Monday, September 24, 2007

How to save the world in three easy lessons

Okay, let's get down to brass tacks here. First, erosion of our moral principles and values. Solution? Get back to basic family values, you know, like mom and dad actually participating in their childrens lives in a positive way ?Not trying to be their friend, or letting them drink or do drugs as long as they do it around the house, but cracking the whip and laying down the law on them, and raising them in a religion based house, preferrably , Christianity , the one our constitution was based on and the one that has the most common sense values . You know, peace love and the brotherhood of man? Makes more sense than raising them in a religion that teaches hate , like radical Islam.Here's a clue to those picking a religion, if the God in question in the religion tells you to kill specific groups of people, it ain't God you're talking to pal , it's probably the other guy , you know the guy with the pitch fork and horns?
If you're looking for a perfect example of the kind of family unit I'm talking about, look no farther than the Bush family. Very religious, very involved in their children's lives,and the evidence speaks for itself.Not only are they very accomplished people, but seem to be very nice friendly people with a strong sense of moral values.  This all is reflected in their  strong  family ties that are quite admirable.
Next, the War in Iraq and the controversy over it. This one is simple. the wae is just, the only way to world peace is through war, history proves this , and to dispute this is to refute history,like our friend ahmandenijad does .Right holocaust disputers?As long as there are coumtries that are run by petty dictators that think they can run peoples lives better tnan they can run them, we  will be sticking our red white and blue noses in them and ousting them by force if necessary, not just for their benefit, but for ours as well. The simple fact is that free countries that are run democratically by free people do not I repeat, do not make war on each other .This is a simple , blatant, and painfully overlooked fact. The more countries we free , the more dictators we force out , the more peace we have in the world . Why is this so difficult to understand?
 This brings me to my third and final point,recognizing the enemy, whether it's the liberal Bush haters, MoveON. ORG, or the Iranian leader who gets to speak at Columbia University, while the R.O.T.C was denied the same right on the same campus. It's laughable to think that this evil sponsor of terror was applauded many times during his speech ,and treated with more courtesy than he deserved , while American right wing figures like Ann Coulter are hit in the face with pies during their visits to this campus.
What's the root of this behavior? Simply this, Stockholm Syndrome. Alarge number of left wing liberals in this country are simply scared and intimidated by these radicals, and to compensate for this they side with the terrorists and show them that they too hate George W. Bush and all he stands for, somehow thinking this will spare them in the next attack on our country.Very basic, give the bully in the schoolyard my lunch money so that he leaves me alone mentality.Nothing more, nothing less.
Now the other aspect of this attitude from a political point of view is that these are people who believe that  a democratic , capitalistic society like we live in is simply blantantly unfair , and that socialism , or , as I call it communism is the way to go .They like the idea of equal shares for everyone, even those too lazy or shiftless to work.The rich have too much , and should be forced to give their money to the poor, who have nothing.Sounds good huh? Except for the fact that communism has never worked in any country that it has been tried in.And it isn't equal, because there is always that one guy who thinks he's smarter than all the equal people, and decides to run the show, and in the process, makes himself a little bit "equaler". than the commoners.In the basic vernacular, this is known as a DICTATOR!
This, by the way, is what MoveOn.Org is all about. Their billionaire benefactor, George Soros, Has stated in interviews that he wants the U.S to go back to the feudal system of merry old England, when Kings ruled their loyal subjects , who accepted whatever crusts of bread fall from his palace roundtable.The knights and Lords rule under him, and likewise rule over the peasents who were not fortunate enough to be born into royalty.This is his vision for America , and the true purpose behind MoveOn.Org , and their financial support of presidential candidates such as Hillary Clinton , who embodies this socialistic philosopy to a T.
It's easy to beat the dems once you understand this is what they are about. Unfortunately for them, and their political aspirations, this is not what America is about. Now or ever!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Patreaus hears a Who

Well, the verdict is in ,the surge is working, and  the Democrats,as predictable as a shark pissing in the sea, have stated in unison that four star  General Patreaeus is as deluded in his observations as Horton hearing a Who. Except that  Horton was not deluded , he did hear a Who , and was vindicated in the end .
The Liberal Democrats have ,in fact, by attacking this four star General's credibility made themselves look more ridiculous , deluded and sinister than the Wickerson brothers , who took special delight in declaring Horton,s assertions not merely the ravings of a crazed talking  elephant , but in some way the beginnings of some dark conspiratorial plot to undermine society in general!!
In fact,I woud'nt be surprised if Moveon. Org was behind descrediting General Patreaus and Horton as well!!!! And those Wickerson Brothers do bear a remarkably strong resemblance to George Soros.Some relatives of his on the payroll perhaps?
 Well in any event, Horton the Republican elephant stuck by his guns , endured their abuse, and proved his point that a Democracy is still a Dmocracy , no matter how small!!
Right President Bush and General Patreaus?

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Bush Lied And Boys Died , Blah Blah Blah, By Hans Christian Anderson

Some advice for those who commented on my recent blog entries;
First,when you start off your arguement with a personal attack or insult , you have already lost the debate ,just like the bully in the schoolyard who loses the fight , so he resorts to name calling out of frustration.
Secondly, when Emailing a counter point , don't have the name of the left wing  blog on the comments you send. It gives the impression that these opinions and statistics that you are spouting aren't really yours, but those of the Bush bashing blogosphere that you have slavishly memorized. It,s okay to have an opinion,even though you're wrong of course, but back it up with statistics and information obtained from independent sources, not these sites that spin the stats  and facts to suit thier plan to have the hated  and evil Bush ogre impeached and banished from their liberal utopian fantasy land.
Third, and most important, children, use only facts, proven facts,in yor arguement , not hate filled sour grapes theories and conspiracy scenarios.
Yes, Virginia, there is no Santa Claus, no Tooth Fairy , no Boogyman, and no 911 Bush Saudi inside job . But, if you can't deal with the reality of the facts and hard evidence that supports this, try reading material more up your alley , like Hans Christian Anderson or The Brothers Grimm. Although, even these guys would dismiss your stories as fairy tales.