz suggested that Ben Carson may be retiring from the campaign after CNN reported it, because Carson left town, in the middle of a campaign, left no specifics on his next stop, and failed to refute CNN's claims,..and also failed to keep his ground team working for him, aggressively,..during his absence. And yes, Tean Cruz saw this sudden exodus , as an opportunity to gain more votes. Politics is a bloodsport. You play it to win, or you don't play at all,..because you believe that your plan, your vision, your agenda, the one that will save America,and the world,..from permanent destruction.
And, if, deep down, really don't believe in your own vision enough , to fight hard for it,..then,..,leave town, Carson,..or just don't show up, Trump.
Yes, Ted Cruz won, and won handily,..achieving the greatest number of recorded votes in Primary history. And, he has the potential to win the eventual nomination,..and the Presidency as well.
Not by cheating,..
Not by dirty tricks,..
Not by deceptions,..
Not by compromising your core values,by pretending to support taxpayer funded ethanol subsidies,..just to win a handful of votes,..
But by simply using the basic principles that will always assure , complete and overwhelming victory,..
The Principles,..of Conservatism.
The principles that promote the low taxes, and regulations, that are the key to economic prosperity.
The principles that promote the limited government, which allows We the People to live , work and worship, as we please, under the greatest system of self government ,yet devised by man.
The principles that promote a strong military, that will protect our nation from all enemies, fight an aggressive war on terror, and support our allies in freedom.
The principles that promote the 2nd Amendment that guarantees all Americans the right to keep and bear arms, ..the right that makes all other rights,..possible.
The principles that promote Judeo-Christian values,..upon which our Constitution and Nation,..were built.
The principles that promote, truth,..
The principles that promote freedom,..
The principles that promote,..humanity,..
That, Conservatism,..and ,..when enthusiastically embraced,..effectively articulated,...and aggressively promoted,..
It will always lead, victory.
There was one Republican Candidate, running in the Iowa Caucus,..who lives his life by these principles,..and is savagely relentless, and uncompromising, promoting them,..
Ted Cruz.
Against such a man,..
What mere mortal,..could long endure?
For,..Conservatism is the Natural State of Mankind,..
And,..Conservatism, the End,..
Will Always Triumph,...