Tuesday, October 23, 2007

AL Gore Top of the Food Chain

The time has come for Al Gore to run for President again.Based on what? A film showing a doomsday scenario of ice caps melting and polar bears drowning? Even Hans Christian Anderson would dismiss this film as a fairy tale.
Besides,let's say the ice does melt.Polar bears are extremely aquatic, and can swim in frigid waters for hundreds of miles; that's more than Al Gore can say.And let's say you're a polar bear, and you're stalking your prey, which in this case is, let's say, Al Gore.
Now, do you think the polar bear has a better chance of stalking and killing Al Gore on solid grass and dirt, or on a sheet of ice?True, Al doesn't look like he's too swift a runner,but you have to admit the bear would have a much easier time catching and killing Al on dry ground than on ice.
So,finally, Global Warming doesn't really look that bad, after all. The grass is green,the flowers blooming, and Al Gore has made a significant contribution to saving an endangered polar bear's life.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Wishful Thinking

"There you go with that wishing stuff again! I wish you were a wishing well, so I could drop a bucket down ya and sink ya! James Cagney said that in the movie Public Enemy, and the sentiment applies to the more recent attempts by the liberal media to smear certain right wing figures with no more factual evidence than a wing and a prayer. Sorry George Soros and all your commie socialist pals, wishing just doesn't make it so.
General Petraeus didn't "betray us", and his report on the surge was factual, unbiased, and to think otherwise is not only insulting to an honorable man, but clearly shows just how scared and desperate the left is right now.If the war is won, they lose politically, it's as simple as that.
Rush Limbaugh simply never said what they are claiming he said. Rush's record is impeccable in defending and supporting our troops, and has been to Iraq and Afghanistan in person unlike Harry Reid , who is leading the charge on this wishing well fantasy that he hopes is true, but it ain't! Rush called soldiers phony that were in fact phony, they made up their military records and fabricated Iraq torture and murder scenarios,without even making it through boot camp! Now, if that ain't phony,then maybe we need to re-examine Baron Munchausen's adventures .Maybe they were factual as well!
So, MoveOn.Org pals, take some advice, will ya? wishing on a star for your socialist utopian dreams to come true just doesn't work. That Jiminey Cricket was, in fact , a PHONY!!!