Monday, September 21, 2015

"Whosoever Holds This Sceptre"

The Second Republican Presidential Debate is now part of history. The question is,who was victorious?
Answer;.... The Republican Party.
There has never been a time in political history when this Party has had a larger collection of talented, accomplished , conservative Republicans gathered on one stage ,performing at their peak , as they were that Wednesday night in California at the Reagan Library.
Everyone had their moments to shine, despite the inept and partisan CNN debate format of moderator Jake Tapper, which left little time for the candidates to formulate and expound on answers ,and forced them into defense mode, primarily responding to Trump attacks, rather than concentrating on their own platform concepts.No matter.Experience and character won the night, and,as Carly Fiorina herself said, experience and character will ultimately determine the next Republican nominee, good time.
Carly Fiorina , in particular , displayed her vast knowledge of foreign policy and dealt swiftly and effectively with past Trump attacks on her.
Marco Rubio was at his conservative peak, emphasizing his no nonsense approach to National Security and the War on Terror.
In fact, the entire evening was centered more on the issues that should always be the most important factors when determining the next President ;...Foreign Policy,.. National Security,..The War on Terror.
How will the next President protect us?
How will he secure America?
That, should always be the ultimate deciding factor in choosing our next President.
Securing our Nation.
Putting fear in the hearts of our enemies,..and confidence in the hearts of our allies.
That, and a system of self-government,.. Judeo-Christian Values,...2nd Amendment Rights,..Tax and Regulation cuts for all Americans,..a Strong Military,....are the foundation upon which America's greatness was created.
These are the issues that our next President cannot waiver on , even slightly , if America is to survive, as the last , best hope for humanity .Yes, all candidates had their moments to shine,..and all would certainly make far better Presidents than Barack Hussein Obama , Hillary Clinton,..or any member of the Democrat Party, for that matter. But, there are 16 of them, and they all do have their flaws , and those flaws must be the determining factors in picking the ultimate winner. Who, among those now rising in the polls,..should be considered ?Kasich,..should be ruled out,..simply because he stated quite clearly that he would not recind the Iran Nuclear Deal,..on day one of his Presidency.Patently absurd, since the deal must be trashed,for the sake of world safety.Plus, John Kasich has always been a pro-Amnesty, social liberal leaning Governor,..fatal for a Republican Presidential Candidate.
Rubio also has waffled on the Amnesty issue, siding with the gang of eight,..despite being a strong conservative on virtually every other issue. Rubio would make a good President, but he should be ruled out .
Carly Fiorina ,..despite her strong performance as a national security expert who sat on defense boards, and her passionate attack on Planned Parenthood, unfortunately,..hardly a conservative on fiscal issues ,..and should be ruled out, this time.But make no mistake,..if push came to shove,..Carly would make a good President , well.
Doctor Ben Carson is an intelligent , soft spoken, calculating,..logic driven conservative, but lacks any National security knowledge ,or political experience.He's a wise man ,but has stated, quite clearly,..that the War on Afghanistan ,..was a mistake.Carson, Trump,..who agrees with him on this,..seems not to understand that it was Afghanistan that attacked us on 911.We didn't declare war on Afghanistan,..they declared war on us.Carson also opposed the Iraq War,..despite the fact that Saddam Hussein was an active sponsor of terror who had targeted our President for assassination ,violated the Gulf War cease fire treaty, by shooting at our planes,...blocked U.N.nuclear inspectors;....and not only had WMD'S,..but used them as well,..repeatedly,..on his own people.Carson is a good man,..but, these times,..good is not enough.His statements on Afghanistan and Iraq, are just plain foolish.Carson is out.
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is a hardcore, tax cutting conservative, who broke the back of Union control in his predominately blue state,..fought and won repeatedly against recall elections,..eliminated a Democrat spending created deficit,..and created a booming fiscal surplus,..despite constant destructive Union interference in the health of Wisconsin's overall economy.Walker is a worthy contender ,who would indeed be a good President .But,..he has also waffled on the issue of Amnesty for Illegals.He too,..must be rejected as a possible contender for the Presidency,..for now.
Senator Rand Paul , his father before him, a hard core constitutionalist and libertarian ,strong on economic issues,..but weak on drug enforcement and, being an isolationist,..very weak on National Defense. We cannot risk America's security at this moment in time,..on an isolationist that fails to see the importance of America's presence in world affairs. Rand Paul is out.
Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush , like Kasich and Walker, was an extremely effective Governor ,..using tax and regulation cuts and elimination of state income taxes , in particular, turn the Sunshine State into one of the most economically prosperous States in our Union, during his time in office. Jeb rose to the Trump challenge,defended himself effectively,..and also defended his brother's Presidential record and his wife as well,..from  repeated low class Trump attacks. Jeb, his brother,..would indeed make a fine President. But,..his glaring weaknesses are Amnesty and a strange obsession with Government controlled Common Core school programs , that are nothing but a leftist tax grab and indoctrination tool of the Democrat Party. Jeb,..should realize this.
Jeb cannot secure the nation,..unless he strongly opposes the Illegal Amnesty that is a perpetual threat to it. Jeb would fight the war on terror effectively ,like his brother before him,..but,..his weakness on the issue of Amnesty would leave America vulnerable,..nevertheless. Jeb must be out ,..because part of security is protecting the border .Jeb must not be President,..not at this time.He must be ruled out.
Former Governor Mike Huckabee? Soft on criminals as a Governor, granting amnesty to people that should never have been let out of prison. He also tended to raise taxes,..all too frequently.He also favored Amnesty at one time.Not very conservative.This all translates into a President who would be weak on security , despite his other Judeo-Christian based strengths.Huckabee must be out as well.
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie did well in the debate,..and his no nonsense, direct approach on tackling Unions , ..and on security issues,..makes him shine as a Presidential contender. Being a former Federal prosecutor during the Bush Administration doesn't hurt either.But, his glaring weakness is being Governor of New Jersey ,..a deep, deep,..Blue State.on the verge of economic collapse despite his fiscal conservative agenda. He is also notoriously weak and waffling on Second Amendment rights,..letting out of state gun owners be jailed,..for merely crossing into Jersey while carrying their legally owned weapons. Doesn't sound very conservative, Governor Christie. The Second Amendment rights of Americans are not to be questioned , or restricted by any serious candidate for President.Christie,..must be out.
And ,..what of the others?They are simply out,..for reasons of basic political reality.They lack funds,..recognition,..and campaign resources.There are certain basic political realities,..and lack of money donors,  can derail.even the best of candidates,..unfortunately.
But, not just any two ,..but the two who comprise the political axis upon which the Republican Party currently revolves. These two have also become allies,..on stage ,..even uniting at a rally in Washington, stand against the Iran Nuclear Deal that threatens the security and safety of the free world and beyond.
They are allies indeed,..for the moment, but they are the polar opposites of the same political axis, well.
The Alpha,..
And the Omega,..
of the political spectrum.
The Omega, is real estate mogul, Donald J. Trump,..a man who despite a strong stance against Amnesty,.seemingly .unlimited wealth,..and a popular reality television show that catapulted him into political prominence,..has finally reached that point in time ,that night, the Reagan Library ,.. the point that Carly Fiorina spoke of,..the point where character,..experience,..and true ability,...would be revealed;...and that would determine who is fit, and unfit, be the Presidential nominee.That night , at the Reagan Library,..Trump reached that point. And,..he was finally revealed ,..all character flaws,..all lack of ability , lack of knowledge,..lack of experience,,..on that stage in California ,for all the world to see.
Trump, not the man to lead America , for basic, common sense reasons  that were always obvious to those paying attention,..but until now,..were never addressed and blatantly ignored, his rabid supporters who refuse to see,..refuse to separate the media entertainer,from the real, flawed,.liberal Democrat that Trump always was,.and always will be.Trump has many good qualities,to be sure,..but,..Trump is a bully,.by nature,..and a Liberal Democrat by choice .His constant personal attacks on women in particular,..have exposed a weakness in character,..that simply cannot be tolerated, in a Republican  candidate for the office of Commander in Chief..Fortunately, Carly Fiorina managed to turn Trump's attacks leveled against her into a positive in her campaign,..demonstrating her considerable political savvy,..brains,..and skill. She certainly handled the personal attacks better than her fellow Republican Candidates,..and did,.finally,..force the bully, back down. Trump 's silence,..the rest of the evening,..sent a clear message to all those on that stage,..that the political tide and fortunes of Trump ,..had finally turned.
But, Trump's lack of class, and bully tactics are not even his main problem.
The real problem with the concept of a President Trump, his weakness on issues of National Security, Defense,..and Foreign Policy.
Surprising?Not at all, if you know the history of the man,..and listen carefully to his actual words,..and carefully examine his political history ,which is indeed extensive, for a non-politician. It is , no way,..shape or form,..a conservative Republican history ,..especially on issues of foreign policy and national security.
Trump has been active in,and outspoken about politics,and his political opinions,..since the 1980's.
As the great Joe Louis once said,."He can run,..but he can't hide."
And Donald Trump,..most certainly,...can neither run,..nor hide,..from his political record. Trump has always been pro-choice , pro-abortion, even speaking out at one point, defense of late term abortion as well. And, even to this day,..he feels Planned Parenthood should not be defunded, despite the clear video evidence of the holocaust style atrocities against unborn children this Democrat front group is committing on a daily basis.
Trump has financed the political campaigns of Hillary Clinton , Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid,..Chuck Schumer,..Anthony Weiner,.Charlie Rangel,...and yes,..did indeed support President Obama ,..and his masterpiece of economic destruction,.. Obamacare. In fact, even to this day,..Trump favors single payer healthcare systems ,praising those used in Canada and Norway.
Trump believes in heavily taxing the hedgefund profits of the wealthy and favors heavy taxes and regulations on businesses and corporations in general, do all Democrats.
Trump claims,however,that he has evolved politically,.. and like Reagan,..has become more conservative with the passage of time. But,  Reagan was only a Democrat during the days of World War II. Reagan didn't change., he simply saw what the Democrats really were , once the war ended. Reagan was still a young man,..only 41,.. when he switched parties in the early Fifties. Trump . however,..has supposedly become a conservative Republican at the age Reagan was, when he became President. Impossible. Nobody switches Parties and political belief systems at the age of almost seventy. Totally impossible.
But, late in life economic and social changes in opinion can be overlooked, a certain degree,....but,..what cannot be overlooked,especially if you're running for President, a weakness on issues of National Security.And that,... has not altered.
Trump spent almost all of the eight years after the 911 attacks,..Attacking President Bush, and his Anti-Terror Program.
Trump attacked the Iraq War, and the War in Afghanistan as well.
Trump, for eight years , all but blamed Bush for the 911 attack,..even saying that the President had lied about the existence of Iraq's WMD's just as an excuse to get us into a war,..and gave him zero credit,,....for keeping America safe those eight years after 911, for keeping the Taliban and Al Queda weak and on the run,.. for defeating and dethroning  Saddam Hussein and his evil,child raping sons,...and  forcing Gadaffi to surrender his nuclear weapons, without firing a shot.Trump also gave Bush no credit for creating a Democratically free Iraq,..with free elections, Iraq that was no longer a sponsor of terror,  and no longer a safe haven for terrorists and their leaders.The photo of a single Iraqi woman, holding up her purple stained finger,..after voting in a free election for the first time,.was the cold  hard, irrefutable proof of President Bush's success in Iraq.
Trump gave Bush no credit for this,..and, has blamed the entire existence of ISIS and the growth of Al Queda  on the Iraq War,and on  Bush-Cheney specifically,..not on Obama.
Bush lied about WMD's ,.....and boys died,..according to Trump.
Now,..ask yourself,..what conservative Republican would refuse to see that it was the Obama withdraw of all troops from a terror free Iraq,.and refusal to fight terror aggressively,...that created the vacuum , that led to the birth of ISIS, and strengthened Al Queda as well?
What conservative Republican would not be able to see clearly that it was the weakness of Obama in the face of America';s enemies, not the strength of the Bush-Cheney Anti-Terror program,....that created  ISIS and its butchery of innocent Jordanians,and Christian Kurds and Yazidis ?
No conservative.
True conservatives understand that it was George W. Bush's aggressive War on Terror and the sponsors of terror,..that kept our Nation safe and Al Queda weak, and on the run.
Conservative Republicans understand this.
Trump , for all eight years of the Bush Presidency,..did not understand this, and was quite vocal about it.
And, at the Reagan Library debate,..he looked Jeb Bush in the eye, and blamed his brother ,..for ISIS, for Al Queda,..and the 911 attacks as well. Jebdefended his brother and his record, his credit. He told Mr. Trump that his brother kept America safe. He did indeed.
But,the question remains,..what Conservative Republican would have attacked President Bush this way?
Moreover, just recently,. what conservative would have viciously attacked American Freedom Defense Initiative's Director Pamela Geller,for "provoking" terrorists by holding a "Draw Prophet Muhammed" contest that defended free speech and denounced the evils of Jihad and Sharia Law?
Trump called Pamela names,..that only a Liberal Democrat would call her.
Trump thinks it's wrong to "provoke terrorists" , by violating their Sharia Law on American soil,..and blames Bush,..for 911?
There's your Conservative Republican President folks.
Trump also stated during the Reagan debate that he would "get along well", with America's enemies, like Vladimir Putin of Russia, or Assad of Syria. Interesting. President Obama, promised the same thing; more cowboy diplomacy,...he would "get along "with America's enemies,..instead of provoking them, Bush did.
How did that work out?
Here's the bottom line; don't "get along", with Putin, or Assad. You tell them the way it's going to be,..or else. Peace,..through strength,..not "getting along."
At least,..that's what a Conservative Republican would do.
But, then again,..Trump is obviously no Conservative Republican. Get along,..indeed. So much for Trump the Conservative,..who, like Obama,..will make America great again, by getting along with our enemies.
America, already great,..Mr. Trump.
And, so much for all the other candidates.They are all flawed and weak, in areas, where weakness should not exist,..if the title you seek is Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, of the United States.
True,..they would all be far better Presidents than any Democrat,..but not perfect, in the areas where our nation now demands perfection.
All have weaknesses.All have flaws.All, save one that is.
There is one candidate that has been ,inexplicably,..overlooked in the polls, and on the debate stage as well,one that seems to have fallen trough the cracks .One that has turned in flawless performances in each debate ,and yet,..remains almost invisible.
He is flawless, in all the areas that a true conservative should be flawless. He is a strong , fiscal conservative , who believes in tax and regulation cuts for all Americans, across the board,.no exceptions.
Believes in a strong military, and in every single aspect of the Bush -Cheney Anti Terror program.
Believes in our Second Amendment rights with no exceptions , no compromise , no restrictions , on those rights.
Believes in defending our Judeo-Christian values that are the rock upon which our constitution was built.
Believes in repealing every single word of Obamacare and the Iran Nuke Deal , and every other Obama created program that has damaged our country ,...and says he will do it,..on day one,.....of his Presidency.
And, most importantly,..this man not only believes in these things,..he has demonstrated, that he is willing to shut down every single government on earth , if necessary,..  to stop Obama and the Democrats.
He is Senator Ted Cruz.
In 2012, he led the fight to shut down the government , to stop Obamacare,..
He believes in sealing our borders completely,, and has always opposed any form of Amnesty for illegals. He is, in fact, the only candidate that has always been consistent on this issue, and the only one with a solid plan to accomplish it.Every other candidate has, at one time or another, favored open borders and Amnesty,..and that includes ,.. Donald J.Trump.
Ted Cruz. He is the perfect conservative fighting machine.
No flaws.
No weaknesses.
Every inch of him, ..
Pure Conservatism.
Pure Truth.
And, he is the only man who is guaranteed to do exactly what he says he will do , and has the record that proves it. A record that makes him indeed worthy to wear the crown and sceptre of this Shining City on a Hill .
Who won the debate?
Senator Ted Cruz;..the perfect conservative fighting machine.
What is Freedom?
Freedom is self government .
Freedom is tax and regulation cuts, for all Americans.
Freedom is a Constitution based on our Judeo-Christian values.
Freedom is the Second Amendment Right,..for all Americans, keep and bear arms.
Freedom is a Strong Military.
Freedom is an aggressive war on terror that puts fear in the hearts of our enemies,and pride in the hearts of our allies.
That; Freedom.
Ted Cruz is the one,..the only, who stood on that platform at the Reagan Presidential Library,..who has both the rhetoric,..and the record,..that proves he can, and will, without a shadow of a doubt,..defend those freedoms,..if he is crowned King, of this;..the New Olympus.

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