Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Prophet of Doom

Why did we go from eight years terror free under Bush, to three attacks in one year under Obama? The reason is clear; Bush- Cheney knew the enemy's nature. They knew the war wasn't against extremists, terrorists, al Queda or the Taliban. They knew it was against a Jihad , a religious war that was declared against the U.S. many years ago because we are a Christian Nation,"The Great Satan", as they call us, and as such, must be destroyed according to the will of Allah.
The terrorists were afraid of Bush- Cheney for one simple reason;Bush- Cheney would torture them. They would imprison the terror suspects in Club Gitmo indefinitely,isolate them, and then waterboard them to gain information. You see, the terrorists do not fear death .Death , while killing infidels for the great Jihad, brings them the seventy virgins in heaven. What they do fear, is torture.Torture that will force them to reveal their terror plots.
Under the Obama Presidency, they now know they will not be tortured, , and in fact, will be given a soapbox in a civilian court to preach their hatred of America before a jury of their peers .  All this makes us look weak, not fair, in their eyes, and ready to be defeated.

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