This entry will explain the meaning of the name of this blog, "warmonkey".
President Bush has done nothing for this country, killed Americans for oil and the people who elected him are brain dead rednecks.When is this ignorant cowardly rhetoric going to end?
The war was justified,Saddam had weapons, used them on his own people,shot at our planes during a cease fire, and blocked weapon inspectors.AND did I FAIL TO MENTION FINANCING AND TRAINING TERRORISTS?
Saddam is well gone,his child raping and murdering sons are well gone,and we are fighting this thing until it,s over, end of story. I love these peace loving bush haters who hate the war but tolerate gang shootings, and drug warfare in their own neighborhoods that kill their own children.Guns killed their chidren not the drug dealing scum that pointed and fired the weapon.
AND HOW ABOUT SMOKING? Everyone screams about smokers rights,while cigarettes kill more people every year than the Iraq war ever will. Why don,t you Bush haters admit the real issue?You are afraid of the terrorists,so you,re trying to show them that you support them by hating our president.It,s called Stockholm Syndrome,look it up somtime geniuses.
Face facts peace lovers.You who cut people off in traffic, insult waitresses, pick fights with salesgirls and bartenders,need to accept reality.We are a warlike hostile species war is the best path to peace and always has been. History proves this . The Japanese and South Koreans are staunch supporters of our country and the fight against terror, despite the long and bloody conflicts that we had with both countries, not to mention Germany,another peace loving nation, thanks to us of course.
Yes, we are a violent , warlike species, but we fight for freedom in the U.S, NOT TYRANNY, AND THAT IS WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT!
After all, The Japanese had two , count em, two, nuclear bombs dropped on them by us, and now their president visits Graceland with our President.Nothing brings people closer together than nuclear war apparently.