The Biden State of the Union Address to the Nation was nothing more than a typical Democrat campaign speech, insane array of Democrat talking points, designed to deceive the Biden voting base,..and convince them to once more cast their vote for him,..if , for no other reason,.than to stop Trump and the MAGA Agenda from once more threatening Democracy itself,..
But what does Biden and the Democrats mean by Democracy? They mean Democrat control ..Total Democrat control of all aspects of our country,..control of elections..and control of the American citizens , and their tax dollars,...They want total access to every dollar that is earned in the free market, all Marxists do,..and all that stands in the way of this socialist utopia is a man called Trump..and his MAGA Republican Army.
Biden,..suddenly and mysteriously energized by some unknown substance,..attacked Trump and the Republicans repeatedly during his State of Confusion Address,..and also put forth the standard Democrat lies,..The economy is booming under Biden,..with record number of jobs created ,..and crime rates down nationwide,..
A complete fantasy.
He also, as usual..demanded more money from the taxpayers for the global warming hoax,. infrastructure,..public schools,..the Ukraine money laundering scam,..and the Marxist equity agenda. And, of course,.he .continued his attack on our Second Amendnent Rights,..calling once again for the banning of the non existent "assault weapons:..and demanding nationwide gun registration,..His speech was a raving Tour De Force in Marxist Ideology,...nothing more..nothing less,..
What he failed to even mention, however,..was the border crises,..and that was to be expected,..since it has been deliberately created by Biden and the Democrats. Its sole purpose is to create a new Democrat voting base,..from illegal third world invaders , unbreakable voting base ..that will always reliably vote Democrat,..since they are dependent on the Democrat Party for the free checks and housing they receive,..all courtesy of the hard working American taxpayers. Biden has even been exposed as actually flying illegals into our country at taxpayers expense,..and then dispersing them across the country,..with no regard for the American citizens safety. No..the Democrats have made it quite clear,..they are willing to let Americans die at the hands of illegal invaders , long as it insures they are able to rig election results forever,..
Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene decided to call out Biden on the Border issue..and expose his indifference to American citizens who are dying at the hands of these invaders .She demanded that he mention the name of college student Laken Riley during his speech,..a student who had been beaten to death on campus by an illegal who had multiple arrests already on his record,..yet..still remained free,..Free to kill the American citizens that this fake President and his worthless Party have nothing but contempt for,..
Biden reluctantly did mention her name,..deliberately mispronouncing it , and then making light of the fact that she was killed by an pointing out that many are killed by legal citizens too..Pathetic..And then he later compounded this apologizing during an interview, for calling the killer an illegal,..
Biden was also called out by the father of an American soldier who was killed during the botched Afghanistan withdraw,..Biden refused to acknowledge the man..and even had him arrested for the disruption,..
And then..came the ultimate insult to the American people, Biden ,..once again..called for increased taxes on corporations..demanding that they pay their "fair share". Ultimately..that's all this farce of a speech by this addled fool was about,..It was just another opportunity to demand more tax dollars from the hard working American ccitizens..
When will this madness end?
Actually ,..very soon indeed, the Trumpian Age of Miracles is still upon us..and the Trump War Machine ..continues to make WINNING ..a way of life , indeed. .
Trump not only countered every second of the Biden speech with his remarks, on Truth Social..but he has also been consistently destroying all Democrat attacks for many months now,..slowly but surely exposing the corrupt nature of those who have leveled four indictments against him ,..revealing not only the emptiness of the charges..but also the true intent of those bringing them,.
This is election interference..nothing more ..and nothing less,..Just a continuation of the election interference that robbed him of his rightful victory in 2020,.. Indeed,..if you want proof that the 2020 election was rigged by Democrats using the covid mail in ballot is the proof. They are trying to do it again,..just by different methods.
They are the true nature of the empty charges are tevealed..and Trump moves ever closer to an inevitable Suprene Court exoneration of all charges...
And Trump grows ever stronger while in the fray of battle, as well,..his poll numbers increasing daily,..his rallies continuing unabated ,..and with ever increasing frequency and crowd sizes,..He has also won virtually every state in his Primary so far..losing only Vermont and Washington DC to the desperate RINO Haley,..
And..all the while..Trump keeps up a constant verbal attack on Biden..demanding he debate him..and attacking him on virtually every misstatement he makes ..every gaffe..every stumble,..Trump is taking no prisoners. He will Make America Great Again,..and he will do it by destroying Biden and the Democrats in a crushing Red landslide in November,..
And..until then,..he will relentlessly attack Biden and the Democrats,..with the savage fury of a thousand MAGA Devils,..and so will his MAGA Republican base..which has united behind one singular mission,..
Republican Victory..and Democrat Death,..
So Be It,..
In Medieval Times..there was a Nordic tribe that existed called The Berserkers..who were known for their savage , unrestrained ferocity in battle,..their fearless nature,..and their unbreakable loyalty to the Norse God, Odin,..
They were considered to be almost invincible in battle,..even though they wore no armor,..and attacked with reckless abandon,..
The MAGA Army must now become that Berserker Army,..and attack the Democrat Party with the savage fury of the Berserkers,,..and pave the way for President Trump in November,..They must insure that Trump has an unbreakable Republican Majority in both Houses,.. that will enable him to work his will..and reverse the Democrat destruction in record time,..
He did it before,..he will do it again. And this time , he will do it within a few months,..IF..the MAGA Republican voting base gives him what he needs,..
This is the task tben,..for the New Berserker Army..the MAGA Army of voters ,..We must show up..En Masse,..for all elections,..and use all the Democrat weapons too..including early voting,.mail in ballots,..drop boxes,..all of it,...
We must use the same weapons the Democrats use,..and turn them to our advantage,..To win this war,..we must become war,..
We Must Beat Them At Their Own Game,..
And take full advantage of the greatest weapon we have,..Sheer Overwhelming Numbers,..We Outnumber them drastically,.
Always have.
Always will,..
,.We must overwhelm all Democrat opposition with sheer numbers, all levels of government..and make sure Republicans are every seat that is now held by a Democrat. We must break the hold Democrats have on our political system , seat at a time. This must be done..if America is to survive,..There is no reason to vote Democrat There never was. They oppose everything that makes America the Shining City our Founders envisioned,..their policies have damaged this country ,..always have..and always will,..The Democrat Party is Anti American..and it always has been,..They hate this country as founded ..and they especially hate the American people ..who reflect the hated Founders vision of freedom..and self government.
And that is why they hate Trump. He is the physical embodiment ,..of the American image itself,.. ...The playboy industrialist..the American Ideal. Free spirited,.brash..bold..outspoken..unafraid,..a man who answers to no master,..a man possessed of an unbreakable will..and a fierce love for this country and its people,..
They hate him..because he stands in their way..of getting to us,..
And..he always will,..
They hate him,..because he is us. Trump is the living symbol of America itself,.All the things that America once was,..and could be again,..He is all the things that the Democrat Machine has dedicated themselves to destroying,..all embodied in one , savage , man devil ,..they call..Trump,..
To destroy us..they know,..they must destroy him first. There is no other mission that matters as much, the Diabolical Democrats,..
They will Fail,..
For They Are Opposed By A Force Of Nature,..
That Makes Winning,..A Way Of Life,..
And,..He Is Not Alone,..
The MAGA. Army must match the Trumpian will ..and turn this country Scarlet Red for all elections ..with a Savage MAGA Berserker Fury ....
Republican Victory..and Democrat Death,..
This must be our War Cry..if America is to endure ..and the Savage,..Noble Mission of Trump is to be accomplished,..
Winning must not only be our way of life..but it also must be our very nature,..for there is no option ,....
We Win,..And The Democrats Lose,,..
We Will Drink The Wine Of MAGA Victory,..From Their Crushed Skulls,..
And The World, Will Be The Better For It,..
That must be the MAGA Legacy.
Now..And Forever.