Friday, September 5, 2014

The Phantom Alliance

Another American Journalist, Steven Sotloff, has been beheaded by the forces of ISIS, and in response the President has vowed to "destroy" them. Vice President Joe Biden , likewise, has vowed to "Chase them to the gates of hell'.British Prime Minister David Cameron has vowed to send 1000 U.K. troops to spearhead a multinational Nato based anti terror operation, and is forming a new coalition with President Obama to halt the forces of ISIS.
In reality, all of them ,..will do nothing.
President Obama's anti terror strategy has been set.He will do the minimal air strikes , and nothing more.He will not arm the Kurds , and will keep only a token force of ground soldiers in Iraq to act as "advisors" to the Iraqi military. So too with Prime Minister  David Cameron , who not only lacks the firepower to combat ISIS in any effective way, but he also , like Obama has demonstrated a lack of will to even shut down extremists on his own soil. The result was the beheading of American Journalist James Foley, by one of Britain's own citizens.
Vice President Biden likewise is all phony  rhetoric , and over the years has opposed virtually every aspect of the war on terror.Indeed , if Joe Biden's foreign policy strategems had ever been enacted, the war on terror would simply not exist at all,much to America's detriment. All of these men believe strongly in the principles of socialism. All of them have shown no interest in fighting the war on terror previously .All of them allowed ISIS to grow unchecked.All of them are beating a war drum of meaningless rhetoric.
Cameron ,a member of Britain's conservative party, for his part, can be forgiven , since his island nation has always been a bastion of liberal socialism , and always will be . But for Obama, there is no excuse.As Commander in Chief, he knows that  America must lead the war on terror, the war on ISIS,for, if not, other nation will. But, President Obama will not change , will not alter his strategy , regardless of how many beheadings and crucifixions occur. He will continue to give speeches vowing to punish , and destroy ISIS,..while maintaining a detached , almost minimalist approach to actual combat with them.This is part of the strategy that the President hopes will secure his Party's victory in the November Midterms.But how can this possibly work?
ISIS is committing mass genocide, killing and beheading all in their path . Their base of operation is in Syria . Obama has refused to engage militarily in Syria, and because of his withdraw from Iraq, he has allowed ISIS to create not only another base of operations , but also allowed the creation of the first terror state in history. The President's only response to all this remains his limited airstrikes and drone attacks, designed to "contain" ISIS , and reduce them to a "manageable " terror threat. There is no such thing as a manageable terror threat. If you engage them, you do so to destroy them, or you don't engage them at all. ISIS is a cancer that must be obliterated , not controlled. As Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson said ,"ISIS must convert ,..or die".
Yet , the President remains inflexible on this issue .Obama believes this is the proper way to deal with ISIS , because , deep down, he believes it is American interference in the middle east, that has created terrorism in general. Therefore, the less American involvement,..the better. Plus , he believes that this is the strategy that will best benefit his Party in the November Midterms. Delay, study the problem,stall,.. bomb when necessary,..but generally just run out the clock till election day. This he believes , will keep his voting base on the extreme left from turning against him.But, they are a minority .Most Americans , right or left, are demanding action. Demanding justice. How then, can making himself look weak and ineffectual possibly help his Party at the polls? Because, there is another part of this strategy. Obama is not campaigning to be re-elected. He can't run again.In three years, he's done.He is obsessed with campaigning, true, ..but it is for Democrat Party victory, not for his own. And what of the Democrat Party?How have they responded to their President's weak stance in the face of evil?Well, it appears that many have turned on him.Senator Elizabeth Warren,Senator Dianne Feinstein, Senator Claire McCaskill, Senator Al Franken ,Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Democrat spokesperson, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, surprisingly enough, have all denounced the President's inaction and called for stronger military action against ISIS.Indeed , most of the Democrat Party is now opposing Obama's ISIS strategem. Believe it or not, the Democrats stand against Obama , and stand with the Republicans on the issue of an ISIS war strategy.
Or, it would appear. But appearances can be deceiving .In reality , the Democrat Party would never, never, never,turn against Obama. Never. On any issue. There are Obama. Everything this man does, and everything that he believes in, is what they believe in. Obama and the Democrats are, in effect, the right and the left hand of the same body.Why then, do they appear to oppose the President on ISIS?Because,...they must. The Midterm elections loom ever nearer, and most Democrats in the House and Senate, know the handwriting is on the wall. Not only have their policies destroyed our economy, but now, the President's foreign policy, and open border stance,have destroyed our nation's security as well, and allowed our enemies to grow stronger in the face of growing American weakness.This is Obama's plan.He has done,all this,..on purpose. But , how can this benefit his Party? Because,....the Democrats will oppose him. The Democrats , now in unison, oppose the President on ISIS, and demand a declaration of war against them. Apparently, the Democrat Party will not stand for the President's dithering, ineffectual , response to this genocide, and demand strong military action.They stand united against our President.
Or, it would appear.
In reality, like the President's and Vice President's vows to destroy ISIS, the Democrat Party's war hawk stance is just for the cameras. They know that liberal Democrat voters make no distinction between words, and action. The Democrat Party will stand against the President and will demand swift , decisive, military action against ISIS. They will demand that the President follow them to the gates of hell,..and then,...destroy them,...right up to November , that is.
In truth , this has always been part of Obama's plan to assure his Party remains in power. The Democrat Party will oppose Obama ,...until they are re-elected  in November. Once their Party's victory is secured,...and their Party's power remains intact,...they will ,..once again, united with Obama,...and ISIS too, for that matter, their ultimate goal ,...the destruction of America.

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