Saturday, December 28, 2024

"A Crown Won,..A Team Assembled!!"

 It was obvious that Trump would win in a massive landslide over Harris,..there was no other possible outcome.   Always a blowout,  never close.

The evidence of the Red Tsunami to come was always there.  150 thousand  plus people at the Blue New Jersey Wildwood Rally in March.  170 thousand plus people at the Madison Square Garden rally in Blue New York,..and hundreds of 20 thousand plus rallies in between,.and even before Wildwood,...while Harris coukd barely fill a High School Gym, with a couple hundred people.

The reason? Trumpian truth on display. Common sense policies that are the root of the Republican Agenda ,..the only agenda that does Make America Great Again. Trump's charismatic, funny, down to earth personality,  connects with people. They identify with him. He is one of them,..and his 3 Dimensional Chess counters of everything Harrus and the Democrats attempted,..left them bewildered,..unable to really comprehend what was happening to them. :How is this man destroying us?" They no doubt wondered,..

The McDonald's stop to counter the Harris false claims that she worked there,.. Countering the Biden Garbage comment, actually appearing in a Trump Logo emblazoned Garbage Truck,... Doing a rally in the Garbage Man Vest,..Doing any and all Podcasts,....Attending Keg Parties at Frat Houses,...Going into enemy territory, doing CNN and MSNBC hostile interviews,..  Acceoting the rigged ABC debate rules,.. and still beating Harris in that debate, as soundly as he beat Biden,..

And there was the Butler Rally,..months   before the Harris debate,..that sealed the Trump victory to come,..and created a legend,..  Shot by an assassins bullet in the ear,..and then,..raging to his feet,..blood streaming down his face ..refusing to leave the stage,..telling the MAGA Army gathered,..To,..Fight,...Fight,..Fight,...!!!  

And fight we would,..Not one person at that rally left that gathering,..until President Trump was safely on his way to the hospital,..Unique courage indeed,..Courage much like that of Trump himself,.. and the wake of this madness ,..Trump would become stronger than ever,..and even more relentless,... He was a piece of iron,.. now tempered in the hottest fires,..

And Kamala? She dodged questions , ducked all interviews,..Lied about working at McDonalds,...Left the Border unsecured for 4 years,..resulting in in death,..rape,..drug smuggling , and slave trafficking,.. and illegal immigrants voting in our elections.  She created higher taxes and regulations,  cut off our energy supply,..and let our tax dollars go into the pockets of illegals,  while our Veterans remain homeless and broke,..

FEMA ignored Trump supporters whose homes were swept away in brutal storms,..while Harris spent billions on celebrity endorsements and fake , setup interviews,..and is now 20 billion in debt, and still asking followers for more money!  Where did all thst money go??  In her pocket,..for the most part. Drmocrats are masters at money laundering,..designed to make themselves rich, .. on the taxpayers dime. 

It's obvious why Harris lost,..and it was obvious that she was going to lose, a record setting landslide,.. The polls claiming a close race were fake, all things Democrat are fake,.. This was just another attempt to steal an election,  as the Democrats did in 2020, ..with the Covid shutdown and mail in ballots aiding them in this task,..  In truth,..Covid was created to insure that Democrats would never lose power again,..Same with the mail in ballots ,...Same with the open borders,..Illegals were to be the new Democrat voting base. That is the only reason the Democrats want open borders,..the only reason for the death and destruction that has been wrought in the wake of an unsecured sovereign nation.

So Be It.

Trump's victory in 2024 was as inevitable as the rising sun,..IF,..we could stop the steal this time. And,..We Did. RNC Chairs Mike Whatley and Lara Trump deployed thousands of lawyers and poll watchers to every swing state and beyond,.. The RNC got the vote out early ,..used mail in ballots used the dtoo boxes..used all the weapons..the same weapons and strategem as the Democrats this time,..even registering a record number of new Republican voters too. The result??  An easy , early Red Wave. Trump and the Republicans took all the swing states quickly ,..and most of the other states as well,..except for blue strongholds like New York and California,..

The Lesson? If the Democrats can't cheat,..they lose.  Every,....Single,...Time.    Rush Limbaugh said it best ,.."America is a center right country. Always was..and always will be. If it wasnt, would have disappeared a long time ago."  All that was needed , was for Republicans to stand up and fight, the Democrats do. Get out in massive Republican numbers, for any and all elections. Vote early,..Do what is necessary , win...Always. Because the fate of the world depends on it.   For,..if Anerica falls,..can the world long endure??

Fight,..Fight,..Fight,..and never stop fighting ,..because the Marxist Democrats certainly will not. Fight, though your life and the lives of your family depend on it ,..because ..most assuredly,..It Does.     Fight as hard as the relentless fighting machine called Trump,..who only grew stronger in the wake of an assassins bullet,....He grew stronger,.. and more laser focused on the mission. The one mission. The only mission that matters,..

Destroy All Democrats.

Trump is now President again. The Crown is now upon his head.,...and his Team of Savage Avengers  is being assembled , at the sane Warp Speed that Trump uses to accomplish all things.      And the Democrats?  They remain in shock and disbelief, ..For..deep down, the pit of their blackened souls, .they know they can never win again.

For,..Trump has exposed them ,..fully,..stripped away their facade,..and shown the free world their true nature.  They are clearly Anti American,..and therefore,..cannot win in America,..for they are vastly outnumbered,..and can no longer win by election fraud.   The combined forces of RNC heads Whatley and Trump , will make sure of that. Elections will be secured.  No more mail in ballots,  and only same day voting with paper ballots.

The simple reality? The Democrats can never win again , if Republicans secure their elections from fraud , and continue to turn out in massive numbers. A self governed free republic..requires self participation..or it cannot endure  The price of constant Vigilance.   MAGA must never again allow an election to be stolen by Democrat schemes and malfeasance,..  For the world cannot survive continued Democrat Rule.   

So Be it.

The Trump assassin failed,..for a reason. Trump is the Scourge of God,..the Almighty's weapon,  here on earth.  And We The People must make his mission..ours as well.   We must insure its massive success,..long before he is sworn into office.   Every,...Single,...Day,.. 

Fight,..Fight,..Fight,...with the Savage Fury Of A Thousand MAGA Devils.

Fight,..And Win.

We are the Last Gladiators in the New Rome.  We go into the Arena of ideas, and compete against Democrat Destruction,..and We Win!!  And next week..we do it again,.

And Again,..And Again,...And Again,..

Winning is what we do best.    

Winning is our way of life.

And no Hellspawned Devil, Demon,..or Democrat,..can alter the course of our Savage MAGA Destiny!! 

So Be It!! 

Trumperius Rex!!