And last , but not least,the Great Global Warming scare has finally been exposed for what it is, just another tax-grabbing hoax with no scientific data to back it up. The coverup, exposed through hacked e-mails bring an end to a long running con that was started by greenpeace in the 60's and continued by Al Gore,and encouraged by the Obama Administration. Why cover up scientific data that proves Global Warming non-existant? Simple;because ther is money to be made in Global Warming . Take Al Gore , please!!, He is a billionaire due to this scam,and the government stands to make a lot of bucks from it too. But, enough of all this; now that the hoax is exposed,let's start doing what works.Tax cuts work. Tax cuts will solve everything guaranteed . Bush proved this with his permanent tax cut that gave us a booming economy for 6 years; until Pelosi and pals took over.Since Bush can't run again, the next best thing is to vote the Democrats out in 2010, put tax cutting Republicans in,and get out of the free markets way. You see, you'll never get a tax cut from a Democrat . Tax cuts shrink government, and that is definitely against their playbook; dedicated to government control. |
Saturday, November 28, 2009
The Hour of the Hoax Part 2
The Hour of the Hoax
You gotta hand it to President Obama, he'll go anywhere to meet with anyone, whether it's middle eastern terrorists,{without preconditions}, Chinese Emporers, Olympic voting committees, even to the United Nations Building to once again apologize for America in front of a room full of tyrants , warlords, and dictators.Yep, he'll go anywhere to talk to anyone all right. Except to Afghanistan to visit the troops on Thanksgiving, of course.He still doesn't seem to understand that the main role of President is Commander -in-Chief of the Armed forces; and that during war especially, his place is with the troops. President Bush understood this, and made sure he paid them a visit and shared a meal with them on the holiday.Obama goes for months without talking to General McCrystal,and then phones in a best wishes to the troops on Thanksgiving. I guess President Obama would rather be commander-in-chief of banks, car dealers, and insurance agencies. After all, the military is a bit of an expensive nusiance really. It costs a lot of money to maintain and doesn't really help the Obama agenda, which is to grow government power. Let's face facts Americans, we are living in the Hour of the Hoax; The Balloon Boy Hoax, The White House Party Crashers Hoax, and of course; The Obama Administration Hoax. Everything they have done so far has been exposed as a fraud and a deception. Heal;th care is a Hoax The stimulus bill is a hoax Cap and Trade is a hoax. Cash for Clunkers was an embarrasing hoax; |
Thursday, November 26, 2009
The Court Martial of Honor
Our Government is now going to court martial Navy Seals for giving a captured terrorist a fat lip. They should be court martialed. For not doing more to him. This is the man who, four years ago, in Fallujah, butchered and burned contract workers ,then dragged their bodies through the streets ,and then hung them from a bridge by their feet. Now, we're going to court martial the seals who finally captured this terrorist scum, just because they got a little rough with him? Enough is enough! We are at war. The President,instead of making paper- Rambo statements about finishing this war needs to send the troops that his field General McCrystal asked for , so that they can kill the enemy, occupy the area,to prevent a resurgence of the Taliban, and then come home. That is the mission. Kill the enemy with a scorched earth policy- blitzkrieg strategy that will make the enemy beg us to let them be, and ultimately lead to democracy and freedom in Afghanistan,as it always does wherever it is used. Who would have thought Japan would be our ally? Yet today they are. Who would have thought Viet-Nam would be a tourist friendly , vacation hot-spot democracy one day? Yet they are. Our own country was founded on a long, bloody war with England , a war that began with the same issues we face today; heavy taxes from an out of control government. Yet today they are our partners in liberty , and our staunchest allies in the fight against terrorism. Learn this lesson, President Obama. Forget the Bush-Bashing, Paper- Rambo like rhetoric,forget the court martial of Navy Seals that should be given medals of honor, and unleash hell on earth against our enemies, so that the people of Afghanistan can live in peace and freedom. The war is just, and history is on our side. |
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The Benedict Arnold Syndrome
According to our Constitution, In article II, section 4, the President, Vice-President, and all civil officers of the United States shall be removed from office on impeachment for,and conviction of Treason, Bribery, or other high crimes and misdeameanors.According to ,there are districts in various states in our country that have been either creating or saving jobs; all proof that our stimulus tax dollars are working,and more incentive for Speaker Pelosi to call for a second stimulus bill. Sounds good, except for the fact that there were no jobs created or saved. Not only that,but the districts where this supposedly happened; simply do not exist. The President's own website has blatantly falsefied information related to job creation and growth, and to help back their arguement,they have created non-existant districts where this fantasy land exists. The question is why? Why would they do this? The President, when asked about this issue on a recent Fox News interview, said these were just errors and dismissed the entire thing as a "side issue"not even worth his full attention. So, billions of our tax dollars that are unaccounted for are not even worth discussing, even as the President and Speaker Pelosi have the brass cojones to call for another stimulus, and continue to push the Health Care Reform bill through the Senate , despite the fact that the people have spoken, and do not want it. This raises two important questions; Where is the money, and why does the House continue to push for a bill that very well get those that vote for it thrown out of office? Well, actually , the two are linked. The money , quite frankly,is being used to bribe State and Federal gov't. officials , such as Democrat holdouts Senator Mary Landrieu, (LA), and Senator Blanche Lincoln,(AK), to vote in favor of the Health bill , and thereby assure the 60 votes needed to get the bill through to the next vote in the Senate. That's all this stimulus is. Slush fund money collected under false pretenses , to be used as the President wishes to assure future votes he needs to grow government power and weaken the private sector and the free market.Money that can be given to hold-out blue dogs for their state projects. This will assure, for many years, that Democrat controlled states remain that way,especially as ever increasing taxes further destroy the economy and force states to depend more and more on gov't. bailouts simply to function. There is no job creation, green jobs,or green technology , there never will be, under this administration, the number of government jobs, however, will undoubtably increase, even as the private sectors unemployment rate continues to rise. So, if you're looking for missing stimulus money, look no further than states run by blue-dog Democrats , the money trail will lead directly to them, as Obama and Pelosi use the American taxpayers hard earned dollars to bribe government officials to vote their way, now, and in the future. Now, if all this is mere speculation on my part, then where is the money?, and why is a second stimulus being pushed by Pelosi , amid doubt and suspicion? The answer is simple. The money is being used for exactly what it was intended for. To grow gov't. power, control the voting base , bankrupt the country , and force the private sector to rely on nanny state handouts to survive. The plan is clear. The plan is obvious The plan is Obama's vision for America. The planis also treason , and an impeachable offense,according to the Constitution of the United States. The Legacy of Benedict Arnold will go on , apparently. |
Sunday, November 15, 2009
The Trial of the Towers
Kahlid Sheik Muhammed and his partners in terror are being brought to New York to stand trial for the attacks on 9-11. This was the plan. From day one of the Obama Presidency, this was the plan. Attorney General Eric Holder, who has a history of being soft on terrorists , began orchestrating this months ago; when he announced an investigation of the Bush- Cheney CIA, for possible war crimes related to torture.This also was part of the plan,and, if the truth be told;the main reason that George Soros, , Acorn, SEIU, and every Bush hating liberal in the country elected Barack Obama .It wasn't just to bring about "change" or re-distributing wealth from those that earn it to those that don't,no, it was for a more basic reason; revenge. By bringing the trial of 9-11 mastermind Kalid Sheik Muhammed and fellow terrorists to a N.Y civilian court, rather than a military tribunal, as it should be, you set the stage for the final act in this mockery of justice that rivals Shakespere's Richard III for devious subterfuge. Once the trial begins,the terrorists will finally have the soapbox forum they have always wanted to spout their ideaology before an indignant jury, and a politically correct Judge and legal team. The defense for the terrorists can, legally ,introduce any evidence they choose,and waterboarding will be at the top of the list.Once this happens, the trial is effectively over.The charges can be dismissed by reason of a "forced confession" under the duress of the over 100 incidents of waterboarding against Kalid Sheik Muhammed, not to mention the complete lack of Miranda rights for the terrorists. While this circus rolls on, the real trial will be happening; the trial of Bush and Cheney; and their CIA.The defense team for the terrorists will be able to introduce all the evidence they need to get their acquittal , while at the same time relentlessly attacking theCIA's "illegal" methods that violated the rights of these murderers. Sure, the acquittal of these extremists will enrage all Americans, as it should. but then President Obama will employ a technique that has become his favorite ; and one he uses frequently when under fire; just blame Bush. The Bush Cheney war crimes will be the reason why the terrorists will walk, and then the "real" trial can begin. The one that was always intended from day one. The trial of President Bush and Vice-President Cheney for war crimes; a trial that he believes will vindicate his belief that we are the problem, not the terrorists. You see, in President Obama's world, America is always guilty, always to blame, and the instigators of 9-11 |
Thursday, November 12, 2009
The Enemy's True Nature
This Veteran's day, as we honor those that have defended our freedom , there are also painful questions that need to be asked regarding the Fort Hood massacre. A Major in the U.S Army suddenly attacks and kills his fellow soldiers on our own soil? Why? Why did the Fort Hood massacre happen? Forget the Obama administration's political correctness on the subject;here's the grim reality of why; It happened because Major Nadal Hasan is a Muslim terrorist who was educated, trained, and was promoted to the rank of Major in the U.S. Army, all on the taxpayers dime, despite the obvious warning signs of who and what this man was. President Obama's appeasement, apologist policies have weakened the military, weakened the CIA, and weakened our strong stand against Islamic Terror that existed under President Bush. Why did this happen? Because under Obama's Presidency , we have military bases that have become "gun free zones" and breeding grounds of political correctness, that are afraid to recognize that we are at war with an enemy that has already attacked us on our own soil, and has been commandedby the prophet Muhammad to kill all infidel non-believers in order to reach heaven; and , of course, the seventy virgins. We, as a Christian nation,are infidels and must be destroyed by command of Allah. President Bush recognized this,and the result was eight years free of terror attacks on our own soil.President Obama, who has shown disdain for the "Bush Doctrine" of pre-emptive strike and "cowboy diplomacy", does not recognize the threat, and here is the result. Have I summed it up fairly accurately? |
Sunday, November 8, 2009
The Sunshine Superman's Sunset
This has been an interesting week. As Nancy Pelosi tries to bar Tea Party protestors from the halls of Congress, she begins to resemble more and more with each passing day a matronly, modern day Marie Antoinette, arrogantly oblivious to the protests of her constituents and the significant losses of governor seats in Virginia and extremely blue-state New Jersey. She doesn't want to admit these losses are a direct statement against Obama policies,nor does she believe that the protestors are anything more than a racist, hate filled rabble. She hasn't used the "let them eat cake" line yet,but she definitely wants them to swallow her incomprehensible Health Care tax scam. As this situation unfolded,President Obama had his own self revealing moment of frightening arrogance, first claiming that he was unaware of the election results and was instead watching a documentary on himself that evening. Strange behavior, considering his repeated personal appearances in New Jersey and Virginia, no doubt hoping the old Obama magic would rub off on Governor Corzine and Deeds; both of whom could give even President Obama lessons on how to tax and spend into total oblivion. Then, the following evening,Obama outdoes himself in self-absorbed insensitivity; by waiting nearly twenty minutes before mentioning the tragic shooting massacre at Fort Hood , while in the midst of laughing, joking, and giving "shout outs" during a speech at a Native American conference. He almost seemed to regret that he had to interrupt his fun to report on the worst act of terror on our soil since 9-11. One more indication of the sheer contempt that this President has for our military ; who still wait in endless limbo for their commander-in-chief to make a decision on sending more badly needed troops into Afghanistan. How could we , as a Nation,have reached this point in a years time? What is this really all about? Is it really about Health Care? Immigration Reform? Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae? Acorn? Green Jobs? The Global Warming Hoax? Nope. It's all about taxes. That's all .They want your tax money by hook or by crook, and once they have it,they will do as they please with it, and will find other "smoke screen" bills and agendas and liberal causes to force more money out of the wallets of the true rulers of this country; those that get up every day and actually work for a living. That's all this is.That's all it ever was. Nothing the government promises will ever work or see fruition, it's all an illusion; a masterpiece of misdirection.And the man behind the curtain?, he's just a liberal Democrat who wants your money,he's entitled to it.He feels that it's already his, to use for one of two purposes; either to secure government power over it's citizens , or just to waste frivolously on environmental green agendas, as they see fit. And they know it doesn't matter how many protestors show up in the halls of Capitol hill, because they believe that weak, dependent, scared citizens will always willingly give them more money; just for the "illusion"of govt. controlled security and nanny-state peace of mind. Nothing speaks louder of the terrible waste of our hard earned money than the Fort Hood massacre at the hands of Major Hassan. Here is a man who was educated , trained, became a six- figure earning military Psychiatrist ,and reached the privileged rank of Major; without ever leading troops or seeing combat; all on the taxpayers dime. And while this "sleeper cell" bad mouthed the military, the U.S., and our war on terror to troops he was supposed to be counseling for battle stress, he had the nerve to to protest being called up to deploy to Afghanistan; even going as far as to hire a lawyer to help keep him from actually doing what Uncle Sam and the tax paying citizens of our country specifically trained him to do. More than a mere ingrate,this loser can only be characterized as a 'sleeper cell"; an active double agent jihadist whose mission was to bring down our military from the inside. He's not the first incident of this type . And , as long as we turn a blind eye to the obvious warning signs that this muslim extremist displayed; while keeping our military bases "gun free" zones,it won't be the last. And again,remember it was our taxes that funded this preventable tragedy. That's the most offensive, most sickening part of this spectacle that our govt. has become. The protests this week in Washington and all across this nation have spoken quite clearly. It's our money. Not President Obama's Not Speaker Pelosi's, not Washington's. You can't have it, except for those necessary things that defend our freedom from our enemies, those items that are clearly outlined in our Constitution."We the People" have said it quite eloquently. You can keep your Health Care, Green Jobs, Cash Handouts and Nanny- State Utopia.We prefer freedom. You see, Americans know trhe hard truth. There is no real security, no real peace of mind, no real end to the struggle against tryanny. No, Americans understand that these things require constant vigilance by all free men. Constant vigilance, that is after all , the price for; to quote the Superman T.V. Show opening,"Truth, Justice, and the American Way". Definitely not the motto of "Sunshine Superman" Barack Obama, who now faces what must be called the sunset of his young Presidency. |
Monday, November 2, 2009
The Four Horseman of Obama's Apocalypse
This Halloween,President Obama welcomed Trick or Treaters to the White House for a "candy redistribution", and a 'spreading the Sweet Tarts around experience", a real life horror is lurking in the shadows; poised to destroy his Presidency. With the 'monstrous" health care bill , and the New York , New Jersey, and Virginia elections for Governor looming with a menacing Republican shadow, seemingly poised to win all three., you have assembled , in effect, Obama's Four Horseman of the Apocalypse of his Presidency. All four of these elements are proving to be the payoff to the summer Teaparties; when many an angry Obama voter, filled with buyer's remorse, tried in vain to make their Representatives listen to them, with their shouts and protests falling on arrogant and disinterested ears. Indeed, if these elections and the health care vote do not go the way the conservative Republicans want them to; it means the Tea Party movement was meaningless . Screaming , shouting, and marching up and down the country with anti- Obama signs is all well and good, and a strong example of our freedom of speech at work, but it's all a mere Halloween apparition, that evaporates with the coming All Saints Day dawn if they are not followed up with practical political action. The one, perhaps the only way to truly stop the Obama agenda is not with phone calls , E mails or shout downs at Townhalls , but with votes cast during key elections .Elections do have consequences, as the election of House Majority Democrats and the election of O bama have proven. In less than a year, this spiteful , Anti- Bush agenda style voting has taken our country to the brink of total economic disaster. But all is not lost, yet. "We the People" still rules the day. The people have spoken to those in Washington loud and clear , and now is the time to back up those words with action. We must use the most powerful tool we have as a free nation , and use these upcoming votes like the Four Horsemen,; reigning terror and destruction down on the Democrats , and bring about the Second Coming of a Conservative Wahigton, and America. |
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