Friday, March 11, 2011

The War in Wisconsin

Well, the verdict is in. Governor Walker has signed the bill that takes away public unions rights to collective bargaining , while union backed public sector teachers , are carried , kicking and screaming , like whining , spoiled children , from the Wisconsin Rotundra by police.
Look , here's all you need to know about the public union controlled protestors in Wisconsin. They are entitled to nothing.
Public sector workers are employed by the government. The government gets its money from the taxpayers , who work in the private sectorfree market. The public sector workers pay then goes to the public sector union bosses, in the form of mandatory union dues. The dues are then given to the government , which uses the now laundered money to fund Democrat party elections. The taxpayers , therefore, are being forced , by the government, to pay the salaries of teachers and, at the same time, fund the Democrat Party, against their will, in a government controlled Ponzi scheme.
The bottom line is this; if you work for the public sector , every dollar you earn is a dollar out of the free market economy, and a dollar in the pocket of the Democrat Party. You have no right to collective bargaining, because your emplyment is no bargain , for our economy or the taxpaying Americans that fund you. You want endless raises and tenure?Work for the private sector. You know, the sector that is actually benefit to our economy, instead of a detriment. . Governor Scott Wlker has one task to perforn now and that is this; fire all public sector workers that continue to picket the Rotundo . Let these teachers join the real world , and get a real job, in a real , free market economy, with real , free market competition.
Let Wisconsin be the death knell for public sector jobs , and unions as well. They are parasites that leech from our taxdollars and  return nothing . This is Un- Constitutional and Anti-American. Always remember, according to the Constitution, public sector jobs are reserved for those occupations that are related to the security of our nation , and that is all . We need to end this free ride, Democrat funded Ponzi scheme called the Public Sector, and leave the so-called 'bargaining rights' , to those that deserve them . Namely, the private sector workers , that actually contribute to the growth of our economy, not its destruction.

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