Wednesday, October 27, 2021

"Wars,..Within Wars!!"

 Was the Biden Administration's withdraw from Afghanistan the result of Democrat incompetence? Not at all,....and President Trump proved this, during one of his recent rallies,..when he asked a five year old boy how he would handle the situation,..

Would he pull the troops out first,..then American civilians and Allies..or would he leave the military there,..and withdraw all Americans and Allies first? The boy answered without hesitation,.."Sir..I would get all our people out first,..and then the military....

Of course.even a five year old can see the logic in leaving our military and equipment to the last osrt of the withdraw....and that was President Trump's point,..The  Biden Administration , clueless, incompetent as they are,..would have to be in a coma not to see the disaster pulling our military first, would create ,..and did create, .with thirteen American Soldiers killed during the Afghan airport madness....and  hundreds ..maybe thousands of Americans and Allies still trapped in Afghanistan....and at the mercy of the Taliban...

A simpleton could see how this scenario would play out..or..a five year old boy,...and a simpleton could see that the Taliban had feared President Trump's threats to destroy them by precision air strikes...if any American soldiers..civilians..or Allies were killed during the withdraw process...

Trump would have withdrawn all Americans and Allies first..all Americsn weaponry and equipment next..and our soldiers last..and there would have been no casualties thirteen soldiers dead...That is a fact,..

Therefore..the logic grounded Principle of Occam's Razor indicates that this was not a botched withdraw at all.....No..this was done on purpose ,..just another sinister Democrat strategem ..designed to strengthen Americas enemies,..while insuring permanent Democrst rule as well,..

Why else would Biden air lift hundreds of unidentified Afghan men first...and leave behind 85 billion dollars worth of Anerican weapons and state of the art equipment?

Bagram airbase was abandoned..with all American  intel equipment intact,..leaving American citizens and Afghan allies at the mercy of the Taliban,..with no Biden plan to rescue them in evidence,... Why would the Biden Administration release Al Queda terrorist prisoners from Bagram Air Base..only to have them detonate an explosive that killed 13 American Soldiers during the chaotic airport withdraw?

Why?? Because the Democrats have nothing but contempt for this nation..contempt for our military..and contempt for the American people..who they know, beyond a shadow of a elected President Trump to a Second a record setting 75 million vote landslide,....

The Democrats favor the Taliban,..and other terror states,..because they envy their ability to control their citizens completely, through fear and intimidation,..The Democrats, all socialists,..dream of having that level of control over the masses,..for they know, with this level of control comes the ability to confiscate the wealth of the free market,..and thereby create a true fascist state,.. where the economy is totally controlled by the government ,..making the self appointed ruling elite,.. very wealthy indeed, the sweat and labor of the citizens,..

Aye,..everything the Democrats do ,..serves but two purposes, secure all elections for the Democrats permanently,..and two, increase taxes and regulations on the American citizens relentlessly,..through ever expanding faux social programs..racebaiting strategems,..and climate change hoaxes,..

The Afghan citizens withdrawn from Afghanistan have already been dispersed , by private planes..late at night,..all over the nation, just as the illegal invaders at our border are being dispersed as well,..The goal is simple,..create a New Democrat voting base, replace the stubborn, disobedient,.Americans,..who are on the verge of turning America into a Republican controlled nation,..Even now, .a year before the Midterms,..long held Blue Districts..all across the nation, .are turning MAGA RED, .

Trump has exposed the Democrat machine for what it truly is, .and the American people are voting accordingly,..and no doubt,..will lay waste to the Democrat Party,..reduce them to ashes when the Midterms finally arrive,..

And the Democrat spending bill ? Nothing more than the last act of Marxist desperation,..doomed to failure,..from a Party that now sees their own death reflected in the eyes of MAGA Savages,...who are ready to rend them asunder the command of their Leader..the one, true President,..Donald J.Trump,..

His rallies will continue..telentlessly,.. Their purpose?? To elect Republicans at all levels of government..take the slim advantage the Democrats currently hold in the House and Senate, away from them,..turn both Houses into Republican Super Majorities ..permanently,....reduce the Biden Administration to  lame duck irrelevance,..And then....use the restored Republican power to reverse all things Democrat,...restore the MAGA Principles of Trump,..Make America Great Again,..


Can it be done?? Absolutely. In fact, already is being done ,..with Republicans winning elections seemingly everywhere,..even in well established Blue Districts,..The American people see the Democrat plan fully revealed now, the relentless Trumpian 3D Chess Strategem,..its the same plan that all Marxist elitists have.. the same socialist utopian dream,..

The self appointed tyrant"s boot,..on the neck of a humanity...that has been deemed inferior , the eyes of their so called superiors,..

Tiny,..envious,..contemptuous ..tin plated despots,..whose contempt for their fellow man.. has made their mission clear,..They shall rule over this inferior species..they shall make themselves appear taller, standing on the backs of mankind,..and richer, confiscating the fruit of their labors, the name of , " fairness and equality",...

Equality indeed,....the equality of poverty and despair,..That is the only equality that all socialists seek for those they rule,..while wealth and prosperity are reserved only for them,..the self appointed elite,..the self appointed rulers of contemptable humanity,..

History is replete with such men,..and they always seem unstoppable,..unless the unexpected intervenes,....

To this end , comes the MAGA Mission,..

Take every seat now held by a Democrat,..and make it a Republican seat..permanently,..make the Democrat Machine unelectable..permanently,....

Drive these America hating Marxists called Democrat,....back to the depths of Hell from whence they came,..

But,..what of the ever present threat of Democrat election fraud?? The Swing State Audits of the 2020 election have now proven..beyond a shadow of a doubt,..that the Presidential election was a fraud,..Biden won only by a covid created , mail in ballot strategem....that manufactured hundreds of thousands of Biden Democrat votes..and rigged Dominion voting machines virtually guaranteed a Biden victory,..despite the record setting 75 million votes for Trump...and despite the Republican ticket itself. ..winning handily as well..holding all their seats, .and gaining a few as well..

How did the Republican ticket win..but not the Republican President,..who is on the same ticket? ?? A virtual impossibility..unless..there is Democrat subterfuge afoot,...that is,..

Biden needed 81 million votes to beat Trump,....There is no evidence to indicate that he got those votes ..and the audits now confirm the fraud,..

So Be It.

Trump is President,..tight now,..and no doubt will be again , should he choose to run in 2024,..

But,..that is not the mission right now,..Republicans winning elections is the mission....the only mission...winning as quickly as possible,...before the Democrat Agenda destroys this Shining City,..leaving them, rule over its ashes,..

What if the Democrats  rig more elections??  Immediate audits..and Republican backed lawsuits,..will solve that problem,..just as this strategem is exposing Biden as the fake President right now,..

And,..until the day Republicans regain power,..there is an even more important that is ingrained in every freeborn Anerican,..One that actually created America,..

We the People must..disobey,..all Democrat authority, .at all levels,..disobey shutdowns to come,..vaccine mandates..mask mandates,..critical race theory indoctrination of students,....Disobey all things Democrat,..for they hate America,.and and are planning to destroy it,..and sell its assets to the highest foreign bidder, Biden has done for decades now,..

Disobey, our founders who created America did,..and recognize that We the People have an advantage that our founders did  not have  ...

We the People ..outnumber the Democrats,..always have, .and always will...

The Trump rallies..the 75 million votes,..and the Let's Go Brandon chants at packed football stadiums,..prove it,..

We the People rule this land,..the Democrats are mere employees,..of our rule..and we must let them know,..that we are fully aware of this..and are prepared to act accordingly,...

Wars within Wars will be fought ,..on this last battlefield called America,..until the Midterms ..We must win them all ..on a federal , state , and city level,..For  each seat gained,....moves the Democrats one step closer to non existence...A Republican seat,...for  every death caused by Democrat agenda..a seat for every one of the Thirteen soldiers killed in Afghanistan,..

Disobedience, our American Heritage,..and We must,..with a savage MAGA fury...Disobey..and show the Democrats the meaning of true power,..when wielded by a  Man, .and his MAGA ARMY...who make winning a way of life ..and have yet to be god..demon ..or Democrat,..and will, no doubt,  drink the wine of victory,..from crushed Democrat skulls..soon indeed,...

Aye, assured is the MAGA VICTORY..that even Satan now fears for the safety of his Throne , as well,....