Saturday, September 24, 2011

"I Am Legion, For We Are Many"

Jesus once healed a man, by casting out the demon in him. Before he did so, he asked of the demon his name."I am Legion, for we are many", was the reply. That has always been evil's great trump card that it holds over good, it usually operates in groups , whether its Al Queda, The Taliban , or even public unions .
We must follow evil's example, and unite . On stage last Thursday night, nine candidates for the office of President , once again bickered and sniped at each other like children , choosing to attack the things that divide them , rather than remembering the things that unite them.
Newt Gingrich is right . The Republicans running for the office of President must not forget their main goal, their mission , which is simply to end the reign of Barack Obama as President of the United States. This is the purpose of these debates, not to snipe at each others flaws , but to remind each other of the common values that unite them ; values that are rooted in the Constitution , values that make us the greatest nation on earth . Here's on simple truth ; all those on that stage thursday night are good , conservative , Republicans , of greater , and lesser degrees. All of them have their flaws , their weaknesses. None of them are perfect . No one is.
However, the reality is this; All of them would make far better Presidents than Barack Obama.
Listen to Newt Gingrich , fellow candidates. This man is the only one on that stage that has taken our nation at a time of deficit, and, as Speaker of the House under Clinton, turned it into a surplus. He did it His contract for America worked, saved the country, saved our economy , and, especially, saved the Clinton Presidency that was sinking faster than even Obama's . He knows how to do it. Tax cuts for all did it. Welfare reform did it. Listen to this man , fellow candidates. Your records, not your words , will determine which of you becomes President. We elected a President on words before . This is the result. Stay united in your mission to defeat this socialist that believes in taking money from those that earn it, and giving it to those that don't.
Around the globe right now, we are seeing evil in a united front , and it's spreading across Europe rapidly. That evil is socialism.We must not follow them down this path . Stay united , fellow conservatives. We , also, are Legion , for we , also, are many. And, we have the weapon that gives us the edge . We have the truth . 

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Infinity War

On this, the ten year anniversary of 9-11, we mourn the loved ones and heroes that we lost, even as we celebrate the unbreakable will, determination , and resolve of the American people that has kept Al-Queda and the Taliban on the run and on the defensive ever since.
One question still remains;...did we do it right?Have we been sucessful in our war on terror? The answer is a resounding yes. When President Bush stood on that mountain of rubble , megaphone in hand, he stated , quite clearly, that, "those who knocked down these buildings will hear all of us very soon".They did hear us , and the world is the better for it. President Bush made it quite clear that those who are not with us, are against us. That included Saddam Hussein , dictator of Iraq, and his two evil sons , Uday and Qusay. Enough of this nonsense that Saddam had nothing to do with 9-11. He had everything to do with it , because he was a sponsor of terror . He paid and trained terrorist recruits in Iraq. Like Bin Laden , he was an essential money source for Al-Queda and even provided medical care for wounded terrorists.
Also, he had weapons of mass destruction . He used them on his own people , and he had the materials to make more very quickly , if needed. We destroyed him and his mass murdering , child raping sons, and it was absolutely the right thing to do at absolutely the right time. Mission Accomplished. The Taliban is gone from Afghanistan , and we have captured or killed most of the terror leaders , and prevented most attempted terror attacks on our soil since 9-11. And, best of all, thanks to the anti-terror programs put in place by Bush-Cheney, and the continuation of  these policies by our current President, Barack Obama, we have killed terror leader and sponsor Osama Bin Laden , and under President Bush, captured Kalid Sheik Muhammed , the true mastermind of the 9-11 attacks.
We must never forget , our people were massacred because of our Judeo-Christian beliefs , and the freedom we embrace. They sought to destroy our resolve.
They sought to break our will .
They have failed , miserably.
We have triumphed .Mission Accomplished . Yes the battle was won. But, the war must, go on . For, as long as evil endures , we also, as a Nation , must endure.
This is our purpose.
This is our mission .
This is our freedom.
This, America.
And, for those that still embrace conspiracy theories regarding 9-11, and blame Pres.Bush and Vice-President Cheney ; saying Iraq was a war for oil, and that those men knew there were no weapons of mass destruction , and say the Pentagon was actually hit by a missile , let me be clear , you poor ignorant fools. You are pissed because we beat you last November , and we are gonna beat you again this November, another Tea Party victory for you to choke on.You , the left , are angry because your President has failed , and i, in the midst of his failure has finally embraced the Bush terror doctrine , and killed Bin Laden using it. Total surrender. But if it makes you on the left , like Washington post columnist Paul Krugman feel better, your analysis of our war on terror, and your hatred of our country are the exact same opinions that Iran President , Mamoud Ahmadenejad has about our country.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Anti- Bush Maneuver

Is Rick Perry Dumb?Questioning a someone's intelligence seems to be a common tactic for the left  against Conservative Republican candidates that truly put the fear of God in them. But, shouldn't their question really be;"Is Barack Hussein Obama dumb?" After all, if I had a question about Palin , Romney , Bachmann, or Perry 's intelligence, I would simply look up their school grades , which are available to the public.
But what about Obama? This is a man who has been touted by the left as the Anti-Bush , the thinking man's President, yet, after three years in office , Obama's grades are still a mystery, still unreleased, still unavailable to the public , still unknown. Why? There can only be one reason . His grades are bad. After all, if his college record was something to be proud of , he would release his grades immediately. And, maybe even tape a copy on his Whitehouse refrigerator door, you know, just to showc his family how proud he is of his work.
But, three and a half years have past, and the grades remain hidden . There is a deeper reason for this , and that reason is President George W. Bush . Think about it. Obama would'nt be the first President with subpar grades, so why conceal them to this degree? The reason is clear;....President George W. Bush 's grades must have been superior to his. And, the left, instinctively, knows it. Obama's grades will never, never, be released, for the reality of finally seeing proof of Bush's greater intelligence would be more than the left , or Obama could bear. Yet, it does seem to be the only explanation. George W. Bush, called a moron for eight years by the left , has better college grades than the anti-Bush intellectual , Barack Hussein Obama. What greater victory could the Tea Party hope to achieve?
However, the left will never allow this victory, never allow our President's grades to be compared with the President Bush's . No matter . I'll just settle for the inevitable viictory in November , when another "Dumb" Conservative Republican takes back the White House from the "intellectual " liberal socialist that's currently bankrupting our country. Union Leader Jimmy Hoffa Jr. better get ready , because those "sons of bitches" in the Tea Party are GONNA WIN AGAIN , AND WILL TAKE BACK THE COUNTRY from those in public unions that survive off of tax payer's money, and use that money to keep the incompetent employed and voting for Democrats, who then , make sure that corrupt unions stay in power.