Monday, October 31, 2022

"Operation : NUKE!!!"

 Russian Premiere Nikita Khruschev once predicted  that America would fall,..without firing a shot, "We will destroy you,..from  within",...he said,....

Who? Who would destroy us? Who was Khruschev referring to, the destroyer? The Russian people?  No,...he was referring to the American Democrat Party,..which,..since its creation during the Revolutionary War,..has always had the hidden agenda of slowly,..but surely , breaking down the American system of self government,..and returning the colonies to  British control,..mere serfs living under the King's tyrannical rule,..a Marxist state ultimately,..a socialist utopia,..communism,..pure and simple,..

They were called Loyalists in those days,,..But,..regardless of the name they were known by,..the mission has always remained the same,..for century after century,..decade after decade,..and the results are now clear,.. Cities and states that have been controlled exclusively by Democrats for decades,..are living Hells on Earth, specific Democrat design,..

There is no mystery as to why Philadelphia,..Chicago ..California,....New York,..New Jersey ,..Oregon,..etc,..are,..and have always been,..crime ridden..poverty stricken..drug and disease infested ,..bankrupt nightmares ,..Total Democrat control has done this,..quite effectively, to any city or state that refuses to elect anything but Democrats to represent them,..

A foolish miscalculation on the part of the American citizens of these districts,..for everything the Democrats do, in opposition to every single principle outlined in our constitution,..and in opposition to every freedom based, common sense Judeo Christian value as well, .Values that are the foundation of our Constitution,..the foundation of our system of self government .which makes us the greatest nation on earth ,..Aye,..Khruschev predicted it indeed,..

He knew who, and what the Democrats really were ,..even then,..He knew that the Democrats want to destroy America ,..and profit from its destruction, by selling its resources,..secrets,..and technologies to its foreign enemies ,..

So Be It,  

But,...we can stop them...Right now, a few days,..on November 8th. We can stop them easily,..quickly,..and systematically, a well oiled MAGA  machine ...

Every city or state controlled by Republicans is free ,..growing, and prosperous,  as America in general was always intended to be,..The horrors occurring in Democrat cities and states could not happen in Florida ..South Dakota,..or any other Republican controlled city or state in America,..The solution is clear,..The Battle Strategem?..Simple,,..and deadly effective,..

Starting with the November 8th Midterms,..every Democrat held seat must be converted into a Republican held seat,..permanently, all levels of government,..Right Now,..And..they will be ,..

The MAGA Republicans have learned their lessons well  well from their Leader , President Trump,..and are now poised to reap the rewards,..

The Republican agenda has always been solid,..based on common sense Free Republic principles,..But now, .the Republicans have been  transformed into a  finely tuned fighting machine,..Savage,..Merciless,..and Relentless, their Trumpian Leader,..and that fact,..will now produce massive rewards indeed,..

The beating the Democrats will receive on November 8th ,. will be merciless,..and permanent,...for in truth,.. Republucans have always had the battlefield advantage,..Republicans have ALWAYS drastically outnumbered the Democrats,..ALWAYS,..In truth,..America would have vanished decades ago,..if this were not true,..,..But,..too many Republicans have sat home , and not participated in elections consistently,..and some,..have never participated,..thereby allowing Democrats to win elections that they had no business winning ,..ever,..

There is zero excuse for Republicans not voting all the time, all elections,.. Nothing is more important in a self governed,  self ruled , free republic,....NOTHING,..

Self government demands self participation,..ALWAYS,....if our Free Republic is to endure as our founders envisioned it,..

Trump and the MAGA Movement have awakened the Republican Machine to the deadly threat the Democrats pose to the Shining City ,..and have shown them the battlefield solution,..The simple,..yet deadly strategem that cannot fail,.

Democrats must be destroyed now, voting them out of existence ..permanently,..Forget foolish concerns about RINO Republicans ,..No republican caused any of this,..not even the most questionable,.. most weak,..of the assembly,..

We need massive Republican numbers in both houses,..and in every state and city governments as well,..Republican Victory Everywhere,....Now,..and there is no time to attack any Republican , matter how questionable,...The RINOS will be dealt with in good time,..after we have secured the seats we need , and only then,  Do the Democrats care that Biden and Harris are gibbering idiots,..or that Pennsylvania Senate candidate John Fetterman can no longer speak or comprehend English due to a stroke?? Of course not.

Democrats understand that gaining and holding the seat , either House, all that matters,..for that seat is one more link to their total power, more vote, destroy America as founded,..And,..they have tried to destroy us as well,..since we are essentially America personified,..

For more than two years now,..they tried to destroy us by any means necessary,..The virus hoax....voter fraud,..unprotected borders and schools,..criminals released into the streets,..drug infestation..a weakened  military ,..a collapsed economy,..a shutdown of all energy production,....

So Be It.

Aye,..they tried to destroy us,  with all their heart , mind,..soul ..and body,....they tried,..

But,..they failed. 

And now,.. it's our turn, take from them ,..everything,..To take from them,..the only thing they value,..POWER,..the ability to win elections,..

That, all they value,..all they care about,..All that gives their evil existence any meaning,..

We The People,..will now take that from them,..take everything from them,..permanently,..

Their reason for existing,..permanently,..and then send them back to the pit of hell from whence they came, return to their previous task,..stoking the Devils Furnace,..for all eternity,....

So Be It.

Operation: NUKE , now in full operation,..MAGA Republucans shall now NUKE , each and every Democrat held seat,..and from their radioactive ashes,....shall rise permanent Republican seats,...

Every Republican running for anything ,..MUST be voted for in massive Republican numbers,..and MUST be elected,..if America is to be reborn..and restored to its former Trumpian Glory,..

In truth,..we have no choice,..We must have complete,..massive ..Republican Victory,..for the Democrats seek nothing less than our complete destruction now,..and they know they are running out of time ..very rapidly, Republican candidates now surge in all polls,..and are winning all debates ,..easily,..and all the while ..the Trump Rallies continue ..unabated,..their message quite clear,....President Trump will have his revenge..and America..will be the better for it,...for,..Trump knows,..

The Democrats are trying to kill we must kill them first,..We must fight with the fury of a thousand MAGA DEVILS...if this bold experiment ..this embodiment of arrogant disobedience,..this glorious ,..reckless ,..heroic resistance,..

This greatest system of self government,..yet devised by mortal man, to ,..endure!!