State of the Union address? Perhaps "State of Confusion" would be more accurate. This President still doesn';t get it. He talks like he's still running for the office; instead of commenting on his completed first year. The Government doesn't create jobs, we do. The Government doesn't create Health Care; We do. The Government doesn't run Banks or Wall Street, We do. The one thing Obama can do he still ignores. Tax Cuts. For everyone. If a tax cut does not include the wealthy, who pay the bulk of taxes anyway, then there is no tax cut. Without a tax cut for everyone at every level; our economy is stifiled. Businesses can't hire , and therefore our economy fails. Obama proposes to solve all things with a series of bills that will somehow create jobs ranging from new energy to building intrastructure. His proposed bills will also solve Global Warming. This is a lie. "We the people " create jobs and grow the economy. New bills by Obama only create new taxes to further bankrupt our country and further weaken the Free Market system, that is our foundation. Why doesn't he get this? Or is this his plan? And finally, in the most baffling display of cluelessness , Obama claims to have strengthened our nations security by banning torture. Yep, that'll sure discourage the terrorists. On second thought, perhaps "State of Delusion" Address would be more accurate. |
Sunday, January 31, 2010
State of Delusion
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Kennedy, We Hardly Knew Ye!
Martha Scott need not worry. Scott Brown won the Massachusetts Senate seat for Kennedy. Jack Kennedy that is. You know, the Kennedy who believed in low taxes , a strong military , and free market solutions to economic problems. The people have spoken, and have reminded Washington who is really running this country. And all it took was one vote. We don't want health care. We don't want stimulus. We don't want bank , wall street , or car dealer bailouts. We want freedom. The freedom we fought a war for. The freedom that makes us the greatest nation on earth. Remember , the United States is the first country in the history of this planet that has created a system of government that is not run by a King , Queen, Emperor, Dictator , or Warlord. We are the first and only country that was, and still is, ruled strictly by the will of the people. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people in this country who still don't understand this, and yes, it does make us special and unique and number one. In many ways, the world economy and security depends on us ,and us alone. That is why we must take this election of Scott Brown as proof of who really runs this Nation. Obama and Pelosi take heed. 'We The People" are awake, and poised to take back this country in the November elections. Obama has an opportunity to become like Darth Vader ,and reject the"Dark Side" of his administration, and triangulate; like Bill Clinton. It saved Clinton's Presidency, and it can save his. The only alternative is to go down on his socialist shield, and become the second coming of Jimmy Carter in the process. The President needs to go back to basics, do the things he was appointed to do, namely strengthen the Military , and cut taxes, and leave everything else to us. Besides, President Obama can have all the things he bankrupted the country for right now. He can have Health care reform, bailouts, green jobs, and everything else on the socialist agenda. You can all have these things almost immediately, liberals. Just get out your checkbooks. That's right folks. It's that simple. Find someone in need whether it's HealthCare , Green Job causes , a failing Bank, or a failing Car Dealer , and write them a check , asnd mail it to them every month. Then, get on the phone, call your angry Bush bashing , corporation hating friends, and get them to cut some checks too. In other words, put your money where your mouth is. Your money, not my money. If all of the whining liberals in this country would simply donate to the causes they pretend to believe in, I guarantee you, the problem would be solved. Immediately. But they won't, because that's not what this is really all about. It's about wealth re-distribution. It's about taking money from those that earned it, and giving it to those that didn't. It's about a socialist hatred for wealthy corporations , and ultimately, it's about jealousy for those that have more than you. Get over it. In a free market , capitalist society , ther will always be the wealthy, and always be the poor. Always. If that really bothers you, there are two options ; One, move to a socialist, communist based country where everyone is , in fact, equal. Equally poor , that is. Or two; as I said before, Get Out Your Checkbooks, And Put Up Or Shut Up. Cause this is America. And you can't make me get out my checkbook . Unless , of course , I want to. |
Sunday, January 17, 2010
The Ultimate Solution
Why is the disaster in Haiti being compared to Katrina? Katrina took place in the U.S., and the citizens of New Orleans were warned , well in advance ,to evacuate the area immediately. President Bush warned the residents , in a nationally televised broadcast, to evacuate.The devastation was predicted. It was the free choice of the residents to stay; it was the free choice of Mayor Nagin and Governor Landreu to fail to act on evacuation procedures, and obstruct Government relief sent by President Bush. We have spent billions of taxpayer dollars on Haiti already , and yet the country continued to suffer in hunger and poverty, which resulted in poorly constructed homes that only made this disaster worse than it needed to be. Why? Why are they still in poverty with noi medical facilities? Didn't Clinton , in particular make Hati his relief priority under his administration? The answer is simple; they live under a dictatorship. No matter how much money you send them , it just gets taken by the evil jerk who runs Haiti. You want to solve their problem?We need to get them on their feet again with our relief effort , and then end the reign of their Prime Minister by U.S. military force . Then, when disaster strikes again, the Hatians can suffer in the luxury of Democracy, which spoiled New Orleans residents will have to admit , is a much more comfortable way to suffer. Should Hati become our 51st State?. It would certainly benefit both them and us; and may be the only real solution to the never ending problem that is Haiti. |
Sunday, January 10, 2010
The Prophet of Doom
The Middle eastern culture repects strength, not diplomacy,action, not words, and their religion , under the teachings of the prophet Muhammad, insists that all infidels must die, and it is the duty of all Muslims to kill infidels , and we , as Christians , are indeed infidels. This law is non- negotiable. The Jihadists may have hated Bush, but they also respected his strength , and that insane Cowboy gleam in his eye. They knew that Bush was committed to their destruction. You see, in the Arab culture, madmen are regarded as almost sacred prophets ,and their perception of Bush as a madman was what made them retreat for the eight years that they had to deal with this American Prophet of their doom. The solution is simple;We must profile Arabs. Wedon't need taxpayer funded scanners or re-vamped security systems. We need to stop the political correct game of doing the opposite of Bush , and profile Arab Muslims period. They are the ones committed to Jihad against us. They will never stop until we are converted and then destroyed by command of Allah. We must destroy them before they destoy us. President Obama must find his inner Cowboy Madman and make the terrorists fear and respect him, because they certainly will never like him, or us for that matter, until we convert , and die , according to the will of the Prophet Muhammad. |
The Prophet of Doom
Why did we go from eight years terror free under Bush, to three attacks in one year under Obama? The reason is clear; Bush- Cheney knew the enemy's nature. They knew the war wasn't against extremists, terrorists, al Queda or the Taliban. They knew it was against a Jihad , a religious war that was declared against the U.S. many years ago because we are a Christian Nation,"The Great Satan", as they call us, and as such, must be destroyed according to the will of Allah. The terrorists were afraid of Bush- Cheney for one simple reason;Bush- Cheney would torture them. They would imprison the terror suspects in Club Gitmo indefinitely,isolate them, and then waterboard them to gain information. You see, the terrorists do not fear death .Death , while killing infidels for the great Jihad, brings them the seventy virgins in heaven. What they do fear, is torture.Torture that will force them to reveal their terror plots. Under the Obama Presidency, they now know they will not be tortured, , and in fact, will be given a soapbox in a civilian court to preach their hatred of America before a jury of their peers . All this makes us look weak, not fair, in their eyes, and ready to be defeated. |
Friday, January 1, 2010
"The Flying Dutchman Initiative" Part Two
Explosives were strapped to his chest and underwear, and only luck prevented the death of nearly 300 people on that Christmas day flight. This cannot be tolerated. This administration's appeasement policies and unwillingness to accept the fact that we are at war with extreme Islam is putting American citizens lives in danger, and Napolitano should be fired immediately , before she gets someone killed. We were lucky this time, but now is the time to put aside this, " I hate Bush political game and face reality. The Terrorist were afraid of Bush and Cheney and are not afraid of Obama and Biden. Obama must "Hero Up", and be more like Bush or face the grim consequences. After all, there might not be a "Flying Dutchman" around next time to save the day. |
The Flying Dutchman Initiative
I love Christmas, everything about it. Celebrating the birth of Christ, Santa Claus, Rupolph, Elves, Snowmen in Top Hats, Christmas Trees and , of course, a terrorist setting fire to his underwear on a commercial flight. No need to worry, however. Head of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano has assured us that the"system worked" in preventing this second attack on our soil under the Obama Administration. The fact that this man was a known Muslim extremist, who was on a Federal watch list; and whose own father had warned the authorities about, doesn't really matter to Miss Napolitano , because , as she stated, the "system worked". I'm assuming the system she's talking about is the top secret anti-terror program known only as "The Flying Dutchman Initiative". Under this program, a Dutch film maker is placed on every commercial flight , to and from the U.S., in strategic seating positions. Then, once the terrorist gets through airport security with his underwear bomb intact and gets on the plane , he will quickly be subdued by this "Flying Dutchman" will a properly applied headlock. Well done Miss Napolitano. Hey, it's gotta work better than profiling muslims right? The real question is; why are these attacks happening on our soil under Obama ,and did not happen under Bush? The answer lies in one of my favorite books by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; The Complete Sherlock Holmes" Profiling is the answer. Profiling is how you stop the terrorists. Profiling was the chosen method that Holmes used to solve crimes and catch killers. Sherlock Holmes would often determine who the perpetrator was by simply studying people. Their habits, their mannerisms, the way they were dressed, their manner of speech, and yes, I'm sure Holmes would have used religion, if he were looking for a muslim extremeist.There is nothing racist , or politically incorrect about this, it is simply good detective work. First, Major Hassan at Fort Hood, now this; a man with no luggage and a one way ticket |