Passover and Easter. We celebrate these holidays , these events , every year, but do we really understand the significance of them? It's certainly deeper than eating Matzoh's and Bunnies carrying baskets of candy. . In reality, these holidays are the dawn of freedom, for all men. With Passover, we commemorate Moses , the prophet that led his people out of physical bondage into the promised land . With Easter, we celebrate a spiritual freedom ,; a freedom from original sin , a freedom that was obtained by the greatest gift a man can give; to lay down his life for another . Now, we face another attack on our liberty, in the form of government control . Not of our bodies , or souls, but of the money we earn, by the swat of our brow. President Obama believes that the government has a right to re-distribute wealth , to help the less fortunate. I say that it is our individual right , and responsibility , to help the less fortunate; by our own free will. Otherwise, it's not help , but a return to the slavery inflicted by Egypt on the Hebrew people, the occupation of Rome in Judea during the time of Christ, and , most importantly, a return to the spiritual decline that, government control most assuredly, creates. We must not forget the lessons of the dawn of freedom created by the Exodus and the Crucifixion. We must honor these sacrifices by these men , these prophets , by continuing the fight today, against a government that fails to see that, "We the People" , are self governed, self-ruled , because , we were created to be that way. We have now answered the question posed at the dawn of civilization . The eternal question ; was man meant to be ruled by other men , or was he meant to rule himself? Now, we must go forth , and put into action the words of Moses to the Hebrews by the river Jordan ; "Go, Proclaim Liberty throughout the land , and to all the inhabitants thereof !!" |
Saturday, April 23, 2011
The Dawn of Freedom
Saturday, April 16, 2011
The Slaves of Plato
The Greek philosopher Plato had a term he used to describe those that preferred government security over freedom; he called them , "Natural Slaves". In a fit of pique over the Republican Party's proposed budget cuts , President Obama has stated that all the programs on the chopping block are, in fact, the"Thing that make America great '.That's funny, I thought what made America great is Freedom; not Freebies. We have more freedom and liberty than any nation on earth , with a military that is willing to lay down their lives to protect that freedom , and yet there are still those that protest, whine , and complain that a nation , on the brink of complete financial collapse, still owes them , "entitlements". What are we , as Americans , truly "entitled " to ?Answer ; Nothing. With freedom , you already have more than 99.9% of all other nations on earth . Our tax dollars are not for health care. , education , housing, or free meals. Our taxes are for the military ; to keep our soldiers well equipped , well fed , and safe, while they risk all to keep us free. So, yes , I want people dying in the street, children uneducated and starving , and the elderly homeless and hungry, right there along with all the other union entitlement protestors . But, while they lay there, in the street , starving, uneducated , homeless , and old , I want them to think;....and see the truth. The truth is, that yes, Republicans do want our tax dollars to go to education , meals, homes and healthcare ;...for the military. They keep us free , and for that , they are the only true 'entitled" Americans . The only one 's that 'We the People", have a duty and responsibility to take care of ; with our tax dollars . President Obama will continue to whine and complain that Republicans are killing the elderly and the sick and the homeless and leaving children starving and uneducated , with their proposed cuts ; cuts that are a mere pittance , cuts that will never pass in the Senate ; cuts that do not include the worst offenders , such as Obamacare , and Planned Parenthood. Cuts that will never happen . The reason is simple; you cannot propose cuts in Washington spending without first proposing cuts in taxes ; for all Americans. For , if you don't cut taxes first, you simply give Obama reason to raise taxes , to compensate for budget cuts. Government will never , never, never, stop spending , unless we cut up the credit card they are using. And that credit card is the American people's tax dollars. Without tax cuts , there is no economic recovery . Without tax cuts ; there can be no budget cuts . Without tax cuts ; there will be no end to Obamacare, or Planned Parenthood. Our money, that "We the People" earn , is the economy. Without it, there is no economy . There is , only ; ....Government. And, those that work and slave to serve it. It's called communism , and , without tax cuts , we will remain on the path towards this grim fate. Republicans now have the House . That means they hold the purse strings. They can defund all the entitlements that have been created in the two years of the Obama Presidency . This must be done . But, if it 's to mean anything to the free market recovery ; Congress must follow the history of the Kennedy , Reagan , Clinton , and Bush administrations , and cut taxes permanently , to save our economy and freedom. Always remember, our taxes are for our soldiers ; to preserve the Republic , not for earmarks , special deals, or entitlements for parasites on our system. Ultimately, entitlements serve only one purpose , not to 'help people" , but to get politicians elected. The time is now . There is no tomorrow. Republicans , use your purse strings, and defund everything , except our freedom. |
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Mission: Self Destruct!!
Once upon a time, a President named Obama pushed through House and Senate an abomination called Obamacare . Republicans were shut out of the debate completely. Obama looked Senator McCain in the eye and said; "Look John , we won , you lost", indicating that the President would do as he wished , and bully and browbeat this monstrous piece of legislation through , and no differing arguements or opinions , like Republican Senator McCain 's , would be tolerated. Now, it's our turn.. We won in November . Big. They lost Big. They still hold the Senate, but , just barely. We have what counts , and that's the purse strings that pay for any and all spending bills that cross the President's desk. The other night, the government did not shut down . But it accomplished nothing. The Republicans , led by speaker Boener, caved and cut a deal , with the party determined to bankrupt this nation. This is inexcusable. Obamacare and Planned Parenthood must be destroyed . Yet, these are still untouched issues . The mere pittance of cuts that were agreed on will never come to pass. More than half of the Republican congress will vote "Nay", , including Tea Party Caucus leader Michelle Bachmann , and rightly so. The elections in November were a mandate by the people , to do one thing; destroy Obamacare . That was not accomplished , and the cuts proposed in this ruse also, will never happen. The government is now , essentially broke , yet it remains open . How? Where is the money coming from? This dance will go on , with no end in sight. . Just an endless abyss of faux gov't. shutdowns , stopped at the last minute by faux resolutions. , that will never be voted through , and never signed by the President. The deal that averted the government shutdown the other night , was essentially, a trick by the Democrats We were hosed . And, until we face one reality , and one reality alone, we will continue to be played for fools. That reality is , simplythis; The win in November was not a politics as usual. It was a mandate by the people. No more deals with Democrats No more funding for out of control spending . No more Obamacare. Force the government shutdown . Force it to self-destruct Make the President back down . The time for games is over ,. Make the Democrats agree to end Obamacare , end out of control spending, cut taxes for all Americans , or , the Government; as they know it; must cease to be. Our mission is clear ; let President Obama know that this ship called government , is under the command of the American People. And, if this ship does not obey our commands , if our crew , President, Congress and Senators, is in mutiny, then , this ship must be destoyed , to preserve the Republic , and our freedom. |
Friday, April 8, 2011
Countdown to Oblivion
President Obama will not agree to the repeal of Obamacare , defunding of Planned Parenthood , or the rest of the 14 trillion dollars worth of entitlement cuts proposed by Congressman Paul Ryan . Therefore , the government will shut down. It is as inevitable as the sun coming up in the morning. Democrats believe that all these entitlement programs are necessary , and cannot be cut . For, if they are , Grandmothers will starve and become homeless , children will go hungry and uneducated , and sick people will be dying in the streets. What are we , as Americans truly entitled to?Nothing. We are entitled to nothing; except the freedom and liberty that we were born with , and our forefathers fought and died to protect. Therefore , yes, I want seniors , children , and sick people , all in the streets together, starving, dying , , uneducated , and stricken with disease. But, while they lay in the street , I want them to remember , that freedom ain't free. Freedom comes at a cost . And , that cost is ; responsibility. Responsibility , for your own life , your own health, your own career, your own welfare. All this is your own individual responsibility; not the government's. The government can't even take care of itself. It gets its money from taxpaying Americans that work for a living , and they are tired of seeing their money go to people that didn't earn it.People, whose only value to the government is the fact that they will show up to the polls and vote Democrat ; every time. That's all this is about. All it ever was. You were born in America . You were born into freedom. With that one gift, you have more than 99.9% of other humans have that live in other, less free , nations. Stop begging for government handouts . All the things you need can be obtained in the Free Market System , that makes our country great. The free ride on the backs of hardworking taxpayers is over. The money you earn is yours. Not the governments , not the unions , not the public sector employees . Yours. You earned it . Your taxes were designed to be used to fund our military , to protect our nation , and our freedom , and that is all. If , however, there are still those who need a handout , look no further than the private sector . The American people have always been the most generous and charitable on earth . Depend on their generosity, because House Speaker John Boener and our new congress has a job to do for the people who elected them , and they will do it. They will repeal Obamacare , and all other entitlements. that we are , in reality , not entitled to , and only serve to weaken our nation , grow the government , and move us closer to becoming the socialist system of government that President Obama and Senator Reid dream of. Well , now , the dream is over. Now begins the nightmare. And, isn't it curiously ironic , as the countdown to oblivian continues , and the hour of government shutdown looms ever closer , that the man calling himself commander in chief of the Armed Forces , can think of nothing , no entitlement program , that he wants to cut , except , of course, our soldiers paychecks , the paychecks that help fund our freedom , and keep our nation secure. As the countdown to oblivian continues , President Obama will steadfastly continue, with his sole mission ; to grow government , while shrinking a once prosperous , and free, America. |
Saturday, April 2, 2011
The Prime Directive
Congratulations to President Obama , you have learned well . No congressional approval, no public notice, and, he bombed Qaddafi's Golden fist tent. You have done your teacher President Bush proud. And, now, Obama has validated the Iraq war . By stating that the Libyan strike was for "humanitarian " reasons to prevent a slaughter of the rebels by Qaddafi, he has admitted that the war against Saddam Hussein , who slaughtered thousands of his Kurdish citizens , was also justified for 'humanitarian " reasons. Now, should we proceed to Syria? Of course . Syria has long been a major sponsor of terror in the middle east. We need not Nation build , but just be a constant presence that will give evil and tyranny pause ; at it's baser moments. You see ,. freedom is contagious. Now , all across the middle east , rebellions are brewing .These rebels have seen the freedom brought to Iraq and Afghanistan , and now that they know it's possible, they want it too. And, they are willing to fight for it, because they know , that in a fight for freedom against tyranny , they can count on America to back them . However, there is a one problem ; ....what if the rebels that we aid turn out to be members of Al-Queda , or , even the Muslim brotherhood? Should we aid one terror organization against the other? No, and this is why; ....we must not nation build. To prevent mass slaughter of citizens is one thing, and it 's our moral duty to do so, if it's possible and in our country's interest , but we must only promote freedom , not create it. In the long term however, how can mass slaughter be stopped? Balance of Power is the answer . If both sides are armed equally , there is a stalemate . Even if both sides are steeped in terror , they are checked , due to a balance in power . We must provide that balance of power , when necessary . While , at the same time, always remembering not to involve ourselves directly . We back Israel with our military might , because it is in our nations interest to help a fellow democratic Republic , that is surrounded by enemies that, wouls surely destroy them , if not for our support . Ultimately, we must use what Star Trek called the "Prime Directive" ,; a policy of non-interference by Star Fleet with other planet's affairs . However, Kirk and crew violated this directive regularly on the show , when it became clear that the planet's culture was not a growing , free , prosperous culture , and was instead a planet of enslaved beings ruled by either a tyrannical alien life force , or some sinister machine. The United States must have it's own prime directive of non- interference , but , like Star Fleet , it can only apply when there is a balance of power between good and evil , and if not , we must use our wisdom , skill, and military power , to help create that balance . President Obama's motives in Libya may , in fact be motivated by the countries oil; supply, and nothing more. A valid reason , since the free world and beyond does , in fact, run on oil , despite what green energy proponents want to believe. But, if we make the decision to use military power , it must be always motivated by a need to promote freedom ,not for profit. However, we must alweays remember ; we cannot grant freedom to other nations , it must be earned. For freedom to work , it must be fought for , struggled for ,. and , you must be willing to die for it. If not , freedom gained without effort is freedom that will be taken for granted , and will surely not last very long. |
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