Monday, March 23, 2009

Relief Pitcher; Sarah Palin

Barack Obama had himself a busy week.During which, he has managed to lie about the AIG bailout bonuses,along with his henchmen Dodd and Geitner;To call for all injured soldiers to pay for their own health care ,and last but not least;to insult people who compete in the Special Olympics.
This is the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces? He knew the the AIG bonuses were in the original contract and he knows that the main responsibility of a sitting president is to protect and defend this country and it's soldiers that give their lives toward this end.
He goes on Jay Leno and makes fun of his bowling skills by deriding  Special Olympic competitors.This is the man who was touted to be smarter than George Bush?What nonsense.George Bush's school records have been released, Mr. President, how about yours? Of course I can readily understand why he won't release them. Anyone who thanks himself during a speech because his teleprompter told him to obviously ain't a rocket scientist.
Hope and Change? Yeah; let's "Hope" we can "Change" Presidents real soon. I'm sure Sarah Palin is ready to step in at a moments notice.You know Pres. Obama, the crude hick who didn't have any experience? Except for running an entire state ,that is. Long live George Bush!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Go ahead; make my Sunday!!

Should school cops carry guns? Is the Pope a Kraut? This is a no brainer.We send our children to these schools under the condition that they will be in a safe environment with instructors that will protect them. Not only should school cops carry guns; but the teachers should be armed too. These wackos know they are in "gun free" zones  and  feel secure in the knowledge that they can commit their brazen atrocities without fear of retaliation.
And with the recent shooting of a Pastor during a church sermon in Illinois; I think the idea of arming our pastors, priests , and rabbi's is not only an option, but a necessity. Church should be a santuary of peace, in which people can commune with God , without fear of some lunatic pulling a stunt like this.
Remember,they do it because they know there will be no retaliation. After all, it's church. Who arms themseves in church? Well I think it's high time that all clergymen take heed;pack some heat,and protect their parishoners .Remember, even Jesus instructed the Apostles to carry swords with them, during their travels into strange towns to heal people.
Teachers and clergymen have a duty and an obligation to protect those whose lives have been intrusted to them; or to put it another way; "Go ahead punk, make my Sunday!!"

Obama , Following in the British Tradition

I find it surprising that Obama is showing such disdain for the British.
He returns the bust of Churchill , and gives Prime Minister Gordon a gift  of movie DVD's which, in light of Gordon's gift of a pen set carved from the wood of a famous British battleship,proves the old adage that it's not the gift , but the thoughtlessness that counts.
Actually' Obama should like the British; first, he seems bound and determined to emulate their tax system from the 1700's ; and secondly' his method of dealing with mideastern terrorists is similar to another Gordon; the British hero, General Charles Gordon.
In 1883, the General  volunteered to be sent to Khartoum ,Sudan , where thousands of civilians were being threatened by Muslim fanatics; led by a man simply called the Mahdi.
Like Obama, Gordon thinks he can walk on water and just say the magic words that will just melt the radical terrorists hearts and solve the problem . Like Obama, the General fails to understand that the Mahdi is following  Allah's will ,and therefore all the infidels within the city walls must be slaughtered in accordance with that will. The massacre was carried out and the great miracle worker Gordon died a hero's death trying to defend the beseiged city.
A life sized bronzed statue of General Gordon on horseback still stands in England , a tribute to his courage , not to mention his arrogance and stupidity.
Since Obama sent back the bust of Churchill , perhaps PrimeMinister Gordon should send him the statue of Gen. Gordon to replace it; since Obama seems determined to follow in the Generals footsteps, and he sure ain't no Chuchill, that's for sure.
In fact,it may be the only way to save his God like image , as his presidency continues to fail under his spendulous " plan which is bankrupting the country. He could make that trip to the middle east to emulate Gordon , fall like a British hero, while trying to "reason" with Bin Laden in Afghanistan. Who knows? He might even get a bronze statue of himself out of it , maybe even on horseback! After all, never let it be said that we forget our heroes!