Saturday, April 21, 2012

Prelude to Oblivion

North Korea's new ruler, Kim Jong Un, has failed in his attempt to launch a rocket into orbit, the missile fizzling and falling into the ocean ; doubt, an embarassment to his regime , and no doubt, there will be consequences for those held responsible . Heads will roll;...quite literally. The question now is;...what should our response be? Not just to this madman , but to all those Nations , ruled by madmen , who threaten freedom around the world.Our response should be, simply this;..launch our own rockets, several of them , immediately. Launch them into space.Launch them tomorrow, show them how its done, and , what we could do, if only we would. And then , cut off all, I repeat, all , financial and food relief aid to North Korea. And not just them , but its time to stop all aid to all rogue Nations. It's time to stop kidding ourselves. It's time to stop ignoring the elephant in the punchbowl , which is the fact that all of these rogue Nations are only able to threaten world security and carry out their crimes against humanity , because of us. We, inadvertantly, enable them ; funding them .
Yes , that's right America. Nations that work for nothing else than our complete destruction , are, in fact, being funded by the United States of America. We give billions of dollars to rogue Nations around the world , not to mention the massive amounts of food relief we send them as well. These are Nations that are hostile to us . Nations that are, in fact, threats to world peace. And, we send them billions in hard earned tax payer dollars?For what reason ? The money we send is used to build more palaces for dictators . The money is used to build more weapon systems that threaten us, and the world. The money is used, to enable these evil men who starve their people , to live lives of affluence. Not one dime is used , to feed their people. Even China, who tortures and oppresses its people, who has a military might equal to our own ;...only has these things , these capabilities , because we give them our money , and buy their products . And , they , in turn , buy our debt and force us to live at their mercy . This, must stop .
China, Iran , North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan;...all these Nations that threaten world peace and oppress their own people ;...must be stopped. We can stop them ;...because we created them .They cannot survive , without our money . Hell, even , our allies ;...France, Germany, and England, cannot survive without our dollars. We must impose strict sanctions . Cut off all aid of any kind to Nations that are enemies of world freedom .
Let North Korea's failed launch be a prelude to their ultimate oblivion . It's time to face the reality of who is enabling these monsters . It's us. And, it's time to stop living in denial . The source of their evil ; us . We even educate these dictators in our universities. Let's face reality. Without the free market system of the United States, the world, on the whole, would be a dark , dismal , pit of despair, indeed. Cut off the money, completely. Freeze their bank accounts , completely. Cut off the food relief;...completely. Do this;...and the threat of rogue Nations to our countries security , will evaporate ;...for it was never real to begin with . It's only reality , was through our funding.
Only free Nations , prosper. If evil Nations prosper;'s only because freedom allowed them to. Wake up America. It's time to end the funding of our own destruction . And speaking of funding destruction;...the GSA, the very organization that is in charge of deciding how to waste our tax dollars , has been caught , wasting our tax dollars . SHOCKING;.....NOT. Meanwhile, the President wants to raise taxes on the rich .Despite Solyndra, despite electric car nonsense, despite Global Warming scams ,Green energy scams ,and , of course GSA tax funded play dates;....despite funding terror Nations;....he still wants more of your money. It's time to stop this nonsense. Now. Our tax dollars are for our soldiers ;...who , fight to keep us from destruction at the hands of our enemies . Enemies that;...our President, seems determined to fund , both at home , and overseas , all on our dime.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Armageddon Unleashed!

Barack Obama has stated that a ruling, by the Supreme Court to overturn Obamacare , would be an "unprecedented"attempt to reject a constitutionally viable, , congressionally approved , law. Unprecedented . Really? The Supreme Court overturns laws passed by the Congress and Senate all the time. That's what they do. Their main function , is not to interpret laws , but to make sure that all laws that are passed through congress , are , in fact, Constitutional. That is all. That's their only true function .; protect and defend the constitution.How then,can President Obama , a former constitutional Law Professor;...not know this?Didn't he ever hear of Marbury vs Madison?The President also seems to mis-quote previous cases to bolster his arguement. They are, however , upon scrutiny ,misquotes, and factually in error.
These mistatements and lack of basic  Supreme court knowledge and function , bring to mind a question ; that has, since the beginning of  this man's presidency, been left unanswed.
The question is simply ,, .....this. Where are the President's school records?Why are "We the People, who elected this Man, denied acess to them , even after three and a half  years in office?The time has come, to resolve this issue, once and for all. We cannot wait until after his re-election . , for then it will be too late; for us;....and the country.
Barack Hussein Obama was never vetted during his run for the Presidency. The Press and Media, protected him and concealed all that could potentially hurt him. The time for vetting is long overdue. Now is that time. And, the big issue is not his birth certificate;...or his Muslim faith, or even his association with radical , Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright. No, the true issue has always been his school records ;...and why they remain a mystery."We the People', have a right to know the academic record of the leader of the free world. We know President G.W. Bush 's grades in college . You know, the President that Obama and the left called stupid, and a moron ;....for eight years.
Well, If Bush is dumb, then Obama , must be, by contrast, smart. The left claims he is brilliant,;....a professor of constitutional law. Much more intellectual than Bush, in fact, the left claims that Obama is the most intelligent President  we've ever had . Well;....I'm from Missouri;...... you have to ,"show me".
The Republican nominee, whoever that may be, , must force Obama's school records into the light of day,once and for all. This must, in fact, become a main issue in the inevitable debates with the President.
It may turn out , that the President has not hidden his grades to conceal a left wing idealogy;...but to conceal a more basic truth that , can never be revealed. Namely, that President Bush's grades ;...........are better.
And, that simple fact , exposed to the light of day, will be the catalyst that will trigger an Armageddon sized implosion  within the Democrat Party.
School records must be obtained , destruct sequence must be initiated , and the countdown to destuction ;...must begin.
For the liberal Left;'s implosion time.

Armageddon Unleashed!


Friday, April 6, 2012

;....By Obama Betrayed!

President Obama has put forth , before Congress, a proposed bill that would increase taxes on corporate millionaires, increase taxes on the rich, in general.
Congress, including the Democrats , voted against it. Why? Why would the Democrats vote against it? Is this not the solution that the left has always sought? The economy is bad, taxes are high, Government spending is high, so the obvious answer to the Democrats is;..increase taxes on the greedy corporations;..the greedy rich. Make them pay their fair share. That will solve everything. And , even if it doesn't , it sure will make the struggling poor feel better , knowing that our President is trying his best, to make the rich poor too.  
Why then , would the Democrats in congress vote down a proposal from the President himself, to do precisely that? There's an old saying;..."There is no honor ;.....among thieves;...and the tax thieving Democrats are now in the midst , of a betrayal ; their leader , President Obama. You see, all that Obama and the Democrats have done, since 2008;.....all the stimulus, all the Obamacare, all the money laundering through the unions;.. have all been for one purpose, to create a warchest, to be used to  re-elect President Obama, and his fellow Democrats in 2012.
The flaw in this plan is the President himself . He has made it, quite clear , at numerous public speaking events, that all the money, that he and his fellow leftists have stolen from us; to be used solely ;.....for one purpose;...the re-election of Barack Hussein Obama.The President has made it clear, that all he cares about is his own  legacy;.....and saving his own skin in 2012.
He has told the Democrats that are up for re-election this year, that they are , in fact;..,...on their own . No honor among among thieves , indeed. It would appear that Barack the Pirate has betrayed his loyal crew, his fellow liberal shipmates , to simply save his own skin. So , wonder not, my fellow Americans , why the Democrats will now proceed to vote down all of Obama's proposals , including Obamacare, that now appears to be under seige before the scrutiny of the Supreme Court.Even those liberal Judges , that were hand picked , by Obama himself , now begin to mercilessly dissect a law;...a constitutional abomination;... that should never been allowed to exist in the first place.  
"No Honor Among Thieves". Ahoy there Captain Obama. Yer loyal crew is disgruntled. The money stolen from the tax payers was booty to be equally split among the crew ; now, mutiny is the order of the day.
Aye, Captain , yer crew of swashbuckling liberal leftists bucaneers that you betrayed will now have their revenge , ye scurvy dog, and, it may well result in your Presidency meeting its fate; Davy Jones locker.
Perhaps when President Obama spoke at Disneyland recently, he should have been outfitted in more appropriate attire. An eyepatch, pegleg, hook, and a parrot on his shoulder perhaps?Well, he may have another chance at that. When he loses his Presidency this November, he could always become a performer for Disneyland's Pirate of the Carribean  attraction . Why not? He's certainly one actor that truly does ; his part. But first , he must complete his homework assignment ;...a three page , single spaced, letter to the Supreme court , explaining why he feels that, a ruling against Obama care;  , mutiny , most foul, indeed.