Saturday, April 19, 2008

Can you spare some change Mr. Obama?

So, Barack Obama has stated that he doesn't see the need for further debates. Really? Mr. Obama wants to quit just when the questioning was getting  interesting. His attitude seems to be ,"Look you inferior humans,don't you realize that I am the answer to straighten out your worthless miserable lives, and how dare you bother me with your bitter, pro-religion, pro-gun questioning? Can't you see that I am your superior? Yes folks, this so-called "polished speaker" can't seem to open his mouth lately without putting his liberal , Marxist foot in it, and then seems not to have any credible explanations for his "mistatements" and long standing associations with race baiting reverands and professors of terrorism. Let's face it, George Bush can talk rings around this racist , elitist loser.
If you want to be President, Mr. Obama, you better climb down from that ivory tower and start answering questions of the people you are going to be working for . And it wouldn't kill you to swallow a Philly Cheesesteak or two along the way also.
Obama has stated that the issues regarding past associations and comments about "bitter Americans" are not important and that he is trying to make American lives better.
What arrogance! I don't need an elitist snob who went to finishing schools in Hawaii to make my life better, Barry Obama. All I need is the freedom that God granted me by birth and to continue to live in America; the greatest country on mother earth.

Monday, April 7, 2008

The Lion is Dead and the Jackals Attack

To all you cowardly worms that have used your blog space to attack Charlton Heston and celebrate his death,this is a man whose boots you are not worthy to lick. This is a man who devoted his life to serving this country that he truly loved, whether it was serving during world war two, or marching with Martin Luther King to promote Civil Rights, his belief in America and its freedoms was unwavering and genuinely patriotic.He was also the kind of movie star that they don't make anymore,his courage and honesty showed througfh in his performances, no wonder he played so many heroes so convincingly, there was much of himself in the caracters he portrayed.So go ahead and celebrate you weasels, you hate heston, you hate this country you hate Jesus and Christianity, you hate the President., but mostly it's just that you hate yourselves, that is the real root of your ignorance. But it's not all bad. After all, you do like the Taliban and all terrorists that attack this country, they are after all, in your commie eyes; Patriots. Just keep rooting for them, comrades becauseyou'll be the first ones they go after, since they know how much you hate guns and defending yourselves.You can really help them get those 72 virgins by just holding still , so they can take take your bloated commie heads off in one clean swipe of their swords.But you can die with the smug liberal satisfaction of knowing that at least it wasn't one of those evil Charlton Heston Guns that killed you.Now that's what I call Liberal Heaven!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

John McCain ,The Bizzaro Superman.

In the spirit of the Easter season, Iwould like to quote Pontius Pilate as he confronted Jesus during his trial."What is Truth?" he asked during the interrogation.Well,the truth that Jesus represented was quite obvious, except to those who didn't want to see it, and in that respect, this has not changed, even to this day.
Here are some other obvious 'truths" that people don't want to see .
- President Bush served 8 years in office, and will not be impeached, nor will Dick Cheney.
-No proof has ever been shown that he lied about the war, none.And he has never been caught in any lie since he has held office.
-Barack Obama knew that his mentor and pastor Reverend Wright was a racist that hated this country . He listened to him for twenty years. He is lying if he denies it, that is obvious.
It is also obvious that a man who would stay a member of this church cannot be president.
-Hillary is lying whenever her lips move, as recent fantasy war zone scenarios have shown.
-John McCain is a confusing puzzle.He backs the war on terror, he backs the tax cuts,but he favors an open border and wants interrogation of terrorists to stop. He also believes in the liberal myth of Global Warming, despite scientific evidence to the contrary.
At first glance, this brave war hero looks like Superman, but on further examination, he is more like a Bizzaro Superman, a hero who repeatedly contradicts his own noble intentions.
-McCain will win the Presidency.Why? Because he at least understands the importance of the war on terror and supports permanent tax cuts, and most importantly, he is not a serial liar like Obama  and Clinton, who believe that a punish the rich and equal shares for everyone, communist style of government is the future of America.