Pope Francis has made a pilgrimage to the United States, holding masses in Washington,New York ,and Philadelphia.This is the first time the Jesuit Pontiff has ever visited Capitalist America.He is 78 years old,and has lived the bulk of his life in socialist Argentina , making it difficult for him to understand the true nature of capitalism.
A surprising revelation, considering the fact that Pope John Paul, equally popular and revolutionary,grew up in communist Poland,yet,..unlike Francis,.. was able to praise American Capitalism for the God-given gift that it is.
America,is the one,the only nation on earth, since the beginning of time,..whose very system of government is actually based on the teachings and philosophies of Jesus Christ.Since the Dawn of Time,..the world has been a dark , crime ridden, disease plagued,poverty stricken collection of Kings, Queens,Tyrants, Despots, and Dictators, that have kept their iron boots of oppression upon the neck of humanity .For centuries, freedom was just a myth,an ideal written about by Greek Philosophers ,Priests,and Prophets ,for decade after decade,but mankind still knew only the oppression and despair of subjugation at the hands of his fellow man.
Until,..the Dawn of Freedom ,..in a New Land, called America. The founders of this land had crossed an ocean to escape fiscal and religious oppression that had engulfed the world , because they had an idea,..a plan,..for a new,..better way,..a way where freedom and liberty would be the only rule of law;..
Where the individual ,..each individual,..would rule themselves , as God intended, with no King, Queen, dictator ,or despot to stand between them,and the gift of free will that God had given them.
Man would finally create a society that even Socrates and Plato could only dream about.Man would finally live, as God intended them to live;..self governed , self ruled, self reliant,..self sufficient ,..
Finally, truly free.
And the blueprint for this freedom were the teachings of a man from the first century,..the teachings of a man,....who was more than man,..the teachings,.. of Jesus Christ. A man who brought a new, revolutionary message ,to a savage and violent populace, bowed by tyrannical oppression, angered by hopelessness,lost in endless despair,..To love one another,..
To love your enemies,..
To pray for those who curse, and despise you ,...
To love your neighbor, as you love yourself,..
To love the Lord God, with your whole heart ,mind, and soul,..
And to treat your fellow man,..the way you would have him treat you.
This is the Law of the Prophets,..
And it would start a revolution that would change the world , save the world,..and eventually,..lead to the living embodiment of this law ,..The Unite States of America.
The Shining City of a Hill, that would base its laws on the teachings of an exceptional man from the First Century,a Shining City that would create a Constitution;,,a blueprint for living,.A Shining City . that would become the last ,best hope for humanity,..
For the world.
And so it was,..since it's creation on that hot July Day in Philadelphia,..the Shining City called America.
In truth, the United States has done more to bring freedom and liberty to nations around the globe, than any other nation,before or since.
America is the one, the only nation that is the living embodiment of Judeo- Christian values has ended tyranny , ended sickness, ended poverty,..ended violence,..ended terror,..in every corner of the globe. No other nation in the History of this Planet,..has ever done even a fraction of what America has done,..to aid humanity,..and improve the human condition.
But, then again, no other nation has ever dared to live , the way Christ challenged us to live,..
And no other nation,..ever will.
Yet,..despite all this,the Pope,..the Leader of the Judeo-Christian faith,..has journeyed to America ,to lecture it's citizens,..on the evils of Capitalism and Global Warming,that his holiness seems to think America embodies.
In truth,..
The Pope did not come to America to talk about the evils of government funded abortion, ...
The evils of Al Queda, or ISIS,...
The evils of Cuba,..
The evils of Venezuela,..
The evils of Russia,..
The evils of every other socialist state that oppresses humanity .
No,..he comes to talk about the evils of Capitalism.
Capitalism,...a product of our Judeo-Christian born system of government .
Capitalism,..a system of freemarket prosperity that has lifted the world out of poverty and despair, fed the hungry,..clothed the homeless,..healed the sick,..in every corner of the globe .It is only American Capitalism that enables the people of socialist countries to survive.In fact,..every single communist-socialist government on earth, would collapse completely,if not for the monetary donations , given freely, to all of them,..by Evil,Capitalist, America.
American Capitalism feeds the world.That,is a fact.And, it's a fact that both our President and the visiting Pope,..need to learn,..before it's too late.
America is not evil, your Holiness.
Capitalism is not evil.
And, Global Warming simply does not exist , except as an evil , socialist con,...a scam,..designed to steal money from free market capitalists,and distribute that money to the socialist govenments that seek to oppress them.
The Pope needs to learn this as well, and needs to stop listening to the lies of terror sponsoring states of the U.N. ,that are using him as a political dupe to push their ultimate goal,..of a world , once again,..controlled by tyranny,..a world without the Judeo-Christian Freedom that America has brought it.
During his visit to evil, capitalist America,..the Pope must contemplate one thing,..all of us,..who call ourselves Christians,..have but one goal, one task,..that defines who we are. We try to live our lives the way Christ lived his. We try to follow in the footsteps of Jesus,..and use his words and his deeds,..as models for our own lives.
Pope Francis should remember this,and while he attacks capitalism , in favor of socialism ,..he must ask himself this question;.....
Would Jesus stand before us, upon a hill,..as he did by the Sea of Galilee,..a thousand years ago,and ask us to give more money to the government,..so that it could be redistributed to those that did not earn it?
Would Jesus tell us that government taxation is the answer to the fictional problem of Global Warming?
Would Jesus stand before the communist Castro Brothers,and not confront them on human rights abuses , murders,and political prisoners?
Would Jesus stand before the President of the United States, and not challenge him on his ineffective War on Terror, that permitted the expansion of Al Queda, the birth of ISIS,..and the beheading, burning, and crucifixion, of thousands of Christians, Yazidis, Kurds, Jews, Jordanians,and Syrians,..who refused to abandon their faith and submit to evil?
Would Jesus ignore the crimes of Planned Parenthood, and not call upon our President and Congress to defund them immediately?
Would Jesus stand on the side of the socialist government agenda , where the government , not God,..rules over man,....
Or would he stand on the side of those who believe in a system of self government ,..
Individual Freedom ,..
Individual Liberty,..
Free Market Capitalism,..
An all volunteer military,..that confronts evil,..and destroys it,..in every corner of the globe,.. "Declaring Liberty throughout the Land, and to all the Inhabitants Thereof",...as the Prophet Moses once said.
Would Jesus stand with America ,..the Shining City on a Hill,..
The last, best hope for humanity,..
Or the forces of Marxism, Socialism, and Communism ,..that have done nothing but spread oppression poverty and despair in every corner of the globe?
The answer is clear,..
And Pope Francis knows the answer,..
Jesus would stand with those who help their fellow man of their own free will,...
Who crush evil to create freedom,..
And who know that only the hand of God could have created this world ,..and it's climate,..
And only he,..and he alone,..has the power to destroy it,..
And no man,or man-made myth ,such as Global Warming,..can ever alter the course of this God-Given reality.
Something that Pope Francis should have contemplated,....before he deemed to address the United States House of Representatives.
Jesus was once challenged by his followers on the issue of Roman taxation.In response,he held up a coin, and asked whose face was on it. "Caesars",was the answer .
"Then give to Caesar,..what is Caesar's,..and give to God,..what is God's.",Jesus replied.
Why then,.. is this Pope more concerned , with doing the bidding of Caesar,......rather than God?
Friday, September 25, 2015
Monday, September 21, 2015
"Whosoever Holds This Sceptre"
The Second Republican Presidential Debate is now part of history. The question is,who was victorious?
Answer;.... The Republican Party.
There has never been a time in political history when this Party has had a larger collection of talented, accomplished , conservative Republicans gathered on one stage ,performing at their peak , as they were that Wednesday night in California at the Reagan Library.
Everyone had their moments to shine, despite the inept and partisan CNN debate format of moderator Jake Tapper, which left little time for the candidates to formulate and expound on answers ,and forced them into defense mode, primarily responding to Trump attacks, rather than concentrating on their own platform concepts.No matter.Experience and character won the night, and,as Carly Fiorina herself said, experience and character will ultimately determine the next Republican nominee,..in good time.
Carly Fiorina , in particular , displayed her vast knowledge of foreign policy and dealt swiftly and effectively with past Trump attacks on her.
Marco Rubio was at his conservative peak, emphasizing his no nonsense approach to National Security and the War on Terror.
In fact, the entire evening was centered more on the issues that should always be the most important factors when determining the next President ;...Foreign Policy,.. National Security,..The War on Terror.
How will the next President protect us?
How will he secure America?
That, should always be the ultimate deciding factor in choosing our next President.
Securing our Nation.
Putting fear in the hearts of our enemies,..and confidence in the hearts of our allies.
That, and a system of self-government,.. Judeo-Christian Values,...2nd Amendment Rights,..Tax and Regulation cuts for all Americans,..a Strong Military,....are the foundation upon which America's greatness was created.
These are the issues that our next President cannot waiver on , even slightly , if America is to survive, as the last , best hope for humanity .Yes, all candidates had their moments to shine,..and all would certainly make far better Presidents than Barack Hussein Obama , Hillary Clinton,..or any member of the Democrat Party, for that matter. But, there are 16 of them, and they all do have their flaws , and those flaws must be the determining factors in picking the ultimate winner. Who, among those now rising in the polls,..should be considered ?Kasich,..should be ruled out,..simply because he stated quite clearly that he would not recind the Iran Nuclear Deal,..on day one of his Presidency.Patently absurd, since the deal must be trashed,for the sake of world safety.Plus, John Kasich has always been a pro-Amnesty, social liberal leaning Governor,..fatal for a Republican Presidential Candidate.
Rubio also has waffled on the Amnesty issue, siding with the gang of eight,..despite being a strong conservative on virtually every other issue. Rubio would make a good President, but he should be ruled out .
Carly Fiorina ,..despite her strong performance as a national security expert who sat on defense boards, and her passionate attack on Planned Parenthood,.....is unfortunately,..hardly a conservative on fiscal issues ,..and should be ruled out,..at this time.But make no mistake,..if push came to shove,..Carly would make a good President ,..as well.
Doctor Ben Carson is an intelligent , soft spoken, calculating,..logic driven conservative, but lacks any National security knowledge ,or political experience.He's a wise man ,but has stated, quite clearly,..that the War on Afghanistan ,..was a mistake.Carson,..like Trump,..who agrees with him on this,..seems not to understand that it was Afghanistan that attacked us on 911.We didn't declare war on Afghanistan,..they declared war on us.Carson also opposed the Iraq War,..despite the fact that Saddam Hussein was an active sponsor of terror who had targeted our President for assassination ,violated the Gulf War cease fire treaty, by shooting at our planes,...blocked U.N.nuclear inspectors;....and not only had WMD'S,..but used them as well,..repeatedly,..on his own people.Carson is a good man,..but,..in these times,..good is not enough.His statements on Afghanistan and Iraq, are just plain foolish.Carson is out.
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is a hardcore, tax cutting conservative, who broke the back of Union control in his predominately blue state,..fought and won repeatedly against recall elections,..eliminated a Democrat spending created deficit,..and created a booming fiscal surplus,..despite constant destructive Union interference in the health of Wisconsin's overall economy.Walker is a worthy contender ,who would indeed be a good President .But,..he has also waffled on the issue of Amnesty for Illegals.He too,..must be rejected as a possible contender for the Presidency,..for now.
Senator Rand Paul ,..like his father before him,..is a hard core constitutionalist and libertarian ,strong on economic issues,..but weak on drug enforcement and, being an isolationist,..very weak on National Defense. We cannot risk America's security at this moment in time,..on an isolationist that fails to see the importance of America's presence in world affairs. Rand Paul is out.
Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush , like Kasich and Walker, was an extremely effective Governor ,..using tax and regulation cuts and elimination of state income taxes , in particular,..to turn the Sunshine State into one of the most economically prosperous States in our Union, during his time in office. Jeb rose to the Trump challenge,defended himself effectively,..and also defended his brother's Presidential record and his wife as well,..from repeated low class Trump attacks. Jeb,..like his brother,..would indeed make a fine President. But,..his glaring weaknesses are Amnesty and a strange obsession with Government controlled Common Core school programs , that are nothing but a leftist tax grab and indoctrination tool of the Democrat Party. Jeb,..should realize this.
Jeb cannot secure the nation,..unless he strongly opposes the Illegal Amnesty that is a perpetual threat to it. Jeb would fight the war on terror effectively ,like his brother before him,..but,..his weakness on the issue of Amnesty would leave America vulnerable,..nevertheless. Jeb must be out ,..because part of security is protecting the border .Jeb must not be President,..not at this time.He must be ruled out.
Former Governor Mike Huckabee? Soft on criminals as a Governor, granting amnesty to people that should never have been let out of prison. He also tended to raise taxes,..all too frequently.He also favored Amnesty at one time.Not very conservative.This all translates into a President who would be weak on security , despite his other Judeo-Christian based strengths.Huckabee must be out as well.
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie did well in the debate,..and his no nonsense, direct approach on tackling Unions , ..and on security issues,..makes him shine as a Presidential contender. Being a former Federal prosecutor during the Bush Administration doesn't hurt either.But, his glaring weakness is being Governor of New Jersey ,..a deep, deep,..Blue State.on the verge of economic collapse despite his fiscal conservative agenda. He is also notoriously weak and waffling on Second Amendment rights,..letting out of state gun owners be jailed,..for merely crossing into Jersey while carrying their legally owned weapons. Doesn't sound very conservative, Governor Christie. The Second Amendment rights of Americans are not to be questioned , or restricted by any serious candidate for President.Christie,..must be out.
And ,..what of the others?They are simply out,..for reasons of basic political reality.They lack funds,..recognition,..and campaign resources.There are certain basic political realities,..and lack of money donors, can derail.even the best of candidates,..unfortunately.
But, not just any two ,..but the two who comprise the political axis upon which the Republican Party currently revolves. These two have also become allies,..on stage ,..even uniting at a rally in Washington,..to stand against the Iran Nuclear Deal that threatens the security and safety of the free world and beyond.
They are allies indeed,..for the moment, but they are the polar opposites of the same political axis,..as well.
The Alpha,..
And the Omega,..
of the political spectrum.
The Omega, is real estate mogul, Donald J. Trump,..a man who despite a strong stance against Amnesty,.seemingly .unlimited wealth,..and a popular reality television show that catapulted him into political prominence,..has finally reached that point in time ,that night,..at the Reagan Library ,.. the point that Carly Fiorina spoke of,..the point where character,..experience,..and true ability,...would be revealed;...and that would determine who is fit, and unfit,..to be the Presidential nominee.That night , at the Reagan Library,..Trump reached that point. And,..he was finally revealed ,..all character flaws,..all lack of ability , lack of knowledge,..lack of experience,....exposed,..on that stage in California ,for all the world to see.
Trump,..is not the man to lead America , for basic, common sense reasons that were always obvious to those paying attention,..but until now,..were never addressed and blatantly ignored,..by his rabid supporters who refuse to see,..refuse to separate the media entertainer,from the real, flawed,.liberal Democrat that Trump always was,.and always will be.Trump has many good qualities,to be sure,..but,..Trump is a bully,.by nature,..and a Liberal Democrat by choice .His constant personal attacks on women in particular,..have exposed a weakness in character,..that simply cannot be tolerated, in a Republican candidate for the office of Commander in Chief..Fortunately, Carly Fiorina managed to turn Trump's attacks leveled against her into a positive in her campaign,..demonstrating her considerable political savvy,..brains,..and skill. She certainly handled the personal attacks better than her fellow Republican Candidates,..and did,.finally,..force the bully,..to back down. Trump 's silence,..the rest of the evening,..sent a clear message to all those on that stage,..that the political tide and fortunes of Trump ,..had finally turned.
But, Trump's lack of class, and bully tactics are not even his main problem.
The real problem with the concept of a President Trump,..is his weakness on issues of National Security, Defense,..and Foreign Policy.
Surprising?Not at all, if you know the history of the man,..and listen carefully to his actual words,..and carefully examine his political history ,which is indeed extensive, for a non-politician. It is ,..in no way,..shape or form,..a conservative Republican history ,..especially on issues of foreign policy and national security.
Trump has been active in,and outspoken about politics,and his political opinions,..since the 1980's.
As the great Joe Louis once said,."He can run,..but he can't hide."
And Donald Trump,..most certainly,...can neither run,..nor hide,..from his political record. Trump has always been pro-choice , pro-abortion, even speaking out at one point,..in defense of late term abortion as well. And, even to this day,..he feels Planned Parenthood should not be defunded, despite the clear video evidence of the holocaust style atrocities against unborn children this Democrat front group is committing on a daily basis.
Trump has financed the political campaigns of Hillary Clinton , Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid,..Chuck Schumer,..Anthony Weiner,.Charlie Rangel,...and yes,..did indeed support President Obama ,..and his masterpiece of economic destruction,.. Obamacare. In fact, even to this day,..Trump favors single payer healthcare systems ,praising those used in Canada and Norway.
Trump believes in heavily taxing the hedgefund profits of the wealthy and favors heavy taxes and regulations on businesses and corporations in general,..as do all Democrats.
Trump claims,however,that he has evolved politically,.. and like Reagan,..has become more conservative with the passage of time. But, Reagan was only a Democrat during the days of World War II. Reagan didn't change., he simply saw what the Democrats really were , once the war ended. Reagan was still a young man,..only 41,.. when he switched parties in the early Fifties. Trump . however,..has supposedly become a conservative Republican at the age Reagan was, when he became President. Impossible. Nobody switches Parties and political belief systems at the age of almost seventy. Totally impossible.
But, late in life economic and social changes in opinion can be overlooked,..to a certain degree,....but,..what cannot be overlooked,especially if you're running for President,..is a weakness on issues of National Security.And that,... has not altered.
Trump spent almost all of the eight years after the 911 attacks,..Attacking President Bush, and his Anti-Terror Program.
Trump attacked the Iraq War, and the War in Afghanistan as well.
Trump, for eight years , all but blamed Bush for the 911 attack,..even saying that the President had lied about the existence of Iraq's WMD's just as an excuse to get us into a war,..and gave him zero credit,...zero,....for keeping America safe those eight years after 911, for keeping the Taliban and Al Queda weak and on the run,.. for defeating and dethroning Saddam Hussein and his evil,child raping sons,...and forcing Gadaffi to surrender his nuclear weapons, without firing a shot.Trump also gave Bush no credit for creating a Democratically free Iraq,..with free elections,..an Iraq that was no longer a sponsor of terror, and no longer a safe haven for terrorists and their leaders.The photo of a single Iraqi woman, holding up her purple stained finger,..after voting in a free election for the first time,.was the cold hard, irrefutable proof of President Bush's success in Iraq.
Trump gave Bush no credit for this,..and, has blamed the entire existence of ISIS and the growth of Al Queda on the Iraq War,and on Bush-Cheney specifically,..not on Obama.
Bush lied about WMD's ,.....and boys died,..according to Trump.
Now,..ask yourself,..what conservative Republican would refuse to see that it was the Obama withdraw of all troops from a terror free Iraq,.and refusal to fight terror aggressively,...that created the vacuum , that led to the birth of ISIS, and strengthened Al Queda as well?
What conservative Republican would not be able to see clearly that it was the weakness of Obama in the face of America';s enemies, not the strength of the Bush-Cheney Anti-Terror program,....that created ISIS and its butchery of innocent Jordanians,and Christian Kurds and Yazidis ?
No conservative.
True conservatives understand that it was George W. Bush's aggressive War on Terror and the sponsors of terror,..that kept our Nation safe and Al Queda weak, and on the run.
Conservative Republicans understand this.
Trump , for all eight years of the Bush Presidency,..did not understand this, and was quite vocal about it.
And, at the Reagan Library debate,..he looked Jeb Bush in the eye, and blamed his brother ,..for ISIS, for Al Queda,..and the 911 attacks as well. Jebdefended his brother and his record,..to his credit. He told Mr. Trump that his brother kept America safe. He did indeed.
But,the question remains,..what Conservative Republican would have attacked President Bush this way?
Moreover, just recently,. what conservative would have viciously attacked American Freedom Defense Initiative's Director Pamela Geller,for "provoking" terrorists by holding a "Draw Prophet Muhammed" contest that defended free speech and denounced the evils of Jihad and Sharia Law?
Trump called Pamela names,..that only a Liberal Democrat would call her.
Trump thinks it's wrong to "provoke terrorists" , by violating their Sharia Law on American soil,..and blames Bush,..for 911?
There's your Conservative Republican President folks.
Trump also stated during the Reagan debate that he would "get along well", with America's enemies, like Vladimir Putin of Russia, or Assad of Syria. Interesting. President Obama, promised the same thing;..no more cowboy diplomacy,...he would "get along "with America's enemies,..instead of provoking them,..like Bush did.
How did that work out?
Here's the bottom line;..you don't "get along", with Putin, or Assad. You tell them the way it's going to be,..or else. Peace,..through strength,..not "getting along."
At least,..that's what a Conservative Republican would do.
But, then again,..Trump is obviously no Conservative Republican. Get along,..indeed. So much for Trump the Conservative,..who, like Obama,..will make America great again, by getting along with our enemies.
America,..is already great,..Mr. Trump.
And, so much for all the other candidates.They are all flawed and weak, in areas, where weakness should not exist,..if the title you seek is Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, of the United States.
True,..they would all be far better Presidents than any Democrat,..but not perfect, in the areas where our nation now demands perfection.
All have weaknesses.All have flaws.All, save one that is.
There is one candidate that has been ,inexplicably,..overlooked in the polls, and on the debate stage as well,one that seems to have fallen trough the cracks .One that has turned in flawless performances in each debate ,and yet,..remains almost invisible.
He is flawless, in all the areas that a true conservative should be flawless. He is a strong , fiscal conservative , who believes in tax and regulation cuts for all Americans, across the board,.no exceptions.
Believes in a strong military, and in every single aspect of the Bush -Cheney Anti Terror program.
Believes in our Second Amendment rights with no exceptions , no compromise , no restrictions , on those rights.
Believes in defending our Judeo-Christian values that are the rock upon which our constitution was built.
Believes in repealing every single word of Obamacare and the Iran Nuke Deal , and every other Obama created program that has damaged our country ,...and says he will do it,..on day one,.....of his Presidency.
And, most importantly,..this man not only believes in these things,..he has demonstrated, that he is willing to shut down every single government on earth , if necessary,.. to stop Obama and the Democrats.
He is Senator Ted Cruz.
In 2012, he led the fight to shut down the government , to stop Obamacare,..
He believes in sealing our borders completely,, and has always opposed any form of Amnesty for illegals. He is, in fact, the only candidate that has always been consistent on this issue, and the only one with a solid plan to accomplish it.Every other candidate has, at one time or another, favored open borders and Amnesty,..and that includes ,.. Donald J.Trump.
Ted Cruz. He is the perfect conservative fighting machine.
No flaws.
No weaknesses.
Every inch of him, ..
Pure Conservatism.
Pure Truth.
And, he is the only man who is guaranteed to do exactly what he says he will do , and has the record that proves it. A record that makes him indeed worthy to wear the crown and sceptre of this Shining City on a Hill .
Who won the debate?
Senator Ted Cruz;..the perfect conservative fighting machine.
What is Freedom?
Freedom is self government .
Freedom is tax and regulation cuts, for all Americans.
Freedom is a Constitution based on our Judeo-Christian values.
Freedom is the Second Amendment Right,..for all Americans,..to keep and bear arms.
Freedom is a Strong Military.
Freedom is an aggressive war on terror that puts fear in the hearts of our enemies,and pride in the hearts of our allies.
That;..is Freedom.
Ted Cruz is the one,..the only,..man who stood on that platform at the Reagan Presidential Library,..who has both the rhetoric,..and the record,..that proves he can, and will, without a shadow of a doubt,..defend those freedoms,..if he is crowned King, of this;..the New Olympus.
Answer;.... The Republican Party.
There has never been a time in political history when this Party has had a larger collection of talented, accomplished , conservative Republicans gathered on one stage ,performing at their peak , as they were that Wednesday night in California at the Reagan Library.
Everyone had their moments to shine, despite the inept and partisan CNN debate format of moderator Jake Tapper, which left little time for the candidates to formulate and expound on answers ,and forced them into defense mode, primarily responding to Trump attacks, rather than concentrating on their own platform concepts.No matter.Experience and character won the night, and,as Carly Fiorina herself said, experience and character will ultimately determine the next Republican nominee,..in good time.
Carly Fiorina , in particular , displayed her vast knowledge of foreign policy and dealt swiftly and effectively with past Trump attacks on her.
Marco Rubio was at his conservative peak, emphasizing his no nonsense approach to National Security and the War on Terror.
In fact, the entire evening was centered more on the issues that should always be the most important factors when determining the next President ;...Foreign Policy,.. National Security,..The War on Terror.
How will the next President protect us?
How will he secure America?
That, should always be the ultimate deciding factor in choosing our next President.
Securing our Nation.
Putting fear in the hearts of our enemies,..and confidence in the hearts of our allies.
That, and a system of self-government,.. Judeo-Christian Values,...2nd Amendment Rights,..Tax and Regulation cuts for all Americans,..a Strong Military,....are the foundation upon which America's greatness was created.
These are the issues that our next President cannot waiver on , even slightly , if America is to survive, as the last , best hope for humanity .Yes, all candidates had their moments to shine,..and all would certainly make far better Presidents than Barack Hussein Obama , Hillary Clinton,..or any member of the Democrat Party, for that matter. But, there are 16 of them, and they all do have their flaws , and those flaws must be the determining factors in picking the ultimate winner. Who, among those now rising in the polls,..should be considered ?Kasich,..should be ruled out,..simply because he stated quite clearly that he would not recind the Iran Nuclear Deal,..on day one of his Presidency.Patently absurd, since the deal must be trashed,for the sake of world safety.Plus, John Kasich has always been a pro-Amnesty, social liberal leaning Governor,..fatal for a Republican Presidential Candidate.
Rubio also has waffled on the Amnesty issue, siding with the gang of eight,..despite being a strong conservative on virtually every other issue. Rubio would make a good President, but he should be ruled out .
Carly Fiorina ,..despite her strong performance as a national security expert who sat on defense boards, and her passionate attack on Planned Parenthood,.....is unfortunately,..hardly a conservative on fiscal issues ,..and should be ruled out,..at this time.But make no mistake,..if push came to shove,..Carly would make a good President ,..as well.
Doctor Ben Carson is an intelligent , soft spoken, calculating,..logic driven conservative, but lacks any National security knowledge ,or political experience.He's a wise man ,but has stated, quite clearly,..that the War on Afghanistan ,..was a mistake.Carson,..like Trump,..who agrees with him on this,..seems not to understand that it was Afghanistan that attacked us on 911.We didn't declare war on Afghanistan,..they declared war on us.Carson also opposed the Iraq War,..despite the fact that Saddam Hussein was an active sponsor of terror who had targeted our President for assassination ,violated the Gulf War cease fire treaty, by shooting at our planes,...blocked U.N.nuclear inspectors;....and not only had WMD'S,..but used them as well,..repeatedly,..on his own people.Carson is a good man,..but,..in these times,..good is not enough.His statements on Afghanistan and Iraq, are just plain foolish.Carson is out.
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is a hardcore, tax cutting conservative, who broke the back of Union control in his predominately blue state,..fought and won repeatedly against recall elections,..eliminated a Democrat spending created deficit,..and created a booming fiscal surplus,..despite constant destructive Union interference in the health of Wisconsin's overall economy.Walker is a worthy contender ,who would indeed be a good President .But,..he has also waffled on the issue of Amnesty for Illegals.He too,..must be rejected as a possible contender for the Presidency,..for now.
Senator Rand Paul ,..like his father before him,..is a hard core constitutionalist and libertarian ,strong on economic issues,..but weak on drug enforcement and, being an isolationist,..very weak on National Defense. We cannot risk America's security at this moment in time,..on an isolationist that fails to see the importance of America's presence in world affairs. Rand Paul is out.
Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush , like Kasich and Walker, was an extremely effective Governor ,..using tax and regulation cuts and elimination of state income taxes , in particular,..to turn the Sunshine State into one of the most economically prosperous States in our Union, during his time in office. Jeb rose to the Trump challenge,defended himself effectively,..and also defended his brother's Presidential record and his wife as well,..from repeated low class Trump attacks. Jeb,..like his brother,..would indeed make a fine President. But,..his glaring weaknesses are Amnesty and a strange obsession with Government controlled Common Core school programs , that are nothing but a leftist tax grab and indoctrination tool of the Democrat Party. Jeb,..should realize this.
Jeb cannot secure the nation,..unless he strongly opposes the Illegal Amnesty that is a perpetual threat to it. Jeb would fight the war on terror effectively ,like his brother before him,..but,..his weakness on the issue of Amnesty would leave America vulnerable,..nevertheless. Jeb must be out ,..because part of security is protecting the border .Jeb must not be President,..not at this time.He must be ruled out.
Former Governor Mike Huckabee? Soft on criminals as a Governor, granting amnesty to people that should never have been let out of prison. He also tended to raise taxes,..all too frequently.He also favored Amnesty at one time.Not very conservative.This all translates into a President who would be weak on security , despite his other Judeo-Christian based strengths.Huckabee must be out as well.
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie did well in the debate,..and his no nonsense, direct approach on tackling Unions , ..and on security issues,..makes him shine as a Presidential contender. Being a former Federal prosecutor during the Bush Administration doesn't hurt either.But, his glaring weakness is being Governor of New Jersey ,..a deep, deep,..Blue State.on the verge of economic collapse despite his fiscal conservative agenda. He is also notoriously weak and waffling on Second Amendment rights,..letting out of state gun owners be jailed,..for merely crossing into Jersey while carrying their legally owned weapons. Doesn't sound very conservative, Governor Christie. The Second Amendment rights of Americans are not to be questioned , or restricted by any serious candidate for President.Christie,..must be out.
And ,..what of the others?They are simply out,..for reasons of basic political reality.They lack funds,..recognition,..and campaign resources.There are certain basic political realities,..and lack of money donors, can derail.even the best of candidates,..unfortunately.
But, not just any two ,..but the two who comprise the political axis upon which the Republican Party currently revolves. These two have also become allies,..on stage ,..even uniting at a rally in Washington,..to stand against the Iran Nuclear Deal that threatens the security and safety of the free world and beyond.
They are allies indeed,..for the moment, but they are the polar opposites of the same political axis,..as well.
The Alpha,..
And the Omega,..
of the political spectrum.
The Omega, is real estate mogul, Donald J. Trump,..a man who despite a strong stance against Amnesty,.seemingly .unlimited wealth,..and a popular reality television show that catapulted him into political prominence,..has finally reached that point in time ,that night,..at the Reagan Library ,.. the point that Carly Fiorina spoke of,..the point where character,..experience,..and true ability,...would be revealed;...and that would determine who is fit, and unfit,..to be the Presidential nominee.That night , at the Reagan Library,..Trump reached that point. And,..he was finally revealed ,..all character flaws,..all lack of ability , lack of knowledge,..lack of experience,....exposed,..on that stage in California ,for all the world to see.
Trump,..is not the man to lead America , for basic, common sense reasons that were always obvious to those paying attention,..but until now,..were never addressed and blatantly ignored,..by his rabid supporters who refuse to see,..refuse to separate the media entertainer,from the real, flawed,.liberal Democrat that Trump always was,.and always will be.Trump has many good qualities,to be sure,..but,..Trump is a bully,.by nature,..and a Liberal Democrat by choice .His constant personal attacks on women in particular,..have exposed a weakness in character,..that simply cannot be tolerated, in a Republican candidate for the office of Commander in Chief..Fortunately, Carly Fiorina managed to turn Trump's attacks leveled against her into a positive in her campaign,..demonstrating her considerable political savvy,..brains,..and skill. She certainly handled the personal attacks better than her fellow Republican Candidates,..and did,.finally,..force the bully,..to back down. Trump 's silence,..the rest of the evening,..sent a clear message to all those on that stage,..that the political tide and fortunes of Trump ,..had finally turned.
But, Trump's lack of class, and bully tactics are not even his main problem.
The real problem with the concept of a President Trump,..is his weakness on issues of National Security, Defense,..and Foreign Policy.
Surprising?Not at all, if you know the history of the man,..and listen carefully to his actual words,..and carefully examine his political history ,which is indeed extensive, for a non-politician. It is ,..in no way,..shape or form,..a conservative Republican history ,..especially on issues of foreign policy and national security.
Trump has been active in,and outspoken about politics,and his political opinions,..since the 1980's.
As the great Joe Louis once said,."He can run,..but he can't hide."
And Donald Trump,..most certainly,...can neither run,..nor hide,..from his political record. Trump has always been pro-choice , pro-abortion, even speaking out at one point,..in defense of late term abortion as well. And, even to this day,..he feels Planned Parenthood should not be defunded, despite the clear video evidence of the holocaust style atrocities against unborn children this Democrat front group is committing on a daily basis.
Trump has financed the political campaigns of Hillary Clinton , Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid,..Chuck Schumer,..Anthony Weiner,.Charlie Rangel,...and yes,..did indeed support President Obama ,..and his masterpiece of economic destruction,.. Obamacare. In fact, even to this day,..Trump favors single payer healthcare systems ,praising those used in Canada and Norway.
Trump believes in heavily taxing the hedgefund profits of the wealthy and favors heavy taxes and regulations on businesses and corporations in general,..as do all Democrats.
Trump claims,however,that he has evolved politically,.. and like Reagan,..has become more conservative with the passage of time. But, Reagan was only a Democrat during the days of World War II. Reagan didn't change., he simply saw what the Democrats really were , once the war ended. Reagan was still a young man,..only 41,.. when he switched parties in the early Fifties. Trump . however,..has supposedly become a conservative Republican at the age Reagan was, when he became President. Impossible. Nobody switches Parties and political belief systems at the age of almost seventy. Totally impossible.
But, late in life economic and social changes in opinion can be overlooked,..to a certain degree,....but,..what cannot be overlooked,especially if you're running for President,..is a weakness on issues of National Security.And that,... has not altered.
Trump spent almost all of the eight years after the 911 attacks,..Attacking President Bush, and his Anti-Terror Program.
Trump attacked the Iraq War, and the War in Afghanistan as well.
Trump, for eight years , all but blamed Bush for the 911 attack,..even saying that the President had lied about the existence of Iraq's WMD's just as an excuse to get us into a war,..and gave him zero credit,...zero,....for keeping America safe those eight years after 911, for keeping the Taliban and Al Queda weak and on the run,.. for defeating and dethroning Saddam Hussein and his evil,child raping sons,...and forcing Gadaffi to surrender his nuclear weapons, without firing a shot.Trump also gave Bush no credit for creating a Democratically free Iraq,..with free elections,..an Iraq that was no longer a sponsor of terror, and no longer a safe haven for terrorists and their leaders.The photo of a single Iraqi woman, holding up her purple stained finger,..after voting in a free election for the first time,.was the cold hard, irrefutable proof of President Bush's success in Iraq.
Trump gave Bush no credit for this,..and, has blamed the entire existence of ISIS and the growth of Al Queda on the Iraq War,and on Bush-Cheney specifically,..not on Obama.
Bush lied about WMD's ,.....and boys died,..according to Trump.
Now,..ask yourself,..what conservative Republican would refuse to see that it was the Obama withdraw of all troops from a terror free Iraq,.and refusal to fight terror aggressively,...that created the vacuum , that led to the birth of ISIS, and strengthened Al Queda as well?
What conservative Republican would not be able to see clearly that it was the weakness of Obama in the face of America';s enemies, not the strength of the Bush-Cheney Anti-Terror program,....that created ISIS and its butchery of innocent Jordanians,and Christian Kurds and Yazidis ?
No conservative.
True conservatives understand that it was George W. Bush's aggressive War on Terror and the sponsors of terror,..that kept our Nation safe and Al Queda weak, and on the run.
Conservative Republicans understand this.
Trump , for all eight years of the Bush Presidency,..did not understand this, and was quite vocal about it.
And, at the Reagan Library debate,..he looked Jeb Bush in the eye, and blamed his brother ,..for ISIS, for Al Queda,..and the 911 attacks as well. Jebdefended his brother and his record,..to his credit. He told Mr. Trump that his brother kept America safe. He did indeed.
But,the question remains,..what Conservative Republican would have attacked President Bush this way?
Moreover, just recently,. what conservative would have viciously attacked American Freedom Defense Initiative's Director Pamela Geller,for "provoking" terrorists by holding a "Draw Prophet Muhammed" contest that defended free speech and denounced the evils of Jihad and Sharia Law?
Trump called Pamela names,..that only a Liberal Democrat would call her.
Trump thinks it's wrong to "provoke terrorists" , by violating their Sharia Law on American soil,..and blames Bush,..for 911?
There's your Conservative Republican President folks.
Trump also stated during the Reagan debate that he would "get along well", with America's enemies, like Vladimir Putin of Russia, or Assad of Syria. Interesting. President Obama, promised the same thing;..no more cowboy diplomacy,...he would "get along "with America's enemies,..instead of provoking them,..like Bush did.
How did that work out?
Here's the bottom line;..you don't "get along", with Putin, or Assad. You tell them the way it's going to be,..or else. Peace,..through strength,..not "getting along."
At least,..that's what a Conservative Republican would do.
But, then again,..Trump is obviously no Conservative Republican. Get along,..indeed. So much for Trump the Conservative,..who, like Obama,..will make America great again, by getting along with our enemies.
America,..is already great,..Mr. Trump.
And, so much for all the other candidates.They are all flawed and weak, in areas, where weakness should not exist,..if the title you seek is Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, of the United States.
True,..they would all be far better Presidents than any Democrat,..but not perfect, in the areas where our nation now demands perfection.
All have weaknesses.All have flaws.All, save one that is.
There is one candidate that has been ,inexplicably,..overlooked in the polls, and on the debate stage as well,one that seems to have fallen trough the cracks .One that has turned in flawless performances in each debate ,and yet,..remains almost invisible.
He is flawless, in all the areas that a true conservative should be flawless. He is a strong , fiscal conservative , who believes in tax and regulation cuts for all Americans, across the board,.no exceptions.
Believes in a strong military, and in every single aspect of the Bush -Cheney Anti Terror program.
Believes in our Second Amendment rights with no exceptions , no compromise , no restrictions , on those rights.
Believes in defending our Judeo-Christian values that are the rock upon which our constitution was built.
Believes in repealing every single word of Obamacare and the Iran Nuke Deal , and every other Obama created program that has damaged our country ,...and says he will do it,..on day one,.....of his Presidency.
And, most importantly,..this man not only believes in these things,..he has demonstrated, that he is willing to shut down every single government on earth , if necessary,.. to stop Obama and the Democrats.
He is Senator Ted Cruz.
In 2012, he led the fight to shut down the government , to stop Obamacare,..
He believes in sealing our borders completely,, and has always opposed any form of Amnesty for illegals. He is, in fact, the only candidate that has always been consistent on this issue, and the only one with a solid plan to accomplish it.Every other candidate has, at one time or another, favored open borders and Amnesty,..and that includes ,.. Donald J.Trump.
Ted Cruz. He is the perfect conservative fighting machine.
No flaws.
No weaknesses.
Every inch of him, ..
Pure Conservatism.
Pure Truth.
And, he is the only man who is guaranteed to do exactly what he says he will do , and has the record that proves it. A record that makes him indeed worthy to wear the crown and sceptre of this Shining City on a Hill .
Who won the debate?
Senator Ted Cruz;..the perfect conservative fighting machine.
What is Freedom?
Freedom is self government .
Freedom is tax and regulation cuts, for all Americans.
Freedom is a Constitution based on our Judeo-Christian values.
Freedom is the Second Amendment Right,..for all Americans,..to keep and bear arms.
Freedom is a Strong Military.
Freedom is an aggressive war on terror that puts fear in the hearts of our enemies,and pride in the hearts of our allies.
That;..is Freedom.
Ted Cruz is the one,..the only,..man who stood on that platform at the Reagan Presidential Library,..who has both the rhetoric,..and the record,..that proves he can, and will, without a shadow of a doubt,..defend those freedoms,..if he is crowned King, of this;..the New Olympus.
Friday, September 11, 2015
Invasion of the Sleepers
The Invasion is coming.At this very moment,thousands of Syrian and Iraqi refugees are pouring into Western Europe seeking sanctuary from the forces of ISIS,..and America is their next destination. The reason would seem to be clear;..ISIS has seized control of Iraq and most of Syria as well. The Middle East is on fire with beheadings , burnings, and crucifixtions of all perceived infidels .This is the ultimate goal , the ultimate mission, of the entity known as ISIS.
The reason for all this?
The systematic withdraw of all American troops from the once conquered , stable , and terror free Iraq.This was always the Obama plan;..to withdraw America from the world's affairs,..to withdraw our military from all foreign conflicts,..and by so doing, create a more stable ,peaceful, and prosperous world.America is the problem.So, America must go away. That was the Obama plan, and the result was astonishingly predictable ;..to anyone really paying attention that is. In America's absence, evil has advanced .Evil has grown stronger.ISIS has spread its tentacles all across the Middle East,and Iran,..the chief sponsor of terror in the world,.has taken full advantage of a weak and ineffective American President, who has nothing but contempt for his own country and its military.
President Obama wanted a deal for his leftist legacy,..no other reason,..and Iran's Supreme Leader,..the Ayatollah Khomenei,..was well aware of it.
The result? Iran gets 11 billion in unfrozen assets and the permission to inspect their own nuclear facilities, with no outside interference.This gives them the bomb.Not eventually,..not in 15 years,...but right now.Make no mistake,..this,..is what Obama wanted.
After all, what right does America have to tell any other nation that they cannot have nuclear weapons?America is not exceptional, nor does it have the moral right to decide the fate of other nations.
This is, in fact, what our President and his pathetic Party believes. And the enemy of all humanity,...Iran,...is well aware of it.
The deal is done;..finished. It has passed the Senate with the Republican attempts to stop it amounting to nothing.You see,.. the Corker bill,..took away the ability of the Republicans to vote the deal, up or down,..as a treaty.The Corker bill made sure that this deal,..was not designated,..as a treaty at all, despite the fact that it clearly was. Incredibly foolish,..seemingly.The one positive stipulation of the deal is that all aspects of it,..must be available and transparent to congress and the senate, for their review. It was not. ,..therefore making the deal,..technically null and void,..dead on arrival. But,..it mattered little.The Republicans seem incapable and unwilling to fight the deal on this basis,..reasoning that since the deal is not a treaty,..the next Republican President can,..and simply will,..rule it invalid,..day one of his Presidency.No doubt this will happen,.if the Republicans win the Presidency that is. They must win, if America is to survive. For, beyond a shadow of a doubt,..a Republican President,..a Republican Congress,..and a Republican Senate,..is the only solution the only cure,..to all that Obama and the Democrats have wrought ,over seven and a half years. But, in the meantime,..we have a major terror sponsor,..determined to destroy both America and Israel,..on the verge of full nuclear capacity ,..and the first Terror State,..unopposed by the Democrat weakened American Military,....and cutting a blood red swath of butchery across the Middle East .
Iran, ISIS, and Al Queda ,..all know one thing,..beyond a shadow of a doubt,...
They are winning;...on all levels.
And now,..they are ready for the next phase of their mission to conquer the infidel ,arrogant,..Western World,and seize it, for Muhammed and Islam.
That next phase is simple;...
Massive , overwhelming,..uncontrollable Invasion ,..by those who, on the surface,..seem to be merely "political refugees",fleeing the terror of ISIS,..and seeking asylum in Europe and America.
Things, however,..are not always,..what they seem to be.
These are not innocent refugees fleeing the Obama created horrors of ISIS. They are, in fact,.."sleeper cells" ,..ISIS and AlQueda recruits ,..whose sole mission is to embed themselves in Western Culture,..refuse to assimilate,..live off the entitlements of these hapless nations,..and impose Sharia Law upon their governments. And, ultimately,..unleash an internal Jihad ,..implode these infidel countries from within ,..and force them to bend to the will of Islam,.through internal terror strikes,..and sheer, overwhelming volume of numbers.
Destroy the Western World.
Destroy Freedom.
Destroy Liberty.
Destroy Infidel America ,and its partner in arrogance,..Israel, by the sheer weight of overwhelming Islamic numbers , that will destroy from within ,..and without,..simultaneously.
There can be no other reason for this sudden,..massive ,..invasion ,..this Islamic exodus,..from terror stricken Syria.
They have no reason to flee ISIS. They agree with ISIS,and long for the destruction of the Great Satan and the spread of Sharia Law into every corner of the globe. Their goal ;..is ISIS's goal.
So,...why would they flee?
Only the Christian Kurds , Yazidis ,.and Jordanians have legitimate reasons to seek asylum in other lands ,and, no doubt,..they should be accepted with open arms.
But, they can expect no aid from President Obama. After all, why would our President welcome new Christians into a country that he feels has too many already?What can more Christian foreigners bring,..except more votes,..for Republicans?
No, Obama has turned them down before,..and will continue to do so,..but these new escapees are another matter entirely. They are, mostly young men,..strong believers in Jihad, and Sharia Law,..and are contemptuous of America and her freedoms.
....Just like Obama.
...Just like the Democrats.
..Exactly the kind of immigrants the Democrat Party wants.
They hate America.
They hate our culture.
They hate our freedom.
Therefore,..they will ,..en masse,..vote for the Democrat Party,..in theory,..at least.
Obama wants them, and the Democrat Party wants them,..just as they want the Mexican,and Venezuelan immigrants,..for they know,...they can be counted on,...to vote for the Democrat Party , that lets them live free off American tax dollars.
The Perfect Deal.
The Perfect Plan.
And now,..the Syrian Invaders are part of that deal .
Obama has already made plans to bring 10.000 of these terror sleeper cells masquerading as refugees,..into the country,..reasoning that whatever destruction and danger they may bring to our nation,..will be offset by the Democrat Party power they will ensure forever,..and will virtually guarantee the fall of the Judeo-Christian experiment of self government, self-rule,..called America.
Make no mistake.
The War on Christianity is world wide,...
and the American left perceives these Syrian invaders as allies in this war to bring Christianity to its knees ,permanently.
The left's contempt for Christians is obvious.
Why else would a Kentucky state clerk by the name of Kim Davis be jailed for refusing to grant marriage licenses to gay couples?
Why else would Christian Bakeries be fined and regulated out of existence for refusing to cater gay weddings?
Constitutional Religious freedom guarantees their right to reject gay weddings based on their sincere religious beliefs.
No re-write of the Constitution by leftist Supreme Court Judges can change this.
The attack is simply an attack of leftists against Christians,..that's all.
Gay Marriage and Gay Rights issues are just the leftist con,..the excuse,.....to conceal this attack on the faith ,..that is the Rock;.... upon which our Nation was built.
For, if this was truly about Gay Rights,..why are there no Muslim bakeries being harassed and bullied out of business?Why are there no Muslim law clerks being being thrown in jail, for refusing to license gay marriages?
Muslims not only oppose gay weddings,..but they firmly believe that homosexuality itself, must be punished,..by death.
Yet, the liberal left does not target them, and that's for one,..simple reason,..
The Liberal Left,..and the Muslim extemists,..are allies,.in the war against Christianity and the values that are the foundation of America and its Constitution.
Yes,...the Invasion is coming,..and its purpose ,..it's plan,..is clear,..
The destruction of America ,..
The destruction of Israel,..
The destruction of the Western World....
And,..most importantly,..the destruction of the Christian Faith ,...the Faith that founded Freedom and Liberty,..
The Faith that will now be under siege,indeed,..as the last part of the Obama plan to collapse America , now falls into place , in the form of 10,000 Syrian and Iraqi Invaders ,..ready to sweep our shores ,..ready to attack Christian Infidel America,..from within ,..and force it to collapse,..to implode,..upon itself,..
Thus fulfilling ,..
The Final,...
The True,...
The Only,..
Obama Legacy ,..
There ever was,..or ever will be.
President George W. Bush made a vow after 911,..that those who knocked down our buildings will hear from all of us,..soon.They did hear from us,..and the forces of Al Queda trembled in our wake.
But ,....that vow has been forgotten,..for nearly eight years now,.during of the reign of Obama and the Democrat Party.
Time for We the People,..to renew that vow,..and send a new message to our enemies,..by ending the deadly legacy of Obama ,..and by permanently destroying Al Queda, ISIS,..and the Democrat Party.
The reason for all this?
The systematic withdraw of all American troops from the once conquered , stable , and terror free Iraq.This was always the Obama plan;..to withdraw America from the world's affairs,..to withdraw our military from all foreign conflicts,..and by so doing, create a more stable ,peaceful, and prosperous world.America is the problem.So, America must go away. That was the Obama plan, and the result was astonishingly predictable ;..to anyone really paying attention that is. In America's absence, evil has advanced .Evil has grown stronger.ISIS has spread its tentacles all across the Middle East,and Iran,..the chief sponsor of terror in the world,.has taken full advantage of a weak and ineffective American President, who has nothing but contempt for his own country and its military.
President Obama wanted a deal for his leftist legacy,..no other reason,..and Iran's Supreme Leader,..the Ayatollah Khomenei,..was well aware of it.
The result? Iran gets 11 billion in unfrozen assets and the permission to inspect their own nuclear facilities, with no outside interference.This gives them the bomb.Not eventually,..not in 15 years,...but right now.Make no mistake,..this,..is what Obama wanted.
After all, what right does America have to tell any other nation that they cannot have nuclear weapons?America is not exceptional, nor does it have the moral right to decide the fate of other nations.
This is, in fact, what our President and his pathetic Party believes. And the enemy of all humanity,...Iran,...is well aware of it.
The deal is done;..finished. It has passed the Senate with the Republican attempts to stop it amounting to nothing.You see,.. the Corker bill,..took away the ability of the Republicans to vote the deal, up or down,..as a treaty.The Corker bill made sure that this deal,..was not designated,..as a treaty at all, despite the fact that it clearly was. Incredibly foolish,..seemingly.The one positive stipulation of the deal is that all aspects of it,..must be available and transparent to congress and the senate, for their review. It was not. ,..therefore making the deal,..technically null and void,..dead on arrival. But,..it mattered little.The Republicans seem incapable and unwilling to fight the deal on this basis,..reasoning that since the deal is not a treaty,..the next Republican President can,..and simply will,..rule it invalid,..day one of his Presidency.No doubt this will happen,.if the Republicans win the Presidency that is. They must win, if America is to survive. For, beyond a shadow of a doubt,..a Republican President,..a Republican Congress,..and a Republican Senate,..is the only solution the only cure,..to all that Obama and the Democrats have wrought ,over seven and a half years. But, in the meantime,..we have a major terror sponsor,..determined to destroy both America and Israel,..on the verge of full nuclear capacity ,..and the first Terror State,..unopposed by the Democrat weakened American Military,....and cutting a blood red swath of butchery across the Middle East .
Iran, ISIS, and Al Queda ,..all know one thing,..beyond a shadow of a doubt,...
They are winning;...on all levels.
And now,..they are ready for the next phase of their mission to conquer the infidel ,arrogant,..Western World,and seize it, for Muhammed and Islam.
That next phase is simple;...
Massive , overwhelming,..uncontrollable Invasion ,..by those who, on the surface,..seem to be merely "political refugees",fleeing the terror of ISIS,..and seeking asylum in Europe and America.
Things, however,..are not always,..what they seem to be.
These are not innocent refugees fleeing the Obama created horrors of ISIS. They are, in fact,.."sleeper cells" ,..ISIS and AlQueda recruits ,..whose sole mission is to embed themselves in Western Culture,..refuse to assimilate,..live off the entitlements of these hapless nations,..and impose Sharia Law upon their governments. And, ultimately,..unleash an internal Jihad ,..implode these infidel countries from within ,..and force them to bend to the will of Islam,.through internal terror strikes,..and sheer, overwhelming volume of numbers.
Destroy the Western World.
Destroy Freedom.
Destroy Liberty.
Destroy Infidel America ,and its partner in arrogance,..Israel, by the sheer weight of overwhelming Islamic numbers , that will destroy from within ,..and without,..simultaneously.
There can be no other reason for this sudden,..massive ,..invasion ,..this Islamic exodus,..from terror stricken Syria.
They have no reason to flee ISIS. They agree with ISIS,and long for the destruction of the Great Satan and the spread of Sharia Law into every corner of the globe. Their goal ;..is ISIS's goal.
So,...why would they flee?
Only the Christian Kurds , Yazidis ,.and Jordanians have legitimate reasons to seek asylum in other lands ,and, no doubt,..they should be accepted with open arms.
But, they can expect no aid from President Obama. After all, why would our President welcome new Christians into a country that he feels has too many already?What can more Christian foreigners bring,..except more votes,..for Republicans?
No, Obama has turned them down before,..and will continue to do so,..but these new escapees are another matter entirely. They are, mostly young men,..strong believers in Jihad, and Sharia Law,..and are contemptuous of America and her freedoms.
....Just like Obama.
...Just like the Democrats.
..Exactly the kind of immigrants the Democrat Party wants.
They hate America.
They hate our culture.
They hate our freedom.
Therefore,..they will ,..en masse,..vote for the Democrat Party,..in theory,..at least.
Obama wants them, and the Democrat Party wants them,..just as they want the Mexican,and Venezuelan immigrants,..for they know,...they can be counted on,...to vote for the Democrat Party , that lets them live free off American tax dollars.
The Perfect Deal.
The Perfect Plan.
And now,..the Syrian Invaders are part of that deal .
Obama has already made plans to bring 10.000 of these terror sleeper cells masquerading as refugees,..into the country,..reasoning that whatever destruction and danger they may bring to our nation,..will be offset by the Democrat Party power they will ensure forever,..and will virtually guarantee the fall of the Judeo-Christian experiment of self government, self-rule,..called America.
Make no mistake.
The War on Christianity is world wide,...
and the American left perceives these Syrian invaders as allies in this war to bring Christianity to its knees ,permanently.
The left's contempt for Christians is obvious.
Why else would a Kentucky state clerk by the name of Kim Davis be jailed for refusing to grant marriage licenses to gay couples?
Why else would Christian Bakeries be fined and regulated out of existence for refusing to cater gay weddings?
Constitutional Religious freedom guarantees their right to reject gay weddings based on their sincere religious beliefs.
No re-write of the Constitution by leftist Supreme Court Judges can change this.
The attack is simply an attack of leftists against Christians,..that's all.
Gay Marriage and Gay Rights issues are just the leftist con,..the excuse,.....to conceal this attack on the faith ,..that is the Rock;.... upon which our Nation was built.
For, if this was truly about Gay Rights,..why are there no Muslim bakeries being harassed and bullied out of business?Why are there no Muslim law clerks being being thrown in jail, for refusing to license gay marriages?
Muslims not only oppose gay weddings,..but they firmly believe that homosexuality itself, must be punished,..by death.
Yet, the liberal left does not target them, and that's for one,..simple reason,..
The Liberal Left,..and the Muslim extemists,..are allies,.in the war against Christianity and the values that are the foundation of America and its Constitution.
Yes,...the Invasion is coming,..and its purpose ,..it's plan,..is clear,..
The destruction of America ,..
The destruction of Israel,..
The destruction of the Western World....
And,..most importantly,..the destruction of the Christian Faith ,...the Faith that founded Freedom and Liberty,..
The Faith that will now be under siege,indeed,..as the last part of the Obama plan to collapse America , now falls into place , in the form of 10,000 Syrian and Iraqi Invaders ,..ready to sweep our shores ,..ready to attack Christian Infidel America,..from within ,..and force it to collapse,..to implode,..upon itself,..
Thus fulfilling ,..
The Final,...
The True,...
The Only,..
Obama Legacy ,..
There ever was,..or ever will be.
President George W. Bush made a vow after 911,..that those who knocked down our buildings will hear from all of us,..soon.They did hear from us,..and the forces of Al Queda trembled in our wake.
But ,....that vow has been forgotten,..for nearly eight years now,.during of the reign of Obama and the Democrat Party.
Time for We the People,..to renew that vow,..and send a new message to our enemies,..by ending the deadly legacy of Obama ,..and by permanently destroying Al Queda, ISIS,..and the Democrat Party.
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
The Unholy Alliance
In the wake of the assassination of two police officers, one Deputy Darrin Goforth of Texas, and Joe Glynewicz, of Illinois,..making four for the year so far,..one question remains , and hangs in the air like a guillotine;.."What is Black Lives Matter?"
Is it a civil rights organization?
A humanitarian public service group?
It's neither.
Black Lives Matter is, in reality, a terror group , no different from Al Queda or ISIS.
Let's look at the evidence.ISIS has made it clear that our soldiers, at home and abroad, and their families as well, are their primary targets .The attacks on unarmed soldiers at our recruitment centers , and military bases prove this beyond a shadow of a doubt.The men and women of the United States Military, the best of the best,..now have a bullseye painted on their backs ,and the sleeper cell ISIS recruits on our soil will take full advantage of the Democrat Party's disarming of them,at home and overseas,and continue to carry out these executions relentlessly.
Why shouldn't they?
They know they have the perfect ally in the Obama Administration and the Democrat Party in general. They know that, for many years now, our soldiers have been forbidden to carry their weapons , on military bases, on Naval bases, on public venues, on recruitment centers.
ISIS knows that the Democrat Party has effectively made our fighting men and women defenseless against their attacks just as they have left our schools . movie theaters ,malls, and every other public venue defenseless and clearly marked as potential targets for madmen and terrorists alike , with smug, self serving, clearly marked,..gun free zones.
Al Queda and ISIS know that as long as the Democrat Party remains in power in America,..
Our Embassies , like Benghazi,..will be sitting ducks.
Our recruitment centers will be easy targets .
Our Military Bases will be like shooting infidel fish in a barrel.
ISIS and Al Queda know that the Democrat Party is anti gun, anti-self defense, and oppose the aggressive "Cowboy Style",anti-terror agenda of the Bush-Cheney Administration.
This, in the eyes of Al Queda and ISIS,makes them weak , and makes America weak,..and ripe for the slaughter.
This is why ISIS exists at all. The withdraw of all troops from conquered and controlled Iraq, opened the floodgates for the growth and expansion of ISIS,who have slaughtered their way across the Middle East, in America's absence.
This is why our shores have now been invaded by so called, "sleeper cells", and lone wolf ISIS recruits. They know that America has become defenseless while under the control of the Democrat Party, that hates America , almost as much as ISIS does. And, that hatred has forced this Party of the Klan, the Party of Slavery, the Party that opposes our 2nd Amendment Rights,...to appease our enemies,..alienate our allies,..and leave those who defend our freedom , helpless and unarmed ,..and easy targets,..for the forces of terror.
So too,..for the organization known as ,"Black Lives Matter",..that uses the myth of racism to conceal their true agenda ,..their true mission. You see,.."Black Lives Matter" , ..is not about civil rights and so called police racism. Black Lives Matter is just a home grown terrorist group dedicated to the same thing AlQueda and ISIS are dedicated to;..namely,..the overthrow of Infidel America.
Black Lives Matter is not outraged over the so called Police targeting of African Americans .
They couldn't care less.
Black Lives Matter,..is about overthrowing America and bringing it under the iron grip of totalitarian socialism. No different,..than AlQueda,..and ISIS.
Black Lives Matter is not,..in any way,..shape,..or form,... a civil rights organization formed on some grass roots level over the concerns about racist police and the myth of American racism. Black Lives Matter was, in fact,..created by a man named George Soros,..a Hungarian born,..Multi-Billionaire ,..liberal leftist activist,..who has made his fortune collapsing nations through financial speculation and the devaluing of their economies,all around the globe.He then uses his fortune to finance leftist radicals and the socialist governments that support them.
Soros believes capitalism is the major threat to world peace and America is the leading contributor to that threat.
America, as it exists today,..must be destroyed , ..both economically and militarily,..and George Soros is ready, willing,..and able ,..to invest billions of his own dollars ,...to making that happen.
George Soros has funded,..MoveOn.Org,..Occupy WallStreet,...and Black Lives Matter ,..whose sole purpose is to destroy our state controlled police systems and bring them under the control of the Democrat controlled,Soros funded Federal Government. Soros wants to bring an end to American Sovreignity ,..and force it to become subservient to international government bodies.
Soros funds leftist propaganda site,.Media Matters.
Soros funds leftist environmental terror groups ,including the EPA,....and all American radical terror groups.
All to the same goal;..the destruction of America,..for his personal profit.
This is the man behind "Black Lives Matter".He is the plantation master,..using these clueless race baiting opportunists to help him achieve his goal,..by rioting,..looting,..destroying American businesses,..destroying State economies,..and, of course,..killing Policemen.
The American Police force is the vanguard that protects our shores from our enemies ,..and by targeting them for destruction ,..through his Black Lives Matter henchmen ,..George Soros becomes as big a threat to our police officers,..as Al Queda and ISIS are to the men and women, in our military.
Al Queda and Soros.
They are one and the same.
They have the same mission.
They have the same goals.
Al Queda is using homegrown, sleeper cell recruits,..to target our soldiers.
Soros is using Black Lives Matter recruits,..to target our police officers.
They know, that America's military , and America's Police Force,..are the Vanguards of Freedom.
They safeguard our Liberty,..both at home and abroad.
Their motto,..is to Protect,...and to Serve.
If they fall,..so too,...will infidel capitalist,...America,..fall.
This cannot,..must not,..happen.
We the People must stand with them, and beside them,..and guard them,..as they guard us.
For ,.George Soros and Al Queda have formed an Unholy Alliance ,..dedicated to this dual mission of death,..and destruction.
They both seek power,..both financial,..and political,..
Permanent power,..permanent control,..
Power they reason can be achieved ,..by destroying America ,...
By first destroying those that devote their lives to defending it.
There is no racism in America today,..
Only liberal leftist terror organizations that use the racism myth as a weapon to bring about America's destruction;....
Just as Al Queda and ISIS use a hate filled religion,..to justify their destroy America agenda as well.
ISIS,....Black Lives Matter,....or,...The Democrat Party,...
No difference.
A Terrorist,...is a Terrorist.
No matter how they disguise themselves,..
and as terrorists,..as equal partners in this Unholy Alliance to destroy America,...
They must be dealt with the same exact way,...
Destroy them,...before they destroy us,..
And nothing destroys the leftist movement ,..and the terrorists they support,..more effectively,..than overwhelming Republican Victory ,..and Permanent Democrat Defeat.
After meeting with GOP Chairman,Reince Priebus,..Donald Trump has finally signed the loyalty oath to the Republican Party ,..promising to support the GOP candidate ,..no matter who it may be.
Well done.Trump has also agreed to join Ted Cruz and other Republican candidates in Washington,..to rally against the Democrat Party's Apocalyptic Nuclear Deal with Iran.They know,..it must be stopped,..if the world is to survive.
These are important, historic moments..,for America,..for the Republican Party,.. for Trump,..and for all the candidates .Our Nation is under attack,..from within and without,..by terrorists,...masquerading as men of God,..and leftist radicals.,...masquerading,..as the Democrat Party.
The Republican Candidates,..all 17 of them,..are not rivals,....but allies,...comrades in arms,..who should be united in one task,..in one mission,..
The Complete ,..and Permanent defeat,...of the Democrat Party.
As the Republicans rally in Washington, to stop nuclear armageddon,..and achieve political victory,..
They must remember ,..what Victory means,..to Iran,..to ISIS, to Al Queda,.and to the Democrat Party,..
"Death to America!"
"Death to Israel!"
"Death to Britain!
There is no turning back.
They must give us Republican Victory, United,....
Or they will surely give us,...Death.
Is it a civil rights organization?
A humanitarian public service group?
It's neither.
Black Lives Matter is, in reality, a terror group , no different from Al Queda or ISIS.
Let's look at the evidence.ISIS has made it clear that our soldiers, at home and abroad, and their families as well, are their primary targets .The attacks on unarmed soldiers at our recruitment centers , and military bases prove this beyond a shadow of a doubt.The men and women of the United States Military, the best of the best,..now have a bullseye painted on their backs ,and the sleeper cell ISIS recruits on our soil will take full advantage of the Democrat Party's disarming of them,at home and overseas,and continue to carry out these executions relentlessly.
Why shouldn't they?
They know they have the perfect ally in the Obama Administration and the Democrat Party in general. They know that, for many years now, our soldiers have been forbidden to carry their weapons , on military bases, on Naval bases, on public venues, on recruitment centers.
ISIS knows that the Democrat Party has effectively made our fighting men and women defenseless against their attacks just as they have left our schools . movie theaters ,malls, and every other public venue defenseless and clearly marked as potential targets for madmen and terrorists alike , with smug, self serving, clearly marked,..gun free zones.
Al Queda and ISIS know that as long as the Democrat Party remains in power in America,..
Our Embassies , like Benghazi,..will be sitting ducks.
Our recruitment centers will be easy targets .
Our Military Bases will be like shooting infidel fish in a barrel.
ISIS and Al Queda know that the Democrat Party is anti gun, anti-self defense, and oppose the aggressive "Cowboy Style",anti-terror agenda of the Bush-Cheney Administration.
This, in the eyes of Al Queda and ISIS,makes them weak , and makes America weak,..and ripe for the slaughter.
This is why ISIS exists at all. The withdraw of all troops from conquered and controlled Iraq, opened the floodgates for the growth and expansion of ISIS,who have slaughtered their way across the Middle East, in America's absence.
This is why our shores have now been invaded by so called, "sleeper cells", and lone wolf ISIS recruits. They know that America has become defenseless while under the control of the Democrat Party, that hates America , almost as much as ISIS does. And, that hatred has forced this Party of the Klan, the Party of Slavery, the Party that opposes our 2nd Amendment Rights,...to appease our enemies,..alienate our allies,..and leave those who defend our freedom , helpless and unarmed ,..and easy targets,..for the forces of terror.
So too,..for the organization known as ,"Black Lives Matter",..that uses the myth of racism to conceal their true agenda ,..their true mission. You see,.."Black Lives Matter" , ..is not about civil rights and so called police racism. Black Lives Matter is just a home grown terrorist group dedicated to the same thing AlQueda and ISIS are dedicated to;..namely,..the overthrow of Infidel America.
Black Lives Matter is not outraged over the so called Police targeting of African Americans .
They couldn't care less.
Black Lives Matter,..is about overthrowing America and bringing it under the iron grip of totalitarian socialism. No different,..than AlQueda,..and ISIS.
Black Lives Matter is not,..in any way,..shape,..or form,... a civil rights organization formed on some grass roots level over the concerns about racist police and the myth of American racism. Black Lives Matter was, in fact,..created by a man named George Soros,..a Hungarian born,..Multi-Billionaire ,..liberal leftist activist,..who has made his fortune collapsing nations through financial speculation and the devaluing of their economies,all around the globe.He then uses his fortune to finance leftist radicals and the socialist governments that support them.
Soros believes capitalism is the major threat to world peace and America is the leading contributor to that threat.
America, as it exists today,..must be destroyed , ..both economically and militarily,..and George Soros is ready, willing,..and able ,..to invest billions of his own dollars ,...to making that happen.
George Soros has funded,..MoveOn.Org,..Occupy WallStreet,...and Black Lives Matter ,..whose sole purpose is to destroy our state controlled police systems and bring them under the control of the Democrat controlled,Soros funded Federal Government. Soros wants to bring an end to American Sovreignity ,..and force it to become subservient to international government bodies.
Soros funds leftist propaganda site,.Media Matters.
Soros funds leftist environmental terror groups ,including the EPA,....and all American radical terror groups.
All to the same goal;..the destruction of America,..for his personal profit.
This is the man behind "Black Lives Matter".He is the plantation master,..using these clueless race baiting opportunists to help him achieve his goal,..by rioting,..looting,..destroying American businesses,..destroying State economies,..and, of course,..killing Policemen.
The American Police force is the vanguard that protects our shores from our enemies ,..and by targeting them for destruction ,..through his Black Lives Matter henchmen ,..George Soros becomes as big a threat to our police officers,..as Al Queda and ISIS are to the men and women, in our military.
Al Queda and Soros.
They are one and the same.
They have the same mission.
They have the same goals.
Al Queda is using homegrown, sleeper cell recruits,..to target our soldiers.
Soros is using Black Lives Matter recruits,..to target our police officers.
They know, that America's military , and America's Police Force,..are the Vanguards of Freedom.
They safeguard our Liberty,..both at home and abroad.
Their motto,..is to Protect,...and to Serve.
If they fall,..so too,...will infidel capitalist,...America,..fall.
This cannot,..must not,..happen.
We the People must stand with them, and beside them,..and guard them,..as they guard us.
For ,.George Soros and Al Queda have formed an Unholy Alliance ,..dedicated to this dual mission of death,..and destruction.
They both seek power,..both financial,..and political,..
Permanent power,..permanent control,..
Power they reason can be achieved ,..by destroying America ,...
By first destroying those that devote their lives to defending it.
There is no racism in America today,..
Only liberal leftist terror organizations that use the racism myth as a weapon to bring about America's destruction;....
Just as Al Queda and ISIS use a hate filled religion,..to justify their destroy America agenda as well.
ISIS,....Black Lives Matter,....or,...The Democrat Party,...
No difference.
A Terrorist,...is a Terrorist.
No matter how they disguise themselves,..
and as terrorists,..as equal partners in this Unholy Alliance to destroy America,...
They must be dealt with the same exact way,...
Destroy them,...before they destroy us,..
And nothing destroys the leftist movement ,..and the terrorists they support,..more effectively,..than overwhelming Republican Victory ,..and Permanent Democrat Defeat.
After meeting with GOP Chairman,Reince Priebus,..Donald Trump has finally signed the loyalty oath to the Republican Party ,..promising to support the GOP candidate ,..no matter who it may be.
Well done.Trump has also agreed to join Ted Cruz and other Republican candidates in Washington,..to rally against the Democrat Party's Apocalyptic Nuclear Deal with Iran.They know,..it must be stopped,..if the world is to survive.
These are important, historic moments..,for America,..for the Republican Party,.. for Trump,..and for all the candidates .Our Nation is under attack,..from within and without,..by terrorists,...masquerading as men of God,..and leftist radicals.,...masquerading,..as the Democrat Party.
The Republican Candidates,..all 17 of them,..are not rivals,....but allies,...comrades in arms,..who should be united in one task,..in one mission,..
The Complete ,..and Permanent defeat,...of the Democrat Party.
As the Republicans rally in Washington, to stop nuclear armageddon,..and achieve political victory,..
They must remember ,..what Victory means,..to Iran,..to ISIS, to Al Queda,.and to the Democrat Party,..
"Death to America!"
"Death to Israel!"
"Death to Britain!
There is no turning back.
They must give us Republican Victory, United,....
Or they will surely give us,...Death.
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Temptation in the Desert?
Racism in America is a Myth.So too is the concept of entitlements.No one, in America today,is prevented from achieving success because of the color of their skin.Nor is anyone "entitled" to anything because of the color of their skin.Belief in the race entitlement myth has resulted in nothing but death and destruction , and most recently, it was the catalyst for the murder of Virginia reporters Alison Parker,and Adam Ward, by former colleague and fellow reporter Vester Lee Flanagan,..who convieniently blamed all his faults and failures, on a racist America , that simply did not exist, except in his own demented mind.Racism and Entitlements.The twins of deception.The modern day myths that were created by the Race Hustlers of the Democrat Party for the purposes of generating money for Democrat political campaigns,and generating votes for Democrat Candidates.One of those Race Hustlers is Jorge Ramos,a reporter for the Spanish cable station Univision,a Hillary Clinton supporting radical, and a member of La Raza, an organization dedicated to claiming America for Mexico.
Like all leftist radicals,Ramos follows the "rules for radicals",laid out by leftist icon Saul Alinsky;..Isolate your right wing target , and attack him relentlessly on the issues of racism and entitlements. Ramos chosen target is the man known as Donald J.Trump,Real Estate Mogul, Entrepeneur, and currently the leading contender in the race to win the Republican nomination for the office of President of the United States. Trump has become Ramos's target because the central theme of his Presidential platform has been ending the scourge of illegal immigration ,by simply building a wall, and actually deporting those here illegally.In other words,enforcing our existing immigration laws.How revolutionary.How extreme.
This basic platform, uncluttered with mundane details, has been enough to catapult Trump into a consistent lead in the GOP race for the Presidency. It has also made him target number one for the radical left and the Democrat Party ,who know unrestricted illegal immigration is the fastest,surest way to create a permanent minority entitlement base in America, which of course translates into a permanent , unbeatable voting base for the Democrat Party.
Trump is the first Republican candidate who has made stopping this Democrat plan, priority number one. That has made him Public Enemy Number One in the eyes of the Democrat Party.Not bad, for a guy who has spent the bulk of his 68 years on this earth as a Democrat himself, donating his cash to such notables as Hillary Clinton,Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Chuck Schumer, and believes in a Democrat agenda of heavy taxes on the wealthy,single payer healthcare, and Planned Parenthood funding.Yet, Trump claims to be a changed man;..a man who in 2011 had a conservative awakening of sorts ,much as Ronald Reagan did, in the days after World War II.
Time,..will reveal the truth.It always does.
Our Nation's in trouble, and Trump, a man who has enjoyed great success as an American citizen ,now wants to step up, and come to America's rescue , in her time of need. Or, at least,how Trump sees it.Unfortunately, many of hos fellow Republicans see it differently.They see Donald J.Trump as a potential Republican spoiler ,a double agent,sent in to disrupt the Republican momentum gained in the 2010, and 2014 victories , run Third Party, and thereby assure Democrat Victory for Hillary Clinton, a woman Trump once called a "Great Lady".Republicans see his history of Democrat support , his belief in tax increases and single payer healthcare,his lack of strategic details, as warning signs that he is not what he seems to be.
Who Trump really is,will be proven in time.The election season after all, still has a long way to go.But , for most conservatives,Trump becomes a non-issue if he will simply refuse to run Third Party , and swear loyalty , to the GOP,and its candidates.
The Republican Party,most of all, wants victory over the Democrats , and any Republican candidate is vastly preferrable to allowing Democrats to remain in power.May the best man win, as long as that man, is a loyal Republican. That is the Republican opinion of Trump. The Democrats are however,another matter.
Trump seeks to derail their long term plan to flood America with entitlement dependent illegals,that will serve one ,all important purpose ;...to show up at the polls for every election, and pull that lever , unwaiveringly,..for the Democrat Party.
Trump must be stopped..
But, the question is;..how do you stop a man who does not play by the politically correct rules set down by both Parties?
How do you stop a man who will not back down or apologize for any statement, any gaffe,..no matter how insensitive, no matter how offensive,..no matter how politically ,..incorrect.
Jorge Ramos believed he had the answer .You expose him for the weak, racist, anti-immigrant tyrant he really is, by provoking him at one of his own press conferences.
Ramos set out to do just that, by disrupting the Trump press conference in Iowa. Here was the strategy;..
Interrupt the proceedings by bullying Trump into admitting that he cannot actually seal the border with a wall, and cannot actually mass deport illegals. Ramos is a Democrat activist, and a leftist bully, who is used to badgering Republican politicians into backing down from positions regarding the border and illegals.Trump, however, is not a typical Republican .He's not even a politician, really. And, he has a history of never backing down from anyone, on any issue.
Jorge Ramos has now claimed that Donald Trump refused to answer questions on his immigration policy,questions, that Ramos, an immigrant himself, has a right to ask. Trump, according to Ramos, showed his true anti First Amendment , tyrannical colors,by shutting Ramos down,and forceably ejecting him from the press conference.
In reality;...nothing of the sort happened. What did happen, is that Ramos bullied and shouted his way to the head of the press line,..and picked a fight with Trump ,..not by asking him tough questions,...but by simply, flat out telling Trump ,that he cannot build a wall, ...and cannot deport 3 million illegals.
That,..is not a question.There was no question by Mr. Ramos.
That was a statement,..delivered belligerently by a man who had no respect for the other reporters who were ahead of him,..waiting patiently to be called on ,..and a man who arrogantly believes,..as all leftists do,..that this agenda of "race entitlements",...entitles them to say anything,..do anything,...disrupt anything,..and insult anyone,..to push their agenda,..even Donald Trump at his own press conference.
Unfortunately, unlike the "Black Lies Matter" activists that have successfully disrupted, and shut down Democrat press conferences and rallies,..Jorge Ramos did not get the reaction he wanted.
Trump, once again,..did not back down.
Trump doubled down, and rose to the challenge offered by Ramos 's claim that he,"cannot deport 3 million illegals",by performing what amounted to a ritualistic deportation, an almost exorcism ,..of the Race Entitlement Demon, by first insisting that Ramos sit down , and wait his turn, and then deporting Ramos from the Press Conference.
In one simple act,Trump put his theory into practice by exorcising the Demon of Immigration from his presence ,..when he would not, symbolically,..wait in line,..and wait his turn. Then, demonstrating the second part of his immigration plan,..Trump then brought back Ramos and gave him a chance to remain in the country,..or, in this case,..the press conference. Trump then displayed his generosity and patience ,..allowing the exorcised demon to ask his questions , and then forcing the demon,..to submit to his will. The ritual exorcism ended with Trump finally admitting that he now likes Ramos,..calling him an"honest" man,..for finally agreeing with him.
No Catholic Priest could have done it better.
Donald Trump turned an ordinary press conference into a ritualistic exorcism of the race entitlement demon, by exposing him to the light of reality, and forcing him to bend to his will. Trump's exorcism drained the power from the leftist demon called "race entitlement", and demonstrated that, in reality,..he has no power,..no real substance,..when a man simply refuses to let them have any power.
By rejecting the left's concept of racism and entitlements,..Trump took away their power,..and hopefully taught the rest of the GOP front runners a lesson that they must absorb and adopt,..if they are to defeat the Democrat Party and the Liberal Left,..that has kept America in its destructive grip for decades.
You don't do battle with them.
You don't fight them.
You don't counter them,...
You reject their existence ,...
And banish them from your presence.
For, in the end,..the left and its agenda has no real power ,....
Except that which we give them.
During his 40 days and nights in the desert wilderness,....Jesus was tempted,..and tested,..by the Devil,...and offered all the world's riches , and power,..if he would bow down,..and worship him..
Jesus banished the Devil from his presence ,..
Rejected his power,..
resisted his temptations,...
rejected all he offered him ,..
Because ,..he knew,...
What he offered was nothing.
So too, must the American people ,...
Reject all the nothingness ,...
That the Democrat Party,...
Has always offered,..
If America is to finally be cleansed ,...
Of the Demon called ,...Liberalism.
Like all leftist radicals,Ramos follows the "rules for radicals",laid out by leftist icon Saul Alinsky;..Isolate your right wing target , and attack him relentlessly on the issues of racism and entitlements. Ramos chosen target is the man known as Donald J.Trump,Real Estate Mogul, Entrepeneur, and currently the leading contender in the race to win the Republican nomination for the office of President of the United States. Trump has become Ramos's target because the central theme of his Presidential platform has been ending the scourge of illegal immigration ,by simply building a wall, and actually deporting those here illegally.In other words,enforcing our existing immigration laws.How revolutionary.How extreme.
This basic platform, uncluttered with mundane details, has been enough to catapult Trump into a consistent lead in the GOP race for the Presidency. It has also made him target number one for the radical left and the Democrat Party ,who know unrestricted illegal immigration is the fastest,surest way to create a permanent minority entitlement base in America, which of course translates into a permanent , unbeatable voting base for the Democrat Party.
Trump is the first Republican candidate who has made stopping this Democrat plan, priority number one. That has made him Public Enemy Number One in the eyes of the Democrat Party.Not bad, for a guy who has spent the bulk of his 68 years on this earth as a Democrat himself, donating his cash to such notables as Hillary Clinton,Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Chuck Schumer, and believes in a Democrat agenda of heavy taxes on the wealthy,single payer healthcare, and Planned Parenthood funding.Yet, Trump claims to be a changed man;..a man who in 2011 had a conservative awakening of sorts ,much as Ronald Reagan did, in the days after World War II.
Time,..will reveal the truth.It always does.
Our Nation's in trouble, and Trump, a man who has enjoyed great success as an American citizen ,now wants to step up, and come to America's rescue , in her time of need. Or, at least,how Trump sees it.Unfortunately, many of hos fellow Republicans see it differently.They see Donald J.Trump as a potential Republican spoiler ,a double agent,sent in to disrupt the Republican momentum gained in the 2010, and 2014 victories , run Third Party, and thereby assure Democrat Victory for Hillary Clinton, a woman Trump once called a "Great Lady".Republicans see his history of Democrat support , his belief in tax increases and single payer healthcare,his lack of strategic details, as warning signs that he is not what he seems to be.
Who Trump really is,will be proven in time.The election season after all, still has a long way to go.But , for most conservatives,Trump becomes a non-issue if he will simply refuse to run Third Party , and swear loyalty , to the GOP,and its candidates.
The Republican Party,most of all, wants victory over the Democrats , and any Republican candidate is vastly preferrable to allowing Democrats to remain in power.May the best man win, as long as that man, is a loyal Republican. That is the Republican opinion of Trump. The Democrats are however,another matter.
Trump seeks to derail their long term plan to flood America with entitlement dependent illegals,that will serve one ,all important purpose ;...to show up at the polls for every election, and pull that lever , unwaiveringly,..for the Democrat Party.
Trump must be stopped..
But, the question is;..how do you stop a man who does not play by the politically correct rules set down by both Parties?
How do you stop a man who will not back down or apologize for any statement, any gaffe,..no matter how insensitive, no matter how offensive,..no matter how politically ,..incorrect.
Jorge Ramos believed he had the answer .You expose him for the weak, racist, anti-immigrant tyrant he really is, by provoking him at one of his own press conferences.
Ramos set out to do just that, by disrupting the Trump press conference in Iowa. Here was the strategy;..
Interrupt the proceedings by bullying Trump into admitting that he cannot actually seal the border with a wall, and cannot actually mass deport illegals. Ramos is a Democrat activist, and a leftist bully, who is used to badgering Republican politicians into backing down from positions regarding the border and illegals.Trump, however, is not a typical Republican .He's not even a politician, really. And, he has a history of never backing down from anyone, on any issue.
Jorge Ramos has now claimed that Donald Trump refused to answer questions on his immigration policy,questions, that Ramos, an immigrant himself, has a right to ask. Trump, according to Ramos, showed his true anti First Amendment , tyrannical colors,by shutting Ramos down,and forceably ejecting him from the press conference.
In reality;...nothing of the sort happened. What did happen, is that Ramos bullied and shouted his way to the head of the press line,..and picked a fight with Trump ,..not by asking him tough questions,...but by simply, flat out telling Trump ,that he cannot build a wall, ...and cannot deport 3 million illegals.
That,..is not a question.There was no question by Mr. Ramos.
That was a statement,..delivered belligerently by a man who had no respect for the other reporters who were ahead of him,..waiting patiently to be called on ,..and a man who arrogantly believes,..as all leftists do,..that this agenda of "race entitlements",...entitles them to say anything,..do anything,...disrupt anything,..and insult anyone,..to push their agenda,..even Donald Trump at his own press conference.
Unfortunately, unlike the "Black Lies Matter" activists that have successfully disrupted, and shut down Democrat press conferences and rallies,..Jorge Ramos did not get the reaction he wanted.
Trump, once again,..did not back down.
Trump doubled down, and rose to the challenge offered by Ramos 's claim that he,"cannot deport 3 million illegals",by performing what amounted to a ritualistic deportation, an almost exorcism ,..of the Race Entitlement Demon, by first insisting that Ramos sit down , and wait his turn, and then deporting Ramos from the Press Conference.
In one simple act,Trump put his theory into practice by exorcising the Demon of Immigration from his presence ,..when he would not, symbolically,..wait in line,..and wait his turn. Then, demonstrating the second part of his immigration plan,..Trump then brought back Ramos and gave him a chance to remain in the country,..or, in this case,..the press conference. Trump then displayed his generosity and patience ,..allowing the exorcised demon to ask his questions , and then forcing the demon,..to submit to his will. The ritual exorcism ended with Trump finally admitting that he now likes Ramos,..calling him an"honest" man,..for finally agreeing with him.
No Catholic Priest could have done it better.
Donald Trump turned an ordinary press conference into a ritualistic exorcism of the race entitlement demon, by exposing him to the light of reality, and forcing him to bend to his will. Trump's exorcism drained the power from the leftist demon called "race entitlement", and demonstrated that, in reality,..he has no power,..no real substance,..when a man simply refuses to let them have any power.
By rejecting the left's concept of racism and entitlements,..Trump took away their power,..and hopefully taught the rest of the GOP front runners a lesson that they must absorb and adopt,..if they are to defeat the Democrat Party and the Liberal Left,..that has kept America in its destructive grip for decades.
You don't do battle with them.
You don't fight them.
You don't counter them,...
You reject their existence ,...
And banish them from your presence.
For, in the end,..the left and its agenda has no real power ,....
Except that which we give them.
During his 40 days and nights in the desert wilderness,....Jesus was tempted,..and tested,..by the Devil,...and offered all the world's riches , and power,..if he would bow down,..and worship him..
Jesus banished the Devil from his presence ,..
Rejected his power,..
resisted his temptations,...
rejected all he offered him ,..
Because ,..he knew,...
What he offered was nothing.
So too, must the American people ,...
Reject all the nothingness ,...
That the Democrat Party,...
Has always offered,..
If America is to finally be cleansed ,...
Of the Demon called ,...Liberalism.
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