Saturday, April 21, 2012

Prelude to Oblivion

North Korea's new ruler, Kim Jong Un, has failed in his attempt to launch a rocket into orbit, the missile fizzling and falling into the ocean ; doubt, an embarassment to his regime , and no doubt, there will be consequences for those held responsible . Heads will roll;...quite literally. The question now is;...what should our response be? Not just to this madman , but to all those Nations , ruled by madmen , who threaten freedom around the world.Our response should be, simply this;..launch our own rockets, several of them , immediately. Launch them into space.Launch them tomorrow, show them how its done, and , what we could do, if only we would. And then , cut off all, I repeat, all , financial and food relief aid to North Korea. And not just them , but its time to stop all aid to all rogue Nations. It's time to stop kidding ourselves. It's time to stop ignoring the elephant in the punchbowl , which is the fact that all of these rogue Nations are only able to threaten world security and carry out their crimes against humanity , because of us. We, inadvertantly, enable them ; funding them .
Yes , that's right America. Nations that work for nothing else than our complete destruction , are, in fact, being funded by the United States of America. We give billions of dollars to rogue Nations around the world , not to mention the massive amounts of food relief we send them as well. These are Nations that are hostile to us . Nations that are, in fact, threats to world peace. And, we send them billions in hard earned tax payer dollars?For what reason ? The money we send is used to build more palaces for dictators . The money is used to build more weapon systems that threaten us, and the world. The money is used, to enable these evil men who starve their people , to live lives of affluence. Not one dime is used , to feed their people. Even China, who tortures and oppresses its people, who has a military might equal to our own ;...only has these things , these capabilities , because we give them our money , and buy their products . And , they , in turn , buy our debt and force us to live at their mercy . This, must stop .
China, Iran , North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan;...all these Nations that threaten world peace and oppress their own people ;...must be stopped. We can stop them ;...because we created them .They cannot survive , without our money . Hell, even , our allies ;...France, Germany, and England, cannot survive without our dollars. We must impose strict sanctions . Cut off all aid of any kind to Nations that are enemies of world freedom .
Let North Korea's failed launch be a prelude to their ultimate oblivion . It's time to face the reality of who is enabling these monsters . It's us. And, it's time to stop living in denial . The source of their evil ; us . We even educate these dictators in our universities. Let's face reality. Without the free market system of the United States, the world, on the whole, would be a dark , dismal , pit of despair, indeed. Cut off the money, completely. Freeze their bank accounts , completely. Cut off the food relief;...completely. Do this;...and the threat of rogue Nations to our countries security , will evaporate ;...for it was never real to begin with . It's only reality , was through our funding.
Only free Nations , prosper. If evil Nations prosper;'s only because freedom allowed them to. Wake up America. It's time to end the funding of our own destruction . And speaking of funding destruction;...the GSA, the very organization that is in charge of deciding how to waste our tax dollars , has been caught , wasting our tax dollars . SHOCKING;.....NOT. Meanwhile, the President wants to raise taxes on the rich .Despite Solyndra, despite electric car nonsense, despite Global Warming scams ,Green energy scams ,and , of course GSA tax funded play dates;....despite funding terror Nations;....he still wants more of your money. It's time to stop this nonsense. Now. Our tax dollars are for our soldiers ;...who , fight to keep us from destruction at the hands of our enemies . Enemies that;...our President, seems determined to fund , both at home , and overseas , all on our dime.

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