Whether economic policy , or foreign policy , it weakens the nation , and as a result , weakens the balance thast must eternally be there ;...if the world is to survive . Evil will always exist, there fore;...good must never waiver . President Obama must understand that Al-Queda is not on the run , nor will it ever be , but , it can be neutralized . As history has proven , peace is acheived , only when war forces evil to surrender . All that it takes , is a President that will admit that this evil does truly exist ;...and then resolve to confront it , with the military force that has made us , and Israel , the greatest forces for freedom that have ever existed , and the forces that must prevent the world from slipping into the abyss. But , the question remains;...can terrorism be defeated? Can evil be vanquished by the forces of good , on that Gaza border , once and for all? No. The cease fire occured because Israel was winning easily, and Morsi brokered the deal out of concern that the U.S. will cut off the billions of dollars in relief to Egypt;...if he didn't. Cut off the money , and attack them strongly. This is all that can be done to keep the evil of Al-Queda , Hamas , and the Muslim Brotherhood ,in check. Remember , a cease fire is never called for , by the guy who is winning , but by the guy who is losing , and simply needs a "time out", or stall tactic , to pospone, temporarily, their inevitable defeat . In the film , "Ben Hur", the character of Messala, beaten , broken ,and close to death ,after the bloody and deadly chariot race, confronts Judah Ben Hur with the words, "The race goes on , Judah , the race goes on ". He meant the conflict goes on ;...between these polar opposite forces ;...between good ;....and evil. Evil exists , in the world , so that good may be the better for it. There must always be this conflict. Both sides must always confront each other , forcefully, if the world is to survive . The President must learn this. To show weakness , in the middle east , to enemies that respect only force , is a threat, not just to us, but to the world , as well. The President has failed , and must learn from Israel's example, to create this balance ;...through force, through strength. For, only a strong America, and a strong Israel , can bring a lasting peace to a world in chaos , a world on the brink of losing the necessary balance;...of conflict. The U.S.and Israel , must always remain , the strongest military forces on earth ;...so that evil , will always , be forced to cease fire , in this , the Eternal War . Beyond military force, the one , most important thing , that must be done , by the President , immediately, is to cut off all funding , to all rogue Nations that support terror. This is the ultimate weapon , that can bring down any dictatorship . For , you see, Free Market capitalism , is all that works , and made us the greatest Nation on earth . Cut off all money to our enemies ;....and you'll have the proof of that. For, without our money, their evil may endure;...but not their Nations |
Friday, November 23, 2012
The Eternity War , Part Two
The Eternity War
Did Scretary of State Hillary Clinton 's intervention help orchestrate the cease fire between Israel and Hamas? No.It was already a done deal, long before her arrival. Egyptian Prime minister Mohammed Morsi , of the Muslim Brotherhood , had convinced the Palestinians to stand down , for the time being , but , not for peace loving reasons . No, the cease fire has happened because , they always happen. The cease fire buys the terrorists time, to regroup, and reload. Hamas certainly wouldn't call for a cease fire;....if they were winning. This is the eternal conflict in that region of the world . Good vs. Evil ,Freedom vs. Subjugation ;.....Israel vs. the Muslim World. Israel's strong response to Hamas missile attacks on their soil has brought about one more cease fire , one more stalemate , in an endless series of stalemates , that have occured in that region , down through the centuries. Can terrorism be defeated? President Obama's weak foreign policy stance has , no doubt, strengthened Al-Queda's resolve , and has led to the attack on our Embassy in Benghazi . An attack that has left four American operatives dead. A seven hour long attack , that received no opposition from us . In fact, our forces that could have aided the embassy;...were told to stand down . By who? By the President , and his administration , of course. The hearing , now under way , will prove this, eventually. OIbama has won a second term . So far , he has shown no evidence of changing his destructive policies , nor will he. His heavy taxes, regulations, and bleak foreign policy have weakened our economy, our military , and emboldened our enemies . Yet,the President campaigned on the head of Bin Laden ,and a false narrative of a decimated Al-Queda , which , of course, created the Benghazi incident , and the false narrative of a video insoired riot , which forced the stand down order ;...the order that led to the deaths of four Americans , at an Embassy that the President refused to admit , was under any attack at all. This is all weakness. Whether economic policy , or foreign policy , |
Saturday, November 17, 2012
This Beachhead Benghazi
Here's the bottom line, I don't care who CIA Director Genaral David Petraeus was having an affair with . I don't care about Paula Broadwell's email spat with Jill Kelly;a Petraeus family friend, or what General was seeing who, , and what their wives think of all this. That's their personal business , not the American people's . What I do care about is simply this;....four Americans are dead . They are dead because someone in the Whitehouse refused to increasae security at the Benghazi embassy , despite the approach of the 9-11 anniversary, and the repeated requests for more security , by Ambassador Stevens , and other officials stationed there. The closed door hearings have begun . Answers will be had . President Obama may have won re-election , but the Republicans control the House ;..still. This is a direct mandate from, "We the People" . A mandate to stop all new taxes ;...period. And, a mandate to pursue this massive coverup designed to push Obama's claim of a beaten Al-Queda . A coverup that led to the deaths of four Americans . The families of these Americans demand answers .And ,the American people demand answers . Who ordered the stand down? President Obama can avoid the question as much as he wants , in every press conference . But, as the great Joe Louis once said;..."You can run , but you can't hide". This is not going away. Petraeus can cheat on his wife. Obama can duck and dodge questions. Hillary can leave town . Eric Holder can resign . But;....the question still remains , and will not go away ;...until it is answered . "Who ordered the stand down?" Who ignored repeated requests for increased security in Benghazi? Who ordered Ambassador Rice to push the youtube video excuse as the reason for the attack? In the end, the answers to these questions will do what Romney could not;...namely, bringing this President, and his administration down ;...once and for all. For , you see, there is only one answer to the questions;..."who created the video scenario ". and , " who ordered the stand down?" Only one answer;....the only answer that is logical;...the only answer that makes sense. The only answer that, for months now, the Democrat Party has feared;....the President ordered the video story. The President ordered the stand down . No doubt about it. Ultimately, the closed door hearings , now under way, will expose this fact. And, already, General Petraeus has seemingly, sought redemption by stating , quite clearly , that he, as CIA Director, knew immediately that the attack was terrorism , and that it was the the President;...who edited this fact. to suit him , and his political agenda. And , as the Israel -Hamas conflict heats up on the Gaza border , the President may wish that he had , in reality , supported Israel , and condemned terror supporting Palestine. He may wish that he really had Al-Queda on the run , instead of mearely fantasizing about it, for political purposes. For, it's that fantasy , put forth at the Democratic Convention , and throughout the Presidential campaign , that will now , finally , bring him down . How ironic , that the Pesident who bragged , ad-nauseum , about killing terror leader Bin Laden ,will now be brought down by his refusal to stop a terror attack ;..in this , the President's final battlefield ;..this Beachhead ;...Benghazi. |
Friday, November 9, 2012
The Bloodstained God
So, Barack Hussein Obama has won. Won what? He has failed to fix the economy. But, this is no surprise . He created this economy, with an endless series of taxes and spending , including Obamacare , which , of course has never been anything other than a tax;...which , all working Americans will find out , in January, when they look at their paychecks , and gasp. Obama has failed on his foreign policy too. He has alienated most of our overseas allies , especially Israel , and emboldened our enemies , with his appeasement policies , and weak response to their acts of aggression . Obama has failed as Commander in Chief. His cuts in military spending are a disgrace and have only weakened our Nation . He has failed to protect our troops , and civilian agents in the field, since the Embassy in Benghazi requested help for many months , and yet, during a 7 hour Al Queda attack on that embassy, help , that could have been deployed , was instead told to stand down . Who gave the stand down order?The President, of course. And, since he has foolishly sought and won a second term, will now face a supeona , that will force him to finally answer this question ;...an answer that could lead to his early impeachment. yep, President Obama 's second term will not be a happy one for him , as the economy grows bleaker , and finally collapses, under his endless taxes and ever increasing spending on worthless entitlements , which he still foolishly believes will somehow , by some magic ;....lead to economic growth.That's nonsense;...and Obama's second term , will, indeed , prove it. Winning four more years simply means Obama will no longer be able to hide behind the "blame Bush", strategy for the destruction that he, and he alone, has wreaked on our Nation . What of the Republican Party? Should new strategems be devised for future campaigns? No, of course not . Conservative principles , based on our Constitution, are all any party needs to suceed. The GOP needs no makeover . Mitt Romney ran a fine campaign ;...one to be proud of;...and every American , should be proud of him , and Paul Ryan . They are both Great Americans. They finished the campaign strong , emphasizing the conservative economic principles that made us the greatest Nation on earth. And, no , Hurricane Sandy did nothing to derail Romney . Such speculation is is nonsense. So is the speculation by political pundits , on both sides of the political fence , that the Republican Party needs to work with Democrats , and soften their stance on certain issues ;...in other words ;...be open to 'compromise".We don't have to do this , at all. Conservative primciples , in their purest form, always win in the end. Always . Republicans should never work with the Democrats. They are the enemy . All of their policies , down through the years , have done nothing but damage our Nation . We need to defeat Democrats , and their agenda ;....not work with them . No, the only ones who need a "makeover" as the media pundits put it, are the spineless , worthless jackals , 3 million worth , who decided to 'stay home", and not vote , in this, the most crucial election of our time. An election whose results will effect , not only their selfish , lazy asses, but , their children, and their children's children , for many generations to come Why did they stay home? The excuse is that Romney wasn't conservative enough , and apparently , even certain elements in the Tea Party , refused to back Romney, or get out the vote for him . Even Romney's Mormon faith , is being used as an excuse by these slackers for their shameful betrayal of their country. What a load of bull. They stayed home because they wanted to, that's all. No political reason .Just shameful, inexcusable apathy , and disinterest , in anything , that doesn't center around their pathetic , little lives. There's your reason , man. That;...and the fact that Romney's an evil rich guy, who has commited the great sin , of having more money than they do;..therefore , their envious asses hate him . Here's a painful dose of reality;...if these bums , all 3 million of them , had just put down the remote, and the beer, , and got off their couches , and done their duty , as citizens of the United States , Mitt Romney would now be President ;...guaranteed . But no, their laziness, and hatred of Romney, the corporate raider , Romney, the greedy capitalist, was greater than their hatred of Obama the Marxist , who is destroying our Nation's economy. In the weeks to come, these miserable traitors to this great Nation will slowly emerge from the shadows , trying to rationalize their cowardly act, by calling conservative talk shows , in an effort to gain absolution for their treason , from the voices of conservative radio. But , they will not receive it. In this, the greatest political battle of our lives , a battle for our very freedom , they have aided the enemy, and now, must live with their guilt for eternity . If they have enough of a conscience , to feel any guilt , that is. And, what of those who voted for Obama? They have made their choice;...and now, they also, must live with it. Obama has wrecked the economy , and increased the welfare state a thousandfold. Yet, they voted for four more years of this destruction . They voted for tyranny ;...over freedom . They voted for servitude , and slavery;....over self-rule. They voted for self-loathing;........over self-respect. They voted for dependency;.....over independence, and self-reliance. They voted for willful ignorance ;...in the face of facts and reality ;...over intelligence , and common sense. And, ultimately, they voted for a man who, as the Benghazi scandal is exposed , will soon be an ex-President , long before the end of his second term;..a term that was given to him by 3 million Americans who just didn't give a damn;...about the country;...or anything else;.....except themselves , of course. Once upon a time, an American President named Abraham Lincoln fought a war , and , in the end, gave his own life, to end the scourge of slavery , that had tarnished our Nation . Now in the year 2012, Obama voters have made a mockery of Lincoln's sacrifice , and have chosen to willingly embrace slavery , by choosing the security of government emtitlements ;...and all it requires ;...is their servitude to the same man they voted for in 2008;...the man who once stood before them , in his makeshift Temple , four years ago , and asked for their vote . They thought this man a god back then , his promises of a socialist utopia ringing true, in their gullable ears. But now , this man has a record ;...a record tarnished with failure , lies , and scandal;....political scandals that have cost our fellow Americans ;...their lives. Yet, they still believed in this man , who is still , despite four years of evidence to the contrary , a god , in their eyes .But now, after four years of failure , Barack Hussein Obama is a Bloodstained God ,who will soon be exposed , as a mere mortal ;a deeply flawed man , and;...a failed President. |
Saturday, November 3, 2012
March of the Puppet People
In the wake of Hurricane Sandy's devastation. a question remains;....Where is the Money?President Obama took trillions im tax dollars for the purpose of creating new , clean energy sources, new infrastructure , new jobs , ;...a cleaner , more efficient , new world. Where is it? Where is the Utopia that big government was supposed to create with our money? The President promised clean energy ;.....instead , we got solyndra , and hybrid cars that no one wants to buy ;..cars that still, require fossil fuels , to operate. The President promised new infrastucture;..yet we have outdated power grids that fail in emergencies , and leave people , with no power , for many days and nights. we were promised clean coal operations;..yet, we have a President who uses excessive taxes and regulations , to put the coal industry ;..out of business. The President claims that there is more domestic drilling of oil, under his administration ;..than any time in history;...yet , all drilling on public lands has been shut down , and all offshore drilling ;...has been suspended. We now depend , on our enemies;..for oil;..our main power source. The citizens of New Jersey and New York ;..who now stand in endless lines ;..waiting for gasoline , to power generators , and run their cars;...have been hood winked ;...by a President and his Administration , that told them , eight years ago, that we need to ween ourselves off fossil fuels , and"invest " in fictional green energy alternatives . He told them that we didn't need to be dependent on fossil fuels ;....the only power source there is. Now;...in the wake of Sandy;...these citizens are seeing the truth. The President has said he will cut the red tape to speed up help , and get things done. Really? Why not do this all the time? If government simply got out of the way;...wouldn't everything run more efficiently?The President, by making this declaration about "eliminating red tape" , has inadvertently admitted ;..that government is not the solution to problems ;...government is the problem. Government is ineffecient. Government is the true destroyer;..not Sandy. No, Sandy is just the force of nature that has damaged lives and property;..yes, but it has also brought final clarity to the farce that is the Obama administration . Oil is energy . Oil is power . We cannot run our lives, as we know them ;..without oil. Deal with it. We , as a Nation , have more oil than any Nation on earth .We have enough to solve any crises, any calamity ;...but , we don't. Because;...the President , has stopped drilling, and, by doing so, has weakened our Nation ;..endangered our citizens, and left us vulnerable;...and at the mercy ;..of our enemies, who, ironically, we depend on , for our oil supply. And, as people in New Jersey ,and New York continue to suffer , Obama's union thugs prevent volunteer electrical workers from pitching in ,and helping those in need , during this tragedy. So much for the idea that unions are the backbone of our work force. What a laugh . Unions are gutless creeps. Backbone of our workforce? They have no backbone. Yep, non union electricians are forbidden from helping their fellow man , because of union greed . And, as this grim tableu unfolds before our eyes, All the while , in Washington; ....the Puppet people march. A death march. As the New Rome burns, they march . As Obama photo-ops in Jersey with Christi;..before jetting off to Vegas;...they march. As our enemies grow stronger;...and we grow weaker;......they march. The puppet people, those mindless , zombie -like, Obama drones , , march, for more taxpayer dollars , to fund sesame place;..a multi-million dollar franchise , that hardly needs tax payer money to support itself. Yes folks. While our fellow Americans suffer, these nit wits are angry about losing entitlement money;....for a silly puppet show. What shameful. pathetic , mindless, idiots. Let the morons march. They are done . It's all over for them , and their fraud of a President. On November 6th, ......this Death March ends;......and the new march ...begins. The march back to reality and freedom . The freedom , to keep the money you earn;......because ;....it's yours. The freedom , to vote for a man who understands this type of freedom . The man , known as Mitt Romney . The man who will be ;...President. But, what if Obama;..somehow;...wins? He can't. He has nothing to win . He has already, in essense forfeited his Presidency;.. by failing to protect the Benghazi embassy. You see, the President has still refused to answer questions about the terror attack in Libya;.... He knows what happened. He knows why four Americans are dead . He knows why help was refused during a terror attack was occuring on American soil ;...embassy soil. Make no mistake ;..embassy soil , is American soil. He knows why nearby strike forces were told to stand down , and let our citizens be slaughtered;...by Al Queda terrorists , seeking revenge , for the killing of Bin Laden ;...on the anniversary ;...of 9-11. The President ;...knows. Because;....he ordered it. President Obama ordered the stand down;...and no one else. He is done , as President. All his efforts in deception ;...have been for naught. And , as the hours tick away , growing ever closer to the end of the Obama regime;...the Puppet people will, no doubt , march on ;...for a cause , they cannot even hope ;...to comprehend ;....you see;...puppets never do. |
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