President Obama has finally figured it out. The missing piece of the puzzle has finally been revealed to him . The reason for the failure of the Stimulus ,TARP, Obamacare, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, Cash for Clunkers , The Clean Energy Agenda, and the Global Warming scare, is simply this; we need to "invest" more money in all these items. But, if the country is broke, and in deep debt, where is this money to come from?Why, the Military, of course. You see, Obama now realizes that if we weren't wasting all those tax dollars on funding the military and paying for wars , we would have plenty of cash to ,"fundamentally transform", America here at home. This was the jist of the President's Address to the Nation the other night. The troops will be brought home . We will withdraw from Afghanistan , despite the protests from Obama's Generals on the ground. This withdraw is not because we have won the war , or secured Afghanistan for Democracy. No, the reason is simply this; the only thing that Obama , as President , is good at , is spending tax dollars on mostly non-existent entitlement programs . When he's in political trouble , the only thing he can think to do to save himself is ,......... spend even more tax dollars. A defunding of the war on terror and cutbacks in military spending in general , will accomplish this , or so Obama thinks. The President, like all liberals has fallen back on the left's oldest trick in the book to save themselves in times of Democrat created , economic dsaster ;....cut military spending, and end all wars that are simply too expensive to wage. To do this, towards one clear , concise , self-destructive end;...To increase entitlement programs and spending , and to strengthen the Democrat voting base . There is, however, one other effect this action will have . It will weaken the Nation's security , which is the foundation of our freedom , and also the only entitlement program that our tax dollars , according to the Constitution , should be spent on . Without the military, there is no freedom. Without freedom , there is no America. Without America, the Democrats , no matter how many elections our tax doillars secure, will be the rulers of a Desert Kingdom. A Kingdom of the Blind, , who traded their liberty and freedom for a few crusts of government bread . |
Sunday, June 26, 2011
The Kingdom of the Blind
Monday, June 20, 2011
To Contemplate;..... Defeat!
Has the President admitted defeat?Perhaps not yet , but comments about jobs not being "shovel ready" , and hints at the possibility of being a one term President show him to be at least contemplating it. He knows now . He knows that, all his plans , all his dreams of a new America , where clean energy reigns and the rich corporate owners fund virtually everything is simply impossible.Socialism may reign in other nations , but can never even begin to suceed here , despite the many Americans who are ready, willing , and able to sit on their butts and live off the money of those that earn it You see, we were born into freedom , even the liberal left in the country.And when push comes to shove, the American people will simply rebel against socialist programs that take money from those that earn it, and give it to those that do not. The bottom line is this; Obama now realizes the one fatal flaw in his dream , the constitution . Without a government system that oppresses its citizens by government controlled military force. Witthout a totalitarian system of government , where the citizens are subjugated to the whims of a dictator , there can be no socialist utopia for Obama. You see, we Americans have a system of self-goverment , self -rule, We are the government . Washington is mearely our employees that we send there to represent us. We are unique as a country because of this . We are the first nation to truly claim a citizen run government where the people are truly free. How then , can Obamacare exist? How can green Energy ?How can any of Obama's plans possibly work in our country? They can't . For one simple reason ; In a socialist , Marxist , government , the people , as a collective , are valued above all else. In America, it is the individual that is valued and the individual right of self-rule that is the cornerstone of our nation's greatness. The self-sufficient, self-sustained individual made this country. Self-Reliance is the quality that defines us as Americans. How then could a system that makes the individual but one out of many dependent on the government for survival , ever exist here now, and in the hearts of Americans? Answer; it can't. And, Pres. Obama knows it. Shovel-Ready doesn't exist. Obamacare doesn't exist Green energy doesn't exist. Social Security doesn't exist . Medicare , Medicaid, and Global Warming do not exist. Except, as Taxes, that is. Ever increasing taxes on hard working individuals ; taxes that are used to support those that will not support themselves . Taxes that, are used , ultimately , to assure future votes for Obama and the Democrats that have taken your money , and given it to those that will vote for the President , who , is finally revealed as nothing more than a tax grabber , a tax increaser , whose only accomplishment , at the end of his one term Presidency, will be that he increased taxes for political gain, in the form of votes. Votes that will keep Democrats in office. Votes that will , ultimately , keep Barack Obama's dream of a socialiost utopia alive. |
Monday, June 13, 2011
Destiny's Child
Once upon a time, a girl named Sarah , went on a journey to find America , and instead, she found herself; ..and her destiny. But , what of the rest of destiny's children? What of the other Republican candidates for 2012?Newt Gingrich has self -destructed. His Achilles heel has been revealed, over-weening pride, and, despite being the smartest man in politics , his lack of horse sense and campaign strategy shall always be his downfall. Mitt Romney is a Rino, like John McCain . He opposes Obamacare , yet, when Governor of the most liberal State in the Nation, he had it's statewide equivilent; Romneycare. That combined with a flip-flop on abortion rights and a strong belief in the left's Global Warming agenda , and you have another McCain, ready to fall beneath the indifference of independent voters . Bachmann and Palenty , are both strong conservatives , but , seem to lack the name recognition . Although , with Bachmann , that may change soon , since her personality and strong stance against the raising of the debt ceiling and Obamacare , has been , from the beginning , loud , passionate , relentless , and unwaivering. Palenty may lack fire , personality , and energy, but Bachmann is a virtual Howling Banshee of conservative values , and , possibly, a very strong contender in the Republican Primaries. Texas Governor Rick Perry , now contemplating a run , may prove to be the most viable contender of all. He is Governor of the most sucessful , most prosperous , State in the Nation , and despite a weak stance on immigration reform , a very strong , pro 2nd Amendment , Texas style conservative , who has the experience and sucessful Governorship in his resume to make an extremely good President , if he decides to run. But, what of Sarah?Her bus tour of America has done it's job , sending the liberal press into a mass panic , as they try to cover her every move , exposing their hatred and mocking contempt for her as mearly a ruse , designed to conceal their fear of her. Fear, that is rooted in the grim reality that , if Sarah Palin runs for President ;...she will win . She is the pure conservative, and, conservatism is truth , and , truth ; ....always , in the end , wins. So, as Sarah continues her cross country American Odyssey; the question that remains is, what is she seeking? A deeper understanding of America , or perhaps she seeks an even greater truth , a deeper understanding of herself , and her destiny. Hers, ours, , .....and America's. |
Sunday, June 5, 2011
The Pilgrimage ,....and the Purpose
What is the meaning behind the Sarah Palin Bus Tour? To reconnect with America? To prepare for a Presidential run? Nope. The purpose is to mock the Liberal Left. For years now, since Sarah burst onto the scene as John Mc Cain's ruunning mate , the Liberal media has had but one mission; to destroy her. Now, with the 2012 Presidential election looming closer , the personal attacks on Palin have increased , and the coverage of her , in print and on television , has drastically expanded. The Liberal media claims Palin's poll numbers are low , she lacks intelligence, , and is simply a non-issue in future Republican Primaries. And, worst of all, Sarah Palin has commited the most unforgivable of sins;.... she just isn't a very interesting media personality anymore. The Palin pilgrimage , however, has proven all these issues , to be untrue. As Sarah moves from State to State , the press has fallen all over itself , trying to cover her movements on a 24-7 schedule , CNN in particular. Strange behavior , since the media has such supposed disinterest and disdain for her. Why can't they leave her alone? Why do people that regard her as nothing more than a joke, still devote so much air time and print media to covering her? Because, ....they fear her. Sarah Palin represents the one thing that the left despises above all others, ...the truth. The former Governor is a pure Conservative, her own creation , a natural , unpretentious, human being, and, she couldn't care less what the media thinks of her. She believes in the founding principles of our Nation ; self -government , self-rule, low taxes , strong military , and free market solutions to economic problems . In other words , she believes in everything that the left , does not believe in . So, yes , they will continue to mock her , follow her , and watch her every move on this bus tour, with ever increasing apprehension , and yes , fear, because , deep down , they know that , if she runs ; ....she will win. |
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